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民以食为天,吃得安全和健康则是最基本的质量要求,否则就会“病从口入”。为了保证食品卫生,保护消费者的合法权益,防止食品污染和有因素对人体的危害,国家先后出台了《食品卫生法》、《标准化法》、《产品质量法》、《消费者权益保护法》等一系列法律法规。国家质量监督局早在1987年就发布了GB7718国家强制性标准-《食品标签通用标准》,该标准规定了食品标签的基本原则、标注内容和标注要求。 相似文献
1994年2月4日经国家技术监督局批准发布了GB7718—94国家标准──食品标签通用标准,并规定从1995年2月1日开始实施。该标准是强制性标准,也就是说凡是在中华人民共和国国内销售、生产的产品标签都必须按标准规定的要求标注。为此,着重说明以下几个问题:一、食品标签的作用首先,什么是食品标签。食品标签是指预包装食品容器上的文字、图形、符号及一切说明物。预包装食品是指预先包装于容器中,以备交付给消费者的食品。容器是指将食品完全或部分包装,以作为交货单元的任何包装形式,也包括包装纸。这样,食品标签的作用显而易见在于… 相似文献
陈家从 《中国食品卫生杂志》2002,14(4):32-34
现行的《食品标签通用标准》(GB 7718— 94 ) ,[1]是由全国食品工业标准化技术委员会提出并组织起草 ,由国家技术监督局批准 ,于 1995年 2月 1日起实施。食品标签通用标准 ,作为预包装食品标签的通用规则 ,在规范食品标签 ,体现食品属性 ,便于监督检查 ,保护消费者的利益和健 相似文献
《食品标签通用标准》修订内容简介全国食品工业标准化技术委员会郝煜强制性国家标准GB7718-87《食品标签通用标准》经全国食品工业标准化技术委员会组织人员修订后,已报国家技术监督局批准发布,GB7718-94《食品标签通用标准》将于1995年2月1日... 相似文献
随着全球经济一体化进程的加快和我国加入WTO,标准化工作的地位和作用日渐突出,我国也一向重视标准化的问题,早在1988年12月29日中华人民共和国第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议上就通过了<中华人民共和国标准化法>,并于1989年4月1日起实施,国家技术监督局于同一天作出了<中华人民共和国标准化法条文解释>,中华人民共和国国务院1990.04.06发布<中华人民共和国标准化法实施条例>,此后各行政主管部门也积极制定了一系列标准化方面的法律法规. 相似文献
食品标签技术贸易壁垒调查研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 本文以食品标签技术贸易壁垒为研究对象,旨在了解我国出口食品企业在该方面的认知情况、存在的困难以及应对需求.方法 开展问卷调查,运用SPSS软件对调查结果进行统计分析.结果 美国、欧盟和日本的食品标签技术贸易措施比较严格,转基因标签、过敏原标签和营养标签是主要壁垒形式;食品标签技术贸易壁垒对我国出口企业带来重重困难;企业在应对食品标签技术贸易壁垒方面存在多种需求.结论 我们需重视国外食品标签技术贸易壁垒并积极应对. 相似文献
分析将卧式收线机改造成倒立式需要解决的问题,介绍倒立式改造设计制作的成功经验,可满足大盘重、粗规格钢丝生产需要。 相似文献
介绍1/1000 倒立式收线机应用于1/850 单拉机自动下线的经验和方法,解决了1/850 单拉机大规格大盘重拉拔卸线的难题 相似文献
The principle of a computing program describing precisely the migration of additives from a polymer into a food simulant is presented. As six parameters are used to fit the simulant sorption and additive extraction kinetics, the parameters have been determined by independent experiments. Owing to the complicated coupling between the liquid and additive diffusion processes, migration kinetics cannot be obtained by a mathematical resolution of kinetic equations, but they must be calculated by numerical analysis. The method is applied to a UV absorber in polypropylene migrating into glyceryl tripelargonate, a pure triglyceride, of which behaviour and average molecular weight are similar to official fatty food simulants. Properly designed experiments validate the model used to fit the migration kinetics. The possibility of erasing any parameters is also discussed. 相似文献
<正>休闲食品市场机会均等当我们走进超市就会看到薯片、虾条、雪饼、果脯、话梅、花生、松子、杏仁、开心果、鱼片、肉干等休闲食品琳琅满目,包装新颖、时尚,而消费者的购买更是络绎不绝,休闲食品已悄然成为今天的消费新宠。2009年我国休闲食品市场容量已达到400亿元以上。虽然市场增长迅速,但我国平均每人消费量仅为23.6克,远低于发达国家人均消费3.2千克的消费水平。中国的人口基数大、消费层次丰富,休闲食品有着许多新的市场机会,消费潜力巨大。 相似文献
一、我国食品安全的总体状况党中央、国务院高度重视食品安全工作,对人民群众身体健康和生命安全十分关切.近年来,在各级政府、各有关部门和全社会的共同努力下,我国食品安全工作力度不断加大.尤其是2010年,通过深入开展食品安全专项整治和执法检查,严厉打击食品安全违法犯罪活动,不断强化食品安全监管,食品安全各项工作取得了明显成效,维护了社会稳定和经济健康发展. 相似文献
Analysis of food packaging UV inks for chemicals with potential to migrate into food simulants 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ultraviolet (UV) inks are an alternative formulation system to the more usual paste or liquid inks (oils or solvents based) that dry mainly by evaporation or penetration into the printed substrate. Based on acrylic acid chemistry, UV inks dry (the exact term is 'curing') by the chemical process of photopolymerization. Their composition (acrylate monomers and oligomers together with photo-initiators) exposed to UV emission lamps on the printing press units enable the transformation of the freshly printed ink layer into a tack-free film. For UV inks intended for primary food packaging, special care has to be paid to potential migrating species like small photo-initiator molecules and acrylate monomers not cross-linked in the formed network. The paper presents chromatographic methods to ascertain the level of ink ingredients potentially available to migrate into food simulants (migration tests). GC/MS was employed to quantify the levels of photo-initiators or acrylic esters (acrylates). 相似文献
Integrating research on human body shapes with studies of health cues in food package design, this research explores how food packages resembling humanoid shapes impact consumers’ evaluation of food healthiness. Adopting a self-referencing perspective, two studies show that packages resembling slim humanoid shapes lead to foods being evaluated as healthier, especially with female consumers whose bodily characteristics mark them as being not thin. Study 1 uses packages designed to mimic humanoid body shapes and shows that slimness effects depend on consumer gender and body mass index (BMI): The heuristic that slim packages contain more healthy foods is more pronounced with women and increasing BMI. Study 2 replicates these findings and offers process evidence for self-referencing as a mediator of the package slimness – healthiness evaluation. Together the findings highlight package shape as an important cue to food healthiness evaluation and aid marketers and designers in better matching packages to target audiences and products. 相似文献
Application of predictive modelling techniques in industry: from food design up to risk assessment 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this communication, examples of applications of predictive microbiology in industrial contexts (i.e. Nestlé and Unilever) are presented which cover a range of applications in food safety from formulation and process design to consumer safety risk assessment. A tailor-made, private expert system, developed to support safe product/process design assessment is introduced as an example of how predictive models can be deployed for use by non-experts. Its use in conjunction with other tools and software available in the public domain is discussed. Specific applications of predictive microbiology techniques are presented relating to investigations of either growth or limits to growth with respect to product formulation or process conditions. An example of a probabilistic exposure assessment model for chilled food application is provided and its potential added value as a food safety management tool in an industrial context is weighed against its disadvantages. The role of predictive microbiology in the suite of tools available to food industry and some of its advantages and constraints are discussed. 相似文献