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We report on a series of experiments on the dynamical properties of quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifiers. We show how the amplifier responds to one or several ultrafast (170 fs) pulses in rapid succession and our results demonstrate applicability and ultimate limitations to application of quantum-dot amplifiers in e.g. amplification of signals in a telecommunications system. We also review experiments on pulse propagation control and show the possibility to slow down or speed up 170 fs pulses in a quantum-dot based device.  相似文献   

We report on rational synthesis and optical characteristics of highly crystallined ZnO nanorods which were grown by a facile chemical vapor transport method. Temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectra of as-fabricated ZnO nanorods are dominated by near-band-edge emission with a characteristic fine structure due to high crystallinity. Furthermore, the recombination emission involving carrier dynamics of near-band-edge emission in ZnO nanorods was systematically investigated by temperature-dependent time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. Recombination peaks pertaining to the exciton emissions are monitored and resolved in both temporal and spatial regimes.  相似文献   

The relaxation and localization times of excited electrons in CdS/CdSe/CdS colloidal quantum wells were measured using subpicosecond spectroscopy. HRTEM analysis and steady-state PL demonstrate a narrow size distribution of 5-6 nm epitaxial crystallites. By monitoring the rise time of the stimulated emission as a function of pump intensity, the relaxation times of the electron from the CdS core into the CdSe well are determined and assigned. Two-component rise times in the stimulated emission are attributed to intraband relaxation of carriers generated directly within the CdSe well (fast component) and charge transfer of core-localized carriers across the CdS/CdSe interface (slow component). This is the first reported observation of simultaneous photon absorption in the core and well of a quantum-dot heterostructure. With increasing pump intensity, the charge-transfer channel between the CdS core CdSe well contributes less to the stimulated emission signal because of filling and saturation of the CdSe well state, making the interfacial charge-transfer component less efficient. The interfacial charge-transfer time of the excited electron was determined from the slow component of the stimulated emission build-up time and is found to have a value of 1.2 ps.  相似文献   

Carrier dynamics of titanic acid nanotubes (phase of H2Ti2O5.H2O) deposited on a quartz plate was examined by visible/near-IR transient absorption spectroscopy with an ultraviolet excitation. The carrier dynamics of titanic acid nanotubes follows the fast trapping process which attributed to the intrinsic tubular structure, the relaxation of shallow trapped carriers and the recombination as a second-order kinetic process. Transient absorption of titanic acid nanotubes was dominated by the absorption of surface-trapped holes in visible region around 500 nm, which was proved by the faster decay dynamics in the presence of polyvinyl alcohol as a hole-scavenger. However, the slow relaxation of free carriers was much more pronounced in the TiO2 single crystals, as compared with the transient absorption spectra of titanic acid nanotubes under the similar excitation.  相似文献   

Semiconductor quantum-dot (QD) structures are promising for spintronic applications owing to their strong quenching of spin relaxation processes that are promoted by carrier and exciton motions. Unfortunately, the spin injection efficiency in such nanostructures is very low and the exact physical mechanism of the spin loss is still not fully understood. Here, we show that exciton spin injection in self-assembled InAs/GaAs QDs and QD molecular structures (QMSs) is dominated by localized excitons confined within the QD-like regions of the wetting layer (WL) and GaAs barrier layer that immediately surround the QDs and QMSs. These localized excitons in fact lack the commonly believed 2D and 3D character with an extended wavefunction. We attribute the microscopic origin of the severe spin loss observed during spin injection to a sizable anisotropic exchange interaction (AEI) of the localized excitons in the WL and GaAs barrier layer, which has so far been overlooked. We determined that the AEI of the injected excitons and, thus, the efficiency of the spin injection processes are correlated with the overall geometric symmetry of the QMSs. This symmetry largely defines the anisotropy of the confinement potential of the localized excitons in the surrounding WL and GaAs barrier. These results pave the way for a better understanding of spin injection processes and the microscopic origin of spin loss in QD structures. Furthermore, they provide a useful guideline to significantly improve spin injection efficiency by optimizing the lateral arrangement of QMSs and overcome a major challenge in spintronic device applications utilizing semiconductor QDs.

The influence of nonuniform current injection along the active region, on the linear operation of a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier (QD-SOA) is investigated. For this purpose, we have utilized some functions to generate various nonuniform current injection profiles. These profiles have been considered in our numerical calculations, where the rate equation model is employed to construct different characteristics of the QD-SOA. We have found that the gain, as well as the crosstalk, of a QD-SOA is closely associated to the variance of the carrier density along the cavity. Simulation results show that nonuniform current injection can be used as a technique for gain enhancement as well as crosstalk suppression.  相似文献   

We investigate the activation energy and carrier dynamics of CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots (QDs) grown on GaAs and Si substrates. The activation energy of the electrons confined in QDs on the Si substrate, as obtained from the temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectra, is lower than that of electrons confined in QDs on the GaAs substrate. Time-resolved PL measurements used to study the carrier dynamics show shorter exciton lifetimes for QDs on the Si substrate. This behavior is attributed to the fact that defects and dislocations in the QDs on the Si substrate provide nonradiative channels.  相似文献   

The technique of reactive d.c. plasmatron sputtering with elemental targets is characterized by strong interactions of the reactive gas with the target surface and with the condensing target material. These interactions have a marked influence on the current-voltage (I-U) behaviour of the gas discharge which can be used to control the film deposition process in both the single-target mode and in cosputtering. Model calculations of I-U characteristics are carried out for single and multiple targets of silicon and titanium. On the basis of the formula derived it is possible to predict the influence of the process parameters (pressure, deposition rate, target area etc.) on the I-U curves as well as the interactions of various targets. The calculations agree qualitatively with the measured I-U characteristics. Experiments were carried out with silicon and titanium targets in Ar-O2 mixtures.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the high energy proton irradiation effect of InAs/GaAs multilayers quantum-dot (QD) wafer and photodetector. With high energy proton path simulation, the releases of proton energy and trap distribution in QD multilayers are predicted well. Treated by 1 and 3 MeV protons, all protons almost penetrate the multilayers of QD structures and stop deeply in GaAs substrate. InAs QD multilayer structures/Infrared photodetector have been irradiated by protons with different energies (1 and 3 MeV) and doses (1 × 109∼ 1 × 1013 protons/cm2). The photoluminescence (PL) and photoresponsivity (PR) spectrum of samples were measured and discussed with as grown and post irradiation.  相似文献   

Using polarized Raman spectroscopy and high resolution X-ray diffraction we have investigated self-organized In0.45Ga0.55As quantum-dot chains in InGaAs/GaAs multilayer structures. It is shown that the formation of InGaAs QDs in InGaAs/GaAs multilayered structures is accompanied by a strong improvement in the uniformity of size and shapes of QDs as well as vertical alignment and lateral ordering. At mean densities, extended chains of QDs (up to 5 μm) appear along the $ [1\bar 10] $ direction; however, increased ordering of QDs along the [110] direction could be observed, too. For the first time, InGaAs dot-chains were investigated using polarized Raman scattering. Observation of optical phonons localized in InGaAs QDs and two-dimensional (2D) layers is demonstrated. An obvious anisotropy in the intensity of Raman modes was observed when the electric field vector of the exciting laser beam is parallel or perpendicular to the wire-like axis $ [1\bar 10] $ of dot-chains. This effect may be related to symmetry lowering effects and real anisotropic geometry of the QDs and 2D wetting layers.  相似文献   

Ensembles of iron nanocrystals up to 25 nm in diameter embedded in SiO(2) were found to exhibit an ultrafast magnetic response to a transient out-of-plane magnetic field. The response time varies as a function of in-plane bias magnetic field with the fastest rise times, as short as 26 ps, observed for both zero and high bias fields (140 kA/m). Analytical modeling and micromagnetic simulations confirm that magnetostatic interactions between nanoparticles play an important role in the dynamic response.  相似文献   

To realize a multipixel camera for astronomical observation, we developed cryogenic multi-channel readout systems using gallium arsenide junction field-effect transistor (GaAs JFET) integrated circuits (ICs). Based on our experience with these cryogenic ICs, we designed, manufactured, and demonstrated operational amplifiers requiring four power supplies and two voltage sources. The amplifiers operate at 4.2 K with an open-loop gain of 2000. The gain–bandwidth product can expect 400 kHz at a power dissipation of 6 μW. In performance evaluations, the input-referred voltage noise was 4 μVrms/Hz0.5 at 1 Hz and 30 nVrms/Hz0.5 at 10 kHz, respectively. The noise power spectrum density was of type 1/f and extended to 10 kHz.  相似文献   

The dynamics of free electron-hole pairs and excitons in GaAs-AlGaAs-GaAs core-shell-skin nanowires is investigated using femtosecond transient photoluminescence spectroscopy at 10 K. Following nonresonant excitation, a bimolecular interconversion of the initially generated electron-hole plasma into an exciton population is observed. This conducting-to-insulating transition appears to occur gradually over electron-hole charge pair densities of 2-4 × 10(16) cm(-3) . The smoothness of the Mott transition is attributed to the slow carrier-cooling during the bimolecular interconversion of free charge carriers into excitons and to the presence of chemical-potential fluctuations leading to inhomogeneous spectral characteristics. These results demonstrate that high-quality nanowires are model systems for investigating fundamental scientific effects in 1D heterostructures.  相似文献   

Time-resolved Faraday rotation measurements in the ultraviolet have been performed to reveal the ultrafast spin dynamics of electrons in colloidal ZnO quantum dots. Oscillating Faraday rotation signals are detected at frequencies corresponding to an effective g factor of g = 1.96. Biexponential oscillation decay is observed that is due to (i) rapid depopulation of the fundamental exciton (tau = 250 ps) and (ii) slow electron spin dephasing ( T 2 = 1.2 ns) within a metastable state formed by hole-trapping at the quantum dot surface.  相似文献   

Single-mode and two-mode parametric amplifiers under the influence of Markovian environments are studied by means of non-equilibrium thermo field dynamics. In the presence of both parametric coupling and system–environment interaction, the dissipative Heisenberg equations of motion are solved for the optical modes of interest. By making use of the solutions, it is examined whether the noisy parametric amplifiers can exhibit the non-classical properties. Furthermore, it is shown that the two-mode parametric amplifier is equivalent to the two single-mode parametric amplifiers with subsequent beam splitting, even if they are influenced by the environments.  相似文献   

We present the first ultrafast time-resolved optical measurements, to the best of our knowledge, on ensembles of germanium nanowires. Vertically aligned germanium nanowires with mean diameters of 18 and 30 nm are grown on (111) silicon substrates through chemical vapor deposition. We optically inject electron-hole pairs into the nanowires and exploit the indirect band structure of germanium to separately probe electron and hole dynamics with femtosecond time resolution. We find that the lifetime of both electrons and holes decreases with decreasing nanowire diameter, demonstrating that surface effects dominate carrier relaxation in semiconductor nanowires.  相似文献   

We investigate all-optical logic operation in quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier (QD-SOA) based Mach–Zehnder interferometer considering the effects of two-photon absorption (TPA). TPA occurs during the propagation of sub-picosecond pulses in QD-SOA, which leads to a change in carrier recovery dynamics in quantum-dots. We utilize a rate equation model to take into account carrier refill through TPA and nonlinear dynamics including carrier heating and spectral hole burning in the QD-SOA. The simulation results show the TPA-induced pumping in the QD-SOA can reduce the pattern effect and increase the output quality of the all-optical logic operation. With TPA, this scheme is suitable for high-speed Boolean logic operation at 320 Gb/s.  相似文献   

We performed a detailed investigation of the structural and optical properties of multi-layers of InP/GaAs quantum dots, which present a type II interface arrangement. Transmission electronic microscopy analysis has revealed relatively large dots that coalesce forming so-called quantum posts when the GaAs layer between the InP layers is thin. We observed that the structural properties and morphology affect the resulting radiative lifetime of the carriers in our systems. The carrier lifetimes are relatively long, as expected for type II systems, as compared to those observed for single layer InP/GaAs quantum dots. The interface intermixing effect has been pointed out as a limiting factor for obtaining an effective spatial separation of electrons and holes in the case of single layer InP/GaAs quantum-dot samples. In the present case this effect seems to be less critical due to the particular carrier wavefunction distribution along the structures.  相似文献   

Carbon nanotubes as one-dimensional nanostructures are ideal model systems to study relaxation channels of excited charged carriers. The understanding of the ultrafast scattering processes is the key for exploiting the huge application potential that nanotubes offer, e.g., for light-emitting and detecting nanoscale electronic devices. In a joint study of two-color pump-probe experiments and microscopic calculations based on the density matrix formalism, we extract, both experimentally and theoretically, a picosecond carrier relaxation dynamics, and ascribe it to the intraband scattering of excited carriers with acoustic phonons. The calculated picosecond relaxation times show a decrease for smaller tube diameters. The best agreement between experiment and theory is obtained for the (8,7) nanotubes with the largest investigated diameter and chiral angle for which the applied zone-folded tight-binding wave functions are a good approximation.  相似文献   

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