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一种基于向量夹角的k近邻多标记文本分类算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
广凯  潘金贵 《计算机科学》2008,35(4):205-206
在多标记学习中,一个示例可以有多个概念标记.学习系统的目标是通过对由多标记样本组成的训练集进行学习,以尽可能正确地预测未知样本所对应的概念标记集.k近邻算法已被应用到多标记学习中,该算法将测试示例转化为多维向量,根据其k个近邻样本的标记向量来确定该测试示例的标记向量.传统的k近邻算法是基于向量的空间距离来选取近邻,而在自然语言处理中,文本间的相似度常用文本向量的夹角来表示,所以本文将文本向量间的夹角关系作为选取k近邻的标准并结合k近邻算法提出了一种多标记文本学习算法.实验表明,该算法在文档分类的准确率上体现出较好的性能.  相似文献   

Multi-label learning deals with the problem where each instance is associated with multiple labels simultaneously. The task of this learning paradigm is to predict the label set for each unseen instance, through analyzing training instances with known label sets. In this paper, a neural network based multi-label learning algorithm named Ml-rbf is proposed, which is derived from the traditional radial basis function (RBF) methods. Briefly, the first layer of an Ml-rbf neural network is formed by conducting clustering analysis on instances of each possible class, where the centroid of each clustered groups is regarded as the prototype vector of a basis function. After that, second layer weights of the Ml-rbf neural network are learned by minimizing a sum-of-squares error function. Specifically, information encoded in the prototype vectors corresponding to all classes are fully exploited to optimize the weights corresponding to each specific class. Experiments on three real-world multi-label data sets show that Ml-rbf achieves highly competitive performance to other well-established multi-label learning algorithms.  相似文献   

目前大部分已经存在的多标记学习算法在模型训练过程中所采用的共同策略是基于相同的标记属性特征集合预测所有标记类别.但这种思路并未对每个标记所独有的标记特征进行考虑.在标记空间中,这种标记特定的属性特征对于区分其它类别标记和描述自身特性是非常有帮助的信息.针对这一问题,本文提出了基于标记特定特征和相关性的ML-KNN改进算法MLF-KNN.不同于之前的多标记算法直接在原始训练数据集上进行操作,而是首先对训练数据集进行预处理,为每一种标记类别构造其特征属性,在得到的标记属性空间上进一步构造L1-范数并进行优化从而引入标记之间的相关性,最后使用改进后的ML-KNN算法进行预测分类.实验结果表明,在公开数据集image和yeast上,本文提出的算法MLF-KNN分类性能优于ML-KNN,同时与其它另外3种多标记学习算法相比也表现出一定的优越性.  相似文献   

Feature selection for multi-label naive Bayes classification   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In multi-label learning, the training set is made up of instances each associated with a set of labels, and the task is to predict the label sets of unseen instances. In this paper, this learning problem is addressed by using a method called Mlnb which adapts the traditional naive Bayes classifiers to deal with multi-label instances. Feature selection mechanisms are incorporated into Mlnb to improve its performance. Firstly, feature extraction techniques based on principal component analysis are applied to remove irrelevant and redundant features. After that, feature subset selection techniques based on genetic algorithms are used to choose the most appropriate subset of features for prediction. Experiments on synthetic and real-world data show that Mlnb achieves comparable performance to other well-established multi-label learning algorithms.  相似文献   

偏标记学习是一种重要的弱监督学习框架。在偏标记学习中,每个实例与一组候选标记相关联,它的真实标记隐藏在候选标记集合中,且在学习过程中不可获知。为了消除候选标记对学习过程的影响,提出了一种融合实例语义差别最大化和流型学习的偏标记学习方法(partial label learning by semantic difference and manifold learning, PL-SDML)。该方法是一个两阶段的方法:在训练阶段,基于实例的语义差别最大化准则和流型学习方法为训练实例生成标记置信度;在预测阶段,使用基于最近邻投票的方法为未知实例预测标记类别。在四组人工改造的UCI数据集中,在平均70%的情况下优于其他对比算法。在四组真实偏标记数据集中,相比其他对比算法,取得了0.3%~13.8%的性能提升。  相似文献   

基于标记特征的多标记分类算法通过对标记的正反样例集合进行聚类,计算样例与聚类中心间的距离构造样例针对标记的特征子集,并生成新的训练集,在新的训练集上利用传统的二分类器进行分类。算法在构造特征子集的过程中采用等权重方式,忽略了样例之间的相关性。提出了一种改进的多标记分类算法,通过加权方式使生成的特征子集更加准确,有助于提高样例的分类精度。实验表明改进的算法性能优于其他常用的多标记分类算法。  相似文献   

Multi-label classification aims to assign a set of proper labels for each instance, where distance metric learning can help improve the generalization ability of instance-based multi-label classification models. Existing multi-label metric learning techniques work by utilizing pairwise constraints to enforce that examples with similar label assignments should have close distance in the embedded feature space. In this paper, a novel distance metric learning approach for multi-label classification is proposed by modeling structural interactions between instance space and label space. On one hand, compositional distance metric is employed which adopts the representation of a weighted sum of rank-1 PSD matrices based on component bases. On the other hand, compositional weights are optimized by exploiting triplet similarity constraints derived from both instance and label spaces. Due to the compositional nature of employed distance metric, the resulting problem admits quadratic programming formulation with linear optimization complexity w.r.t. the number of training examples.We also derive the generalization bound for the proposed approach based on algorithmic robustness analysis of the compositional metric. Extensive experiments on sixteen benchmark data sets clearly validate the usefulness of compositional metric in yielding effective distance metric for multi-label classification.  相似文献   

In multilabel learning, each instance in the training set is associated with a set of labels and the task is to output a label set whose size is unknown a priori for each unseen instance. In this paper, this problem is addressed in the way that a neural network algorithm named BP-MLL, i.e., Backpropagation for Multilabel Learning, is proposed. It is derived from the popular Backpropogation algorithm through employing a novel error function capturing the characteristics of multilabel learning, i.e., the labels belonging to an instance should be ranked higher than those not belonging to that instance. Applications to two real-world multilabel learning problems, i.e., functional genomics and text categorization, show that the performance of BP-MLL is superior to that of some well-established multilabel learning algorithms.  相似文献   

为克服ML-KNN在分类效率方面的局限性,提出了一种基于KNN的快速多标签数据分类算法FKMC,利用待分类实例的k个最近邻的局部信息进行排序分类。从已分类数据实例集中选择待分类数据实例的k个最近邻;根据每个最近邻拥有的标签数和每个标签归属的最近邻数对待分类实例进行排序分类。仿真结果表明,最近邻的选择方法对分类器性能有显著的影响;在分类效果上FKMC与ML-KNN相当,有时甚至优于后者;而在分类效率上FKMC则显著优于ML-KNN。  相似文献   

Multi-label learning deals with objects associated with multiple class labels, and aims to induce a predictive model which can assign a set of relevant class labels for an unseen instance. Since each class might possess its own characteristics, the strategy of extracting label-specific features has been widely employed to improve the discrimination process in multi-label learning, where the predictive model is induced based on tailored features specific to each class label instead of the identical instance representations. As a representative approach, LIFT generates label-specific features by conducting clustering analysis. However, its performance may be degraded due to the inherent instability of the single clustering algorithm. To improve this, a novel multi-label learning approach named SENCE (stable label-Specific features gENeration for multi-label learning via mixture-based Clustering Ensemble) is proposed, which stabilizes the generation process of label-specific features via clustering ensemble techniques. Specifically, more stable clustering results are obtained by firstly augmenting the original instance repre-sentation with cluster assignments from base clusters and then fitting a mixture model via the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. Extensive experiments on eighteen benchmark data sets show that SENCE performs better than LIFT and other well-established multi-label learning algorithms.   相似文献   

赵海峰  余强  曹俞旦 《计算机科学》2014,41(12):160-163
多标签学习用于处理一个样本同时拥有多个标签的问题。已有的多标签懒惰学习算法IMLLA未充分考虑样本分布的特点,即在构建样本的近邻点集时,近邻点个数取固定值,这可能会将相似度高的点排除在近邻集之外,或者将相似度低的点包括在近邻集内,影响分类方法的性能。针对IMLLA的缺陷,将粒计算的思想加入近邻集的构建,提出一种基于粒计算的多标签懒惰学习算法(GMLLA)。该方法通过粒度控制,确定样本近邻点集,使得近邻集内的样本具有高相似度。实验结果表明,本算法的性能优于IMLLA。  相似文献   

刘杨磊    梁吉业    高嘉伟    杨静   《智能系统学报》2013,8(5):439-445
传统的多标记学习是监督意义下的学习,它要求获得完整的类别标记.但是当数据规模较大且类别数目较多时,获得完整类别标记的训练样本集是非常困难的.因而,在半监督协同训练思想的框架下,提出了基于Tri-training的半监督多标记学习算法(SMLT).在学习阶段,SMLT引入一个虚拟类标记,然后针对每一对类别标记,利用协同训练机制Tri-training算法训练得到对应的分类器;在预测阶段,给定一个新的样本,将其代入上述所得的分类器中,根据类别标记得票数的多少将多标记学习问题转化为标记排序问题,并将虚拟类标记的得票数作为阈值对标记排序结果进行划分.在UCI中4个常用的多标记数据集上的对比实验表明,SMLT算法在4个评价指标上的性能大多优于其他对比算法,验证了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

多数多标记学习方法通过在输出空间中,单示例同时与多个类别标记相关联表示多义性,目前有研究通过在输入空间将单一示例转化为示例包,建立包中多示例与多标记的联系。算法在生成示例包时采用等权重平均法计算每个标记对应样例的均值。由于数据具有局部分布特征,在计算该均值时考虑数据局部分布,将会使生成的示例包更加准确。本论文充分考虑数据分布特性,提出新的分类算法。实验表明改进算法性能优于其他常用多标记学习算法。  相似文献   

用于多标记学习的阈值确定算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦锋  黄俊  程泽凯 《计算机工程》2010,36(21):214-216
提出一种多标记学习阈值确定算法(DTML),为每个类别标记确定一个阈值。当分类器将一个测试示例预测为某个类别标记的分值大于该类别标记的阈值时,则将该类别标记添加到该测试示例的最终分类结果中。该算法采用编程实现,并将其应用于PT5方法和TML算法。实验结果表明,利用DTML算法为多标记学习算法确定阈值,能够得到较好的分类效果。  相似文献   

多标记学习不同于传统的监督学习,它是为了解决客观世界中多义性对象的建模问题而提出的一种学习框架。在该框架下,一个实例可以同时隶属于多个标记。已有的多标记学习算法大多假设每个样本的标记集合都是完整的,但有时某些实例对应的标记会出现缺失。为了应对这一问题,本文提出一种针对弱标记文档的分类方法,该方法基于标记之间不同的相关性和相似实例具有相似标记的假设,构造一个最优化问题,以尽可能地补全缺失的标记。实验结果表明,该方法可以有效地提升学习系统的泛化性能。   相似文献   

在多标记学习中,每个样本都由一个实例表示,并与多个类标记相关联。现有的多标记学习算法大多是在全局利用标记相关性,即假设所有的样本共享不同类别标记之间的正相关性。然而,在实际应用中,不同的样本共享不同的标记相关性,标记间不仅存在正相关性,而且存在相互排斥的现象,即负相关性。针对这一问题,提出了基于局部正、负成对标记相关性的k近邻多标记分类算法PNLC。首先,对多标记数据的特征向量进行预处理,分别为每类标记构造对该类标记最具有判别能力的属性特征;然后,在训练阶段,PNLC算法通过所有训练样本中各样本的每个k近邻的真实标记构建标记之间的正、负局部成对相关性矩阵;最后,在测试阶段,首先得到每个测试样例的k近邻及其对应的正、负成对标记关系,利用该标记关系计算最大后验概率对测试样例进行预测。实验结果表明,PNLC算法在yeast和image数据集上的分类准确率明显优于其他常用的多标记分类算法。  相似文献   

一个样例的标记信息可能会对附近其他样例的学习提供有用信息,特别是在数据比较匮乏的情况下,利用已标记数据与未标记数据间的相关性,能够在一定程度上避免因数据不足所造成的误差。针对样例之间的相关性研究,提出基于局部标记信息的多标记学习算法,算法首先获取样例的局部标记信息,然后将样例的局部标记信息引入属性空间构造新的样例集合,并根据新的样例集合进行分类。实验结果表明,算法的分类性能得到较大提升,且优于其他常用多标记学习算法。  相似文献   

李航  王进  赵蕊 《智能系统学报》2017,12(5):624-639
近年来,多标签学习在图像识别和文本分类等多个领域得到了广泛关注,具有越来越重要的潜在应用价值。尽管多标签学习的发展日新月异,但仍然存在两个主要挑战,即如何利用标签间的相关性以及如何处理大规模的多标签数据。针对上述问题,基于MLHN算法,提出一种能有效利用标签相关性且能处理大数据集的基于Spark的多标签超网络集成算法SEI-MLHN。该算法首先引入代价敏感,使其适应不平衡数据集。其次,改良了超网络演化学习过程,并优化了损失函数,降低了算法时间复杂度。最后,进行了选择性集成,使其适应大规模数据集。在11个不同规模的数据集上进行实验,结果表明,该算法具有较好的分类性能,较低的时间复杂度且具备良好的处理大规模数据集的能力。  相似文献   

In pattern recognition, instance-based learning (also known as nearest neighbor rule) has become increasingly popular and can yield excellent performance. In instance-based learning, however, the storage of training set rises along with the number of training instances. Moreover, in such a case, a new, unseen instance takes a long time to classify because all training instances have to be considered when determining the ‘nearness’ or ‘similarity’ among instances. This study presents a novel reduced classification method for instance-based learning based on the gray relational structure. Here, only some training instances in the original training set are adopted for the pattern classification tasks. The relationships among instances are first determined according to the gray relational structure. In the relational structure, the inward edges of each training instance, indicating how many times each instance is considered as the nearest neighbor or neighbors in determining the class labels of other instances can be obtained. This method excludes training instances with no or few inward edges for the pattern classification tasks. By using the proposed instance pruning approach, new instances can be classified with a few training instances. Nine data sets are adopted to demonstrate the performance of the proposed learning approach. Experimental results indicate that the classification accuracy can be maintained when most of the training instances are pruned before learning. Additionally, the number of remained training instances in the proposal presented here is comparable to that of other existing instance pruning techniques.  相似文献   

Multi-instance multi-label learning (MIML) is a newly proposed framework, in which the multi-label problems are investigated by representing each sample with multiple feature vectors named instances. In this framework, the multi-label learning task becomes to learn a many-to-many relationship, and it also offers a possibility for explaining why a concerned sample has the certain class labels. The connections between instances and labels as well as the correlations among labels are equally crucial information for MIML. However, the existing MIML algorithms can rarely exploit them simultaneously. In this paper, a new MIML algorithm is proposed based on Gaussian process. The basic idea is to suppose a latent function with Gaussian process prior in the instance space for each label and infer the predictive probability of labels by integrating over uncertainties in these functions using the Bayesian approach, so that the connection between instances and every label can be exploited by defining a likelihood function and the correlations among labels can be identified by the covariance matrix of the latent functions. Moreover, since different relationships between instances and labels can be captured by defining different likelihood functions, the algorithm may be used to deal with the problems with various multi-instance assumptions. Experimental results on several benchmark data sets show that the proposed algorithm is valid and can achieve superior performance to the existing ones.  相似文献   

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