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棕榈科植物多产于热带,喜高温、高湿和避风向阳,在我国北方主要以盆栽方式进行培育,用于室外摆放观赏或室内装饰。主要盆栽品种有:假槟榔、鱼尾葵、散尾葵(、蒲葵,长叶刺葵、棕竹、王棕和棕榈)。  相似文献   

伍有声  刘东明 《园林》2000,(5):18-19
棕榈科植物种类多,资源丰富,用途广,经济价值高。近年来,棕榈科植物的引种、推广应用和产销交流日益发展,不少病虫害也随之传播蔓延。现将作者在广州、中山等地对棕榈科植物害虫发生的新情况的初步调查结果简报如下: 红棕象甲(Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) 属鞘翅目象虫科,在国外主要分布于南亚及东南亚各国,国内主要分布海南省和台湾省。它是椰子、油棕、海枣及其它棕榈科植物的主要害虫,近年在中山  相似文献   

曾宋君 《园林》2003,(9):35-35
夏威夷椰子(Chamaedoreaseifrizii)又名绿茎坎棕、根坎棕、雪佛里椰子、竹茎玲珑椰子等。棕榈科坎棕属本本丛生灌木。本属植物有100多种,其中观赏价值较高的除大家熟悉的袖珍椰子(C.elegans)外,还有缨珞椰子(C.cataractatum)竹茎椰子(C.elegans)墨西哥玲珑椰子(C.tepejilote)等。夏威夷椰子茎干细直而翠绿,极似竹秆,绿色,株高1~3米。茎  相似文献   

问:如何栽养夏威夷椰子? 答:夏威夷棷子又称竹茎玲珑椰子、竹榈,为棕榈科欧洲矮棕属植物。夏威夷棷子丛生的茎干青翠如竹,羽状的叶片优雅婆娑,是近年引进的室内观叶植物。夏威夷棷子的栽养要点为: 1.夏威夷椰子喜温暖,其生长的适宜温度为20~30℃,越冬温度为5℃。越冬期间应注意保暖。  相似文献   

雷洽祥 《园林》2003,(3):30-30
袖珍椰子(Chamaedorea elegans),又称袖珍椰子葵、矮生椰子,为棕榈科袖珍椰子属观叶植物。多年生直立单生常绿矮生小灌木,茎干直立,不分枝,株形玲珑矮小,株高25~35厘米,盆栽高度一般不超过100厘米。叶片着生于枝干顶,羽状全裂。肉穗花序腋生,雌雄异株,雄花序直立,雌花序营养条件好时稍下垂,春季开花,浆果成熟时橙黄色。它  相似文献   

鞠瑞亭 《园林》2010,(6):60-61
红棕象甲(Rhynchophorus ferrugineus)又名锈色棕榈象、椰子隐喙象、椰子甲虫、亚洲棕榈象甲等,是危害椰子树和其它棕榈科植物的重要害虫,对10年以下树龄的幼年椰树的危害最大。  相似文献   

第十七讲 植保月月谈 说说红棕象甲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鞠瑞亭 《园林》2010,(6):60-61
红棕象甲(Rhynchophorus ferrugineus)又名锈色棕榈象、椰子隐喙象、椰子甲虫、亚洲棕榈象甲等,是危害椰子树和其它棕榈科植物的重要害虫,对10年以下树龄的幼年椰树的危害最大。  相似文献   

舒迎澜 《园林》2007,(4):40-41
椰子属椰子属,系单子叶植物棕榈科的常绿经济果树和观光林木。乔木,茎直立,有轮状叶痕。无分枝,叶大型,羽状全裂。成年植株能在叶丛中发出具佛焰苞的圆锥花序,花序大型、舟状、木质。雌雄同株或异株,花单性,稀两性,通常雌花着生于花序下部,雄花生于  相似文献   

张鲁归 《园林》2006,(3):40-42
问:棕榈类植物的叶片主要有哪些类型? 答:棕榈类植物的叶片根据分裂的情况,可分为两种类型:一种是掌状分裂或掌状脉但不分裂的叶片,习惯上称其为"棕"、"榈"或"葵",如琼棕、箬棕、扇叶轴榈、狭叶轴榈、蒲葵、老人葵等;另一种是羽状分裂或羽状脉但不分裂的叶片,习惯上称其为"椰"、"榈"或"葵",如国王椰子、三角椰子、泰氏榈、马提尼榈、散尾葵、金帝葵等。  相似文献   

棕竹又名观音竹、棕榈竹,因植株矮小又称矮棕竹。它系棕榈科棕竹属,多年生常绿灌木。原产我国南部至西南各省。不分枝,有节状竹秆,外包纤维质网状竹鞘,植株似棕榈而小,且柔软,多株丛生,株形紧密而秀丽,叶四面张开,似棕榈叶而小,叶质薄而有光泽,翠绿怡人,不但清雅秀丽,还能粗生粗长,很少虫  相似文献   


Lovegrass (Eragrostis plana) is the most important invasive plant in pastures of southern Brazil. The research evaluated the potential of Ruta graveolens (rue) and Schinus terebinthifolius (Brazilian peppertree) essential oils (EOs) to inhibit germination and initial development of lovegrass. The in vitro treatments tested were control (distilled water), alcohol control, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1% (v/v) of both EOs. Higher concentrations of these EOs were applied to germinated plants under greenhouse conditions. The EOs of both species were effective in reducing lovegrass germination, with emphasis on rue. Height and shoot dry mass, at greenhouse conditions, were significantly reduced by both EOs, especially when applied at a concentration of 1%. The results point to the potential of rue and Brazilian peppertree EOs for the formulation of natural herbicides.  相似文献   

张梁  龙岳林  郭强 《山西建筑》2011,37(13):201-203
通过对温室生态餐厅进行实地调查研究,分析了温室生态餐厅植物景观的作用,明确了温室生态餐厅的植物种类,提出了不同功能空间的植物景观配置模式,从而为温室生态餐厅营造科学的植物景观。  相似文献   

Cities in Latin America have a crucial role to play in climate change. Urban areas are the main emitters of greenhouse gases, while being vulnerable to severe weather conditions such as floods, heat waves and tropical storms that environmental shifts are expected to trigger. Patricia Romero-Lankao outlines the background to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, while highlighting how development in Latin America presents unique opportunities for mitigating potential damage to the environment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The application of greenhouse technology in the field of floriculture is rapidly expanding worldwide. In India solar radiation is abundant and the climate in the plains are rather hot and dry in summer months while the coastal parts witness a hot and humid climate. For greenhouses in such climates, cooling and ventilation are major factors influencing the production of quality flowers. In the present paper a thermal model of a greenhouse is presented based on fan–pad evaporative cooling. Thermal performance of the greenhouse, as predicted by the model under different climatic conditions is analyzed and compared with a reference study available in the literature. The analysis reveals that a suitable combination of evaporative cooling, shading and ventilation arrangements can effectively maintain the inside microclimate of the greenhouse within permissible limits throughout the year.  相似文献   


Palm squirrels of the genus Funambulus are reported as invasive in the Sultanate of Oman for the first time. These squirrels have been recorded in seven locations in northern Oman contributing to a total of 11 records. Seven records were of the Five-striped northern palm squirrel, Funambulus pennantii (Wroughton, 1905) and species identification was indeterminate for four records. Funambulus pennantii was supposed to be the only species in United Arab Emirates (UAE), but here evidence is shown for the presence of the Three-striped Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus palmarum (Linnaeus, 1776) in Ras Al Khaimah. So, there is a possibility that this species may also occur in Oman. These palm squirrels are feeding on the fruits of Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf. and the date palm, Phoenix dactylifera (L.) Mill. There is an indication that these species could become pests on date palms. Their abundance is low at present in Oman, but they are well established in the adjacent UAE from where sustained invasion is possible. They are also available through pet shops in Oman. The invasion of Oman by the palm squirrels is in its infancy and strategies should be formulated to eradicate/control them as a matter of priority.  相似文献   

An experimental system was developed and tested in order to investigate the exergetic performance of a solar photovoltaic system (PV) assisted earth-to-air heat exchanger (under ground air tunnel) that is used for greenhouse cooling at the Solar Energy Institute, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey. This system was under operational conditions successfully during the 2010 summer cooling season. This paper provides the experimental results obtained between 18th of August and 26th of August of in 2010. Exergy destruction in the system was calculated and presented in this paper using a reference temperature of 15 °C. Results are discussed and interpreted in the paper for various performance metrics, such as the effect of climatic conditions and operating conditions on the system performance. Results show that the system may be satisfactorily used for greenhouse cooling in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions of Turkey.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional isothermal flow patterns and mass fluxes in a full-scale, pitched-roof, single-span greenhouse were numerically resolved, and data from tests on a full scale were used to validate the code, the inlet boundary conditions and the greenhouse design grid method. For numerical solution of turbulent flow, a high-Reynolds-number k-ε model is suitable. Computational domain sizes were selected so as to fulfil the requirements of free-stream conditions whilst ensuring that grid geometrical characteristics satisfy the physical limitations of the standard k-ε model. A special feature of a case of a wind blowing parallel to a ridge (0°) is that the flow in the leeward half of the greenhouse comprises two vortexes with opposite senses of rotation, which bring in air mass through the vents and deliver it to the windward half. A spiral type of flow was found for winds blowing at 15-75° to the ridge direction: part of the air enters via the windward wall vent near the leeward gable-wall and emerges through the leeward roof vent near the windward gable-wall.Mass fluxes and flow patterns on wind direction, and on the opening angles of the windward and leeward vents. Thus, the ventilation rate induced by a wind directed perpendicularly to the greenhouse ridge is 4-4.9 times as great as that induced by a wind parallel to the ridge. A ventilation rate of a simulated greenhouse type was found to be significantly less responsive to a change in wind direction from 45° to 90° than to one from 0° to 45°. Present numerical results are in good agreement with those of other experiments and observations.  相似文献   

温室结构设计中雪荷载取值方法的初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析比较国外关于温室建筑及我国工业与民用建筑结构荷载规范的基础上 ,针对温室结构设计中雪荷载的定义方法、计算取值等进行了较深入的探讨 ;同时结合工程实践 ,提出了一套适合我国温室结构设计中雪荷载取值的一般原则 :在现有条件下 ,考虑重要性因子、暴露因子和热因子 ,按中国建筑结构荷载规范 (GB5 0 0 0 9- 2 0 0 1)计算雪荷载是可行的  相似文献   

Greenhouse technology is an effective method of cultivation of flowers, crops, etc. under controlled environment. For any greenhouse, ventilation performance is a major factor in production, influencing the yield and quality of the products. Natural ventilation can be effectively used to maintain greenhouse microclimate, conducive to plant growth, when the ambient conditions are not extreme. The present paper discusses the modeling aspects of a floriculture greenhouse suitable for operation in typical Indian climate under natural ventilation. Combined ridge and sidewall ventilation is considered in the model. The model is validated against the test results of an experimental greenhouse. Parametric analysis is also done to understand the effects of variations in parameters such as wind speed, solar radiation intensity, effective greenhouse height etc. The study reveals that the performance of a greenhouse under natural ventilation is influenced considerably by parameters such as intensity of solar radiation, effective distance between the side and the roof vents, free wind speed etc.  相似文献   

Greenhouse technology is a viable option for sustainable crop production in the regions of adverse climatic conditions. High summer temperature is a major setback for successful greenhouse crop production throughout year. The main intent of the paper is to present a comprehensive review on the design and technology for cooling of greenhouse during summer months. Effect of characteristic design parameters on greenhouse microclimate and the applicable cooling technologies have been discussed. A detailed survey of literature revealed that, apart from cooling, studies on greenhouse design, evaluation of new cladding materials for greenhouse covering and natural ventilation with respect to local climate and agronomic condition is necessary to achieve desirable benefits. Analysis of the earlier studies revealed that a naturally ventilated greenhouse with larger ventilation areas (15-30%), provided at the ridge and sides covered with insect-proof nets of 20-40 mesh size with covering material properties of NIR (near infrared radiation) reflection during the day and FIR (far infrared radiation) reflection during night is suitable for greenhouse production throughout year in tropical and subtropical regions. Based on the review, salient areas in need of further research are focused.  相似文献   

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