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云计算弹性的资源提供和虚拟机性能的不稳定性使得工作流的执行面临诸多不确定性.针对此问题,考虑执行时间具有不确定性,基于执行时间和代价的同步优化,提出同步满足健壮性的三目标优化工作流调度算法.以满足帕累托最优的均衡最优解集的形式进行建模,以启发式方式对模型求解.为衡量均衡解的质量,设计基于超体积的评估机制,得到冲突目标的...  相似文献   

针对云计算任务调度,提出了一种基于模板的任务调度(Template-based Task Scheduling,TTS)策略。该策略充分考虑了通信开销,在对任务分配进行预处理的基础上实现任务调度,主要分为两步:针对一个任务集合,采用可分任务调度求解子任务大小的方法,求出各个处理机应该分担的任务量模板;根据求出的模板,采用合理的调度算法对任务进行调度,从而得到较优的调度结果。在TTS策略下,对传统贪心算法加以改进,最终提出基于模板的任务调度贪心算法(Template-based Task Scheduling Greedy Algorithm,TTSGdA)。与Min-min算法和遗传算法的对比实验结果表明,TTSGdA能够有效减少任务集合完成时间。  相似文献   

为解决云制造环境下虚拟资源调度存在的算法求解效率不高、模型建立缺乏考虑任务间关系约束和任务间及子任务间的物流时间及成本因素等不足,构建了兼顾交货期时间最小化、服务成本最低化、服务质量最优化为目标的多目标虚拟资源调度模型;采用一种基于项目阶段的双链编码方式进行编码,并提出自适应交叉与变异概率公式,以避免交叉、变异概率始终不变导致算法效率下降与过早收敛的问题;在此基础上利用基于项目阶段的多种交叉变异策略相结合的改进遗传算法进行求解,保证了算法的全局与局部搜索性能。实例结果表明,相比于传统的模型与算法,该模型适用性更强,改进的遗传算法在求解效率、准确度与稳定性方面均有较大提高。  相似文献   

传统移动云计算环境下的任务调度通过random算法来决定任务执行位置,通过动态电压调节技术来调节工作频率,通过任务间的差异性判别进行任务的整合,这往往带来了很多不合理的任务迁移,并导致CPU负载严重,造成了系统损害和大量能耗。针对多工作流任务提出了CCS算法,它包括consolidation算法与多任务并发算法,通过增加任务之间传输与执行的并发性,增加任务集整合的概率,提高任务的处理速率,减少任务的响应时间,增加CPU使用率的同时将主机和内核CPU使用率控制在阈值上限以下,避免CPU过载并根据多任务并发来优化local算法,调整任务执行位置,提高迁移效率的同时也避免了随机算法的局限性,实验结果表明该算法可以有效地提高系统性能,避免CPU过载问题,并且优化了能耗和工作流的完成时间。  相似文献   

The problem of Virtual Machine (VM) placement is critical to the security and efficiency of the cloud infrastructure. Nowadays most research focuses on the influences caused by the deployed VM on the data center load, energy consumption, resource loss, etc. Few works consider the security and privacy issues of the tenant data on the VM. For instance, as the application of virtualization technology, the VM from different tenants may be placed on one physical host. Hence, attackers may steal secrets from other tenants by using the side-channel attack based on the shared physical resources, which will threat the data security of the tenants in the cloud computing. To address the above issues, this paper proposes an efficient and secure VM placement strategy. Firstly, we define the related security and efficiency indices in the cloud computing system. Then, we establish a multi-objective constraint optimization model for the VM placement considering the security and performance of the system, and find resolution towards this model based on the discrete firefly algorithm. The experimental results in OpenStack cloud platform indicates that the above strategy can effectively reduce the possibility of malicious tenants and targeted tenants on the same physical node, and reduce energy consumption and resource loss at the data center.  相似文献   

随着Docker等的问世,基于容器的操作系统级虚拟化技术受到云计算厂商的广泛关注。针对云平台上不同应用领域的数据库容器(面向事务型任务的数据库容器与面向分析型任务的数据库容器)在运行时对宿主机资源需求的差异,提出一种面向容器的数据重分布策略,用于优化容器中数据库服务的性能。实验结果表明,该策略达到了预期效果,可以有效提升容器中数据库服务的性能。  相似文献   

Scheduling large-scale application in heterogeneous grid systems is a fundamental NP-complete problem that is critical to obtain good performance and execution cost. To achieve high performance in a grid system it requires effective task partitioning, resource management and load balancing. The heterogeneous and dynamic nature of a grid, as well as the diverse demands of applications running on the grid, makes grid scheduling a major task. Existing schedulers in wide-area heterogeneous systems require a large amount of information about the application and the grid environment to produce reasonable schedules. However, this required information may not be available, may be too expensive to collect, or may increase the runtime overhead of the scheduler such that the scheduler is rendered ineffective. We believe that no one scheduler is appropriate for all grid systems and applications. This is because while data parallel applications in which further data partitioning is possible can be further improved by efficient management of resources, smart selection of resources and load balancing can be possible, in functional/not-dividable-task parallel applications such partitioning is either not possible or difficult or expensive in term of performance. In this paper, we propose a scheduler for data parallel applications (SDPA) which offers an efficient task partitioning and load balancing strategy for data parallel applications in grid environment. The proposed SDPA offers two major features: maintaining job priority even if insufficient number of free resources is available and pre-task assignment to cut the idle time of nodes. The SDPA selects nodes smartly according to the nature of task and the nodes’ resources availability. Simulation results conducted reveal that SDPA achieves performance improvement over reported strategies in the reviewed literature in terms of execution time, throughput and waiting time.  相似文献   

如何将用户的海量数据以最小的耗时存储到数据中心,是提高云存储效益,解决其发展瓶颈所需考虑的关键问题本文首先证明了云存储环境下资源调度方案的存储最小耗时问题属于一个NPC问题,再针对现有算法对存储调度因素考虑不全面、调度结果易陷入局部最优等问题,提出了一种全新的资源调度算法,该算法首先利用三角模糊数层次分析法全面分析调度影响因素,得到存储节点的判断矩阵,用于构造后续的遗传算法目标函数,再将简单遗传算法从解的编码、交叉变异操作及致死染色体自我改善等角度进行创新,使其适用于云存储环境下的大规模资源调度,最后与OpenStack中的Cinder块存储算法及现有改进算法进行了分析比对,实验结果验证了本文所提算法的有效性,实现了更加高效的资源调度。  相似文献   

The use of smartphones and mobile devices has increased significantly, as have Mobile Cloud Applications based on cloud computing. These applications are used in various fields, including Augmented Reality, E-Transportation, 2D/3-D Games, E-Healthcare, and Education. While existing cloud-based frameworks provide such services on Virtual Machines, they incur problems such as overhead, lengthy boot time, and high costs. To address these issues, the paper proposes a Dynamic Decision-Based Task Scheduling Approach for Microservice-based Mobile Cloud Computing Applications (MSCMCC) that can run delay-sensitive applications and mobility with less cost than existing approaches. The study focuses on Task Offloading problems on heterogeneous Mobile Cloud servers. It proposes a Task Offloading and Microservices based Computational Offloading (TSMCO) framework to solve Task Scheduling in steps such as Resource Matching, Task Sequencing, and Task Offloading. Experimental results show that the proposed MSCMCC and TSMCO enhance Mobile Server Utilization while minimizing costs and improving boot time, resource utilization, and task arrival time for various applications. Specifically, the proposed system effectively reduces the cost of healthcare applications by 25%, augmented reality by 23%, E-Transport tasks by 21%, and 3-D games tasks by 19%, the average boot-time of microservices applications by 17%, resource utilization by 36%, and tasks arrival time by 16%.  相似文献   

Simulated annealing is a naturally serial algorithm, but its behavior can be controlled by the cooling schedule. Genetic algorithm exhibits implicit parallelism and can retain useful redundant information about what is learned from previous searches by its representation in individuals in the population, but GA may lose solutions and substructures due to the disruptive effects of genetic operators and is not easy to regulate GA's convergence. By reasonably combining these two global probabilistic search algorithms, we develop a general, parallel and easily implemented hybrid optimization framework, and apply it to job-shop scheduling problems. Based on effective encoding scheme and some specific optimization operators, some benchmark job-shop scheduling problems are well solved by the hybrid optimization strategy, and the results are competitive with the best literature results. Besides the effectiveness and robustness of the hybrid strategy, the combination of different search mechanisms and structures can relax the parameter-dependence of GA and SA.Scope and purposeJob-shop scheduling problem (JSP) is one of the most well-known machine scheduling problems and one of the strongly NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. Developing effective search methods is always an important and valuable work. The scope and purpose of this paper is to present a parallel and easily implemented hybrid optimization framework, which reasonably combines genetic algorithm with simulated annealing. Based on effective encoding scheme and some specific optimization operators, the job-shop scheduling problems are well solved by the hybrid optimization strategy.  相似文献   

随着云计算的普及,大量的数据处理选择云服务来完成。现有算法较少考虑异构型系统中虚拟机计算能力的不同,导致某些任务等待时间过长。提出了虚拟机负载大小实时调整的算法。对云计算中资源虚拟化特征,给出一种评估虚拟机计算能力的方法。根据虚拟机能力和运行过程中的状态变化,自适应进行任务量大小调整,满足实时要求。通过任务调度,协调任务完成时间,保持各虚拟机负载的动态均衡,缩短长作业的总执行时间,提高了系统的吞吐量和整体服务能力,提升了效益。实验结果表明,本文算法能自适应地调整任务量大小,进行调度,以维持虚拟机负载均衡。  相似文献   

On earliest deadline first scheduling for temporal consistency maintenance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A real-time object is one whose state may become invalid with the passage of time. A temporal validity interval is associated with the object state, and the real-time object is temporally consistent if its temporal validity interval has not expired. Clearly, the problem of maintaining temporal consistency of data is motivated by the need for a real-time system to track its environment correctly. Hence, sensor transactions must be able to execute periodically and also each instance of a transaction should perform the relevant data update before its deadline. Unfortunately, the period and deadline assignment problem for periodic sensor transactions has not received the attention that it deserves. An exception is the More-Less scheme, which uses the Deadline Monotonic (DM) algorithm for scheduling periodic sensor transactions. However, there is no work addressing this problem from the perspective of dynamic priority scheduling. In this paper, we examine the problem of temporal consistency maintenance using the Earliest Deadline First (EDF) algorithm in three steps: First, the problem is transformed to another problem with a sufficient (but not necessary) condition for feasibly assigning periods and deadlines. An optimal solution for the problem can be found in linear time, and the resulting processor utilization is characterized and compared to a traditional approach. Second, an algorithm to search for the optimal periods and deadlines is proposed. The problem can be solved for sensor transactions that require any arbitrary deadlines. However, the optimal algorithm does not scale well when the problem size increases. Hence, thirdly, we propose a heuristic search-based algorithm that is more efficient than the optimal algorithm and is capable of finding a solution if one exists.
Krithi RamamrithamEmail:

An unheard of growth in mobile data traffic has drawn attention from academia and industry. Mobile cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm combining cloud computing and mobile networks to alleviate resource-constrained limitations of mobile devices, which can greatly improve network quality of service and efficiency to make good use of available network resource. Mobile cloud computing not only inherits the advantages of strong computing capacity and massive storage of cloud computing, but also overcomes the time and geographical restrictions, bringing benefits for mobile users to offload complex computation to powerful cloud servers for execution anytime and anywhere. To this end, an optimal task workflow scheduling scheme is proposed for the mobile devices, based on the dynamic voltage and frequency scaling technique and the whale optimization algorithm. Through considering three factors: task execution position, task execution sequence, and operating voltage and frequency of mobile devices, this study makes a tradeoff between performance and energy consumption by solving the joint optimization for task completion time and energy consumption simultaneously. Finally, a series of extensive simulation results has demonstrated and verified the scheme has distinguished performance in terms of efficiency and operational cost, providing feasible solutions to similar optimization problems of mobile cloud computing.  相似文献   

刘卫宁  高龙 《计算机应用》2013,33(8):2140-2142
负载均衡是提高资源利用率和系统稳定性的重要手段。基于改进的自适应变异粒子群算法,提出了一种异构环境下面向集群负载均衡的任务调度策略。在调度策略的设计中,融入了经济学“二八”定律,通过把握用户对集群节点安全性和可靠性的偏好程度并预估任务的负载信息,在保证系统负载尽量均衡的前提下,最小化任务执行时间的同时提高大客户满意度。仿真实验显示,改进的自适应变异粒子群算法比未改进的自适应变异粒子群算法和基本粒子群算法在收敛速度和跳出局部最优两个方面都有更好的表现。结果表明,改进的自适应变异粒子群算法在保证集群负载均衡的同时可以更好地提高云服务提供商的利润空间。  相似文献   

Artificial Intelligence Review - In cloud computing, task scheduling plays a major role and the efficient schedule of tasks can increase the cloud system efficiency. To successfully meet the...  相似文献   

The task scheduling in heterogeneous distributed computing systems plays a crucial role in reducing the makespan and maximizing resource utilization. The diverse nature of the devices in heterogeneous distributed computing systems intensifies the complexity of scheduling the tasks. To overcome this problem, a new list-based static task scheduling algorithm namely Deadline-Aware-Longest-Path-of-all-Predecessors (DA-LPP) is being proposed in this article. In the prioritization phase of the DA-LPP algorithm, the path length of the current task from all its predecessors at each level is computed and among them, the longest path length value is assigned as the rank of the task. This strategy emphasizes the tasks in the critical path. This well-optimized prioritization phase leads to an observable minimization in the makespan of the applications. In the processor selection phase, the DA-LPP algorithm implements the improved insertion-based policy which effectively utilizes the unoccupied leftover free time slots of the processors which improve resource utilization, further least computation cost allocation approach is followed to minimize the overall computation cost of the processors and parental prioritization policy is incorporated to further reduce the scheduling length. To demonstrate the robustness of the proposed algorithm, a synthetic graph generator is used in this experiment to generate a huge variety of graphs. Apart from the synthetic graphs, real-world application graphs like Montage, LIGO, Cybershake, and Epigenomic are also considered to grade the performance of the DA-LPP algorithm. Experimental results of the DA-LPP algorithm show improvement in performance in terms of scheduling length ratio, makespan reduction rate , and resource reduction rate when compared with other algorithms like DQWS, DUCO, DCO and EPRD. The results reveal that for 1000 task set with deadline equals to two times of the critical path, the scheduling length ratio of the DA-LPP algorithm is better than DQWS by 35%, DUCO by 23%, DCO by 26 %, and EPRD by 17%.  相似文献   

The interest for multimedia database management systems has grown rapidly due to the need for the storage of huge volumes of multimedia data in computer systems. An important building block of a multimedia database system is the query processor, and a query optimizer embedded to the query processor is needed to answer user queries efficiently. Query optimization problem has been widely studied for conventional database systems; however it is a new research area for multimedia database systems. Due to the differences in query processing strategies, query optimization techniques used in multimedia database systems are different from those used in traditional databases. In this paper, a query optimization strategy is proposed for processing spatio-temporal queries in video database systems. The proposed strategy includes reordering algorithms to be applied on query execution tree. The performance results obtained by testing the reordering algorithms on different query sets are also presented.  相似文献   

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