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The development of materials capable of varying macroscale ligand distributions can emulate an extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling and regulate the adhesion and polarization of macrophages. In this report, negatively charged slidable nano‐ligands are assembled and then conjugated to a positively charged substrate via electrostatic interaction. The negatively charged slidable nano‐ligands are prepared by coating magnetic nanoparticles with a polymer linker and negatively charged RGD ligand. The nano‐ligand sliding is characterized under an external magnetic field, which spatiotemporally alters macroscale ligand density. To the best of knowledge, this is the first demonstration that magnetic maipulation of the macroscale ligand density inhibits inflammatory M1 phenotype but stimulates the adhesion and regenerative M2 phenotype of host macrophages. Furthermore, it is elucidated that the magnetic attraction of the slidable nano‐ligand facilitates the assembly of adhesion structures in macrophages, thereby stimulating their regenerative M2 phenotype. The design of ECM‐emulating materials that allow remote, spatiotemporal, and reversible controllability of macroscale ligand density provides an appealing strategy in the spatiotemporal regulation of immunomodulatory tissue‐regenerative responses to implants in vivo.  相似文献   

Design of materials with remote switchability of the movement of decorated nanostructures presenting cell-adhesive Arg-Gly-Asp ligand can decipher dynamic cell-material interactions in decorated ligand nanostructures. In this study, the decoration of ligand-bearing gold nanoparticles (ligand-AuNPs) on the magnetic nanoparticle (MNP) with varying ligand-AuNP densities is demonstrated, which are flexibly coupled to substrate in various MNP densities to maintain constant macroscopic ligand density. Magnetic switching of upward (“Upper Mag”) or downward (“Lower Mag”) movement of varying ligand-AuNPs is shown via stretching and compression of the elastic linker, respectively. High ligand-AuNP densities promote macrophage adhesion-regulated M2 polarization that inhibits M1 polarization. Remote switching of downward movement (“Lower Mag”) of ligand-AuNPs facilitates macrophage adhesion-regulated M2 polarization, which is conversely suppressed by their upward movement (“Upper Mag”), both in vitro and in vivo. These findings are consistent with human primary macrophages. These results provide fundamental understanding into designing materials with decorated nanostructures in both high ligand-AuNP density and downward movement of the ligand-AuNPs toward the substrate to stimulate adhesion-regulated M2 polarization of macrophages while suppressing pro-inflammatory M1 polarization, thereby facilitating tissue-healing responses.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins containing cell-attachable Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequences exhibit variable bridging and non-bridging in fibronectin-collagen and laminin-collagen complexes that can regulate inflammation, tissue repair, and wound healing. In this study, linking molecule-mediated conjugation of 1D magnetic nanocylinders (MNCs) to material surfaces pre-decorated with gold nanospheres (GNSs) is performed, thereby yielding RGD-coated MNCs (RGD-MNCs) over RGD-coated GNSs (RGD-GNSs) in a non-bridging state. The RGD-MNCs are drawn closer to the RGD-GNSs via magnetic field-mediated compression of the linking molecules to establish the bridging between them. Relative proportion of the RGD-MNCs to the RGD-GNSs is optimized to yield effective remote stimulation of integrin binding to variably bridged RGDs similar to that of invariably bridged RGDs used as a control group. Remote manipulation of the RGD bridging facilitates the attachment structure assembly of macrophages that leads to pro-healing/anti-inflammatory phenotype acquisition. In contrast, the non-bridged RGDs inhibited macrophage attachment that acquired pro-inflammatory phenotypes. The use of various nanomaterials in constructing heterogeneous RGD-coated materials can further offer various modes in remote switching of RGD bridging and non-bridging to understand dynamic integrin-mediated modulation of macrophages that regulate immunomodulatory responses, such as foreign body responses, tissue repair, and wound healing.  相似文献   

通道式偏振遥感器可获取目标光谱辐亮度、偏振度和偏振方位角等多维度信息,是目前最常用的偏振遥感探测的主要仪器类型之一。介绍了通道式偏振遥感器偏振定标的原理,根据矩阵光学理论和辐射度学理论,构建新的Stokes矩阵,从光谱维建立完善的偏振定标模型,分析了需要定标反演的参数,并给出了相应的定标方法,可为类似的通道式偏振遥感器的偏振定标工作提供参考。  相似文献   

视场重合程度对分时偏振测量精度的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
视场不完全重合是偏振测量的共性问题。视场不重合导致对目标探测时获取的偏振信息与真实的偏振信息存在差异,即产生伪偏振。造成分时偏振测量视场不重合的主要因素由两方面构成:仪器自身和仪器所搭载平台(飞机或卫星)的运动状态。首先介绍了偏振测量的基本原理,提出了视场重合程度影响偏振测量精度的原因;其次,结合国内外研究现状,提出了视场不重合的度量方法;再次,重点分析了星载背景下影响视场不重合的因素以及改进措施;最后以某星载偏振成像仪为例给出了分析结果并讨论。结果表明:采取补偿措施后由卫星平台造成的视场不重合程度远小于采取补偿前,仪器偏振测量精度得到了提高。  相似文献   

Shape memory polymers can change their shapes in a controlled way under external stimuli and thus promote the development of smart devices, soft robotics, and microfluidics. Here, a kind of iron particles (IPs) doped shape memory microcone is developed for noncontact all-in-situ reversible tuning between the tilted and upright state under near-infrared (NIR) irradiation and magnetic field (MF) actuation. The magnetic microcones are simply fabricated by a laser-ablated replica-molding strategy so that their height can be precisely controlled by adjusting the laser machining parameters. In addition, it is found that the droplets can be transported unidirectionally on the tilted microcones, which is related to the variation of the adhesion force induced by the length of the triple contact line (TCL). Finally, other multifunctional applications have also been realized, such as, selective droplet release, information encryption, rewritable display, and reusable temperature switch. This work may provide a facile strategy for developing multiresponsive smart devices based on shape memory polymers.  相似文献   

偏振遥感的研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
偏振遥感以目标辐射能量的偏振特征作为探测信息,能够很好地分辨目标上低反射区域和目标轮廓,在复杂的背景中提取目标的三维信息,解决传统遥感所不能解决的大气探测和伪装识别方面的问题.本文介绍了偏振遥感的基本原理,详细阐述了偏振遥感仪器、数据处理和目标偏振特征的国内外研究现状,并指出了偏振遥感的未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

航空偏振相机的光学偏振特性实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用大孔径积分球辐射光源系统对航空偏振相机的偏振特性进行了实验研究,以各偏振工作波段中0°放置的偏振通道为基准,选取航空偏振相机中心视场64×64像素点计算并校正了各偏振通道中偏振片/滤光片的强度透过率差异;并进一步测量了航空偏振相机光学系统自身的起偏度,通过最小二乘法多项式拟合,给出了各偏振工作波段的偏振度随视场角的...  相似文献   

系统级偏振定标是多角度偏振成像仪(Directional polarization camera, DPC)研制过程中的关键环节,对于提高大气气溶胶和云相态等定量化探测应用具有重要意义。结合矩阵光学和辐射度学理论,建立了多角度偏振成像仪偏振响应定标模型,对关键影响参量进行定标。采用大口径积分球参考光源和分视场测量方法,消除了光楔平板对DPC三检偏通道视场非一致性的影响,实现了高频和低频相对透过率的高精度测量。采用傅里叶级数的分析方法,建立全视场起偏度的测量模型,消除参考光源偏振方位角绝对位置引入的测量误差,实现光学系统偏振特性的准确测量。采用可调偏振度光源和大口径积分球辐射源,开展了偏振定标精度的比对验证实验和精度分析。测试结果表明,全视场偏振定标精度优于0.5\%,自然光状态下的偏振定标精度优于0.05\%,验证了宽视场偏振遥感器偏振辐射响应定标模型的合理性,说明该系统级偏振定标方法可满足宽视场光学偏振遥感器的高精度偏振观测科学应用要求。  相似文献   

偏振相机的光学定标方案研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
偏振相机内部的多个光学表面会改变入射光束的偏振状态,并且改变的程度与入射光束的偏振态、视场角和方位角等因素有关。通过研究偏振光束与光学成像器件的相互作用,推导了考虑光学系统偏振效应的通用辐射模型,并基于辐射模型简要描述了目标偏振信息的反演方法及模型参数分离定标研究,给出了偏振相机的光学定标方案,确立了偏振相机输出与入射光束Stokes参量(I,Q,U)的定量关系,消除仪器自身的偏振效应,准确反演目标的偏振信息,为偏振遥感图像的定量化应用研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

偏振遥感识别低反射率伪装网研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
偏振遥感是一种新型的侦察手段,具有传统遥感所不具备的优点,是研究大气与地面目标的重要方法.为了研究伪装目标的偏振散射特征,在光学与红外波段测量了三色迷彩伪装网的偏振参数.研究发现,在探测条件一定的情况下,伪装网散射光的偏振度受入射角度和表面反射率的影响较大.入射角增大,伪装网散射光的偏振度也随之增大;表面反射提高,其散射光的偏振度降低.偏振度成像可以增强低反射区域的亮度和对比度,而偏振角成像对伪装网的外形特征非常敏感,偏振遥感对复杂背景中的低反射率伪装目标识别具有独特优势,对军事伪装目标的生存构成了严重威胁.  相似文献   

"动中通"变极化系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据任意极化波可由空间两个正交的线极化波合成的理论,提出了一种终端电控变极化的方案,通过控制两个正交线极化波的幅度和相位,可以获得任意取向线极化波,可实时对极化角进行稳定性处理,有效解决移动通信中的极化失配现象,改善通信质量。  相似文献   

张朝阳 《红外》2009,30(11):21-25
采用多波段偏振CCD相机在光学与红外波段测试了镜面反射方向伪装材料的偏振特征.研究了不同入射条件下具有粗糙表面的伪装材料的偏振散射过程,得到了材料的偏振散射光谱.在镜面反射方向,伪装材料表面具有高的线偏振度,而草地背景的线偏振度很低.利用Kirchhoff近似理论分析了粗糙表面的偏振散射过程,分析结果与实验测试的偏振光谱相一致.由于伪装材料与背景的偏振散射光谱不同,因此利用偏振信息成像能够识别复杂背景中的伪装目标.偏振遥感在伪装目标识别方面具有重要的军事应用价值.  相似文献   

偏振遥感图像特性表征及分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
本文基于实验型偏振CCD相机,在自然光照条件下,进行了自然目标和人工目标的偏振图像数据获取实验、结果显示:偏振图像信息与强度图像相比,低照度(阴影等)部分,特别是边缘信息得到了增强。从模拟目标样品的实验结果看,偏振信息对纹理探测效果十分明显,结合边缘信息的增强作用,偏振探测在军事侦察及伪装检测等方面有着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Mechanically driven polarization switching via scanning probe microscopy provides a valuable voltage-free strategy for designing ferroelectric nanodomain structures. However, it is still challenging to realize reversible polarization switching with mechanical forces. Here, the mechanically driven reversible polarization switching observed in imprinted ferroelectric BiFeO3 thin films is reported, i.e., up-to-down switching by a sharp scanning tip and down-to-up switching by a blunt tip. Free energy calculations, phase-field simulations, and piezoresponse force microscopy reveal that reversible mechanical switching arises from the interplay among the flexoelectric effect, the piezoelectric effect, and the internal upward built-in field in BiFeO3 films. This study gains a deeper insight into the mechanism and control of mechanically driven polarization switching, and provides guidance for exploring potential ferroelectric-based electro-mechanical microelectronics.  相似文献   

垂直观测时水平粗糙地表偏振反射作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在利用偏振遥感对地表目标或大气进行研究时,由于大气散射光相对地表反射具有更强的偏振特性,故常认为经地气系统反射回空间的太阳辐射偏振信息主要来源于大气,而在遥感反演时常忽略地表的偏振反射作用.这个结论是基于地面目标为漫反射体的假定,但事实上,在绝大多数情况下,地表并非朗伯体,在某些时候这种非朗伯体的地表偏振作用甚至超过大气的影响.本文从推导地表的偏振反射作用机理及偏振光谱解译模型出发,首次利用偏振成像光谱实验,证明了地表的偏振度在某些情况下甚至达到50%以上,说明地表的偏振作用对传感器的信号有时会有很大影响.该作用是进行定量遥感研究时不容忽视的一个重要因素.  相似文献   

Nanoparticle adsorption to substrates pose a unique challenge to understand uptake mechanisms as it involves the organization of complex cytoskeletal components by cells to perform endocytosis/phagocytosis. In particular, it is not well‐understood from a cell mechanics perspective how the adhesion of particles on substrate will influence the ease of material clearance. By using a particle model, key contributing factors underlying cell adhesion on nonporous silica particle surfaces, migration and engulfment, are simulated and studied. Following a 24 h incubation period, monocyte‐derived macrophages and A549 epithelial cells are able to adhere and remove particles in their local vicinity through induction of adhesive pulling arise from cell traction forces and phagocytic/endocytic mechanisms, in a size‐dependent manner. It is observed that such particle‐decorated surfaces can be used to address the influence of surface topography on cell behavior. Substrates which presented 480 nm silica particles are able to induce greater development and maturation of focal adhesions, which play an important role in cellular mechanoregulation. Moreover, under a chemotactic influence, in the presence of 30% fetal bovine serum, macrophages are able to uptake the particles and be directed to translocate along a concentration gradient, indicating that local mechanical effects do not substantially impair normal physiological functions.  相似文献   

不同含水量的土壤会产生不同的偏振态,其与波长、土壤表面的结构、内部的构成、以及入射的角度密切相关。根据Kodis粗糙表面的散射理论,推导了不同湿度土壤表面的偏振度与入射天顶角和观测天顶角以及等效折射率的关系,并用野外地物偏振辐射计和地面多波段CCD相机实测了红壤的偏振反射数据,并将其与理论计算结果相对照,初步总结出不同含水量红壤的偏振特性变化规律。研究土壤偏振度与含水量以及入射天顶角、观测天顶角的关系,对于卫星农业遥感有重要的意义。  相似文献   

光动力疗法(Photodynamic Therapy,PDT)是指利用光敏剂在病变组织内聚集,在特定的波长的光或者激光的照射下被激活,产生单态氧或者其他自由基,造成病变组织坏死,不损伤正常组织的疗法[1]。这些年来,PDT已经得到了广泛的应用,越来越多的研究者开始关注着它的机制。近年来许多研究发现PDT对巨噬细胞吞噬活性及其极化具有重大作用。本文就拟对PDT对巨噬细胞的作用及机制进行阐述。  相似文献   

Immune response regulates implanted biomaterial−tissue integration and tissue regeneration, in which macrophages play a key role due to their plasticity and polarization. Chirality, an inherent property of carbon-based life, can also exist in biomaterials such as gold monolayer. Constructing chiral nanostructured surfaces of implants can imitate the chirality of extracellular environment in a biomimetic manner, but the manipulation and mechanism of chiral nanotopography on macrophages remain poorly understood. Here, highly ordered gold nanoparticle arrays with 300 or 900 nm spacing are fabricated and modified with L- or D-chirality. The D-nanoarrays can promote M2 polarization and related cytokine secretion of macrophages, thus facilitating the reduction of inflammatory reaction and promoting tissue healing and regeneration. The mechanistic analysis further suggests that D -nanoarrays proceeded these regulations through enhancing the expression of integrin αv/α8/β3-p-FAK pathway in macrophages, which may be largely attributed to its higher stereo-affinity for fibronectin as revealed by quantitative experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. Overall, this study demonstrates that biomimetic chiral nanotopography can promote biomaterial−tissue integration by manipulating macrophage phenotype, bringing a novel strategy for immunomodulation.  相似文献   

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