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The improvement of heat resistance and mechanical properties of phenolic resin was examined with the blend of novolac and copolymers prepared from p-hydroxyphenylmaleimide (HPMI) and styrene. Copolymers of HPMI and styrene with various molecular weights were synthesized. Glass transition (Tg) and thermal decomposition temperatures of the copolymers were measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG), respectively. The miscibility of the copolymers with novolac was examined by DSC. It was found that the copolymers had a good heat resistance and a good miscibility with novolac. Molding compounds were prepared by hot roll-kneading of mixtures that involved novolac, copolymer, hexamethylenetetramine (hexamine), and glass fiber. It was found that the test pieces prepared by transfer molding from the molding compounds showed a good heat resistance and better mechanical properties than phenolic resin modified with HPMI homopolymer. 相似文献
The improvement of toughness and heat resistance of phenolic resin was examined by blend of novolac and copolymers prepared from p-hydroxyphenylmaleimide (HPMI) and acrylic ester. Copolymers of HPMI and acrylic esters, such as methyl acrylate, ethylacrylate, n-butylacrylate, or 2-ethylhexyl acrylate, were synthesized. Average molecular weights, glass transition temperatures (Tg) and thermal decomposition temperatures were measured. The miscibility of the copolymers with novolac was evaluated. It was found that these copolymers had higher average molecular weight and higher thermal decomposition temperature than those of novolac; they also had good miscibility with novolac. Molding compounds were prepared by hot roll-kneading of mixtures, which involved novolac, the copolymer, hexamethylenetetramine (hexamine), and glass fiber. Test pieces of the modified phenolic resins were prepared by transfer molding from the molding compounds. It was found that phenolic resin, modified with HPMI/ethylacrylate copolymer or HPMI/n-butylacrylate copolymer, which consisted of numerous units of acrylic ester, showed both good toughness and good heat resistance. 相似文献
首次将蔗糖八乙酸酯(SOA)引入到酚醛树脂(PF)体系中,并采用傅里叶红外光谱(FT-IR)、差示扫描量热法(DSC)、热重分析(TGA)和扫描电镜(SEM)等对改性PF的性能进行了表征。结果表明:当w(SOA)≤9.1%时,PF的热分解温度和800℃时的残炭率都有所提高;加入SOA后,PF的固化温度提高,并且由一步固化转变为二步固化;SOA与PF具有良好的相容性,可以有效抑制树脂固化中产生的气泡,有利于降低材料的内部缺陷;当w(SOA)≈7%时,玻璃纤维增强SOA改性PF复合材料的冲击强度提高了9.5%。 相似文献
Three 4-hydroxyphenylmaleimide/ n-butylacrylate (HPMI/n-BuA) copolymers with different monomer ratios were synthesized. Their average molecular weights, glass transition temperatures (T,g), and thermal decomposition temperatures were measured. It was found that these copolymers had higher average molecular weights and higher thermal decomposition temperatures than novolac. Modified phenolic resins were prepared by transfer moulding from moulding compounds consisting of novolac, the copolymer, hexamethylenetetramine (hexamine), and glass fibre. Properties of the three kinds of modified phenolic resins were examined by flexural test, impact test, dynamic thermomechanometry, and observation of morphology. It was found that phenolic resin modified with HPMI/ n-BuA (1/3-6) copolymer and modified with HPMI/n-BuA (1/7-0) copolymer showed good toughness and good heat resistance. It was also found that the heat resistance of modified phenolic resins was improved by after-cure, but the mechanical properties were decreased by after-cure: similar behaviour was observed for unmodified phenolic resin. 相似文献
造纸废液改性酚醛树脂胶粘剂的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
木质素是造纸工业废液中的主要成分,具有与酚醛树脂相似的结构,因此可以部分替代苯酚用于酚醛树脂的生产。采用造纸废液替代部分苯酚制备改性酚醛树脂胶粘剂,并将该胶粘剂用于全桦三层胶合板的压制。在改性胶粘剂合成过程中,采用二次缩聚法、强碱性催化剂分3批投入,并以投料量、投料温度和粘度为可变因素设计正交实验,分析各因素对胶合板的胶合强度及浸渍剥离率的影响。实验结果表明,当w(造纸废液)=10%、投料温度为50℃和投料粘度为25s时,所压制的胶合板能够达到GB/T 9 846.7-2004Ⅰ类板的标准要求,并使造纸废液的污染程度和成本明显降低。 相似文献
Raw and dewaxed jute felt composites were prepared with resol and lignin modified phenol formaldehyde resin. Four different types of lignin modified resins were used by replacing phenol with lignin. The lignin modified resins were prepared from purified lignin obtained from paper industry waste black liquor. To investigate bonding between jute and resin, IR spectroscopy of jute felts and composites was carried out. The thermal stability of the composites was assessed by DSC and TGA. It was found that the lignin resin jute composite is thermally more stable than resol composite. XRD of jute felt and composite shows that the crystallinity of the jute fiber increases after composite preparation. The lignin resin composites were tested for water absorption and thickness swelling, and it was found that the results are comparable with those of resol jute composite. Composites prepared from lignin phenol formaldehyde resin with 50% phenol replacement has shown 75% tensile strength retention to that of pure resol jute composite. 相似文献
利用纳米粒子对镁碳砖生产用酚醛树脂粘合剂进行了改性。改性树脂常规指标符合镁碳砖结合剂的要求。FE-SEM照片可以看到球形和近球形的纳米颗粒,分散均匀且基本无团聚。制砖实验结果表明,以改性树脂为结合剂能有效地减小显气孔率,增大体积密度且明显提高砖的压缩强度。特别是以TEOS(正硅酸乙酯)和纳米炭黑改性酚醛树脂为结合剂的镁碳砖,经200℃/12h热处理后的常温压缩强度分别提高了38.5%和30.4%,达到了43.94MPa和41.35MPa。砖坯的理化性能检测表明,随处理温度的升高,压缩强度和体积密度越来越小,显气孔率越来越大,200~1100℃各指标变化显著,1100~1550℃各指标没有显著变化,但呈变差趋势。 相似文献
对不同组成苯并口恶嗪/酚醛共混树脂体系进行了研究,内容包括共混树脂的反应动力学参数计算、共固化机理、热分解动力学以及耐烧蚀性能等。结果表明:酚醛与苯并口恶嗪树脂共混后可以改变苯并口恶嗪的固化机理,酚醛树脂的加入使口恶嗪分子由热开环变为活泼氢开环,在较低温度下就可以反应,降低了固化反应温度。同时共混树脂可以使固化过程收缩率和小分子挥发物比传统的酚醛树脂低,可以减少烧蚀试样的表面裂纹,致密的碳化层具有一定附着强度,提高了共混树脂烧蚀性能。该共混体系可以作为宇航领域中1种性能优良的耐烧蚀树脂体系。 相似文献