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生命周期评价通过对建筑产品从原材料挖掘到报废拆除整个生命期的分析,为全面衡量建筑的可持续能力提供了工具。在介绍生命周期评价概念和理论框架的基础上,对生命周期评价三种主要模型(过程生命周期评价模型、投入-产出生命周期评价模型、混合生命周期评价模型)的内容与特点进行了总结。针对目前国内外研究现状,回顾了生命周期评价在建筑材料与部品和整体建筑产品的应用,对生命周期评价在建筑领域中的发展给予展望。研究深入了当前对于生命期评价理论的认识与了解,指明了全生命周期评价模型在建筑可持续能力评估方面的优点与不足,推动了全生命周期评价理论在我国的丰富与发展  相似文献   

工程建设项目的能源消耗和污染物排放给环境带来巨大的影响。从建设项目全生命周期角度出发,运用BIM 技术及工具构建建设项目的多维信息模型,并进一步定义BIM 模型元素和建筑材料的关系,量化建筑物建筑材料的环境影响,运用层次分析法建立建设项目环境影响评价指标库。以南京市某大学在建的科研用楼设计方案为例,建模并进行计算,分析建筑物对环境影响重要因素,为建设项目全生命周期环境影响评价提供新思路,为建筑物设计阶段的方案优化提供理论支持。  相似文献   

被动式超低能耗建筑通过被动式设计策略、高性能的围护结构和高效的设备体系降低其使用阶段能耗。零能耗建筑在此基础上,采用太阳能光伏发电等可再生能源系统,进一步降低不可再生能源消耗。这两类节能建筑的材料和设备系统的隐含能耗、环境影响和成本通常高于一般建筑,同时对构件的后期维护和替换提出了更高的要求。因此,有必要从生命周期的范畴分析其环境和经济效益。建筑信息模型(BIM)能够为建筑项目的建造、运行和拆解等阶段提供多专业共享的数据平台。本文基于BIM,通过LCA和LCC方法对一座小型住宅建筑在不同节能目标情景下的生命周期全球变暖潜势值(GWP)、一次能耗(PE)和成本(LCC)进行分析和比较。结果表明,零能耗乃至正能源建筑在降低一次能耗和GWP方面具有明显优势,被动式超低能耗建筑也具有良好的环境效益。在经济效益方面,由于住宅建筑能源价格较低,如果按近年的价格指数计算,零能耗建筑和被动式超低能耗建筑的初建成本和后期构件替换成本增量将抵消其使用阶段节约的能耗成本,因此生命周期成本高于普通节能建筑。如果未来50年能源价格涨幅超过建筑安装价格涨幅,那么零能耗建筑在生命周期成本方面将具有优势。  相似文献   

建筑围护结构保温层厚度的经济性优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王飞  苏向辉 《建筑节能》2008,36(1):40-43,65
从保温材料的生命周期评价理论出发,建立外墙保温层厚度的经济数学模型,得到保温材料的经济厚度计算公式,使外墙在建筑生命周期中总费用最小.利用该数学模型,以徐州为例,计算某种墙体的保温层经济厚度,并给出不同燃料对保温层厚度的影响.  相似文献   

Australia has increasingly been dependent on the interest and capacity of community organisations across the country in order to accomplish environmental sustainability initiatives (e.g. urban nature protection). A comprehensive understanding of how these organisations thrive can be valuable not only for cities like Perth, where two-thirds of bushlands and wetlands have been lost in the past 150 years, but also for government strategies that seek to support these initiatives. This article draws on a systems perspective and utilises a mixed-methods approach to assess the organisational capacity–viability nexus. Findings suggest that inter-organisational ties facilitate a continuous positive feedback mechanism whereby organisations are able to acquire enough inputs and yield significant environmental outputs so that they can keep functioning until their missions are fulfilled. Based on the evidence the article discusses the potential ways to secure the future of urban environmental sustainability initiatives in Perth and beyond.  相似文献   

李芳  周伟国 《上海煤气》2007,(4):1-3,23
通过建立二甲醚作为燃料应用的生命周期方法框架,对LCA方法进行了一股性阐述,定性给出研究二甲醚的环境的影响评价的方法论,建立研究模型。  相似文献   

随着城镇建设的快速发展,建筑垃圾剧增,对环境和社会的影响越加严重,建筑垃圾的减量化、资源化和再利用成为建筑业可持续发展亟待解决的问题。免烧免蒸砖是一种替代传统粘土实心砖的新型墙体材料,有利于节能、节地、利废,促进循环经济发展,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。文章通过对建筑垃圾制免烧免蒸砖生产工艺的调查,系统分析了生产过程的各项环境排放因素,并运用生命周期评价理论和方法,对其生产过程的环境影响进行定量研究和综合测算。针对建筑垃圾制免烧免蒸砖的生产过程中主要环境影响因素,包括温室气体和粉尘的排放等,提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

基于生命周期评价方法量化分析典型企业生产建筑岩棉板“从摇篮到大门”的资源/能源消耗、污染物排放及潜在环境影响,辨识影响岩棉板产品环境负荷的关键过程及企业间差异性的主要因素。结果显示,岩棉板生产过程对全球变暖的环境影响贡献最大;原材料生产过程对矿产资源耗竭、化石能源耗竭及人体毒性的环境影响贡献显著;能源生产过程对颗粒物形成及陆地生态系统酸化的环境影响贡献最大;单位产品的能源消耗强度及玄武岩/树脂用量是造成不同企业岩棉产品环境影响差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

王先成 《城市建筑》2014,(11):62-62
近年来,随着我国国民经济的不断提高,人们更多的选择是到城市发展。因此,城市化问题也越来越得到关注。由于城市周边也在不断地被开发,因此城市规划与规划环评的工作更是得到了业界内外人士的关注。  相似文献   

The use of dwellings contributes significantly to human-induced environmental burden in a number of ways, including energy consumption and the maintenance and replacement of building components. The present study deals with the maintenance and replacement of external doors and windows in a Dutch reference dwelling and describes how life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology can be applied to quantitatively assess the environmental impact of various maintenance scenarios for the façade components. First, the most effective way to reduce the negative environmental impact in this context is to replace existing single and double glazing with high efficiency double glazing, thereby reducing energy consumption for space heating. Second, the use of timber frames causes less environmental impact than PVC frames with a steel core. Third, extending the service life of building components decreases the input of material resources, production processes and the waste processing of building components during the service life of a dwelling, which is beneficial to the environment. Maintenance activities should only be performed when needed, keeping the building components in good condition while minimising the transportation movements of maintenance workers. Finally, protecting timber components with an alternative paint that contains less solvent does not lower the assessed environmental impact, but low-solvent paint may be preferred because of health aspects both for maintenance workers and occupants of the dwelling.  相似文献   

Energy consumption in dwellings contributes significantly to their total negative environmental impact. This paper quantitatively assesses the environmental impact of building-related and user-related gas and electricity consumption in a Dutch apartment dwelling using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. Several scenarios for gas and electricity consumption are compared to assess what effect changes in building characteristics and user behaviour have on the environmental impacts of energy consumption. This study shows that gas consumption significantly contributes to four environmental impact categories, which can be most effectively countered by reducing the heat demand of the dwelling. A 23% reduction in gas consumption leads to up to 13% less overall environmental impacts. Particularly in buildings with low heat demand, electricity consumption dominates all environmental impact categories. These can most effectively be reduced by changing the electricity demand of the user: 47% less electricity consumption leads to a 9–45% reduction in the total environmental impact. However, since electricity consumption continues to rise, the environmental effects of electricity use may be better reduced by changing the environmental impact of the electricity supply. Theoretically, when electricity consumption remains the same, over 90% less environmental impact could be reached by using 100% wind power to generate electricity.  相似文献   

Life cycle cost (LCC) is a significant consideration in any decision-making process. Although a body of knowledge exists on LCC in construction, little exists on the uncertainties during the operational period. A case study of French high-rise social housing is examined to identify some factors causing uncertainty. The historical data from these buildings are analysed to estimate the impact of some external factors (functional changes, technological changes, and regulatory changes) on the life cycle cost. New formulae for integrating this impact into the calculation of LCC are proposed and cost indicators are suggested for the LCC evaluation of similar buildings. The findings are a step towards a higher level of reliability in LCC evaluation taking account of some usually unexpected uncertainty factors.

Le coût du cycle de vie (CCV) est un facteur important à prendre en considération dans tout processus de prise de décision. Bien qu'un corpus de connaissances existe sur le CCV dans l'industrie du bâtiment, il y a peu de choses sur les incertitudes pendant la période d'exploitation. Une étude de cas sur le logement social dans les grands ensembles français est examinée afin d'identifier certains facteurs qui sont sources d'incertitude. Les données historiques provenant de ces immeubles sont analysées afin d'estimer l'impact de certains facteurs extérieurs (changements fonctionnels, changements technologiques et changements réglementaires) sur le coût du cycle de vie. De nouvelles formules permettant d'intégrer cet impact dans le calcul du CCV sont proposées et il est suggéré des indicateurs de coût pour l'évaluation du CCV d'immeubles similaires. Les résultats constituent un pas vers un niveau accru de fiabilité dans l'évaluation du CCV, tenant compte de certains facteurs d'incertitude généralement imprévus.

Mots clés: gestion d'actifs, entretien d'immeubles, gestion globale de bâtiments, logement, coût du cycle de vie (CCV), durée, incertitude  相似文献   

研究对象为上海地区高层建筑的并网光伏墙发电系统,系统为BAPV形式,以经济性和环境效益作为主要评价指标对系统进行分析。分析结果表明:光伏墙BAPV系统在国家和上海市的政策补贴下具有较佳的经济性,投资回收期为14年,单位净现值为3.90元/Wp,总投资回报率为45.3%;与传统煤炭电力系统相比共减少23 513.1 kg环境污染物的排放,相当于价值2 841.6元的环境减排效益,十分可观。若不考虑现有政府的政策扶持,就光伏发电成本本身依然过高,不利于光伏发电的推广和普及。  相似文献   


Since the 1970s, intense discussions have occurred within the research and practitioner communities on how to assess and influence the environmental performance of buildings. Many different methods, criteria and tools were developed to raise awareness, enable goal formulation, support design and decision-making processes, and evaluate a building’s environmental performance. This development can be retraced through the example of the works of Raymond J. Cole, who made an important contribution to this scientific debate. The integration of environmental performance into a sustainability assessment, the ongoing development of life cycle assessment (LCA) methods, and clients’, financiers’ and assessors’ different demands for environmental performance assessment, raise additional questions and highlight the conflicting goals. Six topics are examined in relation to current developments: the further development of the classic ‘three pillars’ sustainability model; the suitability of assessment criteria and indicators; the handling of technological progress; the discounting of environmental impacts; the environmental assessment of existing buildings; and the further development of legal requirements. ‘Time’ is a key factor relating to LCA, weighing current versus future emissions, ecological value and recycling potential of existing buildings or ‘options’ for different ways to use the building in future. Recommended actions are provided for key stakeholders.  相似文献   

建筑信息模型在工程项目管理中的研究和应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从建筑信息模型的定义和发展现状出发,阐述了建筑信息模型在建设工程项目管理全寿命周期中的应用流程和特点,分析了工程项目管理信息系统框架,并对框架中各个模块的作用一一作了介绍.  相似文献   

Does passive housing really have better environmental performance than conventional housing? Three passive houses and four conventional houses were compared using a life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The comparison also provided an actor analysis for the building supply chain and building inhabitants. Results are presented for two scenarios: ‘conventional choices’ and ‘green choices’ by the actors. The comparison confirms that passive houses have lower energy use than conventional houses, but when the environmental impact of energy production is taken into consideration, the outcome is less clear. Conventional houses can be equally good environmentally in terms of global warming, acidification, or radioactive waste as typical passive houses with electrical heating depending on the actors' choices. Actor analysis shows that inhabitants' and material producers' electricity choice are very important, while other choices (e.g. green transport) are less important. The findings highlight the importance of environmentally responsible decisions throughout the whole life cycle and the need for appropriate behaviours and actions, along with implications for improved communication.

Les logements passifs ont-ils un rendement environnemental vraiment meilleur que les logements classiques ? Trois maisons passives et quatre maisons classiques ont été comparées en utilisant une méthodologie faisant appel à l'analyse du cycle de vie (ACV). Cette comparaison a également fourni une analyse des acteurs concernant la chaîne logistique dans le bâtiment et les habitants des immeubles. Les résultats sont présentés pour deux scénarios, les acteurs opérant dans l'un des « choix classiques » et dans l'autre des « choix verts ». La comparaison confirme que les maisons passives ont une consommation énergétique moindre que les maisons classiques, mais lorsque l'impact environnemental de la production d'énergie est pris en compte, le résultat est moins clair. Selon les choix opérés par les acteurs, les maisons classiques peuvent être aussi bonnes en termes de réchauffement climatique, d'acidification ou de déchets radioactifs que les maisons passives types équipées de chauffage électrique. L'analyse des acteurs montre que les choix faits en matière d'électricité par les habitants et les fabricants de matériaux ont beaucoup d'importance, tandis que les autres choix (par ex. transport vert) sont moins importants. Ces constatations mettent en évidence l'importance de la prise de décisions environnementalement responsables tout au long du cycle de vie, la nécessité de comportements et de mesures adaptés, ainsi que les implications qui en découlent en termes d'amélioration de la communication.

Mots clés: analyse des acteurs, évaluation environnementale, logement, comportement des habitants, analyse du cycle de vie (ACV), bâtiment bas carbone, maison passive  相似文献   

刘洋  杨秋生 《中国园林》2019,35(10):124
城市绿地是重要的绿色基础设施。城市绿地要实现设计目标,保持长久的景观效果离不开持续不断地养护管理,同时管养工作又会带来物资消耗和废弃物排放,对环境造成负面影响。基于生命周期评价方法(LCA),以资源能源消耗和气候变暖潜值作为对环境影响的主要因子,将城市绿地划分为乔木、灌木、地被和草坪层,建立了管养对环境影响的量化模型。以郑州市郑东新区绿地为研究对象,选取34个植物群落(20m×20m)为样本进行了验证,计算得到各植物层管养资源能源消耗和气候变暖潜值特征量以及管养工作标准化加权环境影响指数。结果表明,乔木的管养环境影响指数最低,比群落均值低32%;施肥和垃圾清运是环境影响的主要因素,占群落管养环境影响指数均值的75%以上;与农林业相比,城市绿地管养环境影响指数处中低水平,但资源能源消耗因子的影响指数偏高。基于LCA方法的研究结果可以为城市绿地设计和精细化管理提供量化参考。  相似文献   

What are the limitations of regulatory measures to decrease environmental impacts of buildings? The case of Norway's wood-fired mountain cabins is used to explore whether strict energy-efficiency requirements in building regulations are appropriate and effective. A self-service (holiday) cabin is analysed in three different scenarios. The carbon emissions from the extra material required to meet the new regulations are calculated and compared with the emissions saved by the expected decrease in operational energy demand over a 50-year life cycle. The results show that in all three scenarios the carbon emissions from the extra material use and their transport outweighs the savings from reduced heating. As expected, the frequency of use (occupancy rate) is shown to be an important variable to determine the usefulness of technical upgrading. Alternative measures for decreased environmental impacts are considered. Suggested solutions for long-term reductions in carbon emissions for wood-fired mountain cabins are area efficiency (reduced floor area), low-carbon materials and the reuse of components instead of improved U-values. Regulatory measures that create universal standards for all buildings fail to account for particular circumstances and create revenge effects. Increased flexibility in regulatory mechanisms could reduce these problems.

Quelles sont les limites des mesures réglementaires visant à réduire les incidences environnementales des bâtiments? Le cas des chalets de montagne de Norvège à chauffage au bois est utilisé pour examiner si des obligations strictes d'efficacité énergétique dans la réglementation de la construction sont adaptées et efficaces. Un chalet (de vacances) en libre service est analysé selon trois scénarios différents. Les émissions de carbone provenant des matériaux supplémentaires nécessaires pour satisfaire à la nouvelle réglementation sont calculées et comparées aux émissions économisées par la réduction prévue de la demande d'énergie opérationnelle sur un cycle de vie de 50 ans. Les résultats montrent que dans chacun des trois scénarios les émissions de carbone provenant de l'utilisation de matériaux supplémentaires et de leur transport l'emportent sur les économies provenant des réductions de chauffage. Il est montré que, comme prévu, la fréquence d'utilisation (le taux d'occupation) est une variable importante pour déterminer la mise à niveau technique. Des mesures alternatives propres à réduire les incidences environnementales sont envisagées. Les solutions permettant de réduire sur le long terme les émissions de carbone des chalets de montagne à chauffage au bois sont le rendement de surface (surface au sol réduite), les matériaux bas carbone et la réutilisation des composants plutôt qu'une amélioration du coefficient K. Les mesures réglementaires qui établissent des normes universelles pour tous les bâtiments sont incapables de rendre compte de circonstances particulières et créent des effets pervers. Une plus grande souplesse des mécanismes réglementaires pourrait réduire ces problèmes.

Mots clés: réglementation de la construction?énergie intrinsèque?énergie, incidences environnementales?émissions de gaz à effet de serre?analyse du cycle de vie (ACV)?bâtiments bas carbone  相似文献   

Buildings contribute significantly to the human-induced environmental burden. This comes not only from construction and demolition but also from activities throughout the operational phase – building maintenance and energy use for climate control. This paper describes how life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology can be applied to quantitatively assess the environmental performance of the use and maintenance of heating and ventilation systems. The studied climate systems include individual non-condensing boilers, condensing boilers and heat pumps on exhaust air for heating and hot tap water combined with either collective mechanical exhaust ventilation or individual balanced ventilation with heat recovery. This study shows that a heat pump causes the highest environmental burden of all the assessed climate systems due to the electricity needed for operation, high material content of the system and the refrigerant used. If the electricity used by the heat pump is generated fully by local photovoltaic cells, environmental performance will improve, but not for all environmental impact categories. Climate systems that reduce energy demand for heating, such as ventilation with heat recovery, will reduce the environmental impact related to energy use for space heating. However, if the electricity used to operate the system increases, along with the material content of the systems and distribution networks, other environmental impact categories than those related to space heating will also increase. Finally, maintenance frequency and related transportation of maintenance workers have a marginal effect on total environmental impact.  相似文献   

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