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Microangiographic and histologic examination of the popliteal lymph node was performed on 49 rabbits 3 to 55 days after V2 tumor implantation into the hind paw. Control animals received subcutaneous tissue extract from normal rabbit donors. During the first 10 days after the tumor implant from an allogeneic animal donor, the draining lymph node exhibited a hypervascular response which after 2 weeks gradually subsided. Subsequently, during the early stages of lymph node metastasis there was still hypervascularity adjacent to the metastatic deposit. In about 4 weeks the metastases became more established and surrounded by layers of plasma cells. The hypervascular changes of the surrounding lymph node subsided by this time. In lymph node metastases the microvasculature could be an indicator of the immunologic activity of the host.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the reliability of the three-cluster model for chronic low back pain patients found using the Integrated Psychosocial Assessment Model (IPAM). A replication study using a sample of patients from a different country was completed. PATIENTS: Seventy patients (average age = 47.05 years, SD = 16.11) with chronic low back pain of noncancer origin participated in the study. Sixty-two of these patients were attending The Auckland New Zealand Regional Pain Service, while a further eight were attending a private practice pain service in Auckland. OUTCOME MEASURES: Subjects were assessed on the IPAM, which measures pain intensity, disability, coping strategies, attitudes towards and beliefs about pain, depression and illness behaviour, the Medical Examination and Diagnostic Information Coding System, and the Multidimensional Pain Inventory. RESULTS: Cluster analyses using the kappa-means algorithm were performed on the IPAM data. The three-cluster solution was preferred according to both the Variance Ratio Criterion and cluster interpretability. Two of the three clusters correlated highly with clusters retrieved in the original study (r = 0.78, r = 0.71), while the third cluster showed partial resemblance (correlation of r = 0.31). Clusters were named "In Control," "Depressed and Disabled," and "High Deniers and Somatizisers." No differences were found on the physical pathology scores between clusters. Decision rules for cluster assignation resulted in 68% of the sample being correctly assigned. CONCLUSIONS: Support for this cluster model from two countries suggests its value in providing a multidimensional picture of patients with chronic low back pain. The possibility of using such cluster groups for determining treatment type is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lymph node lymphocytes vary in their responsiveness to tumor. A technique has been developed that uses radiolabeled monoclonal antibody (MoAb) against the tumor-associated mucin, TAG-72, and a gamma-detecting probe by which lymph nodes containing microscopic tumor and/or shed TAG-72 can be identified in vivo. The immunologic characteristics of these lymph nodes were examined. METHODS: Patients with colon cancer received 125I-labeled MoAb CC49 by intravenous injection preoperatively. During laparotomy lymph nodes that appeared normal on inspection and palpation but which contained radiolabeled MoAb were identified using a hand-held gamma-detecting probe. These lymph nodes and other lymph node and tumor specimens were resected for analysis. RESULTS: Lymph nodes identified by the probe were found by immunohistochemical studies to contain microscopic tumor and/or shed antigen associated with germinal centers. They were characterized by greater CD4+:CD8+ ratios, rates of expansion, and cytolytic activity compared with lymphocytes from lymph nodes with macroscopic tumor, noninvolved lymph nodes, and tumors. All lymph node lymphocytes identified by the probe demonstrated significant proliferative responses to autologous tumor and, in contrast to lymphocytes from noninvolved lymph nodes, significant proliferative responses to allogeneic TAG-72+ tumor cells and to soluble TAG-72+ mucin. CONCLUSIONS: By locating lymph nodes with microscopic tumor and/or shed antigen, the use of radiolabeled MoAb in vivo can be used to reproducibly identify tumor-reactive lymph node lymphocytes. This technique may be useful in identifying cells for use in adoptive immunotherapy programs and in studying the regulation of immune responses in vivo.  相似文献   

AIMS: Potassium channel openers (KCOs) are of potential therapeutic value. Little is known about the effect of these drugs on human conduit arteries used as coronary bypass grafts. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the KCO aprikalim (RP52891) on human arteries used as coronary bypass grafts with emphasis on the possible difference in the inhibitory effect on depolarizing agent-mediated rather than receptor-mediated contraction. METHODS: Human internal mammary artery segments (IMA, n = 88) taken from 28 patients were studied. Concentration-relaxation curves for aprikalim were established in IMA precontracted with three vasoconstrictors (K+, U46619, and phenylephrine). In IMA rings incubated with aprikalim (1 or 30 microM) for 10 min concentration-contraction curves for the three vasoconstrictors were constructed. RESULTS: Aprikalim-induced relaxation was less in K+ (37.3 +/- 6.4%) than in U46619 (80.2 +/- 7.7%, P=0.002), or phenylephrine (67.5 +/- 7.0%, P=0.038) -precontracted IMA. The EC50 for K+-(-5.40 +/- 0.12 log M) was significantly higher than that for phenylephrine (-6.43 +/- 0.30 log M, P=0.007) but not significant compared with that for U46619 (-5.81 +/- 0.11, P>0.05). Pretreatment with aprikalim depressed the contraction by phenylephrine from 140.6 +/- 27.6% to 49.3 +/- 14.1% (P=0.002) and shifted the EC50 11.0-fold higher in rings treated with 1 microM aprikalim (P=0.007). Treatment of aprikalim did not significantly reduce the K+ and U46619-induced contraction (P>0.05) but shifted the concentration-contraction curves rightward (2.8-fold higher for K+, P<0.05 and 2.2-fold higher for U46619, P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that aprikalim has vasorelaxant effects in human conduit arteries used as coronary artery bypass grafts contracted by a variety of vasoconstrictors and this effect is vasoconstrictor-selective with greater potency for alpha1-adrenoceptor agonists than for depolarizing agent K+. These findings provide information on the possible use of this KCO in various clinical settings.  相似文献   

Phytohemagglutinin M (PHAM) has been purified from the commercial mixture of proteins produced by Phaseolus vulgaris, using a Sepharose-thyroglobulin column. The protein gave one band on gel electrophoresis and two bands on SDS-gel electrophoresis (mol. wt. 33 700 and 32 100, respectively). Molecular weight determination by ultracentrifugation gave a value of 61 200 +/- 700. The protein had a minimum sugar content of 16%. Binding studies of PHAM to purified rat spleen lymphocytes have been performed at 0, 25, and 37 degrees C. It was shown that the cells bound about the same amount of lectin at 0 and 37 degrees C, but less protein was bound at 25 degrees C. The binding phenomenon showed saturability at all temperatures. Data were analyzed by Scatchard plots and two kinds of binding sites were found. High-affinity sites and low-affinity sites have been characterized in terms of association constants and (apparent) number. It was also shown that cells treated with trypsin or sodium azide bound less lectin. Bound concanavalin A did not appear to affect the amount of bound PHAM, but its influence was reflected in the value of the association constant for the binding of PHAM. Unlabelled PHAM was shown to displace radioactive PHAM from the cells, but could not remove bound concanavalin A. The significance of these results is discussed in terms of the fluid plasma membrane model and cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

1. Experiments have been performed in sheep to determine the contribution of lymph formed within a lymph node to the total protein output in lymph leaving the node. 2. The lymphatic duct leaving the popliteal lymph node was cannulated and the protein and lymphocyte output in efferent lymph determined. The afferent lymph flow to the popliteal node was then diverted and lymph formed only within the lymph node collected from the efferent cannula. It appeared from the results that the popliteal lymph node forms lymph at the rate of approximately 1 ml. per hour and may contribute 30-50% of the protein output observed in efferent lymph. 3. The importance of lymph formation within the lymph node varied between nodes found in different regions of the body. This was due in part to the different protein concentrations in the afferent lymph to the different nodes. 4. A positive correlation was found between the protein and lymphocyte concentrations in efferent lymph from the popliteal lymph node in seven out of eleven sheep and in lymph formed within the popliteal lymph node in two out of three sheep. It is suggested that this relationship may be due to an increased transfer of plasma proteins through the post-capillary venules in the lymph node accompanying the continual traffic of lymphocytes across the wall of these vessels. The results indicated that the protein transfer across the post-capillary venules was not an indiscriminate transfer of plasma per se but a selective transport from the blood plasma compartment based on molecular size.  相似文献   

The authors report two cases of isolated lymph node involvement by Langerhans' cell histiocytosis which affected two young children. The histologic aspect reveals that lymph nodes have been modified by a proliferation of large histiocyte-like cells, associated with eosinophils. An immunohistochemical study on paraffin sections and for one case on frozen sections, reveals the usual phenotype of Langerhans' cells: these cells stain positively with S 100 protein and CD1 and are negative for both lysozyme and al antichymotrypsine. After a period of two years for one child and four years for the other, these children are in total remission, one spontaneously, the other after chemotherapy.  相似文献   

The localization of i.v. injected syngeneic lymph node cells, radiolabelled with 51Cr or 75Se-L-selenomethionine, was studied in male CBA/H mice aged between 3 and 30 months. The following results were obtained. (1) Localization of cells from young adult donors was greater in the s.c. lymph nodes of old than of young recipients, the main increase being between 15 and 17 months of age. Increases in lymph node weight and DNA-synthesis were also seen at this time; but the rise in cell localization was significant even when calculated per unit of tissue weight. Splenic localization either declined slightly with age or, like the liver, showed no significant change. (2) Local antigenic stimulation by a single injection of sheep erythrocytes into one front footpad, 24 hr before lymph node cell injection, resulted in increased localization in the regional lymph nodes of 3-17 month old, but rarely of 24-30 month old mice. (3) No consistent differences in localization were observed between lymph node cells from 4-month and 25-month old donors. Both age-related and antigen-related increases in cell localization were at least partly attributable to an enhanced rate of entry of lymphocytes from the blood to the lymph nodes. Although the changes underlying the decline in antigen-related localization of cells in old recipients have still to be clarified, it is probable that the defective immune responses of old mice result partly from this decline.  相似文献   

Clear cell odontogenic tumors are rare. Review of the literature showed 9 cases with a prominent clear cell component. These lesions have exhibited an aggressive behavior characterized by an infiltrative local growth pattern, recurrence, or metastases. We report a case of an odontogenic tumor that exhibited a biphasic pattern and was characterized by lymph node involvement identical histologically to the primary tumor. We conclude that the presence of a clear cell component in an ameloblastomatous tumor should be viewed as a sign of de-differentiation, and that a malignancy with or without metastases should be considered and ruled out in such cases.  相似文献   

Epitope mapping of 12 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed to the trisaccharide part of the phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I) of Mycobacterium leprae was carried out by using the set of chemically synthesized sugar-BSA conjugates. The results can be summarized as follows: mAb (1-21), mAb (1-24) and mAb (1-25) recognized the outer (nonreducing end) monosaccharide of the trisaccharide chain of PGL-I. However, the affinity of these MAbs to the outer monosaccharide was weak. They required the contributions of some parts of the second sugar for enough affinity. MAbs ml 6A12, ml 8A2, ml 8B2, and PG2 B8F recognized the outer disaccharide. MAb F47-21-3 recognized the outer disaccharide and some parts of the third sugar. MAb SF 1 recognized the trisaccharide of PGL-I. MAb 3D1-A9 recognized the phenol group and the structure around the branching point on the carrier protein in addition to the trisaccharide. MAbs DZ 1 and 2G3-A8 had unique characters which recognized the inner part of the sugar chain. MAb DZ 1 recognized the inner (reducing end) disaccharide. MAb 2G3-A8 recognized the inner monosaccharide, phenol group and the structure around the branching point on the carrier protein. All of the MAbs tested, except for ml 6A12, recognized the anomeric configurations in the sugar parts they recognized; ml 6A12 recognized the anomeric configuration only within the outer disaccharide. This set of MAbs, which were well defined on their binding specificity, promises to be an effective tool for the immunological study of PGL-I and the clinical assessment of leprosy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accuracy of clinical examination and fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in detecting groin metastases in patients with carcinoma of the penis, and to assess the positive and negative predictive value (PPV, NPV) of a preliminary sentinel lymph-node biopsy (SNB) and biopsy of the most medial of the horizontal group of inguinal lymph nodes (MIN) in selecting patients for an ilio-inguinal block dissection. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study comprised 28 patients (56 groins) with Stage I (one), Stage II (11) and Stage III (16) carcinoma of the penis. All patients underwent a detailed clinical examination followed by FNAC of the palpable inguinal nodes, and were subsequently submitted for block dissection. The MIN, the SN and the rest of the inguinal and iliac nodes were histologically examined separately for metastases. RESULTS: The clinical evaluation had a sensitivity of 74%, a specificity of 61%, a PPV of 57% and a NPV of 77%. The corresponding values for FNAC were all 100%, and the specificity and PPV for both MIN and SN were 100%. The sensitivity and NPV of MIN were higher than for SN, although not significantly so. CONCLUSION: Clinical examination alone is inaccurate in selecting patients with carcinoma of the penis for block dissection. FNAC is accurate and specific when nodes are palpable; in those with impalpable nodes a preliminary MIN biopsy followed by SNB if the MIN biopsy is negative will accurately select all patients with metastases in the groin nodes. This can be performed by examining frozen sections of the lymph nodes; if positive, block dissection can be carried out at the same time.  相似文献   

Immune responses in resistant BALB/c mice infected with the murine nematode parasite Trichuris muris were examined. Following the establishment of infection, worm burdens of T. muris were expelled by BALB/c mice by day 21 postinfection (p.i.). Specific immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) antibodies to T. muris excretory/secretory (E/S) antigens were detected in sera from infected mice, though specific IgG2a antibodies were not observed during infection. Ig-producing cells increased in the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) of infected mice on days 7, 14, and 21 p.i., with the greatest increase in numbers of IgG- and IgA-producing cells occurring on day 14. Marked increases in the relative percentages of B220+ and surface Ig+ (sIg+) cells were observed in the MLN of infected mice on days 14 and 21 p.i. Furthermore, cellular expansion of the MLN in infected mice resulted in an increase in the absolute numbers of B220+ and sIg+ cells. The levels of interleukin 2 (IL-2), IL-4, and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) detected in the supernatants from concanavalin A-stimulated MLN cells of infected mice were higher than those found in normal mice. Consequently, the expulsion of T. muris in resistant BALB/c mice was concomitant with cytokine production and B-cell activation in the MLN of infected mice. These results suggest the involvement of B-cell responses in protective immunity to T. muris infection.  相似文献   

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