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2D organometallic halide perovskites are recently emerging as a robust family of ferroelectrics, of which their inherent spontaneous polarization (Ps) endows fascinating quadratic nonlinear optical properties. However, up to date, few studies are reported to tune and control the second harmonic generation (SHG) effect in this ferroelectric branch. Herein, the first improper ferroelectric of 2D multilayered hybrid perovskites, (IA)2(EA)2Pb3Br10 ( 1 , where IA is isoamylammonium and EA is ethylammonium), which exhibits a high Curie temperature ( ≈ 371 K) and biaxial ferroelectricity with Ps of 2.2  µ C cm−2 is reported. Strikingly, its unique in-plane ferroelectricity allows strong tunable SHG properties under the polarized-light. That is, the maximum SHG signals are observed with polarized-light parallel to Ps, while the minimum SHG appears along the vertical direction. This SHG anisotropy creates an extremely large dichroism ratio of ≈ 12, as visualized by 2D color mapping, which is the record-high merit for this type of SHG systems. To the best knowledge, this is the first time to achieve tunable SHG effects through ferroelectric polarization. As a pioneering study, the coupling between the SHG effect and ferroelectricity paves a new direction of 2D hybrid perovskite ferroelectrics toward smart optical device applications.  相似文献   

由于二次谐波(Second harmonic generation, SHG)技术具有探测深度深,对生物体的损伤小,时间空间分辨率高以及对结构的对称性敏感等特性,SHG成像成为近年来生物成像领域的研究热点.介绍了SHG成像技术的原理及其在细胞成像中的应用,重点介绍了基于染料标记的成像技术,特别是利用电压敏感染料,手性材料和金属纳米粒子作为标记的几种SHG细胞成像技术,最后展望了该技术在生物成像领域的应用前景.  相似文献   

Trigonal planar units with large polarizability anisotropy and high physicochemical stability are ideal structural units for exploring nonlinear optical (NLO) materials. Integrating the merits of two types of triangular-like moieties, a family of second-order NLO-active hybrid halides, MATX (X = Cl (1), Br ( 2 ), and I ( 3 )), are achieved. MATX crystallizes in a nonpolar space group of P 6 ¯ $P\overline 6 $ 2c but exhibits the optimal spatial arrangement and superior NLO performance. The low coordination planar trigonal AgX3 units enable segregation in layers of the three-winged propeller-like Me3TPA units. All of the layers are packed in a perfect parallel fashion, making the functional materials exhibit superior NLO performances, including the phase matchable behavior with strong SHG responses (6.2/ 1 , 6.5/ 2, and 7.6/ 3 times that of potassium dihydrogen phosphate), large birefringence (0.232/ 1 , 0.252/ 2 and 0.260/ 3 at 1064 nm), high laser damage threshold, wide transparent window, and easiness of crystal growth. The first-principles calculations reveal that the coexistence of strong linear and nonlinear optical properties are ascribed to the synergistic effect of the trigonal moieties. This study points out a useful path for the rational design of excellent NLO materials.  相似文献   

半花菁LB多层膜二次谐波产生的温度特性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用吸收谱和二次谐波产生 (SHG)技术研究了温度对半花菁Langmuir Blodgett(LB)多层膜的膜结构和非线性光学特性的影响。LB膜的二次谐波强度起初随温度的增加而增加 ,最大值约在 45℃左右 ,然后随温度的增加而减小。在半花菁与花生酸或花生酸铬交替的LB多层膜中 ,由于花生酸的融化 ,导致膜结构的变化 ,使得二次谐波强度随温度的变化有一个突变点。线性吸收谱表明半花菁分子在LB多层膜中形成了H 聚集体 ,并且通过加热可以使聚集体分解  相似文献   

本文报道向列相液晶在电场诱导下以及经液晶池界面化学处理后,获得了垂直结构的体系的位相匹配且产生了二次谐波.首次测定该液晶的非线性系数张量的矩阵各分量,并给出诱导场强与谐波强度的关系.  相似文献   

在透射电子显微镜下,对单根GaAs纳米线实施了原位弯曲变形并获得了其弯曲变形下的电输运性能特性。本研究中,利用扫描透射探针系统和电子束诱导碳沉积技术,选取了单根GaAs纳米线并将纳米线两端与两根钨针尖连接固定。控制可移动的钨针尖,使GaAs纳米线发生弯曲变形同时获得相应的电流-电压曲线。有限元分析表明当纳米线的两端都固定时,纳米线同时承受了压缩应变和拉伸应变,其中压缩应变分布更为广泛。随着变形增加,GaAs纳米线的电导率增加了55%,这可能归因于弯曲变形下压缩与拉伸应变对GaAs纳米线能带结构的共同作用。  相似文献   

以GaAs基异质结双极性晶体管(HBT)单片微波集成电路(MMIC)为例,研究了器件内部的热生成机制.包括:确定器件内部的热生成机制及热生成区的位置,讨论器件内部热传导和热耗散的形式,建立器件的详细3D实体模型。利用有限元软件ANSYSWorkBench,对已确定的热生成区进行热功耗加载,以便更加精确地模拟器件的峰值结温。  相似文献   

利用阶梯分段准相位匹配结构实现了基于级联倍频+差频效应的单通/双通宽带波长转换.对于固定的晶体长度,通过增加阶梯段数并合理设计准相位匹配结构参数,可以同时获得高转换效率、大转换带宽和高平坦性.当晶体长度为3 cm时,在保证平坦度低于0.2 dB的前提下,单通构型波长转换器的转换带宽和最大转换效率可分别达到177 nm和-9.94 dB,而双通构型的分别为170 nm和-4.15 dB.最后对基于阶梯分段准相位匹配结构的波长转换器与基于正弦啁啾光学超晶格和分段光栅结构的波长转换器的特性进行了对比分析,结果显示阶梯分段结构具有良好的综合特性.  相似文献   

二阶非线性光学效应是非线性光学中人们发现最早,研究最多,应用最广的一个课题.在非对称性势阱中,二次谐波产生系数与势阱的形状及其非对称性程度有很大的关系。本文用量子力学中密度矩阵算符理论导出了Poschl-Teller势阱中二次谐波产生系数和解析表达式.考虑到在Poschl-Teller势阱中有两个可调参数κ和λ,并且势阱的形状与对称性随κ和λ取值的不同而明显不同,因此我们可以通过调节κ和λ的取值而获得Poschl-Teller势阱中的二次谐波产生系数的变化规律,并找到其最大值,从而为实验提供必要的研究方向与理论依据.  相似文献   

Strain gradients induced by nanoindentations in bulk undoped strontium titanate (SrTiO3) are investigated. After indenting a 850 nm deep pattern on the SrTiO3 surface with a 8 GPa hardness and an 83 GPa indentation modulus by a Berkovich tip, the resulting deformation patterns are imaged by Raman spectroscopy and by second harmonic generation microscopy. Cross‐shaped compressively stressed regions along the cubic SrTiO3 primary slip planes are observed. These zones relax toward the unstrained bulk material through localized strain gradients on a length scale of several microns. Second harmonic tomography reveals the reduction of the crystal's centrosymmetry in the vicinity of the crosslike features due to a strain gradient. These results indicate the appearance of flexoelectricity following the nanoindentation process due to the creation of an inhomogeneous strain.  相似文献   

本文讨论了CsLiB6O10晶体用于平顶高斯光束和高斯光束二次谐波转换效率的机理,对影响平顶高斯光束的二次谐波转换效率的泵浦光强度、偏振分量比、晶体长度和平顶高斯光束的阶数进行了分析和数值模拟,获得了在Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类相位匹配下,通过CsLiB6O10晶体时平顶高斯光束的二次谐波转换效率理论值逼近于1和78.5%。得出在相同条件下,平顶高斯光束的二次谐波转换效率大于高斯型69.1%的结果。  相似文献   

等离子体开关在TEA CO2激光倍频中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
简要分析了脉冲整形对于TEA CO2激光倍频实验的重要性和必要性。目前,获得短脉冲的激光脉冲整形技术中,等离子体开关结构简单,而且脉冲整形效果好,是获得高质量短脉冲比较好的方法。设计了利用激光触发气体击穿产生等离子体的方式进行脉冲整形的等离子体开关,并利用电磁波在等离子体中的反射和传播对其工作原理进行了说明。利用自行研制的等离子体开关进行了TEA CO2激光脉冲整形实验,将主峰半高全宽(FWHM)60 ns,带有长达数百纳秒的氮气拖尾的TEA CO2激光脉冲斩去拖尾、整形,得到了FWHM 30 ns的窄脉冲。在双块AgGaSe2晶体(长分别为11.7mm和19.5mm)倍频实验光路图中加入等离子体开关所得倍频转换效率达12.9%,比起未加等离子体开关时最高转换效率2%有明显的增加。  相似文献   

周期性极化准位相匹配铌酸锂波导中二次谐波的产生   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报道了基波波长为 130 0nm的准位相匹配铌酸锂质子交换波导倍频器的实验研制 ,在钛扩散周期性畴反转铌酸锂波导中观测到转换效率为 2 2 %的二次谐波的产生  相似文献   

介绍中心对称材料二次谐波产生(SHG)的基本原理,通过数值模拟计算,分析研究影响中心对称材料SHG的因素.其中,光子晶体带隙(PBG)的影响最为关键,它决定了SH能否产生;激励波入射角与组成结构的耦合介质柱和填充因子对SHG强度大小也有较大影响,按文中结构,耦合介质柱有2排已足够,最佳入射角为20°~30°,填充因子为0.6.  相似文献   

报道了一种在光纤中激发二次谐波振荡(SHG)的简单方法:利用紫外脉冲激光在载氢后的高浓度铒、镱共掺的光纤上刻制布拉格光栅。从而打破了石英光纤二阶极化率为零的固有限制,形成了极大的永久的二阶极化率,周期性的结构辅助实现了相位的匹配。在实验中,利用波长为980nm的半导体激光器(LD)抽运该光纤光栅,在只有几毫瓦的抽运功率下,便观察到了显著的蓝绿光辐射,而且强度随抽运功率的增加而增加。在显微镜下对光纤光栅发光现象进行了观测并拍摄了数码相片,在相片中观测到光纤光栅纤芯处的蓝绿光辐射,而非光栅区没有发光现象,同时观测到了紫外光辐射。  相似文献   

Most irradiation studies in the hydrogen bonded ferroelectrics have been concentrated on the transient defects induced by ionising radiation,such as ultraviolet(UV) light,where the defects are closely related to the optical properties.But heavy ion beam irradiation effects have rarely been studied.The structural,optical,and non-linear optical properties of the doped crystals were analyzed with the characterization studies,such as powder XRD,UV-Visible and second harmonic generation(SHG) measurements,respect...  相似文献   

Thin films that benefit from efficient octupolar molecular packing are prepared for second harmonic generation (SHG) and electro‐optic (EO) applications. The films are composed of 1,3,5‐tricyano‐2, 4,6‐tris(p‐diethylaminostyryl)benzene (TTB) in a ploymethylmetacrylate (PMMA) matrix on aluminum/BK7 glass (Al/BK7) and polyimide/indium tin oxide (PI/ITO) substrates. Octupolar films prepared on both substrates display polycrystalline and cylindrical domains. The molecular orientation, SHG efficiencies, and EO coefficients of the crystalline domains are measured. In the cylinders, the molecular crystal planes are oriented perpendicularly to the major cylinder axis, whereas in the polycrystals, the planes are randomly oriented. While both structures exhibit high and stable SHG and EO efficiencies, the cylinders, in particular, exhibited a very large SHG, a large EO coefficient, and high thermal stability; these characteristics will be useful in second order nonlinear optical applications.  相似文献   

报道了基于准相位匹配(QPM)应用的周期性极化钽酸锂(PPSLT)晶体进行腔内倍频非线性光学变换实验研究.分析比对了不同长度(3.5 mm,5 mm,10 mm)晶体倍频过程.利用3.5 mm PPSLT晶体在2500 mW808 nm激光抽运下产生1445 mW 1064 nm基频光输出,经过倍频可以得到760 mW的绿光输出.同时对于制约倍频效果和效率提高的系统温度控制等问题进行了分析.  相似文献   

就GaAsMMIC中器件通孔的应力分布、受力结构和应力来源展开讨论,得出了应力聚集于通孔边缘和圆形通孔具有最强受力能力的结论,并提出了降低应力的解决方案。  相似文献   

To facilitate test vector generation for high-speed circuits, we present the design and circuit simulation of parallel pseudorandom number generators in GaAs technology. These PRNGs are based on hybrid cellular automata (CA) in which mixtures of local rules are employed in one dimensional arrays, with minimal delay due to having only local wiring between neighboring cells. HSPICE simulations of these circuits demonstrate that they operate at a clock frequency above 1 GHz. Delay simulations indicate that GaAs PRNGs based upon linear feedback shift registers, in contrast with hybrid CAs, exhibit a degradation in clock frequency due to the effects of global interconnects, and that this degradation increases with the register length.This work was supported by Micronet, by the Canadian Microelectronics Corporation, and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

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