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对PVC整芯提升带的结构、加工工艺、性能特点、性能参数进行了介绍,并与多层结构的橡胶提升带的结构、工艺、性能作了对比分析.  相似文献   

PVC整芯提升带采用带芯放卷→烘干→浸糊→塑化→贴→压光→冷却→卷取工艺制成,具有带体轻、驱动功率低、耐磨性优异、性价比卓越、产品表面平整光滑、结构牢固、安全性高的优点。  相似文献   

介绍了PVC整芯提升带的结构、加工工艺、性能特点和参数,并从结构、工艺、性能上与多层结构的橡胶提升带进行了对比分析.  相似文献   

随着提升机在面粉、油脂、饲料、仓储等行业的广泛应用,对提升机的结构设计、性能、成本价格等因素的要求越来越高.而带式(以胶带作为牵引构件)提升机在上述行业中的应用更为普遍,因此提升带的性能和成本直接影响着各行各业的设备投入和维护成本.  相似文献   

叙述了整芯输送带的织物结构和新织造工艺 ,介绍了新织造工艺的优点。  相似文献   

本文叙述了煤矿用整体带芯输送带的发展历史以及产品标准的演变。  相似文献   

S.N. Turk  S.B. Smith   《Meat science》2009,81(4):658-663
We hypothesized that subcutaneous (s.c.) adipose tissue would differ in monounsaturated (MUFA) and saturated fatty acid (SFA) composition among different depots throughout a beef carcass. To test this, 50 carcasses from a variety of breed types and backgrounds were sampled. External fat samples were collected from eight different carcass locations: round, sirloin, loin, rib, chuck, brisket, plate and flank. The brisket was significantly lower (P = 0.001) in palmitic (16:0) and stearic (18:0) acid than the other seven sampling sites. The brisket contained the highest concentration of MUFA (P = 0.001) and the lowest concentration of trans-vaccenic acid (P = 0.002) and SFA (P  0.002). There was a high, negative correlation between palmitoleic and stearic acid (R2 = 0.76). The flank had the highest slip point (39 °C; a measure of melting point), whereas the brisket had the lowest slip point (25 °C) (P  0.001). We conclude that substantial differences exist in fatty acid composition across fat depots, which may be useful in formulating value-added processed beef products.  相似文献   

为获得高质量滩羊胴体眼肌切面图像,采集图像用工业摄像机,并对样本图像分割算法进行研究。首先预处理样本图像,3×3模板中值滤波器去除干扰,采用加权平均值灰度化,用自动选择最优分割值OTSU算法去除复杂背景;再对其进行二值化,通过区域逐步分割对目标区域进行粗提取,通过区域标记和形态学处理进行有效眼肌区域的精确提取;最后对有效眼肌区域面积、背膘厚度进行计算。结果表明,图像处理算法具有较好的分割效果和计算效果。  相似文献   

美国胴体产量方程对我国牛胴体产肉量评定的适用性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用SAS软件对7头商品牛的屠宰数据进行了统计分析,通过产肉率方程的估算值与实测值的相关分析,初步认为,以第11肋后缘截面指标套用美国胴体产肉率方程估算我国牛胴体产率是不可行的。  相似文献   

王小京 《今日印刷》2001,(4):129-130
近几年货币在市场中的直接流通越来越少,而各式各样的智能卡、IP卡、银行卡等PVC卡在社会各领域所占比重越来越大,各种PVC卡市场需求也相应进一步扩大,PVC卡制卡业成为各商家争夺的市场焦点。相信不久的将来会有更多用途的卡进入社会的各个领域。人们在感叹PVC卡上之精美图案的同时,不禁会问“它们到底是怎么制出来的呢?”  相似文献   

薄型圆筒机织物骨架材料的产品开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了薄型筒状机织物的性能要求 ,对织物的规格和工艺进行了设计与开发 ,指出在织造和整理过程中应注意的问题  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Thirty-six Holstein bull calves were used to examine the effects of carcass weight and postmortem aging on carcass characteristics and sensory attributes of grain-fed veal. Three carcass weight classes (hide-on) included light (< 165 kg), medium (177 to 186 kg), and heavy (195 to 204 kg) with 12 animals per class. Postslaughter, longissimus (LM) and semimembranosus (SM) roasts were aged for 2, 7, and 14 d. Carcass characteristics were generally similar (P > 0.10) across weight class. Weight class did not affect (P > 0.10) tenderness in LM or SM or flavor in LM. Longissimus muscle from light weight carcasses were juicier (P < 0.07) than heavier carcasses while flavor was lower in SM for medium compared with heavy carcasses. Aging tended to increase (P < 0.100) tenderness attributes for LM and SM. Veal flavor increased (P=.014) with 7 d aging for LM. Postmortem aging should be considered for routine processing of veal to improve meat quality.  相似文献   

Kinetic models for changes in muscle pH and beef quality, based on press juice and puncture strength, were determined during beef carcass chilling. Changes in quality of Longissimus dorsi muscle during chilling were determined and modeled using reaction kinetics and Eyring's absolute reaction rate theory. The pH and press juice followed first order reaction kinetics while puncture strength did not follow any specific reaction order. Enthalpy and entropy of activation for changes in the quality indices were calculated.  相似文献   

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