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三江平原区域地理地质条件变化、问题及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三江平原是沼泽化冲积低平原,区域内河流大多为沼泽性河流,洪水宣泄不畅,涝、渍灾害严重.自20世纪70年代开始大力治理三江平原的洪涝灾害,筑堤防洪,挖沟除涝,在低湿地上大量地排除渍水以开垦荒地;从前水草丰富的沼泽湿地,几十年后的今天变成一片片沃土良田,使三江平原成为我国重要粮食生产基地.文章旨在阐述三江平原区域地理地质条件变化及带来的一系列问题,并对今后工作提出一些建议.  相似文献   

东北粮食主产区水安全与湿地生态安全保障的对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东北粮食主产区松嫩-三江平原是我国重要的商品粮基地和粮食新增潜力最大的区域,也是我国重要的湿地生态集中分布区.针对松嫩-三江平原水与湿地的现状及存在的问题,分析了当前粮食增产工程对水资源的需求及其带来不利的水生态环境影响,以及未来气候变化对水资源影响的后果,提出松嫩-三江平原水安全与湿地生态安全保障的对策与建议,进而为农业可持续发展提供支撑.  相似文献   

湿地水文条件是湿地重要的限定因子,反过来,湿地的变化也会对区域水文情势产生较大的影响。虎林市地处穆棱河——兴凯湖低平原地区,是三江平原沼泽区的重要组成部分。由于数十年的农业开发,使得虎林市境内沼泽湿地极度萎缩,生态环境发生了很大的变化。一、虎林市湿地地位及湿地变化(一)虎林湿地的地位虎林市地处穆棱河——兴凯湖低平原地区,是三江平原沼泽区的重要组成部分。三江平原位于黑龙江省东北部,是东北亚内陆盆地冲  相似文献   

三江平原是我国重要的商品粮生产基地和粮食战略后备基地,对于我国粮食安全和国民经济的稳定都有着举足轻重的作用.文章分析了水利建设引起的湿地面积减少功能下降,生物多样性受到破坏,水问题日趋严重等生态与环境变化问题,并从加大湿地的保护力度,合理配置水土资源,调整结构改革耕作方式,加强水污染防治和水环境保护工作等方面给出建议.  相似文献   

三江平原在我国农业发展中的地位和今后发展方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三江平原是我国重点商品粮基地和粮食战略储备基地.根据三江平原自然、经济条件,以及国家对三江平原粮食战略储备基地建设的要求,结合黑龙江省种植结构的调整、农业发展方向和生态省建设的需要,三江平原今后发展方向,应该根据当前的工程现状、存在问题,分析主要矛盾,明确治理的重点,大力发展水稻灌溉事业.  相似文献   

三江平原水土资源丰富,具有发展规模化农业生产的有利条件。经过50余年的开发,三江平原已经成为国家重要的商品粮生产基地。由于农业用水在用水总量中占有很大的比例,大规模的农业活动和不合理的水资源开发利用,特别是近10年来三江平原水稻种植发展较快,大量开采地下水,导致三江平原地下水条件发生了很大的变化,不仅对地下水带来影响,也引起生态环境的恶化。文章分析研究农业开发活动对地下水的影响,提出实现地下水资源保护和可持续利用的对策。  相似文献   

水资源开发利用程度评估与分析研究对于区域水利规划和水资源管理具有实践指导意义。三江平原作为国家商品粮生产基地,具有保障国家粮食安全的重要作用,同时,水资源开发利用问题与供需矛盾也日益凸显。为了定量研究三江平原水资源开发利用状况与态势,运用基于变异系数和相对熵改进的TOPSIS方法,对研究区水资源开发利用程度进行了综合评价,并对1984-2011年研究区水资源开发利用程度变化特征及驱动因素进行了分析。结果表明:2011年三江平原水资源开发利用程度处于中等水平,东北部地区较高,西南部地区较低;2001年是三江平原水资源开发利用程度变化的时间节点,2001-2011年十年间三江平原一半以上分区的水资源开发利用程度发展至中等水平;地下水资源开发利用和农业灌溉是三江平原及其大部分分区水资源开发利用程度变化的核心驱动因素,鹤岗市、双鸭山市和佳木斯市是推动研究区水资源开发利用程度演变的主要分区;相比2011年,2017年三江平原水资源开发利用程度和关键驱动因素无明显变化。研究结果可为三江平原水资源可持续利用提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

几十年前还主要是沼泽、湿地的三江平原,一直以气候湿润、水草丰美而闻名。作为全国重要的商品粮基地,三江平原的农田水利工作一直以防洪除涝为重点。因为不论是旱田还是水  相似文献   

探索变化环境下三江平原地下水资源量计算条件,简述三江平原水环境的变化,近年来有关三江平原地下水资源量的计算结果,分析计算中存在的不确定性,提供三江平原地下水资源量计算的建议。  相似文献   

三江平原地下水开采对生态过程的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
黑龙江省三江平原地下水参与沼泽湿地生态的形成过程。大规模开采地下水对三江平原生态过程的退化产生了较大的影响。应科学合理开发国境界河(湖)水资源,通过联合调度地表水与地下水来缓减当前地下水资源的超载压力,在巩固和发展三江平原商品粮基地的同时,高度关注并维持、保护和恢复三江平原现有湿地生态水文过程和湿地生物多样性。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities have exerted increasingly large-scale influences on terrestrial ecological systems from the past century, primarily through agriculture; however, the impact of such changes on the hydrologic cycle is poorly understood. As one of the important land use (LU) in the coastal Dogo Plain of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, paddy fields have been decreasing with the increase in urbanization in recent decades. As the main source of water in the Dogo Plain, groundwater plays an important role in providing people with fresh water and contributing to stream base flow. The purpose of this study is to analyze the water resource and evaluate the effect of LU change on groundwater table fluctuation in this coastal plain. Firstly, the observations of groundwater table and the investigation of water balance were carried out in this alluvial plain. Then, a distributed four-block three-layer water balance model was employed to analyze the groundwater table fluctuation with response to the change of paddy field area. Moreover, the role of paddy field in recharging groundwater in the basin has been clarified. Results show that groundwater table depends not only on rainfall and discharge from rivers, but also on irrigation water and topology of the study area. The net groundwater recharge was positive in irrigation periods whereas that in non-irrigation periods was nearly equal to zero or negative. The results of this study would be helpful to the urban development policy and land use planning decision.  相似文献   

灌区地表水—地下水耦合模型的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘路广  崔远来 《水利学报》2012,43(7):826-833
为了定量描述灌区水平衡要素及其转化关系,构建了灌区地表水-地下水分布式模拟耦合模型。通过改进SWAT模型的稻田及旱作物水分循环、蒸发蒸腾量和渠系渗漏计算等模块,建立了灌区地表水分布式模拟模型;以SWAT模型中的水文响应单元(HRU)和MODFLOW模型中的有限差分网格(cells)作为基本交换单元,将改进SWAT模型的地下水补给量计算值加载到MODFLOW模型的地下水补给模块,实现了灌区地表水-地下水分布式模拟模型的耦合。耦合模型在柳园口灌区的应用结果表明,该模型能够准确模拟和预测灌区地表水和地下水的动态变化,为灌区水管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   


The North China Plain (NCP) is one of China's most important social, economic, and agricultural regions. Currently, the Plain has 17,950 thousand ha of cultivated land, 71.1 percent of which is irrigated, consuming more than 70 percent of the total water supply. Increasing water demands associated with rapid urban and industrial development and expansion of irrigated land have led to overexploitation of both surface and the ratio of groundwater resources, particularly north of the Yellow River. In 1993, the ratio of groundwater exploitation to recharge in many parts of the NCP exceeded 1.0; in some areas, the ratio exceeded 1.5. Consequently, about 1.06 million ha of water-short irrigated areas in the NCP also have poor water quality. Persistent groundwater overexploitation in the northern parts of the NCP has resulted in water-level declines in both shallow and deep aquifers. According to data from 600 shallow groundwater observation wells in the Hebei Plain, the average depth to water increased from 7.23 m in 1983 to 11.52 m in 1993, indicating an average water-table decline of 0.425 m/year. Water table declines are not uniformly distributed throughout the area. Depletion rates are generally greatest beneath cities and intensively groundwater-irrigated areas. Water-table declines have also varied over time. With the continued decline of groundwater levels, large depression cones have formed both in unconfined and confined aquifers beneath the Hebei Plain. Groundwater depletion in the NCP has severely impacted the environment. Large tracts of land that overlie cones of depression have subsided, seawater has intruded into previously freshwater aquifers in coastal plains, and ground-water quality has deteriorated due to salinization, seawater intrusion, and untreated urban and industrial wastewater discharge. In order to balance groundwater exploitation with recharge, the major remedial measures suggested are to strengthen groundwater management, to raise water use efficiency, to adjust the water-consumed structure, and to increase water supply  相似文献   

近30年来白洋淀流域平原区地下水位动态变化及原因分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
白洋淀流域平原区是华北平原的农业高产区域,灌溉用水主要靠开采地下水。近几十年来,白洋淀地下水位下降严重,在1974年-2007年。该区域地下水埋深以平均每年0.51m的速率下降,1980年以后下降速率明显加速,在2000年-2007年年均下降速率达到了0.99m。引起地下水位持续下降的主要原因是地下水超采严重,且用水高峰期遭遇枯水期,尤其体现在1980年以后年降水偏枯.同时社会经济用水量维持在高峰阶段。低效的农业用水模式及地下水超采已经严重制约了白洋淀地区水资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

对三江平原20世纪50—60年代、70—80年代和90年代至今的地下水资源量进行了调查对比,结果表明:低山丘陵区和平原区主要接受大气降水的补给,平原区还接受丘陵区的地下水侧向流补给及河水补给,排泄在早期以蒸发为主,后期以人工开采为主;三江平原地下水循环演化是从20世纪70—80年代开始发生负均衡变化的,而在农业经济发展的90年代负均衡更加显著,形成了一些地下水超采区。  相似文献   

基于灰色预测的建三江地区地下水变化趋势研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三江平原建三江地区是国家重要的商品粮生产基地,近些年由于井灌水稻发展迅速,地下水用量急剧增加,造成地下水位持续下降并形成集中降深.文章在分析建三江地区地下水开采情况及动态变化情况的基础上,建立了灰色预测GM(1,1)模型,并采用该模型对建三江地区地下水埋深情况进行了预测,绘制了地下水埋深空间分布图.针对建三江地区未来地下水变化趋势,提出了在保证粮食安全的同时,保证水安全,综合开发利用水资源,实现区域可持续发展的建议.  相似文献   

华北平原有咸水区雨洪控制利用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
华北平原有咸水区,水资源短缺,深层地下水严重超采,生态环境恶化。在这个地区开发利用咸水,腾出地下库容,能够减少潜水蒸发与雨洪径流,增大降雨入渗,把时空分布不均的天然降雨转化为可利用的水资源。该文总结了农村用微咸水灌溉,抗旱增产,调控地下水埋深,增大雨洪回灌,淡化地下水质的经验。提出了城区雨洪控制利用的建议。  相似文献   

南水北调东线一期工程建成后,输水期间抬高沿线河水位,河水与地下水补排关系必将发生变化,对河道两侧地下水水位和水量产生一定的影响。根据梁济运河段的地貌、地质和水文地质条件,应用地下水非稳定运动数学模型,研究河渠渗漏对地下水水位的变化,从而分析预测影响区盐渍化情况。梁济运河在南水北调通水后,减小了两岸地下水埋深,影响范围约在500~1000m,地下水埋深减小为1.0~3.0m,地下水埋深均大于适宜临界埋深,但还存在盐渍化的潜在可能性。  相似文献   

针对中国黄泛平原井灌地区地下水超采引起的大面积地下水漏斗问题,选择山东省临清市项目区,利用土壤水动力学、水力学和地下水动力学等相关理论,实施了地下水回灌工程对技术方案和参数进行设计,计算其回灌效果。通过计算结果可知,该回灌工程在7 d的引水过程中,增加了52 310.82 m~3的地下水补给量,占地下水补给总量的60.7%。野外回灌系统流速监测和示踪试验表明,该工程设计方案可行。在原沟渠渗入补给的基础上,该种明沟—暗管—竖井回灌补源工程增加了地下水补给量,对地下水漏斗恢复和旱涝碱综合治理具有重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of water balance study and aquifer simulation modeling for preliminary estimation of the recharge rate and sustainable yield for the semi arid Barind Tract region of Bangladesh. The outcomes of the study are likely to be useful for planning purposes. It is found from detailed water balance study for the area that natural recharge rates in the Barind Tract vary widely year to year. It may have resulted from the method used for the calculation. If the considered time interval had been smaller than the monthly rainfall, the results could have been different. Aquifer Simulation Modeling (ASM) for the Barind aquifer is used to estimate long-term sustainable yield of the groundwater considering limiting drawdown from the standpoint of economic pumping cost. In managing a groundwater basin efficiently and effectively, evaluation of the maximum annual groundwater yield of the basin that can be withdrawn and used without producing any undesirable effect is one of the most important issues. In investigating such recharge rate, introduction of certain terms such as sustainable yield and safe yield has been accompanied. Development of this area involves proper utilization of this vast land, which is possible only through ensured irrigation for agriculture. The Government of Bangladesh has a plan to develop irrigation facilities by optimum utilization of available ground and surface water. It is believed that the groundwater table is lowering rapidly and the whole region is in an acute state of deforestation. Indiscriminate groundwater development may accelerate deforestation trend. In this context estimation of actual natural recharge rate to the aquifer and determination of sustainable yield will assist in proper management and planning of environmentally viable abstraction schemes. It is revealed from the study that the sustainable yield of ground water (204 mm/y) is somewhat higher than the long-term annual average recharge (152.7 mm) to the groundwater reservoir. The reason behind this is that the rivers within and around the Barind Tract might have played the role of influent rivers.  相似文献   

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