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The fractal‐like finite element method (FFEM) is an accurate and efficient method to compute the stress intensity factors (SIFs) of different crack configurations. In the FFEM, the cracked/notched body is divided into singular and regular regions; both regions are modelled using conventional finite elements. A self‐similar fractal mesh of an ‘infinite’ number of conventional finite elements is used to model the singular region. The corresponding large number of local variables in the singular region around the crack tip is transformed to a small set of global co‐ordinates after performing a global transformation by using global interpolation functions. In this paper, we extend this method to analyse the singularity problems of sharp notched plates. The exact stress and displacement fields of a plate with a notch of general angle are derived for plane‐stress/strain conditions. These exact analytical solutions which are eigenfunction expansion series are used to perform the global transformation and to determine the SIFs. The use of the global interpolation functions reduces the computational cost significantly and neither post‐processing technique to extract SIFs nor special singular elements to model the singular region are needed. The numerical examples demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the FFEM for sharp notched problems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study developed a more general boundary element formulation, which allowed for wide variety of boundary conditions and arbitrary planar shapes, to the investigation of the onset of instability of elastic plate. The formulation of the problem was strictly in terms of boundary integrals so as to eliminate any discretization of domain integrals. This proposed approach placed no restrictions on the nature of the distribution of the in-plane forces within the plate. In this study, the boundary integral formulation was just in terms of the three displacements of the plate's middle surface. This eliminated the need to introduce a stress function to handle the general distributive and variable nature of the in-plane forces so as to keep the introduction of loading to just in-plane known forces or displacements acting on boundaries of the plate system.  相似文献   

In the present work, fully plastic analyses for notched bars and (plane strain) plates in tension are performed, via finite element (FE) limit analysis based on non-hardening plasticity, from which plastic limit loads and stress fields are determined. Relevant geometric parameters are systematically varied to cover all possible ranges of the notch depth and radius. For the limit loads, it is found that the FE solutions for the notched plate agree well with the existing solution. For the notched bar, however, the FE solutions are found to be significantly different from known solutions, and accordingly the new approximation is given. Regarding fully plastic stress fields, it is found that, for the notched plate, the maximum hydrostatic (mean normal) stress overall occurs in the center of the specimen, which strongly depends on the relative notch depth and the notch radius-to-depth ratio. On the other hand, for the notched bar, the maximum hydrostatic stress can occur in between the center of the specimen and the notch tip. The maximum hydrostatic stress for a given notch depth can occur not for the cracked case, but for the notched case with a certain radius. This is true for both bars and plates. For a given notch radius, on the other hand, the maximum hydrostatic stress increases monotonically with the decreasing notch radius.  相似文献   

In this paper a boundary element formulation for analysis of shear deformable stiffened cracked plates is presented. By coupling boundary element formulation of shear deformable plate and two dimensional plane stress elasticity, dual boundary integral equations are presented. The interaction forces between stiffeners and the plate are treated as line distributed body forces along the attachment. Both concentric and eccentric stiffeners have been considered. Rectangular stiffened plate containing a single crack and double cracks subjected to uniform distributed moment on the crack surface and uniform shear load on the plate are analysed by the proposed method. Good agreement has been achieved compared with analytical solutions.  相似文献   

In this paper, the derivation and numerical implementation of boundary integral equations for the buckling analysis of shear deformable plates are presented. Plate buckling equations are derived as a standard eigenvalue problem. The formulation is formed by coupling boundary element formulations of shear deformable plate and two dimensional plane stress elasticity. The eigenvalue problem of plate buckling yields the critical load factor and buckling modes. The domain integrals which appear in this formulation are treated in two different ways: initially the integrals are evaluated using constant cells, and next, they are transformed into equivalent boundary integrals using the dual reciprocity method (DRM). Several examples with different geometry, loading and boundary conditions are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of the formulation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An improved boundary element formulation (BEM) for two-dimensional non-homogeneous biharmonic analysis of rectilinear plates is presented. A boundary element formulation is developed from a coupled set of Poisson-type boundary integral equations derived from the governing non-homogeneous biharmonic equation. Emphasis is given to the development of exact expressions for the piecewise rectilinear boundary integration of the fundamental solution and its derivatives over several types of isoparametric elements. Incorporation of the explicit form of the integrations into the boundary element formulation improves the computational accuracy of the solution by substantially eliminating the error introduced by numerical quadrature, particularly those errors encountered near singularities. In addition, the single iterative nature of the exact calculations reduces the time necessary to compile the boundary system matrices and also provides a more rapid evaluation of internal point values than do formulations using regular numerical quadrature techniques. The evaluation of the domain integrations associated with biharmonic forms of the non-homogeneous terms of the governing equation are transformed to an equivalent set of boundary integrals. Transformations of this type are introduced to avoid the difficulties of domain integration. The resulting set of boundary integrals describing the domain contribution is generally evaluated numerically; however, some exact expressions for several commonly encountered non-homogeneous terms are used. Several numerical solutions of the deflection of rectilinear plates using the boundary element method (BEM) are presented and compared to existing numerical or exact solutions.  相似文献   

A numerical formulation for analysis of dynamic problems of thin anisotropic plates bending is presented. The bending behavior follows Kirchhoff's hypothesis. The formulation is based on the direct boundary element method. The problem is simplified by using the elastostatic fundamental solution of an infinite plate. Domain integrals arising from inertial terms are transformed into boundary integrals using the dual reciprocity technique. Boundary integrals are discretized and evaluated numerically. Natural frequencies for free vibration are obtained and the respective mode shapes are shown. The accuracy of numerical results obtained is assured by comparison with analytical or finite element results.  相似文献   

A direct boundary element method (BEM) is developed for the determination of the time-dependent inelastic deflection of plates of arbitrary planform and under arbitrary boundary conditions to general lateral loading history. The governing differential equation is the nonhomogeneous biharmonic equation for the rate of small transverse deflection. The boundary integral formulation is derived by using a combination of the BEM and finite element methodology. The plate material is modelled as elastic-viscoplastic. Numerical examples for sample problems are presented to illustrate the method and to demonstrate its merits.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the formulation and implementation of a new symmetric boundary element model for the analysis of Kirchhoff plates. The transversal displacement and normal slope boundary integral equations, usually adopted in the standard boundary element analysis, are considered together with bending moment, twisting moment and equivalent shear boundary integral equations. These equations are weighted by considering distributed sources related to the kinematic and static variables in the virtual-work sense. Moreover, particular attention is paid to the discretization of the boundary variables by shape functions selected in order to ensure continuity over the boundary and symmetry for the matrix system. The evaluation of the highly singular boundary integrals for overlapped integration domains is performed in closed form using a limit approach which provides self-contributions as limit values of non-singular terms. The corner effects and their treatment in the numerical procedure are also discussed. Various numerical examples for plates having different boundary conditions illustrate the performance of the model.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for determining the natural frequencies and mode shapes for the free vibration of thin elastic plates using the boundary element and dual reciprocity methods. The solution to the plate's equation of motion is assumed to be of separable form. The problem is further simplified by using the fundamental solution of an infinite plate in the reciprocity theorem. Except for the inertia term, all domain integrals are transformed into boundary integrals using the reciprocity theorem. However, the inertia domain integral is evaluated in terms of the boundary nodes by using the dual reciprocity method. In this method, a set of interior points is selected and the deflection at these points is assumed to be a series of approximating functions. The reciprocity theorem is applied to reduce the domain integrals to a boundary integral. To evaluate the boundary integrals, the displacements and rotations are assumed to vary linearly along the boundary. The boundary integrals are discretized and evaluated numerically. The resulting matrix equations are significantly smaller than the finite element formulation for an equivalent problem. Mode shapes for the free vibration of circular and rectangular plates are obtained and compared with analytical and finite element results.  相似文献   

The present paper is concerned with the formulation of the singularity subtraction technique in the dual boundary element analysis of the mixed-mode deformation of general homogeneous cracked plates.The equations of the dual boundary element method are the displacement and the traction boundary integral equations. When the displacement equation is applied on one of the crack surfaces and the traction equation is applied on the other, general mixed-mode crack problems can be solved in a single region boundary element formulation, with both crack surfaces discretized with discontinuous quadratic boundary elements.The singularity subtraction technique is a regularization procedure that uses a singular particular solution of the crack problem to introduce the stress intensity factors as additional problem unknowns. The single-region boundary element analysis of a general crack problem restricts the availability of singular particular solutions, valid in the global domain of the problem. A modelling strategy, that considers an automatic partition of the problem domain in near-tip and far-tip field regions, is proposed to overcome this difficulty. After the application of the singularity subtraction technique in the near-tip field regions, regularized locally with the singular term of the Williams' eigenexpansion, continuity is restored with equilibrium and compatibility conditions imposed along the interface boundaries. The accuracy and efficiency of the singularity subtraction technique make this formulation ideal for the study of crack growth problems under mixed-mode conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of mixed mode fracture mechanics problems arising in anisotropic composite laminates. The boundary element method (BEM) and the J k integral are presented as accurate techniques to compute the stress intensity factors K I and K II of two dimensional anisotropic bodies. Using function of a complex variable a decoupling procedure is derived to obtain the stress intensity factors. The procedure is based on the computation of the J 1-integral and of the ratio of relative displacements at the crack faces, near the crack tip. Applications are presented for unidirectional and symmetric laminates of glass, boron and graphite-epoxy materials. Numerical examples of problems of pure mode I and mixed mode deformations are given, in order to demonstrate the accuracy of the method.  相似文献   

This work presents the derivation of the asymptotic expansions for two dimensional elasticity and plate bending problems fundamental solutions, applied to the direct evaluation of BEM singular integrals. Interesting conclusions arise from the resulting analytical expressions, regarding the actual order of singularity of the kernel functions. The expansions were tested for a number of plate bending benchmarks, showing good agreement to analytical solutions for thin and thick plates. The convergence behavior for constant, linear and quadratic elements is analyzed and compared with other integration techniques.  相似文献   

In this paper a new boundary element method formulation for elastoplastic analysis of plates with geometrical nonlinearities is presented. The von Mises criterion with linear isotropic hardening is considered to evaluate the plastic zone. Large deflections are assumed but within the context of small strain. To derive the boundary integral equations the von Kármán’s hypothesis is taken into account. An initial stress field is applied to correct the true stresses according to the adopted criterion. Isoparametric linear elements are used to approximate the boundary unknown values while triangular internal cells with linear shape function are adopted to evaluate the domain value influences. The nonlinear system of equations is solved by using an implicit scheme together with the consistent tangent operator derived along the paper. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and the validity of the proposed formulation.  相似文献   

This paper presents an accurate boundary element method (BEM) formulation for the bending of inelastic Kirchhoff plates subjected to general boundary conditions. This approach is an extension of earlier work by the authors of this paper and other co-workers on elastic plate deformation where they had proposed a three-equation BEM scheme. Numerical results presented here include plates with cutouts and free edges. A rate type constitutive model is used here to describe nonelastic deformation behavior of the plate material.This research was performed while G.-S. Song was a visiting Scientist at Cornell University  相似文献   

This paper introduces an efficient boundary element approach for the analysis of thin plates, with arbitrary shapes and boundary conditions, resting on an elastic Winkler foundation. Boundary integral equations with three degrees-of-freedom per node are derived without unknown corner terms. A fundamental solution based upon newly defined modified Kelvin functions is formulated and it leads to a simple solution to the problem of divergent integrals. Reduction of domain loading terms for cases of distributed and concentrated loading is also provided. Case studies, including plates with free-edge conditions, are demonstrated, and the boundary element results are compared with corresponding analytical solutions. The presented formulations provide a very accurate boundary element solution for plates with different shapes and boundary conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, a mixed spline boundary element and finite element method is suggested to analyse non-linear bending of plates and shells. Only the fundamental solutions for plates are required in order to establish the boundary integral equations. A quadratic rectangular spline element is adopted to deal with the membrane effects of plates and shells. Numerical examples show that the approach developed in this paper is very effective and especially promising for the non-linear analysis of plates and shells.  相似文献   

Two aspects of the finite element analysis of mid-plane symmetrically laminated anisotropic plates are considered in this paper. The first pertains to exploiting the symmetries exhibited by anisotropic plates in their analysis. The second aspect pertains to the effects of anisotropy and shear deformation on the accuracy and convergence of shear-flexible displacement finite element models. Numerical results are presented which show the effects of increasing the order of approximating polynomials and of using derivatives of generalized displacements as nodal parameters.  相似文献   

This paper presents an extension of the dual boundary element method to analysis of crack growth in plates loaded in combine bending and tension. Five stress intensity factors, two for membrane behaviour and three for shear deformable plate bending are computed using the J-Integral technique. Crack growth processes are simulated with an incremental crack extension analysis based on the maximum principal stress criterion. The method is considered effective since no remeshing is required and the crack extension is modelled by adding new boundary elements to the previous crack boundaries. Several incremental crack growth analysis for different configurations and loadings are presented.  相似文献   

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