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Asynchronous systems consist of a set of transitions which are non-deterministically chosen and executed. We present a theory of guiding symbolic reachability in such systems by scheduling clusters of transitions. A theory of reachability expressions which specify the schedules is presented. This theory allows proving equivalence of different schedules which may have radically different performance in BDD-based search. We present experimental evidence to show that optimized reachability expressions give rise to significant performance advantages. The profiling is carried out in the NuSMV framework using examples from discrete timed automata and circuits with delays. A variant tool called NuSMVDP has been developed for interpreting reachability expressions to carry out the experiments.  相似文献   

This paper presents an on-the-fly and symbolic technique for efficiently checking timed automata emptiness. It is symbolic because it uses the simulation graph (instead of the region graph). It is on-the-fly because the simulation graph is generated during the test for emptiness. We have implemented a verification tool called Profounder based on this technique. To our knowledge, Profounder is the only available tool for checking emptiness of timed Büchi automata. To illustrate the practical interest of our approach, we show the performances of the tool on a non-trivial case study.  相似文献   

Different time scales do often occur in real-time systems, e.g., a polling real-time system samples the environment many times per second, whereas the environment may only change a few times per second. When these systems are modeled as (networks of) timed automata, the validation using symbolic model checking techniques can significantly be slowed down by unnecessary fragmentation of the symbolic state space. This paper introduces a syntactical adjustment to a subset of timed automata that addresses this fragmentation problem and that can speed-up forward symbolic reachability analysis in a significant way. We prove that this syntactical adjustment does not alter reachability properties and that it indeed is effective. We illustrate our exact acceleration technique with run-time data obtained with the model checkers Uppaal and Kronos. Moreover, we demonstrate that automated application of our exact acceleration technique can significantly speed-up the verification of the run-time behavior of LEGO Mindstorms programs.  相似文献   

The existing techniques for reachability analysis of linear hybrid automata do not scale well to problem sizes of practical interest. Instead of developing a tool to perform reachability check on all the paths of a linear hybrid automaton, a complementary approach is to develop an efficient path-oriented tool to check one path at a time where the length of the path being checked can be made very large and the size of the automaton can be made large enough to handle problems of practical interest. This approach of symbolic execution of paths can be used by design engineers to check important paths and thereby, increase the faith in the correctness of the system. Unlike simple testing, each path in our framework represents a dense set of possible trajectories of the system being analyzed. In this paper, we develop the linear programming based techniques towards an efficient path-oriented tool for the bounded reachability analysis of linear hybrid systems.  相似文献   

Symbolic computational techniques for solving games   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Games are useful in modular specification and analysis of systems where the distinction among the choices controlled by different components (for instance, the system and its environment) is made explicit. In this paper, we formulate and compare various symbolic computational techniques for deciding the existence of winning strategies. The game structure is given implicitly, and the winning condition is either a reachability game of the form p until q (for state predicates p and q) or a safety game of the form Always p.For reachability games, the first technique employs symbolic fixed-point computation using ordered binary decision diagrams (BDDs) [9]. The second technique checks for the existence of strategies that ensure winning within k steps, for a user-specified bound k, by reduction to the satisfiability of quantified boolean formulas. Finally, the bounded case can also be solved by reduction to satisfiability of ordinary boolean formulas, and we discuss two techniques, one based on encoding the strategy tree and one based on encoding a witness subgraph, for reduction to Sat. We also show how some of these techniques can be adopted to solve safety games. We compare the various approaches by evaluating them on two examples for reachability games, and on an interface synthesis example for a fragment of TinyOS [15] for safety games. We use existing tools such as Mocha [4], Mucke [7], Semprop [19], Qube [12], and Berkmin [13] and contrast the results.  相似文献   

We describe a symbolic procedure for solving the reachability problem of transition systems that use formulae of Effectively Propositional Logic to represent sets of backward reachable states. We discuss the key ideas for the mechanization of the procedure where fix-point checks are reduced to SMT problems. We also show the termination of the procedure on a sub-class of transition systems. Then, we discuss how reachability problems for this sub-class can be used to encode analysis problems of administrative policies in the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model that is one of the most widely adopted access control paradigms. An implementation of a refinement of the backward reachability procedure, called asasp, shows better flexibility and scalability than a state-of-the-art tool on a significant set of security problems.  相似文献   

Most of the timed automata reachability analysis algorithms in the literature explore the state spaces by enumeration of symbolic states, which use time constraints to represent a set of concrete states. A time constraint is a conjunction of atomic formulas which bound the differences of clock values. In this paper, it is shown that some atomic formulas of symbolic states generated by the algorithms can be removed to improve the model checking time- and space-efficiency. Such atomic formulas are called as irrelevant atomic formulas. A method is also presented to detect irrelevant formulas based on the test-reset information about clock variables. An optimized model-checking algorithm is designed based on these techniques. The case studies show that the techniques presented in this paper significantly improve the space- and time-efficiency of reachability analysis.  相似文献   

This paper investigates symbolic algorithmic analysis of rectangular hybrid systems.To deal with the symbolic reachability problem,a restricted constraint system called hybrid zone is formalized for the representation and manipulation of rectangular automata state-spaces.Hybrid zones are proved to be closed over symbolic reachability operations of rectangular hybrid systems.They are also applied to model-checking procedures for verifying some important classes of timed computation tree logic formulas.To ...  相似文献   


Karp and Miller’s algorithm is based on an exploration of the reachability tree of a Petri net where, the sequences of transitions with positive incidence are accelerated. The tree nodes of Karp and Miller are labeled with ω-markings representing (potentially infinite) coverability sets. This set of ω-markings allows us to decide several properties of the Petri net, such as whether a marking is coverable or whether the reachability set is finite. The edges of the Karp and Miller tree are labeled by transitions but the associated semantic is unclear which yields to a complex proof of the algorithm correctness. In this work we introduce three concepts: abstraction, acceleration and exploration sequence. In particular, we generalize the definition of transitions to ω-transitions in order to represent accelerations by such transitions. The notion of abstraction makes it possible to greatly simplify the proof of the correctness. On the other hand, for an additional cost in memory, which we theoretically evaluated, we propose an “accelerated” variant of the Karp and Miller algorithm with an expected gain in execution time. Based on a similar idea we have accelerated (and made complete) the minimal coverability graph construction, implemented it in a tool and performed numerous promising benchmarks issued from realistic case studies and from a random generator of Petri nets.


This paper gives an overview of recent advances in Real-Time Maude. Real-Time Maude extends the Maude rewriting logic tool to support formal specification and analysis of object-based real-time systems. It emphasizes ease and generality of specification and supports a spectrum of analysis methods, including symbolic simulation, unbounded and time-bounded reachability analysis, and LTL model checking. Real-Time Maude can be used to specify and analyze many systems that, due to their unbounded features, such as unbounded data structures or dynamic object and message creation, cannot be modeled by current timed/hybrid automaton-based tools. We illustrate this expressiveness and generality by summarizing two case studies: (i) an advanced scheduling algorithm with unbounded queues; and (ii) a state-of-the-art wireless sensor network algorithm. Finally, we give some (often easily checkable) conditions that ensure that Real-Time Maude's analysis methods are complete, also for dense time, for object-based real-time systems. In practice, our result implies that Real-Time Maude's time-bounded search and model checking of LTL time-bounded formulas are complete decision procedures for a large and useful class of non-Zeno real-time systems that fall outside the scope of systems that can be modeled in decidable fragments of hybrid automata, including the sensor network case study discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Holonic multiagent systems (HMAS) offer a promising software engineering approach for developing complex open software systems. However the process of building Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and HMAS is mostly different from the process of building more traditional software systems as it introduces new design and development challenges. This paper introduces an agent-oriented software process for engineering complex systems called ASPECS. ASPECS is based on a holonic organisational metamodel and provides a step-by-step guide from requirements to code allowing the modelling of a system at different levels of details using a set of refinement methods. This paper details the entire ASPECS development process and provides a set of methodological guidelines for each process activity. A complete case study is also used to illustrate the design process and the associated notations. ASPECS uses UML as a modelling language. Because of the specific needs of agents and holonic organisational design, the UML semantics and notation are used as reference points, but they have been extended by introducing new specific profiles.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate to what extent a very simple and natural “reachability as deducibility” approach, originating in research on formal methods for security, is applicable to the automated verification of large classes of infinite state and parameterized systems. In this approach the verification of a safety property is reduced to the purely logical problem of finding a countermodel for a first-order formula. This task is delegated then to generic automated finite model building procedures. A finite countermodel, if found, provides with a concise representation for a system invariant sufficient to establish the safety. In this paper we first present a detailed case study on the verification of a parameterized mutual exclusion protocol. Further we establish the relative completeness of the finite countermodel finding method (FCM) for a class of parameterized linear arrays of finite automata with respect to known methods based on monotonic abstraction and symbolic backward reachability. The practical efficiency of the method is illustrated on a set of verification problems taken from the literature using Mace4 model finding procedure.  相似文献   

Model checking has become a promising technique for verifying software and hardware designs; it has been routinely used in hardware verification, and a number of case studies and industrial applications show its effectiveness in software verification as well. Nevertheless, most existing model checkers are specialized for limited aspects of a system, where each of them requires a certain level of expertise to use the tool in the right domain in the right way. Hardly any guideline is available on choosing the right model checker for a particular problem domain, which makes adopting the technique difficult in practice, especially for verifying software with high complexity. In this work, we investigate the relative pitfalls and benefits of using the explicit model checker Spin on commercial Flight Guidance Systems (FGSs) at Rockwell-Collins, based on the author's prior experience with the use of the symbolic model checker NuSMV on the same systems. This has been a question from the beginning of the project with Rockwell-Collins. The challenge includes the efficient use of Spin for the complex synchronous mode logic with a large number of state variables, where Spin is known to be not particulary efficient. We present the way the Spin model is optimized to avoid the state space explosion problem and discuss the implication of the result. We hope our experience can be a useful 21 reference for the future use of model checking in a similar domain.  相似文献   

The existing techniques for reachability analysis of linear hybrid systems do not scale well to the problem size of practical interest. The performance of existing techniques is even worse for reachability analysis of a composition of several linear hybrid automata. In this paper, we present an efficient path-oriented approach to bounded reachability analysis of composed systems modeled by linear hybrid automata with synchronization events. It is suitable for analyzing systems with many components by selecting critical paths, while this task was quite insurmountable before because of the state explosion problem. This group of paths will be transformed to a group of linear constraints, which can be solved by a linear programming solver efficiently. This approach of symbolic execution of paths allows design engineers to check important paths, and accordingly increase the faith in the correctness of the system. This approach is implemented into a prototype tool Bounded reAchability CHecker (BACH). The experimental data show that both the path length and the number of participant automata in a system checked using BACH can scale up greatly to satisfy practical requirements.  相似文献   

Hybrid systems represent an important and powerful formalism for modeling real-world applications such as embedded systems. A verification tool like SpaceEx is based on the exploration of a symbolic search space (the region space). As a verification tool, it is typically optimized towards proving the absence of errors. In some settings, e.g., when the verification tool is employed in a feedback-directed design cycle, one would like to have the option to call a version that is optimized towards finding an error trajectory in the region space. A recent approach in this direction is based on guided search. Guided search relies on a cost function that indicates which states are promising to be explored, and preferably explores more promising states first. In this paper, we propose an abstraction-based cost function based on coarse-grained space abstractions for guiding the reachability analysis. For this purpose, a suitable abstraction technique that exploits the flexible granularity of modern reachability analysis algorithms is introduced. The new cost function is an effective extension of pattern database approaches that have been successfully applied in other areas. The approach has been implemented in the SpaceEx model checker. The evaluation shows its practical potential.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe an approach for solving the general class of energy-optimal task graph scheduling problems using priced timed automata. We provide an efficient zone-based algorithm for minimum-cost reachability. Furthermore, we show how the simple structure of the linear programs encountered during symbolic minimum-cost reachability analysis of priced timed automata can be exploited in order to substantially improve the performance of the current algorithm. The idea is rooted in duality of linear programs and we show that each encountered linear program can be reduced to the dual problem of an instance of the min-cost flow problem. Experimental results using Uppaal show a 70–80 percent performance gain. We provide priced timed automata models for the scheduling problems and provide experimental results illustrating the potential competitiveness of our approach compared to existing approaches such as mixed integer linear programming.This research was conducted in part at Aalborg University, where the author was supported by a CISS Faculty Fellowship.

Among the techniques that have been proposed for the analysis of non-Markovian models, the state space expansion approach showed great flexibility in terms of modelling capacities.The principal drawback is the explosion of the state space. This paper proposes a two-layer symbolic method for efficiently storing the expanded reachability graph of a non-Markovian model in the case in which continuous phase-type distributions are associated with the firing times of system events, and different memory policies are considered. At the lower layer, the reachability graph is symbolically represented in the form of a set of Kronecker matrices, while, at the higher layer, all the information needed to correctly manage event memory is stored in a multi-terminal multi-valued decision diagram. Such an information is collected by applying a symbolic algorithm, which is based on a couple of theorems. The efficiency of the proposed approach, in terms of memory occupation and execution time, is shown by applying it to a set of non-Markovian stochastic Petri nets and comparing it with a classical explicit expansion algorithm. Moreover, a comparison with a classical symbolic approach is performed whenever possible.  相似文献   

In this paper we present case studies that describe how the graph transformation tool groove has been used to model problems from a wide variety of domains. These case studies highlight the wide applicability of groove in particular, and of graph transformation in general. They also give concrete templates for using groove in practice. Furthermore, we use the case studies to analyse the main strong and weak points of groove.  相似文献   

《Control Engineering Practice》2006,14(10):1157-1167
Due to the state-space explosion, many synthesis and verification problems for discrete event systems cannot be solved using traditional state-space traversal algorithms. This work presents efficient methods for reachability search based on symbolic computations using Binary Decision Diagrams. In addition, simple guidelines and quantities for separating hard and easy reachability problems are presented. Furthermore, the performance of the presented algorithms and heuristics is demonstrated on a set of industrial benchmark examples. It is also shown that such examples are much more challenging than some well-known handmade benchmark models. This is also indicated by the presented hardness quantities.  相似文献   

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