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通过测定蓬莱各基地不同品种葡萄叶柄硝态氮含量,表明基地正常施肥 微肥可以明显提高树体内氮素水平,叶面施肥有效作用期很短;在蓬莱特定自然地理条件下相同品种不同品系间叶柄硝态氮含量存在差异;相同接穗嫁接在不同砧木上,叶柄硝态氮含量受砧木根系构型和土壤氮素分布的双重影响;不同品种由于生长势和结实能力的差异,吸收氮素的能力也有很大差别。  相似文献   

葡萄叶柄中硝态氮含量与产量及果实含糖量关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在田间条件下研究了高宽垂栽培的玫瑰香葡萄株施0、50、100、150克尿素的叶柄中NO_3~--N含量及其与株产量、果实含糖量间的关系.结果表明,葡萄花期叶柄中NO_3~--N水平与氮肥施用量呈正相关,但株产、果实含糖量均以株施100克尿素处理最高,与其相应叶柄中NO_3~--N含量为1304±72ppm.  相似文献   

本文总结了葡萄砧木对嫁接品种果实品质影响的国内外研究进展,包括砧木对产量、穗重和粒重、果实糖酸、硬度、色泽、成熟度、贮藏期与酿酒品质等重要性状的影响.  相似文献   

研究了硝态氮对Nannochloropsis oculata C170细胞生长及胞内组分合成的影响。以硝酸钠为氮源考察不同氮浓度下藻细胞生长、氮消耗及油脂含量变化,并在此基础上分析氮限制处理时油脂、总糖及蛋白等胞内组分合成差异。结果表明:N.oculata C170在42.5mg/L氮浓度时生长最佳,其生物量、比生长速率及产率最高,分别为0.59g/L、0.275d-1和50.98mg/(L·d)。油脂含量与氮浓度呈明显负相关,氮浓度为12.5mg/L时,油脂含量和产率最高,分别为29.17%和11.40mg/(L·d)。而胞内多不饱和脂肪酸比例随着氮浓度的升高显著增加,其中EPA含量由8.06%升高到18.76%。此外藻细胞在限氮培养时,其油脂含量增加至23.07%,为最初含量的2.8倍,同时总糖含量升高了76%左右,叶绿素a和蛋白含量则分别下降了大约29%和24%。高浓度硝态氮有利于N.oculata C170细胞生长及胞内EPA积累,低浓度硝态氮诱导藻细胞油脂积累并与糖类合成、色素和蛋白降解相关联。   相似文献   

对水溶性肥料硝态氮含量的测定标准(NY/T 1116—2006)进行了改进:将提取酸乙酸改为盐酸,提高了提取率;在处理样品过程中,用超声5 min代替标准中的振荡30 min,节约时间。改进以后,增加了实验的准确性,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

土壤中的营养成分主要是氮、磷、钾,而氮的含量直接影响到植物的生长,因此,快速、准确地检测氮含量是改善植物生长环境的关键。以GB/T 32737-2016和HJ634-2012为指导,依据土壤GB15618-1995规定的检验方法,利用土壤浸出液中硝酸根离子在220nm波长附近有明显吸收且吸光度大小与硝酸根离子浓度成正比的特性,对硝态氮含量进行定量检测。  相似文献   

KNO3对福建龙岩烤烟品质影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过不同硝态氮比例施用试验。结果表明,施用一定量的硝酸钾能提高烟叶品质。随着硝态氮施用比例的增加。烟碱尤其是上部叶烟碱含量呈下降趋势,烟叶的还原糖和钾含量呈上升趋势。为协调烟叶的糖碱比,龙岩烟区大田生产硝态氮的施用比例以占总施氮量的35%为宜。  相似文献   

污泥干化床技术是通过竖式强化渗滤自然对污泥进行干化的技术。考察覆膜人工滤层干化床处理污泥的效果,并进行评价。将污泥按照一定的周期布向湿地表面,此时污泥中的水分经填料层和后期形成的积存污泥层渗透后,可以通过排水管出流;污泥中的较大固体物质不能完全通过,会被截留在床体表面,通过水面蒸发和干化两种方式进行脱水和稳定。通过合理的设计和运行,其使用周期可达8-10年,其后可清空稳定化污泥并进入下一个使用周期。稳定有效的处理了污泥,本实验通过对渗滤液中硝态氮的检测可以分析干化床对污泥的净化作用。  相似文献   

施氮方式对烤烟氮素吸收积累及品质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
试验研究了不同施氮量和基追肥比例对烟株氮素吸收累积、土壤硝态氮、品质及产量的影响。结果表明,不同处理对烤烟生长前期干物质积累量、烟株氮素含量和氮素累积量无明显影响,减少氮肥用量与基肥用量降低了成熟期叶片氮素含量和氮素累积量,减少氮肥用量显著降低了生长前期和后期的土壤硝态氮含量。随施氮量的增加,烤后烟叶还原糖含量、糖碱比表现为下降趋势,而总植物碱、总氮含量表现为增加趋势。相同施氮量基追肥比例为30:70处理的还原糖含量、糖碱比较大,总植物碱含量、总氮含量较小,香气质、余味得分较高。施纯氮90 kg/hm2,基追肥比例为50:50和30:70的处理经济效益明显增加。本试验条件下,兼顾烟叶产量与品质的最佳氮肥运筹模式为施纯氮90 kg/hm2,基追肥比例为30:70。  相似文献   

砧木对酿酒葡萄生长和结果状况的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以SO4、5BB两种砧木与宁夏主栽的赤霞珠、美乐、霞多丽进行绿枝嫁接,研究砧木对酿酒葡萄生长、果实品质的影响。结果表明,对于同一接穗品种,以5BB为砧木越冬保存率高,接穗与砧木增粗的速度接近,亲和性更好。SO4和5BB两种砧木显著增加赤霞珠葡萄的单粒质量,但对3个品种的穗质量没有明显影响。5BB做砧木提高霞多丽、赤霞珠可溶性固形物含量,降低霞多丽、美乐可滴定酸含量;以SO4为砧木显著降低3个品种可溶性固形物含量,提高赤霞珠酸含量。综合来看,以5BB为砧木可提高果实品质,而SO4为砧木降低果实品质或推迟成熟。  相似文献   

SO4和贝达砧木对鄞红葡萄生长与果实品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以SO4和贝达砧木嫁接鄞红葡萄,研究这两种砧木对鄞红葡萄生长和果实品质的影响.结果表明,与自根苗相比,嫁接SO4和贝达砧木的鄞红葡萄萌芽和结实状况良好,果实着色均匀,叶片叶绿素、可溶性固形物、总糖和产量均较自根苗增加,是平原水网地区鄞红葡萄的优良砧木.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Within-site comparisons were made of rootstock effects on yield, and chloride and sodium concentrations in petioles, juice and wine of Shiraz and Chardonnay vines at sites with irrigation water salinities (ECiw) ranging from low (0.4 dS/m) to moderate-high (1.8 to 3.3 dS/m). It also compared consistency of yield performance of the various rootstocks with both scions over 8 years at one site with an ECiw of 2.1 dS/m. Methods and Results: Chardonnay and Shiraz on own roots and on Ramsey, 1103 Paulsen, 140 Ruggeri, K51-40, Schwarzmann, 101-14, Rupestris St. George and 1202 Couderc were compared. Ramsey resulted in better yields relative to most of the other rootstocks at three of the four sites for each scion. Exceptions were the low salinity site where Schwarzmann was best with Chardonnay, and Padthaway where 140 Ruggeri was best with Shiraz. Chardonnay wine chloride concentrations were similar to grape juice chloride concentrations, but Shiraz wine chloride concentrations were on average 1.7-fold higher than grape juice chloride. Conclusions: Shiraz on own roots, K51-40 and 1202C rootstocks carry some risk of accumulating unacceptable levels of chloride in grape juice and wine when the salinity of the irrigation water is at moderate to high levels. Rootstocks K51-40 (with Chardonnay and Shiraz) and potentially 101-14 (with Shiraz) should be avoided in situations of long term irrigation with moderate to high salinity water. Significance of the Study: The study identifies rootstocks with acceptable yields and grape juice chloride concentrations for potential use in regions affected by salinity.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: It is commonly thought that grapevine rootstocks vary in their tolerance to drought. This study examined the interaction between various applied water amounts and productivity of Cabernet Sauvignon grafted onto five rootstocks. Methods and Results: The commercial vineyard used in this study was located along the central coast of California. The rootstocks used were Teleki 5C, 110 Ricter, 140 Ruggeri, 1103 Paulson and Freedom. Irrigation amounts ranged from 0.25 up to 1.25 of estimated vineyard evapotranspiration. Midday leaf water potential (Ψl), was significantly affected by irrigation treatment but not by rootstock. There was a significant effect of irrigation treatment and rootstock on berry weight, number of bunches per vine and yield but no interaction between those two factors. The rootstock 5C had the lowest yield compared with the other rootstocks. Yield at the 0.25 irrigation level was approximately 62% of the yield at the 1.25 irrigation level across rootstocks. Irrigation treatment was the only factor that significantly affected soluble solids in the fruit. There was a significant interaction between rootstock and irrigation amount on pruning weights. Berry weight, yield and pruning weights were linearly correlated with midday Ψl across rootstock and year. Conclusions: The results indicate that the rootstocks producing greater yields at the highest applied water amounts also produced greater yields when deficit irrigated. Significance of the Study: Under both stressed and non-stressed conditions, the rootstocks with the highest yield were those with the greatest number of bunches.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Traditionally, the start of cane pruning is delayed until after leaf fall, when carbohydrate accumulation and cane maturity are complete. However, by starting immediately after harvest, the period for pruning may be increased by at least 4 weeks, reducing peak labour demands. Trials were conducted to investigate the consequences of various pruning times on vine phenology and yield. Methods and Results: Vines were pruned using 2‐ or 4‐canes at one of four times during the winter from shortly after harvest to just before bud break in the spring. Pruning shortly after harvest caused no significant adverse effects on vine phenology or productivity. Pruning just before bud break delayed vine development. Stored total carbohydrate concentrations in the trunk were unaffected by pruning time or cane number retained after pruning. Conclusions: Carbohydrates accumulated in the trunks of grapevines to adequate levels by harvest and any post‐harvest photosynthesis and/or cane maturation that may be occurring at this time had little effect on subsequent vine growth and development. Pruning shortly before bud break delayed bud break and may be an advantage where vines are at risk to spring frosts. Significance of Study: In cool climates where leaves senesce shortly after harvest, pruning immediately after harvest will have no adverse effects on subsequent vine phenology or yield, but will extend the period available to prune the vines, reducing the peak labour demand in the vineyard. Pruning late, slightly delays bud break potentially providing greater tolerance to late spring frosts.  相似文献   

赤霞珠不同砧穗组合对中后期光合能力及果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨砧木和品系对葡萄生长发育的影响,以赤霞珠葡萄的不同砧穗组合为试材,测定其生长季中后期光合荧光参数、果实品质及休眠期枝条和根系贮藏营养。结果表明:相同品系不同砧木,CS-169/SO4组合中期(8月份)光合速率最高,而CS-169/1103P组合后期(9、10月份)光合速率最高;CS-169/1103P组合的Fv/Fo、Fm、ETR、ΦPSⅡ指标在不同时期均处于最高水平;同一砧木不同品系光合和荧光参数均以CS-169品系优于R5、FV5品系;以1103P为砧木的果实糖含量高于SO4砧,不同品系CS-169CS-FV5CS-R5,组合CS-169/SO4果实酸含量最高;枝条和根系的贮藏C、N营养以CS-169/1103P组合含量最高。综合看,砧木的影响大于品系,赤霞珠以1103P为砧木的各砧穗组合在光合荧光特性、果实品质、树体贮藏营养方面优于以SO4为砧木的组合。  相似文献   

山葡萄单株留果量对产量和果实品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为提高山葡萄生产栽培果实质量和产量,以双红、双优和左优红为试材,进行单株不同留果量的试验。结果表明:随着单株留果量和产量的增多,植株萌芽率、穗重、粒重、果实含糖量和出汁率大幅度降低,而果穗小青粒和果实总酸大幅度增高;适宜的单株留果量为50~70个。  相似文献   

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