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We report here the first three-dimensional (3-D) Monte Carlo (MC) modeling of grain growth in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of a weldment. Computed grain-size distributions in the HAZ of a 2.25Cr-1Mo steel, for different heat inputs in the range from 1.1 to 4.8 MJ/m, were compared to independent experimental results. The simulated mean grain size for different heat inputs agreed well with the corresponding independent experimental data. The mean grain size at various locations equidistant from the fusion line were different. The predicted grain size from the 3-D model matched the experimental results more closely than that from a two-dimensional (2-D) model. When the whole calculation domain was subjected to a single thermal cycle experienced by a monitoring location within the HAZ, the computed grain size was larger than that calculated at the monitoring location by taking into account the prevailing temperature gradient due to thermal pinning. The good agreement between the simulated grain structure and the corresponding experimental results indicates significant promise for understanding grain-growth phenomena in the entire HAZ by using the MC technique.  相似文献   

The microstructure and crystallographic texture spanning the soft region at the thermomechanically affected zone/heat-affected zone (TMAZ/HAZ) boundary of a friction stir weld in 2519 Al were systematically investigated to determine their contributions to the properties of that region. The microstructure was shown to be the primary cause of softening at the TMAZ/HAZ boundary. During welding, fine ϑ′ precipitates responsible for much of the strength in this alloy coarsen and transform to the equilibrium ϑ phase in the HAZ and into the TMAZ, accounting for the observed softening through the HAZ region. The higher temperatures achieved in the TMAZ partially resolutionize the precipitates and allow the subsequent formation of Guinier-Preston (GP) zones during cooling. These two processes are responsible for the variation in microhardness observed in the TMAZ/HAZ region. Texture analyses revealed significant differences in the crystallographic texture across this region that were primarily due to macroscopic rigid-body rotations of the grains, but do not account for the observed softening. The effect of the observed microstructural evolutions on the friction stir welding (FSW) deformation field and on the fracture behavior of the weld are also discussed.  相似文献   

The microstructure evolution and impact-toughness variation of heat-affected zone(HAZ)in X80 highstrain pipeline steel were investigated via a welding thermal-simulation technique,Charpy impact tests,and scanning electron microscopy observations under different welding heat inputs and peak temperatures.The results indicate that when heat input was between 17 and 25kJ·cm~(-1),the coarse-grained heat-affected zone showed improved impact toughness.When the heat input was increased further,the martensite-austenite(M-A)islands transformed from fine lath into a massive block.Therefore,impact toughness was substantially reduced.When the heat input was 20kJ·cm~(-1) and the peak temperature of the first thermal cycle was between 900 and 1300°C,a higher impact toughness was obtained.When heat input was 20kJ·cm~(-1) and the peak temperature of the first thermal cycle was 1300°C,the impact toughness value at the second peak temperature of 900°C was higher than that at the second peak temperature of 800°C because of grain refining and uniformly dispersed M-A constituents in the matrix of bainite.  相似文献   

Phosphorus occurs as impurity in 12% CrMoV-steels and tends to be enriched at grain boundaries. The phosphorus grain-boundary segregation in a laboratory cast of steel X 20 CrMoV 12 1 with a relatively high phosphorus content (0.057% P) was studied by Auger electron spectroscopy and the segregation kinetics and equilibria were described. Using the results it was possible to predict and compare phosphorus segregation with measured phosphorus concentrations in long-term annealed steels. By means of the radioactive tracer method the diffusion of phosphorus was studied in detail. The comparison with segregation kinetics showed that phosphorus is transported to the grain boundaries faster than is to be expected from bulk diffusion. Investigations by transmission-electron-microscopy showed recrystallisation and an agglomeration of carbides with aging time and the occurrence of new phases (Laves-phase Fe2Mo). All these processes lead at first to an increase in toughness as established in notch-impact fracture tests for the laboratory cast, after long-term use however, a reduction in toughness is to be expected.  相似文献   

Untersucht wird das Zeitstandverhalten gleichartiger Schweißverbindungen des Werkstoffs X 20 CrMoV 12 1 sowie ungleichartiger Verbindungen zwischen diesem und dem Werkstoff GS-17 CrMoV 5 11. Bei quer entnommenen Kleinproben zeigt sich ein Abfall der Zeitstandfestigkeit gegenüber dem Grundwerkstoff. Große Querproben aus einer ungleichartigen Verbindung weisen eine höhere Zeitstandfestigkeit auf als entsprechende Kleinproben. Zur Klärung der in den Schweißverbindungen auftretenden Spannungs- und Dehnungsumlagerungen wurden inelastische Finite-Elemente-(FE-)Berechnungen durchgeführt. Dabei wurde das Zeitdehnverhalten von Grundwerkstoffen, Schweißgut und thermisch simulierten Gefügen der Wärmeeinflußzone berücksichtigt. Die Anwendung spannungsbezogener Kriterien zur Bestimmung der Anrißdauer der Proben auf die FE-Ergebnisse läßt eine Voraussage des Versagensorts sowie eine sichere Abschätzung der Versagenszeit zu.  相似文献   

The microstructural changes in a tube section of X20CrMoV12-1 due to service are investigated. The investigation was carried out by combining mechanical tests, finite element calculations and mainly quantitative characterisation of the microstructure by electron microscopy. The tensile and fatigue tests at room temperature did not show differences between the tube section and the initial State of another melt. At the approximate service temperature the deformation resistance of the service exposed material is slightly lower. The finite element calculations indicate no plastic deformation. The quantitative characterisation of the microstructure shows that the dislocation structure does not differ from the initial State of other melts. On the other hand the carbide structure grows with time at temperatures prevailing during service. The coarsening of the carbide structure may be the reason for a lower high temperature deformation resistance of the material of the tube section. The microstructural results indicate that the tube section was not influenced by plastic deformation during service.  相似文献   

A methodology for obtaining a one-to-one correlation between Monte Carlo (MC) and real parameters of grain size and time is described. Using the methodology, and the MC grain growth algorithm, the grain structure in the weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) of a 0.5 Mo-Cr-V steel has been simulated. The simulations clearly show that the kinetics of grain growth can be retarded by the presence of steep temperature gradients in the weld HAZ. Additional pinning due to the formation of grain boundary liquid near the solidus temperature has also been simulated. It is shown that in order to accurately predict the observed grain size in the weld HAZ of the 0.5Cr-Mo-V steel, the retardation in growth kinetics due to temperature gradients as well as liquid pinning should be considered.  相似文献   

Grain-boundary liquation occurs in the weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) of the Ni-base superalloy 718 at locations where the peak temperatures are greater than about 1200 ‡C. The evolution of the grain structure at these HAZ locations depends upon the interaction between the grains and the grain-boundary liquid. The evolution of grain structure in the presence of grain-boundary liquid was simulated by subjecting samples to controlled thermal cycles using resistance heating. A measurement of grain size as a function of isothermal hold at two peak temperatures of 1200 ‡C and 1227 ‡C indicated that in alloy 718, the kinetics of grain growth depended upon the prior thermal history of the alloy. In the solution-treated alloy, the presence of grain-boundary liquid did not arrest grain growth at either peak temperature. In the homogenized and aged alloy, a grain refinement was observed at the peak temperature of 1227 ‡C, while an arrest of grain growth was observed at a peak temperature of 1200‡C. Liquid film migration (LFM) and subgrain coalescence, either acting alone or simultaneously, are shown to explain most of the observed microstructural phenomena and the kinetics of grain growth in the alloy. Formerly Research Associate, with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL  相似文献   

Dissolution kinetics of NbC particles in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of Type 347 austenitic stainless steel were experimentally studied by a rapid cooling method. Coupons with 1.5-mm thickness were water quenched on a GLEEBLE thermomechanical simulator at various instances during the heating portion of a welding thermal cycle. Particle dissolution kinetics data were obtained by statistical analysis of digital images of resulting microstructure. For most of the test alloys, a good correlation exists between the dissolution kinetics and the susceptibility to cracking in the HAZ. The faster the Nb-carbide particles dissolve, the more resistant the alloy is to constitutional liquation cracking. The rate at which particles dissolve seems to be affected by their stoichiometry. If Nb:C ratios in bulk alloys are closer to the ideal stoichiometry of 7.7, NbC particles formed in the alloy are more likely to be stable and, hence, slower to dissolve.  相似文献   

The microstructure of three specimens of the martensitic steel X22CrMoV12-1 which had been subjected to long-term cyclic creep at 873 K with intermittent phases of unloading (stress ratio R = 0) and compression (R = ?1) was quantified by electron microscopy with regard to carbides, dislocations and pores. The laws of time dependent coarsening of carbides and strain controlled growth of subgrains found for monotonic creep hold also for cyclic creep. The longer time it takes cyclic creep to reach a given strain leads to a growth advantage of carbides compared to monotonic creep. The microstructural model of plastic deformation previously developed for monotonic creep on X20(22)CrMoV12-1 allows to calculate the cyclic creep acceleration due to this advantage in carbide growth.  相似文献   

Grain-boundary liquation occurs in the weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) of the Ni-base superalloy 718 at locations where the peak temperatures are greater than about 1200 °C. The evolution of the grain structure at these HAZ locations depends upon the interaction between the grains and the grain-boundary liquid. The evolution of grain structure in the presence of grain-boundary liquid was simulated by subjecting samples to controlled thermal cycles using resistance heating. A measurement of grain size as a function of isothermal hold at two peak temperatures of 1200 °C and 1227 °C indicated that in alloy 718, the kinetics of grain growth depended upon the prior thermal history of the alloy. In the solution-treated alloy, the presence of grain-boundary liquid did not arrest grain growth at either peak temperature. In the homogenized and aged alloy, a grain refinement was observed at the peak temperature of 1227 °C, while an arrest of grain growth was observed at a peak temperature of 1200 °C. Liquid film migration (LFM) and subgrain coalescence, either acting alone or simultaneously, are shown to explain most of the observed microstructural phenomena and the kinetics of grain growth in the alloy. B. Radhakrishnan, formerly Research Associate, with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.  相似文献   

Microstructural degradations in the base metal adjacent to the weld pool, i.e., the heat-affected zone (HAZ), caused during welding of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel, were characterized by electron and optical microscopy of different regions of the weldments. In order to study the influence of the microstructural degradations on scaling kinetics in steam and the resulting subscale features, samples of the base metal, the HAZ, and weld metal specimens were extracted from the weldment and oxidized in an environment of 35 pct steam+nitrogen at 873 K for 10 hours. Oxide scales formed in the three regions and the underlying subscales were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). Influence of the “free” chromium content in the three weldment regions on protective scale formation and on the subscale features has been investigated. As the principal achievement, this study has clearly shown the occurrence of oxidation-induced void formation in the subscale zone and grain boundary cavitation in the neighboring area during steam oxidation of the HAZ. This article also discusses the possible role of oxidation-induced void formation and grain boundary cavitation in the inferior service life of welds in 2.25Cr-1Mo steel components.  相似文献   

Large-diameter Type 304 stainless steel pipe weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) was investigated to determine the rate at which low temperature sensitization (LTS) can occur in weld HAZ at nuclear reactor operating temperatures and to determine the effects of LTS on the initiation and propagation of intergranular stress corrosion cracks (IGSCC). The level of sensitization was determined with the electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation (EPR) test, and IGSCC susceptibility was determined with constant extension rate tests (CERT) and actively loaded compact tension (CT) tests. Substructural changes and carbide compositions were analyzed by electron microscopy. Weld HAZ was found to be susceptible to IGSCC in the as-welded condition for tests conducted in 8-ppm-oxygen, high-purity water at 288 °C. For low oxygen environments (i.e., 288 °C/0.2 ppm O2 or 180 °C/1.0 ppm O2), IGSCC susceptibility was detected only in weld HAZ that had been sensitized at temperatures from 385 °C to 500 °C. Lower temperature heat treatments did not produce IGSCC. The microscopy studies indicate that the lack of IGSCC susceptibility from LTS heat treatments below 385 °C is a result of the low chromium-to-iron ratio in the carbide particles formed at grain boundaries. Without chromium enrichment of carbides, no chromium depleted zone is produced to enhance IGSCC susceptibility.  相似文献   

Brittle fracture initiation in the ductile-brittle fracture transition region in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of weldments of a low carbon steel has been investigated. Consistent with the previous results from blunt notch Charpy tests, brittle fracture initiation was observed in the case of J-integral tests to take place at the intersection of small bainitic ferrite grains of different orientations within a mixed area of bainitic ferrite and quasipolygonal ferrite in proximity to the boundary between a coarse bainitic ferrite. Partial load drop during loading, pop-in phenomena, in fracture mechanics tests in the low-temperature region is caused by essentially the same mechanism as for unstable brittle fracture initiation. Inhomogeneous microstructure in the HAZ gives rise to intense strain localizations in the mixed area of bainitic ferrite and quasipolygonal ferrite due to the constraint of plastic deformation therein and may produce accumulated defects that form an incipient crack for the brittle fracture. Partial load drop proceeds in association with repetitive initiations of brittle facets and their ductile linking. The strong temperature dependence of the magnitude of partial load drop is likely to show that the temperature dependence of the brittle fracture initiation is controlled by the first initiation of a brittle facet and the ductile linking with the following induced facets. Existence of coarse bainitic ferrite grains is a prerequisite for the extension of an incipient crack.  相似文献   

The microstructure of the heat-affected zone (HAZ) in bead-on-plate welded 17–4 PH stainless steel was studied with special reference to the roles of prior heat treatment and heat input during welding. The HAZ in solution-annealed condition consists of three different microstructural zones containing: (i) retransformed martensite and reformed austenite; (ii) overaged martensite; and (iii) under-aged martensite. In aged condition the HAZ consists of zones (i) and (ii), while in overaged condition it consists almost entirely of zone (ii). The HAZ in solution-annealed and aged conditions is characterised by steep gradients in hardness, while in overaged condition it has uniform hardness throughout. A good correlation was obtained between the calculated temperature distribution in the HAZ and the observed microstructural features.  相似文献   

The microstructures, tensile properties, and fatigue properties of a 2195-T8 Al-Li alloy subjected to a weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) simulation and gas-tungsten-arc (GTA) welding using a 4043 filler metal, with and without a postweld heat treatment, were studied. The principal strengthening precipitate in the T8 base alloy was the T 1 (Al2CuLi) phase. The HAZ simulation resulted in the dissolution of T 1 precipitates and the formation of T B(Al7Cu4Li) phase, Guinier-Preston (G–P) zones, and δ′ (Al3Li) particles. When the HAZ simulation was conducted at the highest temperature of 600 °C, microcracks and voids also formed along the grain boundaries (GBs). In the specimens welded with the 4043 alloy, T (AlLiSi) phase was found to form in the fusion zone (FZ). An elongated T Bphase and microcracks were observed to occur along the GBs in the HAZ close to the FZ interface. The T 1 phase was not observed in the HAZ. The postweld heat treatment resulted in the spheroidization of primary T phase and the precipitation of small secondary T particles in the FZ, the dissolution of T B phase, and the reprecipitation of the T 1 phase in the HAZ. Both the HAZ simulation and welding gave rise to a considerable decrease in the hardness, tensile properties, and fatigue strength. The hardness in the FZ was lower than that in the HAZ. Although the postweld heat treatment improved both the hardness and tensile properties due to the reprecipitation of T 1 phase in the HAZ and a smaller interparticle spacing in the FZ, no increase in the fatigue strength was observed because of the presence of microcracks in the HAZ.  相似文献   

对钢结构而言,诸如海洋平台、船舶、桥梁、建筑和油气管线等,焊接后的性能直接决定了其服役寿命和安全性,重要性不言而喻.在针对焊接相关问题的研究中,焊接热影响区的韧性提升一直是重点和难点.焊接热影响区会经历高达1400℃的高温,从而形成粗大的奥氏体晶粒,如果焊接参数控制不当,不能通过后续冷却过程中的相变细化组织,就会造成韧性的降低.而多道次焊接的情况更为复杂,前一道次形成的粗晶区还会在后续焊接过程中经历二次热循环,从而形成链状M-A,造成韧性的急剧下降.本文旨在对一些现有焊接热影响区的相关研究结果进行总结,探讨母材的成分、第二相及焊接工艺等因素对热影响区微观组织和性能的影响,为低温环境服役的大型钢结构的焊接性能改善提供一些设计思路.  相似文献   

Charpy toughness of the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of weldment of a low carbon steel has been investigated by means of an instrumented Charpy test and fractographic analysis. Microstructures were varied with thermal cycles simulating double-pass welding. The ductile-brittle transition temperature is the most deteriorated at an intermediate second-cycle heating temperature. The origin of the difference in the transition temperatures has been analyzed to exist in the brittle fracture initiation stage. Fractographic examination correlating with microstructural features has revealed that the brittle fracture initiation site is associated with the intersection of bainitic ferrite areas with different orientations rather than the martensite-austenite constituents. The role of the constraint of plastic deformation on the brittle fracture initiation is discussed.  相似文献   

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