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This paper presents a novel watermarking scheme for tamper-proof of web pages. It overwhelms existing methods of watermarking and Hash in that it does not increase the file size. Experimental results are promising.  相似文献   

数字签名是一种传统的用于XML文档完整性保护的方法,为XML文档的完整性保护,提出了一种新的基于水印技术的解决方案。实验表明,相比数字签名机制,提出的算法在时间复杂度和空间复杂度有所降低。  相似文献   

论述了当前开发WebGIS所面临的一些技术难点,介绍了Web的新兴语言——XML的概念和特征,讨论了XML应用到WebGIS开发中的优势及其存在问题。  相似文献   

几种数据格式描述语言的分析比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘桂兰 《计算机应用》2001,21(10):30-32
介绍了三种数据格式描述语言SGHL、HTML、XML的发展过程,对它们在电子数据交换中表现出来的特性进行比较,得出结论。  相似文献   

移动手持设备因其屏幕小,有限的计算及存储能力而不便浏览普通Web页面;另一方面,对于PDA、手机用户,本着用户个性定制以及降低费用的原则也有必要对现有Web页面进行“裁减”。就以上问题,提出一种面向移动设备网页切割的解决方案:首先对半结构化的HTML文档进行结构化处理,接着基于DOM规范将HTML转化为DOM树并对其噪音清洗,然后对网页进行基于内容和基于链接的分块并对分块结果按照分层和用户定制的思想进行切割、重构,最后在开源项目HTMLParser基础上开发了原型系统并对系统执行效率和切割效果进行了评估。结果表明该方案切实可行,具有可观的应用价值。  相似文献   

XML语言在网页中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SGML是一种在互联网上发布信息所使用的"出版"语言,是所有计算机都能够理解的标准通用标记语言,目前流行的HTML、XML等语言是SGML的实际应用。本文对网页制作中使用的HTML、XML尤其是XML等标记语言相关知识做了介绍,比较了两种种语言的不同与优缺点。  相似文献   

In addition to conventional information media such as newspaper, radio, and television, modern network media such as e-mail and Web page has become popular means of proliferating information. However, the number of Web page is so large that they need to be managed systematically.Therefore, this work presents a component-based Web page management environment, which: (1) enables high-level modeling capability of Web pages through components, (2) improves maintenance of Web applications, and (3) facilitates the reuse of Web page components.  相似文献   

This paper describes a fast HTML web page detection approach that saves computation time by limiting the similarity computations between two versions of a web page to nodes having the same HTML tag type, and by hashing the web page in order to provide direct access to node information. This efficient approach is suitable as a client application and for implementing server applications that could serve the needs of users in monitoring modifications to HTML web pages made over time, and that allow for reporting and visualizing changes and trends in order to gain insight about the significance and types of such changes. The detection of changes across two versions of a page is accomplished by performing similarity computations after transforming the web page into an XML-like structure in which a node corresponds to an open–close HTML tag. Performance and detection reliability results were obtained, and showed speed improvements when compared to the results of a previous approach.  相似文献   

基于主元分析的人脸特征点定位算法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王琢玉  贺前华 《计算机应用》2005,25(11):2581-2583
研究了一种基于主元分析的人脸目标区域定位算法。首先对训练集中的头肩像通过手工定位嘴部区域,进行PCA训练提取嘴部的主元特征矢量(eigenmouth);然后在输入图像人脸初定位的基础上,利用嘴部的主元特征,通过最小剩余误差能量的判决准则实现人脸嘴部区域的自动定位。其间,引入了受限窗扫描策略以提高算法的效率;并利用两种空间定位后相似度比较判决的方法大大提高了算法的鲁棒性。实验证明此方法具有简单易实现、定位精确度高、鲁棒性好的优点。  相似文献   

基于分块的网页信息解析器的研究与设计   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
详细介绍了网页信息解析的基本技术手段,在综合权衡优缺点的基础上,提出了针对新 闻网站复杂结构页面较为有效的分块算法,并结合实际的项目需求,设计实现了网页信息解析器 TVPS,实验结果表明,该解析器具有良好的性能,满足实际的需求。  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient image denoising scheme by using principal component analysis (PCA) with local pixel grouping (LPG). For a better preservation of image local structures, a pixel and its nearest neighbors are modeled as a vector variable, whose training samples are selected from the local window by using block matching based LPG. Such an LPG procedure guarantees that only the sample blocks with similar contents are used in the local statistics calculation for PCA transform estimation, so that the image local features can be well preserved after coefficient shrinkage in the PCA domain to remove the noise. The LPG-PCA denoising procedure is iterated one more time to further improve the denoising performance, and the noise level is adaptively adjusted in the second stage. Experimental results on benchmark test images demonstrate that the LPG-PCA method achieves very competitive denoising performance, especially in image fine structure preservation, compared with state-of-the-art denoising algorithms.  相似文献   

二值图像中物体几何主轴的提取方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
图像中物体的几何主轴在目标分割和识别中起着关键性的作用.该文从投影、主分量和纹理3个不同的角度分别阐述了在二值图像中提取物体主轴的原理,设计并实现了相应的几种算法.实验结果证明,这几种方法是有效的.  相似文献   

本文介绍了WWW的兴起、技术基础及运作方式,并就Netware网络环境下NetwareWebServer服务器的安装、配置、客户端包驱动的过程及运行作了具体介绍,编写了一个简单的HTML程序,以图对Netware网络环境下WWW服务器的安装、配置及HTML编程有一个较全面的介绍。  相似文献   

Device-aware desktop web page transformation for rendering on handhelds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper illustrates a new approach to automatic re-authoring of web pages for rendering on small-screen devices. The approach is based on automatic detection of the device type and screen size from the HTTP request header to render a desktop web page or a transformed one for display on small screen devices, for example, PDAs. Known algorithms (transforms) are employed to reduce the size of page elements, to hide parts of the text, and to transform tables into text while preserving the structural format of the web page. The system comprises a preprocessor that works offline and a just-in-time handler that responds to HTTP requests. The preprocessor employs Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to set default attributes for the page and prepares it for the handler. The latter is responsible for downsizing graphical elements in the page, converting tables to text, and inserting visibility attributes and JavaScript code to allow the user of the client device to interact with the page and cause parts of the text to disappear or reappear. A system was developed that implements the approach and was used it to collect performance results and conduct usability testing. The importance of the approach lies in its ability to display hidden parts of the web page without having to revisit the server, thus reducing user wait times considerably, saving battery power, and cutting down on wireless network traffic.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel subspace method called diagonal principal component analysis (DiaPCA) is proposed for face recognition. In contrast to standard PCA, DiaPCA directly seeks the optimal projective vectors from diagonal face images without image-to-vector transformation. While in contrast to 2DPCA, DiaPCA reserves the correlations between variations of rows and those of columns of images. Experiments show that DiaPCA is much more accurate than both PCA and 2DPCA. Furthermore, it is shown that the accuracy can be further improved by combining DiaPCA with 2DPCA.  相似文献   

SVM和基于PCA、PLS的SVM在非线性辨识中的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对于同一个非线性系统,比较单纯ε-不灵敏支持向量机方法和基于主元提取、基于偏最小二乘提取的ε-不灵敏支持向量机方法在输入相关和不相关两种情况下的拟合性能和抗干扰性能.仿真结果表明:当输入变量之间存在相关性时,基于特征提取的方法优于直接采用ε-不灵敏支持向量机的方法.  相似文献   

分块PCA鉴别特征抽取能力的分析研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA),本文提出了分块 PCA 人脸识别方法。分块 PCA 从模式的原始数字图像出发,先对图像进行分块,对分块得到的子图像矩阵采用 PCA 方法进行特征抽取,从而实现模式的分类。新方法的特点是能有效地抽取图像的局部特征,正是这些特征使此类模式区别于彼类。在 Yale 人脸数据库上测试了该方法的鉴别能力。实验的结果表明,分块 PCA 在识别性能上优于通常的 PCA 方法,也优于基于 Fisher 鉴别准则的鉴别分析方法:Fisherfaces 方法、F-S 方法、组合鉴别方法,识别率可以达到100%。  相似文献   

本文运用主成份分析法对铸造零件表面缺陷数字图像进行特征提取,提出了简化零件表面质量自动检测计算量的新方法,具体地阐述了主成份分析法的原理、计算方法、数字图像分割、特征提取,并通过实例分析进行优化参数选取,具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

针对多种(X)HTML+MathML(数学标志语言)文档导致的数据冗余问题,提出一种无缝的HTML+MathML通用文档方案,实现一种适应多种环境的跨浏览器技术,开发独特的JMD技术。该通用文档采用标准的MathML,基于JavaScript和DOM,集成多种显示技术,扩展多个显示方案,分离MathML的内容与显示,能够流畅地应用于多种平台和浏览器,有效解决数学表达式的通用性应用问题。  相似文献   

基于独立分量分析的人耳识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
徐正光  武楠  穆志纯 《计算机工程》2006,32(19):178-180
应用独立分量分析(ICA)方法从高阶统计相关性角度出发提取人耳图像的特征变量,并采用基于欧氏距离测度的最近距离分类器进行人耳图像的识别。与传统的主成分分析(PCA)方法相比具有更好的鉴别能力。通过与PCA的对比实验结果表明,该方法具有更高的识别率,对姿态和光照的变化也具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

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