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A method for cleaning freeze-fracture replicas is elaborated which avoids their rolling up and fragmentating during successive steps. Immediately after freeze-fracturing, the replicated tissue is slowly thawed from 77 K to room temperature on solid methanol. Safe passage through the subsequent cleaning steps is facilitated by using solutions of gradually increasing surface tension. After at least 24 h of fixation in methanol, the tissue is digested in half-strength bleach containing 5% ethanol. Following further cleaning in full-strength bleach, the remaining organic material attached to the replica is dissolved overnight at room temperature in 50% saturated sodium hydroxide.  相似文献   

Three methods are described for direct post-fracture, post-shadow labelling of individual classes of intramembrane particles (IMPs) in freeze-fracture replicas of biological membranes. The P-face IMPs corresponding to the acetylcholine receptor complexes (AChRs) of vertebrate neuroeffector junctions are identified by post-replication labelling with ferritin-antibody complexes and with neurotoxin-biotin-avidin-colloidal gold affinity ligands. (The freeze-etch nomenclature of Branton et al., 1975, is used in this report.) These post-shadow labelling techniques resemble conventional en bloc labelling techniques except that the labelling reagents must penetrate a thin but discontinuous layer of platinum superimposed on the molecules of interest. In the ‘sectioned labelled-replica technique’, the replicated and labelled tissues are stained, embedded in plastic and sectioned parallel to the replica-tissue interfaces. In the direct ‘labelled-replica techniques’, the replicated and labelled samples are freeze-dried or critical point dried, the labelled surfaces are stabilized by carbon coating, and the underlying tissues are dissolved, allowing the labelled-replicas to be examined as conventional freeze-fracture replicas. The unshadowed side of each AChR IMP is shown to retain sufficient biochemical information to permit both immunospecific and neurotoxin specific labelling despite formaldehyde fixation, freezing, fracturing, platinum shadowing, and thawing in aqueous media. A new mixed ferricyanide-osmium staining method reveals electron opaque structures spanning the membrane bilayer in the same size, number and distribution as the labelled IMPs. These experiments demonstrate the feasibility of identifying individual IMPs in freeze-fracture replicas and may allow the identification of specific membrane lesions in human disease.  相似文献   

A field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) equipped with the standard secondary electron (SE) detector was used to image thin (70–90 nm) and thick (1–3 μm) sections of biological materials that were chemically fixed, dehydrated, and embedded in resin. The preparation procedures, as well as subsequent staining of the sections, were identical to those commonly used to prepare thin sections of biological material for observation with the transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results suggested that the heavy metals, namely, osmium, uranium, and lead, that were used for postfixation and staining of the tissue provided an adequate SE signal that enabled imaging of the cells and organelles present in the sections. The FESEM was also used to image sections of tissues that were selectively stained using cytochemical and immunocytochemical techniques. Furthermore, thick sections could also be imaged in the SE mode. Stereo pairs of thick sections were easily recorded and provided images that approached those normally associated with high-voltage TEM.  相似文献   

Centrosomes are small organelles that organize the mitotic spindle during cell division and are also involved in cell shape and polarity. Within epithelial tumors, such as breast cancer, and some hematological tumors, centrosome abnormalities (CAs) are common, occur early in disease etiology, and correlate with chromosomal instability and disease stage. In situ quantification of CA by optical microscopy is hampered by overlap and clustering of these organelles, which appear as focal structures. CA has been frequently associated with Tp53 status in premalignant lesions and tumors. Here the authors described an approach to accurately quantify centrosome frequencies in tissue sections and tumors, independently of background or noise levels. Applying simple optical rules in nondeconvolved conventional 3D images of stained tissue sections, the authors showed that they could evaluate more accurately and rapidly centrosome frequencies than with traditional investigator-based visual analysis or threshold-based techniques. The resulting population-based frequency of centrosomes per nucleus could then be used to approximate the proportion of cells with CA in that same population. This was done by taking into account baseline centrosome amplification and proliferation rates measured in the tissue. Using this technique, the authors showed that 20-30% of cells have amplified centrosomes in Tp53 null mammary tumors.  相似文献   

Dental microwear, usually analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques, is a good indicator of the abrasive potential of past human population diets. Scanning electron microscopy secondary electrons provide excellent images of dental enamel relief for characterizing striation density, average length, and orientation. However, methodological standardization is required for interobserver comparisons since semiautomatic counting procedures are still used for micrograph characterization. The analysis of normally distributed variables allows the characterization of small interpopulation differences. However, the interobserver error rates associated with SEM experience and the degree of expertise in measuring striations are critical to population dietary interpretation. The interobserver comparisons made here clearly indicate that the precision of SEM buccal microwear measurements depends heavily on variable definition and the researcher's expertise. Moreover, error rates are not the only concern for dental microwear research. Low error rates do not guarantee that all researchers are measuring the same magnitudes of the variables considered. The results obtained show that researchers tend to maintain high intrapopulation homogeneity and low measurement error rates, whereas significant interobserver differences appear. Such differences are due to a differential interpretation of SEM microwear features and variable definitions that require detailed and precise agreement among researchers. The substitution of semiautomatic with fully automated procedures will completely avoid interobserver error rate differences.  相似文献   

The method of images is used to calculate the temperature increase produced in a circular film when the film is illuminated at any point by an electron beam of circular cross-section and constant current density over its cross-section. Formulae are given in dimensionless form for (i) the temperature increase anywhere along the line joining the centres of the beam and of the film, (ii) the temperature increase at the centre of the beam (vc), and (iii) the position and value of the maximum temperature increase in the film vm. The relative sizes of vc and vm are discussed and it is shown that (vmvc)/vm ≤ 0.079. The theory applies best to metallic films where power loss by means of thermal conductivity is dominant. A brief discussion is given of the cases where thermal radiation is important, sample calculations are given for carbon and copper films, and the effect of focusing the electron beam at constant current is considered.  相似文献   

An original approach combining freeze-fracture electron microscopy and quantitative image processing has been developed as an alternative to X-ray analysis. It has been applied to the crystallographic study of different lipid–water cubic phases [bicontinuous or micellar and of type I (oil-in-water) or type II (water-in-oil)] and has enabled significant advances in the study of these phases. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy has revealed that the cubic phases fracture preferentially along a few crystallographic directions which appeared on the images as noisy planar fracture surfaces containing periodic information. The visibility of the corresponding unit cells has been considerably improved by image-filtering techniques based on correlation averaging, allowing a quantitative analysis of the fracture images to be made. This analysis yielded faithful information on the symmetries of the cubic structure (rotation axes and mirror planes) as well as on the structure of the cubic phase itself. Eventually, the different parameters that determine the most favourable fracture pathways within the structures were established. This novel approach constitutes a powerful tool of general interest, complementary to X-ray diffraction, for solving complex ordered macromolecular structures at low resolution.  相似文献   

Epoxy-embedded biological material, sectioned for conventional or high-voltage electron microscopy, can be visualized within the section with good contrast and detail by phase-contrast or dark-field light microscopy. The (phase) contrast of such material is not substantially influenced by the type of embedding resin or section support substrate. It is, however, influenced by the type of fixation, by heavy metal (uranyl and lead) staining and by the section thickness. After screening ultrathin and semithin sections for content with the light microscope, one need stain and examine only those grids containing sections of interest. This approach eliminates the need to screen sections with the electron microscope and, in some cases, the need to stain non-useful sections. This time-saving procedure is particularly useful for studies requiring ultrastructural examination of a selected area or structure which is large enough to be visualized with the light microscope but which comprises only a small volume of the embedded material.  相似文献   

Schabtach (1974) developed a process for making ‘thin’ (i.e. self-cleaning) apertures for electron microscopes. Several improvements in this process are described, the most important of which is the deposition of a heavy metal by DC sputtering rather than by evaporation, making the process much easier.  相似文献   

Theoretical approaches to quantify the chemical composition of bulk and thin‐layer specimens using energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy in a transmission electron microscope are compared to experiments investigating (In)GaAs and Si(Ge) semiconductors. Absorption correctors can be improved by varying the take‐off angle to determine the depth of features within the foil or the samples thickness, or by definition of effective k‐factors that can be obtained from plots of k‐factors versus foil thickness or, preferably, versus the K/L intensity ratio for a suitable element. The latter procedure yields plots of self‐consistent absorption corrections that can be used to determine the chemical composition, iteratively for SiGe using a set of calibration curves or directly from a single calibration curve for InGaAs, for single X‐ray spectra without knowledge of sample thickness, density or mass absorption coefficients.  相似文献   

Correlative microscopy is a collection of procedures that rely upon two or more imaging modalities to examine the same specimen. The imaging modalities employed should each provide unique information and the combined correlative data should be more information rich than that obtained by any of the imaging methods alone. Currently the most common form of correlative microscopy combines fluorescence and electron microscopy. While much of the correlative microscopy in the literature is derived from studies of model cell culture systems we have focused, primarily, on correlative microscopy in tissue samples. The use of tissue, particularly human tissue, may add constraints not encountered in cell culture systems. Ultrathin cryosections, typically used for immunoelectron microscopy, have served as the substrate for correlative fluorescence and electron microscopic immunolocalization in our studies. In this work, we have employed the bifunctional reporter FluoroNanogold. This labeling reagent contains both a fluorochrome and a gold-cluster compound and can be imaged by sequential fluorescence and electron microscopy. This approach permits the examination of exactly the same sub-cellular structures in both fluorescence and electron microscopy with a high level of spatial resolution.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo electron-trajectory calculation has been implemented to assess the optimal detector configuration for scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) tomography of thick biological sections. By modeling specimens containing 2 and 3 at% osmium in a carbon matrix, it was found that for 1-μm-thick samples the bright-field (BF) and annular dark-field (ADF) signals give similar contrast and signal-to-noise ratio provided the ADF inner angle and BF outer angle are chosen optimally. Spatial resolution in STEM imaging of thick sections is compromised by multiple elastic scattering which results in a spread of scattering angles and thus a spread in lateral distances of the electrons leaving the bottom surface. However, the simulations reveal that a large fraction of these multiply scattered electrons are excluded from the BF detector, which results in higher spatial resolution in BF than in high-angle ADF images for objects situated towards the bottom of the sample. The calculations imply that STEM electron tomography of thick sections should be performed using a BF rather than an ADF detector. This advantage was verified by recording simultaneous BF and high-angle ADF STEM tomographic tilt series from a stained 600-nm-thick section of C. elegans. It was found that loss of spatial resolution occurred markedly at the bottom surface of the specimen in the ADF STEM but significantly less in the BF STEM tomographic reconstruction. Our results indicate that it might be feasible to use BF STEM tomography to determine the 3D structure of whole eukaryotic microorganisms prepared by freeze-substitution, embedding, and sectioning.  相似文献   

A freeze-fracture methodology was standardized for tissue culture cells to study intracellular distribution of diffusible elements with ion microscopy. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and normal rat kidney (NRK) cells grown on a silicon substrate were sandwiched using another smooth surface (silicon, glass, mica) in the presence of spacers and fast frozen in liquid nitrogen slush. The sandwich was fractured by prying the two halves apart under liquid nitrogen. This procedure produced large areas on the silicon substrate containing hundreds of cells grouped together and fractured at the apical cell surface. After freeze-drying, these cells revealed a subcellular distribution of Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Cl and S with the ~0·5 μm lateral resolution of the ion microscope. Between the nuclei and the cytoplasm of cells, no major differences were observed for Na, K, Mg, P, Cl and S intensities. Calcium alone, however, exhibited a remarkable distribution. Calcium accumulated more in the cytoplasm than in the nuclei of cells. Even within the cytoplasm its distribution was heterogeneous, suggesting Ca binding sites. The fractured cells consistently exhibited high K-low Na intensities. The injured or dead cells were easily recognized among the healthy ones due to their abnormal ion composition. This simple freeze-fracture methodology allowed fracturing of cells without removing the cells from the substrate. In addition, it eliminated the need for washing the nutrient media away and cryo-sectioning before ion microanalysis. The methodology was successfully extended to 3T3 mouse fibroblast, PtK2 rat kangaroo and L5 rat myoblast cultures.  相似文献   

In the present study we compared measurements of vessel lengths from (a) single-digital scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of microvascular corrosion casts (VCCs) of gill filters of tadpoles of Xenopus laevis Daudin by two-dimensional (2-D) morphometry (Optimas 6.5, Optimas Corp., Bothell, Wash., USA; planar measurements) and (b) digital stereopairs by three-dimensional (3-D) morphometry (3D-Morphometry, Minnich and Muska OEG, Salzburg). Depending on the spatial orientation of the vessels measured, we found a maximum difference of 58.84% (100 [3-D]-41.16 [2-D]) in vessel lengths by 3-D morphometry versus 2-D morphometry, which, in multiple (segmental) lengths measurements or when determining space angles, might be even higher. Based on results we consider 3-D morphometry of VCCs to be the method of choice for lengths measurements.  相似文献   

Energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy has been applied to the quantification of area fractions of calcium-containing cytochemical reaction products in central nervous tissue and the retina of fish. The method of electron spectroscopic imaging using electrons with an energy loss of 250 eV produces images with a very high, structure-sensitive contrast. This is a suitable imaging condition for the reliable detection of reaction products and structural details in unstained ultrathin sections. The images were recorded with a sensitive TV camera and evaluated with the integrated digital image-analysis system of the Zeiss CEM 902 energy-filtering electron microscope. An empirical procedure was developed which objectively detects reaction products and calculates characteristic values, taking into account different staining intensities. This new and sensitive method enabled an assessment to be made of the influence of temperature and light adaptation on cytochemically detectable calcium in nervous tissue of fish. Higher amounts of calcium-containing reaction product were detected in synaptic clefts of the optic tectum in warm-adapted fish than in cold-adapted fish. In synaptic vesicles of photoreceptor cells in the fish retina, higher amounts of reaction product were found in dark-adapted fish than in light-adapted fish.  相似文献   

The secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) microscope is able to map chemical elements in tissue sections. Although absolute quantification of an element remains difficult, a relative quantitative approach is possible for soft tissue by using carbon (12C) as an internal reference present at large homogeneous and constant concentration in specimen and embedding resin. In this study, this approach is used to standardize the signal of an SIMS microscope for the quantification of halogens (19F, 35Cl and 79Br) and calcium (40Ca+). Standard preparation was determined based on homogeneity and stability criteria by molecular incorporation (halogens) or mixing (calcium) in methacrylate resin. Standard measurements were performed by depth analysis on areas of 8 μm (halogens) and 150 μm (calcium) in diameter for 10–30 min, under Cs+ (halogens) or O2+ (calcium) bombardment. Results obtained from 100–120 measurements for each standard dilution show that the relationship between the signal intensity measured and the elemental concentration (μg/mg of wet tissue or mm ) is linear in the range of biological concentrations. This quantitative approach was applied firstly to bromine of the 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) used as nuclear marker of rat hepatocytes in proliferation. The second model concerns depletion of calcium concentration in cortical compartment in Paramecium tetraurelia during exocytosis. Then signal standardization in SIMS microscopy allows us to correlate quantitative results with those obtained from other methods.  相似文献   

Low voltage electron microscopes working in transmission mode, like LVEM5 (Delong Instruments, Czech Republic) working at accelerating voltage 5 kV or scanning electron microscope working in transmission mode with accelerating voltage below 1 kV, require ultrathin sections with the thickness below 20 nm. Decreasing of the primary electron energy leads to enhancement of image contrast, which is especially useful in the case of biological samples composed of elements with low atomic numbers. As a result treatments with heavy metals, like post‐fixation with osmium tetroxide or ultrathin section staining, can by omitted. The disadvantage is reduced penetration ability of incident electrons influencing the usable thickness of the specimen resulting in the need of ultrathin sections of under 20 nm thickness. In this study we want to answer basic questions concerning the cutting of extremely ultrathin sections: Is it possible routinely and reproducibly to cut extremely thin sections of biological specimens embedded in commonly used resins with contemporary ultramicrotome techniques and under what conditions? Microsc. Res. Tech. 79:512–517, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Conventional plant histological specimens fixed in formalin-acetic acid-alcohol, chromic acid-acetic acid-formaldehyde, or glutaraldehyde-osmium and embedded in either paraffin or plastic are examined as possible rapid methods for providing an alternative image of cellular structure by using scanning electron microscopy. Using the mitotic figures of actively growing onion root tips as a study specimen, the organization of the nucleus and spindle apparatus is reasonably well preserved as compared with isolated mitotic spindles and studies of mitosis in endosperm tissue. Relief of internal structure in this technique is obtained through the coagulant nature of the fixative. Used judiciously, this technique can reveal aspects of the three-dimensional nature of internal tissue structure that may otherwise be difficult to discern.  相似文献   

We describe a simple method by which thin sections (∼100 µm) from modern and archaeological teeth and bones can be obtained. A detailed embedding–cutting–mounting procedure is proposed, suggesting the use of a dental adhesive system, composite resins and conventional embedding resins, with the aims of improving the quality of the sections and substantially reducing the steps and time needed to prepare specimens for histological analysis. The introduction of this dental materials-based system allows an accurate positioning of the sample embedded inside the resin, prevents cracks and distortions of the section during the cutting phase and generally improves mounting sections on slides.  相似文献   

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