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The local approach of cleavage fracture developed by Beremin is applied to the weld metal of welded joints prepared with a fine-grained structural C-Mn steel. The two parameters of the model (cleavage stress and inhomogeneity exponent) are determined by tensile testing of axisymmetry notched specimens.The analytical application of this approach predicts successfully the fracture toughness values found on precracked specimens. The transition and the scatter of the fracture toughness measurements as a function of temperature are correctly estimated for very different specimen geometries (type and in-plane dimensions).It is thus shown that a realistic estimation of the statistical distribution of fracture toughness can be obtained by testing single tensile specimens.  相似文献   

Since the pioneering studies conducted by McClintock, Rice and Tracey on the growth of cavities, many studies have covered modelling of ductile fracture; a non-exhaustive list is given of these studies. In the local approach of fracture, the models are used at the tip of cracks, and in the present state, only relatively simple models can be used to solve fracture problems in a complete manner, from material characterization to the analysis of cracked structures.The paper presents two types of models based on a critical ratio of cavity growth or on continuum damage mechanics. In the framework of the local approach of fracture, their possibilities are presented with constant references to experimental validation studies. This allows conclusions to be drawn regarding the effectiveness of the methods proposed and their undeniable contribution to fracture mechanics.  相似文献   

Cleavage fracture of reactor pressure vessel steels in the upper ductile to brittle transition region generally occurs with prior significant ductile crack growth. For low upper shelf materials and using PreCracked Charpy v-notch (PCCv) specimens that can be obtained from conventional surveillance programs, the effect of prior crack growth could be particularly important. In practice, the shape of the Master Curve and the failure distribution could be affected by ductile crack growth. To quantify the effect in practical applications, the effect of prior ductile on cleavage is evaluated on PCCv specimen.The methodology use finite element calculations to grow a ductile crack and infer the brittle failure probability using the local approach to fracture. It is found that for very low upper shelf toughness materials, ductile crack growth enhances the failure probability, induces a steeper failure distribution and affects the shape of the Master Curve. However, for low toughness materials, the enhanced failure probability due to crack growth is compensated by loss of constraint.  相似文献   

In recent years, several experimental programmes on large-scale specimens have been organized to evaluate the capabilities of the fracture mechanics concepts employed in structural integrity assessment of pressurized water reactor pressure vessels. During the first spinning cylinder test, a geometry effect was revealed experimentally showing the difficulties of transferring toughness data from small-scale to large-scale specimens. An original analysis of this test, by means of a local approach to fracture, is presented in this paper. Both compact tension specimen and spinning cylinder fracture behaviour were computed using a continuum damage mechanics model developed at EDF. We confirmed by numerical analysis that the cylinder's resistance to ductile tearing was considerably larger than in small-scale fracture mechanics specimen tests, about 50%. The final crack growth predicted by the model was close to the experimental value. Discrepancies in J R curves seemed to be due to an effect of stress triaxiality and plastic zone evolution. The geometry effect inducing differences in resistance to ductile tearing of the material involved in the specimens can be investigated and explained using a local approach to fracture methodology.  相似文献   

This contribution describes a method for the determination of the J-integral as a function of the load-line displacement for arbitrary specimen geometries.A correspondence could be found between the approximation method and the results determining with the Rice integral by means of a FE-calculation. Using the initiation values of the J-integral as a fracture mechanics parameter determined from the JR-curve, correspond with failure values of double-édged notched tensile specimens and circumferentially notched round tensile specimens of which crack initiation was tantamount to instability. Consequently, it could be proved that the J-integral is a transferable parameter that may be ascertained from simple determinable deformation values. The application to real components seems to be promising, due to these good results.  相似文献   

A complete understanding of the fracture mechanisms of steel in the ductile/brittle transition region requires analysis not only of crack initiation, but also of crack propagation. This paper reviews micrographic and fractographic experiments that give insight into both phenomena, and suggests a frame-work through which both may be related.Unstable cleavage crack initiation can occur after some blunting of the original fatigue precrack or after some stable crack growth. In either event, instability appears to be triggered by the fracture of a brittle micro-constituent ahead of the precrack. The large scatter in reported KIc values within the transition region reflects the size distribution and relative scarcity of these “trigger” particles.While a large number of models have attempted to correlate toughness in the ductile/brittle transition regime to events occurring ahead of the crack tip, surprisingly little attention has been paid to events occurring behind the crack front. Fractographic evidence as well as metallographic sectioning of arrested cracks show that the mechanism of rapid crack propagation by cleavage is affected strongly by partial crack-plane deflection which leaves unbroken ligaments in its wake. The tearing of these ligaments by dimple-rupture is the dominant energy-absorbing mechanism. Etch-pit experiments using an Fe-Si alloy show that the crack-tip stress intensity based on plastic zone size is extremely low. It is suggested that the mechanism of crack arrest should be modeled using a sharp crack which is restrained by a distribution of discrete pinching forces along its faces. The same model is applied to crack initiation.  相似文献   

Experimental studies on local fault (LF) accidents in fast breeder reactors have been performed in many countries because LFs have been historically considered as one of the possible causes of severe accidents. Comprehensive and consistent interpretations of in-pile and out-of-pile experiments related to LF were arrived at in this study based on state-of-the-art review and data analysis techniques. Safety margins for a hypothetical local overpower accident, which was evaluated as a LF accident in the licensing document of the construction permit for a prototype fast breeder reactor called Monju, were also studied. Based on comprehensive interpretations of the latest experimental database, including those performed after the permission of Monju construction, it was clarified that the evaluation of the hypothetical local overpower accident in the Monju licensing was sufficiently conservative. Furthermore, it incorporated adequate safety margins in terms of failure thresholds of the fuel pin, molten fuel ejection, fuel sweep-out behavior after molten fuel ejection, and pin-to-pin failure propagation. Moreover, these comprehensive interpretations are valid and applicable to the safety evaluation of LF accidents of other fast breeder reactors with various fuel and core designs.  相似文献   

A new methodology for ductile fracture analysis based on the local approach of fracture, through constitutive relations that take into account void growth and damage, has been applied to three heats of A 508 Cl 3 steel with different inclusion contents in the region of 10−3–10−4. The ductility of the three heats is well predicted by the ductile fracture model through its parameter f0: the initial volume fraction of voids. The model, first calibrated with the simple notched tension test, gives a good prediction of crack initiation and growth in a precracked specimen. Finally the statistical aspects in ductile fracture are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates the numerical prediction of experimental specimen J-R curve using Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman phenomenologically based material model. The predicted specimen J-R curve is used to determine the geometric independent initiation fracture toughness (JSZWc) value that compares well with experimental result. Using the experimentally determined and numerically predicted JSZWc values and specimen J-R curves, the accuracy of predicting the fracture behaviour of the cracked component is judged. Thus the present study proposed a coupled phenomenological and fracture mechanics approach to predict the crack initiation and instability stages in cracked piping components using numerically predicted specimen J-R curve obtained from tensile specimens testing data.  相似文献   

The work presented in this paper is part of an EPRI-sponsored research program to develop experimentally verified methodology for predicting failure modes and leakage characteristics of concrete containments. This paper deals specifically with recent results of the analytical correlation and interpretation of full scale containment specimen tests. The tests under consideration are a wall/skirt-basemat specimen of a typical prestressed concrete containment, a specimen with a flawed liner to study liner crack growth, and a specimen with a typical steampipe penetration. Computational models of specimens are described, and pre-test and post-test analysis results are presented. The importance of local effects is discussed, and the role of specimen tests and analysis in failure prediction of containment structures is summarized.  相似文献   

Keeping negative void reactivity throughout the cycle life is one of the most important requirements for the design of a supercritical water-cooled fast reactor (super fast reactor). Previous conceptual design has negative overall void reactivity. But the local void reactivity, which is defined as the reactivity change when the coolant of one fuel assembly disappears, also needs to be kept negative throughout the cycle life because the super fast reactor is designed with closed fuel assemblies. The mechanism of the local void reactivity is theoretically analyzed from the neutrons balance point of view. Three-dimensional neutronics/thermal-hydraulic coupling calculation is employed to analyze the characteristics of the super fast reactor including the local void reactivity. Some configurations of the core are optimized to decrease the local void reactivity. A reference core is successfully designed with keeping both overall and local void reactivity negative. The maximum local void reactivity is less than −30 pcm.  相似文献   

Impact-loaded, precracked Charpy specimens often play a crucial role in irradiation surveillance programs for nuclear power plants. However, the small specimen size B = W = 10 mm limits the maximum value of cleavage fracture toughness Jc that can be measured under elastic—plastic conditions without loss of crack tip constraint. In this investigation, plane strain impact analyses provide detailed resolution of crack tip fields for impact-loaded specimens. Crack tip stress fields are characterized in terms of JQ trajectories and the toughness-scaling model which is applicable for a cleavage fracture mechanism. Results of the analyses suggest deformation limits at fracture in the form of b > MJc/σ0, where M approaches 25–30 for a strongly rate-sensitive material at impact velocities of 3–6 m s−1. Based on direct comparison of the static and dynamic J values computed using a domain integral formulation, a new proposal emerges for the transition time, the time after impact at which interial effects diminish sufficiently for simple evaluation of J using the plastic η factor approach.  相似文献   

The fracture toughness of the zirconium alloy (Zr-2.5Nb) is an important parameter in determining the flaw tolerance for operation of pressure tubes in a nuclear reactor. Fracture toughness data have been generated by performing rising pressure burst tests on sections of pressure tubes removed from operating reactors. The test data were used to generate a lower-bound fracture toughness curve, which is used in defining the operational limits of pressure tubes. The paper presents a comprehensive statistical analysis of burst test data and develops a multivariate statistical model to relate toughness with material chemistry, mechanical properties, and operational history. The proposed model can be useful in predicting fracture toughness of specific in-service pressure tubes, thereby minimizing conservatism associated with a generic lower-bound approach.  相似文献   

Stainless steel type 316L tensile specimens were vacuum brazed with three kinds of alloys: BNi-5, BNi-6, and BNi-7. The specimens were irradiated up to 0.7 dpa at 353 K in the High Flux Reactor at JRC Petten, the Netherlands. Tensile tests were performed at a constant displacement rate of 10−3 s−1 at room temperature in the ECN hot cell facility. BNi-5 brazed specimens showed ductile behaviour. Necking and fractures were localized in the plate material. BNi-6 and BNi-7 brazed specimens failed brittle in the brazed zone. This was preceded by uniform deformation of the plate material. Tensile test results of irradiated specimens showed higher stresses due to radiation hardening and a reduction of the elongation of the plate material compared to the reference. SEM examination of the irradiated BNi-6 and BNi-7 fracture surfaces showed nonmetallic phases. These phases were not found in the reference specimens.  相似文献   

Specimen reconstitution techniques offer the possibility to obtain fracture toughness measurements when only small amounts of material are available. In order to obtain extra information from charpy specimens, an electron-beam weld reconstitution method is established to obtain compact tension specimens (CT) from the broken halves of the charpy ones. Three types of reconstituted CT specimens with different weld configurations are tested in order to analyse the influence of specimen configuration on fracture toughness evaluation. The validity of the fracture toughness characterisation is analysed by comparing J-integral resistance curves (JR curves) of specimens with insert and those of reference specimens without insert.  相似文献   

Comparisons are made between predicted values of stress for initiation of crack growth in surface-flawed specimens and experimentally determined values. The comparisons are made for test temperatures corresponding to the lower shelf and the lower transition region which have elastic and elastic-plastic conditions, respectively. Predictions of stress levels for initiation of crack growth are based on Appendix A, Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and on an approach developed by Newman-Raju. The experimental results are based on acoustic emission techniques used to detect loads corresponding to crack initiation; their use in the comparison involved both the measured elastic-plastic stress value and an “equivalent” elastic stress.Evaluation of the analytical approaches showed that neither method was consistently more conservative over the full range of input dimensions. For tests conducted at lower-shelf temperatures (where very little plastic deformation occurs), the predicted stresses were lower than experimental values. At higher temperatures (where increasing amounts of plastic deformation occurs), some nonconservative predictions were made.A correlation is noted between the predicted-to-experimental stress ratio and a parameter used to quantify the severity of the surface flaw. This correlation may provide a basis for an empirical method for predicting the stress required to initiate crack growth.  相似文献   

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