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The traditional approach to developing middleware platforms is to adopt a “black box” philosophy whereby the platform offers a fixed programming model to applications together with fixed per-platform implementations. In this paper, we describe research which is exploring an open approach to the implementation of middleware platforms. Our motivation is to accommodate the demanding requirements for quality-of-service (QoS) adaptation as imposed by mobile multimedia applications. We use an extended CORBA computational model featuring the concept of explicit open bindings. This provides an architectural framework for openness and QoS adaptation. The paper concludes by considering the more general application of an open systems philosophy; in particular, we introduce the concept of reflective middleware  相似文献   

徐永 《电子设计技术》2004,11(9):102-102
在MP3播放机、多媒体播放器以及智能手机成为新的消费增长点时,适合便携设备的巨量存储手段成为制约手持设备发展的一个瓶颈.事实上,便携产品的设计者总是要在如何更高效地利用存储空间上费尽心思.在人们尝试着将视频内容放入便携设备时,巨量存储更是一个必要的配备.虽然闪存技术的价格/容量比逐年下降,但仍不如机械式硬盘技术的微型化来得更加快捷.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate call admission control (CAC) schemes that can jointly provide connection-level quality-of-service (QoS) (in terms of the new call blocking probability and the handoff dropping probability) and packet-level QoS (in terms of the packet loss probability) for wireless multimedia networks. Stationary CAC schemes are proposed as the results of the solution to constrained optimization problems. A dynamic CAC scheme that can be adapted to varied and varying traffic conditions dynamically is also proposed. The proposed CAC schemes are computationally efficient and easy to implement, thus being suitable for real-time system deployment. Simulation results have demonstrated that the proposed dynamic CAC scheme achieves better performance when applied to realistic traffic conditions found in wireless multimedia networks.  相似文献   

End-to-end QoS provisioning in mobile heterogeneous networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The remarkable advances in information technologies bring a heterogeneous environment for mobile users and service providers. This heterogeneity exists in wireless access technologies, networks, user terminals, applications, service providers, and so on. The ability to provide seamless and adaptive quality of service in such a heterogeneous environment is key to the success of next-generation wireless communications systems. There has been a considerable amount of QoS research recently. However, the main part of this research has been in the context of individual architectural components, and much less progress has been made in addressing the issue of an overall QoS architecture for the mobile Internet. This article first summarizes the state-of-the-art QoS techniques and standardization activities, then examines in detail important challenges in building a ubiquitous QoS framework over the heterogeneous environment, and finally proposes a QoS framework integrating a three-plane network infrastructure and a unified terminal cross-layer adaptation platform to provide seamless support for future applications.  相似文献   

A major project at Lancaster University is the development of network infrastructures capable of supporting the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of a wide range of distributed multimedia applications. The project includes more than thirty researchers and covers not only the network support but also the enabling technologies. The authors believe that QoS development cannot be done in isolation from the applications to be supported, which must form an integral part of the project. They focus on three application areas: interactive teaching and learning, mobile systems, and virtual reality. They chose applications that stretch network support to its limit. To realize the full potential of these distributed multimedia applications, the underlying network must satisfy all these requirements concurrently. They give a brief overview of their activities to this end and discuss the need for QoS support  相似文献   

USB 3.0是什么?你能用它来干什么? USB 3.0推广小组成立于2007年英特尔信息技术峰会.6个成员公司(惠普、英特尔、微软、NEC、ST-NXP Wireless、德州仪器)起草了最初的规范,并与其他参与公司共同成立了由200名业内专家组成的组织,以确保在规范发布时能够获得广泛的支持.  相似文献   

Quality-of-service (QoS) routing is the key to support multimedia services in wireless multihop networks. The goal of QoS routing is to find satisfactory paths that support the end-to-end QoS requirements of the multimedia flows. Previous work has demonstrated a framework for supporting QoS routing in mobile ad hoc networks, where two novel mechanisms for dynamic channel assignment, called the minimum-blocking and bandwidth-reallocation channel-assignment (MBCA/BRCA) algorithms, were proposed. MBCA/BRCA are on-demand channel assignment methods that reactively provide a differentiated service treatment to multimedia traffic flows at the link level using novel techniques for end-to-end path QoS maximization. Efficient QoS routing is then accomplished by giving the routing mechanism access to QoS information, thus coupling the coarse grain (routing) and fine grain (congestion control) resource allocation. In this paper, the specifics and individual mechanisms of the MBCA/BRCA algorithms are presented, whereas their effectiveness and the manner in which they interact in order to contribute to the overall protocol performance is examined and documented. The system performance is studied through simulations experiments under various QoS traffic flows and network scenarios. The protocol's behavior and the changes introduced by variations on some of the mechanisms that make up the protocol is further investigated. As demonstrated, the MBCA/BRCA methods are able to increase system's aggregate traffic by 2.8 Kb/s, on average, comparing to a non-MBCA/BRCA dynamic channel-allocation scheme.  相似文献   

Future multimedia and Internet services will have more complex characteristics than the traditional service types. Accurate planning of mobile networks requires accurate prediction of traffic flows, which involves complex relationships between the services themselves, the mobility of users, and the business environment. This paper describes the work of the Mobile VCE services programme on new traffic models that take all three factors into account  相似文献   

This paper proposes an agent-based service provisioning system for mobile users. It describes a set of cooperative agents distributed over different sites that work together to provide personalized services for mobile users over the Internet. Users moving outside the office are able to maintain an off ice-like environment at home, or at temporary locations such as a meeting at another company, a business trip, or a hotel. Agents representing the end-users and the system agents engage in a negotiation process to facilitate access to personalized services at other sites. This access is obtained in accordance with the users' home policies as well as those at their current location. An Adaptive Service Presentation agent is used to adapt the service presentation to the capabilities of the users' workstations, laptops, phones, PDAs, or other devices. This work is conducted in Canada as part of the Mobile Agent Alliance project involving the University of Ottawa, the National Research Council, and the Mitel Corporation.  相似文献   

The widespread use of cellular telephones and the availability of user-location information are facilitating the development of new personalized, location-based applications. However, as of today, most of these applications are unidirectional and text-based where the user subscribes and the system sends a text message when appropriate. This article describes a modular and general architecture that supports the development of interactive, multimedia, location-based applications, providing an extra level of service to the users. The flexibility of the architecture is demonstrated by presenting the wireless safety security system (Wi-Via) and other potential applications  相似文献   

We present a framework for integrated scheduling of continuous media (CM) and other applications. The framework, called ARC scheduling, consists of a rate-controlled on-line CPU scheduler, an admission control interface, a monitoring module, and a rate adaptation interface. ARC scheduling allows threads to reserve CPU time for guaranteed progress. It provides firewall protection between threads such that the progress guarantee to a thread is independent of how other threads actually make scheduling requests. Rate adaptation allows a CM application to adapt its rate to changes in its execution environment. We have implemented the framework as an extension to Solaris 2.3. We present experimental results which show that ARC scheduling is highly effective for integrated scheduling of CM and other applications in a general purpose workstation environment. ARC scheduling is a key component of an end system architecture we have designed and implemented to support networking with quality of service guarantees. In particular, it enables protocol threads to make guaranteed progress  相似文献   

This paper presents work carried out within the Cesame project for the design of a multimedia highspeed distributed transport provider. The term transport provider is used to target a reference framework but does not preclude any standardized reference model. It gives the objectives and relates the main contributions obtained during the first year of the project. The goal of this task is to monitor, select and design services, protocols and mechanisms for defining a transport provider to support distributed multimedia services. As far as architectural aspects are concerned, a refinement of reference models is mandatory, and work on this topic has already been started within several institutions. Moreover, it is worth to mention that the transport provider will have first to run on top ofAtm/Aal networks and is expected on top of other networks.  相似文献   

In order to meet the requirements for multimedia applications, several approaches to DRAM architecture have emerged. Instead of a single, common memory device, several advanced approaches, such as extended data out (EDO) DRAM, and synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) will each play a major role in the future memory market. Furthermore, advanced interface technologies, such as Rambus RAM (RDRAM), RamLink, and SyncLink are very promising for future-generation memory. Also, application-specific memory, such as cache DRAM (CDRAM), enhanced DRAM (EDRAM), and video DRAM (VRAM) offer unique characteristics to improve performance in particular applications. Since it is beneficial to understand which type of high-speed memory can improve the speed performance of a particular system most effectively, this article discusses the fundamental concepts of these recent high-speed performance memory architectures to aid in the selection of memories for multimedia applications  相似文献   

Satellite onboard processing for multimedia applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For future multimedia applications, satellites might play an important role. For broadcast applications satellites are ideally suited to illuminate a large geographical area. However, multimedia applications are interactive, and are therefore a combination of a broadcast mission and a multipoint-to-point mission. The natural question is, can a satellite system compete with the capacity provided by terrestrial cable networks? If the answer is positive, and it shown in this article that it is, a second question arises: what new developments are required to migrate from the state-of-the art satellite technology to such advanced concepts? Taking the example of the European Space Agency's activities in this field, an overview of the required building blocks which make up a complete multimedia communication satellite system are described. Based on this technological overview a discussion of the systems developed by European space industries with support from the European Space Agency is given  相似文献   

Quality-of-service routing for supporting multimedia applications   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Several new architectures have been developed for supporting multimedia applications such as digital video and audio. However, quality-of-service (QoS) routing is an important element that is still missing from these architectures. In this paper, we consider a number of issues in QoS routing. We first examine the basic problem of QoS routing, namely, finding a path that satisfies multiple constraints, and its implications on routing metric selection, and then present three path computation algorithms for source routing and for hop-by-hop routing  相似文献   

This paper presents an architecture that enforces time requirements and gives minimal end-to-end delays for multimedia applications. The layers and mechanisms allowing the system to fulfill the selected synchronization, i.e., the logical relationships and timed interval semantics, are presented. The proposed approach relies on the use of a formal model based on extended time Petri nets, i.e., the time stream Petri net model (TStreamPN), that allows the user to completely specify the time requirements of a given application. The architecture implements, in the application layer and on top of asynchronous environments, the requested quality of service (perceived by the user) with respect to time. At the transport layer, the use of a partial order transport service improves the reactive response of the communication transfers. Its principles are presented together with a presynchronization sublayer that makes the partial order transport service match the applicative synchronization requirements. Moreover, measurements on the implementation of a videoconference system show that the requirements of the quality of service are fulfilled  相似文献   

Visual data compression for multimedia applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The compression of visual information in the framework of multimedia applications is discussed. To this end, major approaches to compress still as well as moving pictures are reviewed. The most important objective in any compression algorithm is that of compression efficiency. High-compression coding of still pictures can be split into three categories: waveform, second-generation, and fractal coding techniques. Each coding approach introduces a different artifact at the target bit rates. The primary objective of most ongoing research in this field is to mask these artifacts as much as possible to the human visual system. Video-compression techniques have to deal with data enriched by one more component, namely, the temporal coordinate. Either compression techniques developed for still images can be generalized for three-dimensional signals (space and time) or a hybrid approach can be defined based on motion compensation. The video compression techniques can then be classified into the following four classes: waveform, object-based, model-based, and fractal coding techniques. This paper provides the reader with a tutorial on major visual data-compression techniques and a list of references for further information as the details of each method  相似文献   

Seamless SIP-based mobility for multimedia applications   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Application-level protocol abstraction is required to support seamless mobility in next-generation heterogeneous wireless networks. Session initiation protocol (SIP) provides the required abstraction for mobility support for multimedia applications in such networks. However, the handoff procedure with SIP suffers from undesirable delay and hence packet loss in some cases, which is detrimental to applications like voice over IP (VoIP) or streaming video that demand stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements. In this article we present a SIP-based architecture that supports soft handoff for IP-centric wireless networks. Soft handoff ensures that there is no packet loss and that the end-to-end delay jitter is kept under control.  相似文献   

Emerging multimedia communication and processing technologies enable many factory applications. However, these technologies are advancing at a prodigious pace. Therefore, designing, managing, and upgrading these networks within this fast-paced environment represents a formidable challenge. The various enabling technologies and the standards that control their use are the subject of this paper. Special emphasis is given to the use of these technologies to support developments on the factory floor. This strategy involves the use of video, audio, and data communications, as well as the inherent processing involved. The role that local area networks and the Internet play in the development of future factory applications is also discussed  相似文献   

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