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从2005年的海关统计数据来看,中国机电产品出口4267.5亿美元,占商品出口总额的56%。其中出口自动数据处理设备130516万台,约合763亿美元;无线电话22791万台,约合206亿美元;录放像机18058万台,约合76.5亿美元,电视机8590万台,约合84亿美元。2005年欧盟是中国最大的贸易伙伴,欧盟已经成为我国的第二大出口市场,年出口额达1437亿美元,占我国出口总额的18.9%。可见,机电产品对欧盟出口对中国的经济发展和对外贸易事关重大。但是近年以来,中国机电(玩具)产品出口连续面临多个技术性贸易壁垒,形势相当严峻。一、WEEE指令和RoHS指令2003年1月27… 相似文献
近年来,国际玩具行业竞争日益加剧,我国玩具出口频繁遭受各国贸易壁垒的阻碍和重创,给我国的玩具企业带来了新的挑战。本文分析了现阶段我国出口玩具产业的现状以及技术性贸易壁垒的新特点,并提出了相应的对策和建议。 相似文献
一、我国水产品出口贸易现状改革开放以来,中国的水产业取得了突飞猛进的发展,从1989年起,中国水产品总量已跃居世界第一位,连续18年位居世界首位,2007年全国水产品产量达到5400万吨。中国是世界渔业大国,更是水产养殖大国,养殖产量占世界养殖总产量的70%, 相似文献
我国加入WTO以后,国际竞争环境更加激烈。各种形式的技术性贸易壁垒.对我国国际贸易产生了越来越大的影响。 相似文献
本文从技术性贸易措施三要素中的标准角度出发,剖析我国出口贸易遭遇技术性贸易壁垒的标准化原因,分析对外贸易中标准化工作存在的问题,旨在为政府及相关机构制定科学合理的规避措施提供有益的借鉴。 相似文献
近年米,中国纺织晶服装出口频频遭遇来至欧、美、曰等国家和地区的技术性贸易壁垒限制,致使纺织品出口数额大幅度下降,市场份额不断减少,对纺织行业及相关产业造成了不利影响。其外部原因在于发达国家贸易保护主义抬头:内部主要原因则表现为产品技术水平和质量标准过低,解决技术性贸易壁垒关键在于提高政府的服务功能和充分发挥企业的主体作用。 相似文献
随着经济全球化和贸易自由化的发展,国际贸易壁垒呈现出新的变化,关税壁垒逐渐弱化,非关税壁垒特别是技术性贸易壁垒日益兴起,且有愈演愈烈的趋势。技术性贸易壁垒已日益成为国际贸易中最隐蔽、最棘手、最难应对的贸易障碍之一。发达国家(地区)凭借在科技、管理、环保等方面的优势,设置了以技术法规、标准、合格评定程序为主要内容的技术性贸易壁垒,对市场准入设置了极为严格的条件。美国制定并实施大量的技术性贸易措施。据估算,目前美国官方认定的国家标准有4万多个,各种非官方标准机构、专业学会和行业协会制定的标准有5万多个。 相似文献
本文从顺应中国-东盟自贸区建成需要的角度,对东盟国家技术标准的特点进行了分析,对中国产品出口东盟在技术性贸易措施上应采取的对策进行了探讨,为促进中国-东盟贸易的发展提供标准技术支撑。 相似文献
为了提高我国对外贸易的竞争力,使我国的产品生产、仓储和流通等各方面的数据能够与国际统计数据保持一致,提高我国产品统计的准确性和国际可比性,必须建立起与国际标准相适应的国家产品分类标准体系。一、国际产品分类标准化联合国及其他国际组织陆续制定了适用于不同... 相似文献
Yu-Chung Tsao 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(10):3052-3073
Small and medium size manufacturers exist commonly in developing countries. Limited warehouse space is a characteristic in small and medium size manufacturers. In today’s business environment, many upstream companies offer a credit period to downstream companies. In production system, a manufacturer usually adopts the system maintenance when the system is in the out-of-control state. Therefore, this paper considers a production-inventory model for a manufacturer under system maintenance, trade credit and limited warehouse space. The objective is to determine the optimal production run time to minimise the total cost. We develop an algorithm based on several theorems for solving the problem described. We provide several examples to illustrate the solution procedure and discuss how system parameters affect the manufacturer’s decision behaviour. Computational analysis demonstrates that the results of the proposed model are consistent with economic insights. 相似文献
绿色包装材料的研发进展和我国的发展对策 总被引:12,自引:14,他引:12
(续前) 6 轻量、薄型、无氟、高性能包装材料 这是绿色包装材料发展的一个重要方向,主要是对现有的包装材料进行开发、深加工,在保证实现包装三大功能的基础上,改革过分包装,发展适度包装,尽量缩减使用包装材料,降低包装成本,节约包装材料资源,减少包装材料废弃物的产生量,努力研制开发出轻量化、薄型化、无氟化、高性能化的新型包装材料.在轻量化方面,如对啤酒等饮料的包装可采用一次性更轻更薄的玻璃瓶包装,避免因回收玻璃瓶重新灌装后的爆炸伤人事件发生;又如以采用新型的镁质材料部分地代替金属包装材料,所制作的小型包装罐质地坚固、外形美观,重量轻,可代替马口铁罐,作涂料、小五金、黄油等的包装容器. 相似文献
Brian Matthews Sunil Mangalasary Duncan Darby Kay Cooksey 《Packaging Technology and Science》2010,23(5):267-273
The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of two nisin blend antimicrobial agents (Guardian NR 250, Novagard CBI) incorporated into a cellulose coating that was applied onto a barrier film against Listeria monocytogenes. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the agents in solution against L. monocytogenes was found to be 2.74 mg/ml for the two nisin blends. The concentrations tested for both nisin blend treatments were 5.49, 10.9, 16.4 and 21.9 mg/ml. Guardian NR 250 resulted in wider zones of inhibition compared to the Novagard CBI at all levels tested. The MIC for Guardian NR 250 in the film was 5.49 mg/ml. Films containing Novagard CBI did not show any antimicrobial activity. A food challenge study was conducted using the film containing Guardian NR 250 at levels of 5.49 and 21.9 mg/ml. Inoculated fresh beef cubes were individually packaged with pre‐made barrier film pouches that had an interior cellulose coating containing the antimicrobial agent and stored at 4°C for 36 days. Bacterial colonies were enumerated every 6 days on modified Oxford agar. There was no significant difference in the L. monocytogenes population between two levels of Guardian NR 250 throughout the study. There was statistically significant inhibition of L. monocytogenes for both levels of Guardian NR 250 during 18–30 days of storage compared to a control film without the antimicrobial agent. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Boris Shnits 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(24):7437-7462
This paper deals with controlling flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) operating in volatile production environments. Shnits et al. (Shnits, B., Rubinovitz, J., and Sinreich, D., 2004. Multicriteria dynamic scheduling methodology for controlling a flexible manufacturing system. International Journal of Production Research, 42 (17), 3457–3472.) and Shnits and Sinreich (Shnits, B. and Sinreich, D., 2006. Controlling flexible manufacturing systems based on a dynamic selection of an appropriate operational criteria and scheduling policy. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 18 (1), 1–27.) developed a multi-criteria dynamic scheduling mechanism for controlling an FMS that can cope with such environments. An important part of this mechanism functioning, which impinges directly on its performance, is the activation of its decision-making process. This study continues the research presented in the above-mentioned papers and proposes different triggering methods for activating the control system decision-making process. The operational conditions for each suggested triggering method were analysed and a comparative analysis between these methods was performed. It was revealed that the highly dynamic triggering method, which activates the decision-making process right before a resource becomes available, outperformed the triggering methods that use a predefined scheduling period. 相似文献
南非作为非洲的第一大汽车市场,在我国汽车出口中占有重要地位。近年来,更是成为国内各大汽车厂商必争之地。南非一直是表现最好的汽车市场之一。汽车工业是南非最重要的 相似文献
机床爬行是机床常见的一种非报警性故障,引起爬行的原因是多方面的,包括机械方面、液压方面、电气方面等。先对爬行问题产生原因进行合理分析,并对消除方法做了细致研究,为修理机床提供方便。 相似文献