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为了研究纳米粒子几何结构对膨胀型防火涂料阻燃和抑烟性能的影响,以聚磷酸铵(APP)-季戊四醇(PER)-三聚氰胺(MEL)-硼酸三聚氰胺(MB)为阻燃体系,硅丙乳液为成膜物质,分别添加球形纳米二氧化硅(Si O2)、经硅烷偶联剂KH560改性的管状碳纳米管(KH560–CNT)和片状水滑石(LDH)制备了3种水性膨胀型防火涂料。采用小室法、隧道法及模拟大板法研究了涂层的防火阻燃性能,再结合热重分析、扫描电镜分析和能谱分析,考察了涂层的热解性能和炭层结构。结果表明,球形Si O2和片状LDH能有效增强防火涂料的阻燃和抑烟性能,表现出较好的协效作用;管状KH560–CNT则会恶化防火涂料的阻燃和抑烟性能,表现出对抗作用。当纳米填料的质量分数为0.5%时,片状LDH表现出最优的协效作用,火焰传播比值为12.5,烟密度等级为14.1%。这是因为它能促进涂层在燃烧过程中形成更多的含磷和含硼交联结构,有效增强了炭层的致密性、连续性和隔热性能。  相似文献   

竹粉用量对PVC/竹粉复合材料阻燃抑烟性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自制的聚乙烯蜡接枝马来酸酐对竹粉进行改性,并制备了PVC/竹粉复合材料;研究了改性竹粉用量对PVC/竹粉复合材料阻燃抑烟性能的影响.结果表明:①PVC/竹粉复合材料的氧指数随着改性竹粉用量的增加而下降;②当改性竹粉的用量为10~50份时,PVC/竹粉复合材料的垂直燃烧性能达到FV-0级,水平燃烧性能达到FH-1级;...  相似文献   

Here, a phosphazene-based flame retardant (PBFA) containing active amine groups was synthesized by hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene and N-aminoethylpiperazine and nickel ion (Ni2+) was chelated to the surface of PBFA (named as PBFA-Ni2+). Incorporation into epoxy resin (EP) with a loading of 6 wt% (named as EP/PBFA-Ni2+-6.0), enabled the composite to pass the vertical burning test (UL-94) V 0 rating. Peak heat release rate and the total smoke release of EP/PBFA-Ni2+-6.0 were decreased by 41.02% and 22.74% as measured by cone calorimeter tests. The production rate of CO was inhibited when PBFA-Ni2+ was incorporated into EP.  相似文献   

A series of novel aluminum phosphate ester (APEA) flame retardants were synthesized by the salification of cyclic phosphate ester acid (PEA) with different mass ratios of aluminum hydroxide (ATH) and thoroughly characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The PEA and APEAs were thoroughly mixed with melamine formaldehyde resin to produce five kinds of transparent fire-retardant coatings. The synergistic effects of ATH on the thermal stability, flame retardancy, and smoke suppression properties of the coatings were investigated by different analytical instruments. The results show that the incorporation of ATH greatly decreases the weight loss, char index, flame spread rating, heat release rate, total heat release, smoke production rate, total smoke release and specific optical density in the coatings applied to plywood boards, which is ascribed to a more compact and intumescent char formed during burning, as determined from digital photographs and scanning electron microscopy images. The synergistic effects of ATH in the coatings depend on the content of ATH, and an excessive amount of ATH diminishes the synergistic effects on the flame retardancy and smoke suppression properties based on fire protection tests and cone calorimeter test. Thermo-gravimetric analysis reveals that the thermal stability and char-forming ability of the coatings gradually improve with increasing loading of ATH. FTIR analysis demonstrates that the incorporation of ATH forms a more phosphorus-rich crosslinked char and aromatic char during burning, thus effectively reducing the mass loss, heat release, and smoke production and exhibiting excellent synergistic flame retardant and smoke suppression effects in the coatings.  相似文献   

A dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium chloride modified organic montmorillonite (OMMT‐I.44P)/poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) nanocomposite and anionic‐surfactant‐modified lanthanum organic montmorillonite (La‐OMMT)/PVC nanocomposites (with three different anionic surfactants for the La‐OMMTs) were prepared via melt‐intercalation technology. The effects of the La‐OMMTs and OMMT‐I.44P on the mechanical properties, flame retardancy, and smoke suppression of PVC were studied. X‐ray diffraction characterization showed that the La‐OMMTs were exfoliated in the PVC matrix. The mechanical properties of the nanocomposites were enhanced by the incorporation of the La‐OMMTs. Cone calorimetry and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analyses indicated that the incorporation of the La‐OMMTs enhanced the flame retardancy and smoke suppression of the PVC nanocomposites. Scanning electron microscopy photos further showed that the residual char surfaces of La‐OMMT/PVC were all intact and, thus, provided better barriers to energy and smoke transport. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2016 , 133, 43951.  相似文献   

A halogen‐free flame retardant system consisting of ammonium polyphosphate (APP) as an acid source, blowing agent, pentaerythritol (PER) as a carbonific agent and zinc oxide (ZnO) as a synergistic agent, was used in this work to enhance flame retardancy of phenolic foams. ZnO was incorporated into flame retardant formulation at different concentrations to investigate the flammability of flame retardant composite phenolic foams (FRCPFs). The synergistic effects of ZnO on FRCPFs were evaluated by limited oxygen index (LOI), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), cone calorimeter tests, and images of residues. Results showed that the flame retardant significantly increased the LOI of FRCPFs. Compared with PF, heat release rate (HRR), total heat release (THR), effective heat of combustion (EHC), production or yield of carbon monoxide (COP or COY) and Oxygen consumption (O2C) of FRCPFs all remarkably decreased. However specific extinction area (SEA) and total smoke release (TSR) significantly increased, which agreed with the gas‐phase flame retardancy mechanism of the flame retardant system. The results indicated that FRCPFs have excellent fire‐retardant performance and less smoke release. And the bending and compression strength were decreased gradually with the increase of ZnO. The comprehensive properties of FRCPFs were better when the amount of ZnO was 1~1.5%. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015 , 132, 42730.  相似文献   

介绍了聚氯乙烯阻燃抑烟机制及其分类,阻燃抑烟剂按组分不同分为无机、有机和复合型阻燃抑烟剂,综述了阻燃抑烟剂反应机制和性能的研究进展,展望了未来的发展和应用趋势。  相似文献   

PVC阻燃抑烟研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
综述了近几十年来PVC阻燃抑烟方面的研究成果,对PVC阻燃抑烟体系的各类及特点、阻燃抑烟机理、评定指标、分析测试方法进行了总结和评述,同时对PVC阻燃抑烟体系今后的研究方向做了展望。  相似文献   

用极限氧指数(LOI)、热重(TGA)和差示扫描量热(DSC)等方法研究了乙烯-丙烯酸丁酯共聚物(E-BA)/硼酸锌(ZB)复合材料的阻燃性能和热降解行为及ZB对EBA力学性能和熔体流动速率的影响。实验结果表明ZB的引入提高了EBA在高温下的热稳定性,恶化了材料的力学性能和加工性能,添加60%材料的LOI可达26.8%,主要通过物理方式在凝缩相和气相中发挥阻燃作用。  相似文献   

Environmentally friendly, flame-retardant, and relatively low-density (0.25–0.31 g cm−3) silicone foams (SiFs) were successfully obtained through dehydrogenation at room temperature (RT = 25.0 °C). Moreover, a flame-retardant system for SiFs was obtained through a synergistic combination of platinum (Pt) compounds, superfine aluminum hydroxide (ATH), and ultrafine calcium carbonate (CC). The smoke suppression, flame retardance, mechanical properties, and thermal stability of SiFs with Pt compounds, ATH, and CC were tested using the limited oxygen index (LOI), UL-94 test, smoke density test, cone calorimeter, and thermogravimetry–Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. With only 0.6 wt % Pt compounds, the pure SiF achieved the UL-94-V1 rating (3 mm thick), had an LOI value of 29.6%, and the maximum smoke density (MSD) was 6.5%. After adding ATH and CC, SiF composites could achieve the UL-94-V0 rating (3 mm thick), the LOI increase to 35.2%, and MSD decrease by 45%. Furthermore, the SiF with 0.6 wt % Pt compounds, 15.0 wt % ATH, and 15.0 wt % CC exhibited the optimal comprehensive properties for smoke suppression, flame retardance, mechanical performance, and thermal stability. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2020 , 137, 47679.  相似文献   

研究了系列羟基锡酸盐阻燃剂对半硬质PVC的阻燃消烟作用。通过对样品燃烧后剩炭含量及扫描电镜(SEM)分析,探讨了锡酸盐体系阻燃抑烟的机理。结果表明:经阻燃处理的样品具有较高的极限氧指数(LOI)和剩炭率,较低的烟密度等级(SDR)和最大烟密度(MSD),与未处理的样品相比具有较好的阻燃和消烟性能。由于阻燃剂的添加量较少,对材料力学性能影响不大。  相似文献   

随着高分子材料在人类生产生活中的广泛应用,其防火安全性问题日益凸显,高效环保阻燃抑烟剂的开发成为当前材料领域亟待解决的问题之一。然而,与发展较为成熟的阻燃剂研究领域相比,世界各国在抑烟剂方面的研究普遍处于起步和初期发展阶段。同时,多数抑烟剂的研究处于阻燃剂的从属地位,即在阻燃剂的基础上附加抑烟的性能,对单功能抑烟剂的开发重视度不够,限制了其进一步的发展。高分子材料中结构和官能团的多样性使其燃烧和发烟机理有显著不同,因此针对不同种类的高分子材料的燃烧和发烟过程,其阻燃和抑烟剂在组成和结构上的设计亦应有明显区别。以同一种材料实现阻燃和抑烟的兼顾,往往顾此失彼,导致两者性能均无法得到最大的发挥。因此,本文提出将阻燃剂和抑烟剂的功能分离开来的设计思想,加强单功能抑烟剂的研究投入,对阻燃/抑烟材料的化学组成和结构分别进行有针对性的设计,再进行功能优化复配,将是实现高分子材料高效阻燃抑烟的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

低烟难燃UPVC化学建材   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
赵劲松 《聚氯乙烯》2001,(2):35-36,39
简述了低烟难燃UPVC化学建材在现代建筑应用中的地位,探讨了其消烟机理,介绍了多种阻燃消烟剂,提供了几例UPVC化学建材的消烟专利技术,详细列举了消烟阻燃性能检测的方法并对该类化学建材进行了经济性评价。  相似文献   

用多聚磷酸、季戊四醇和三聚氰胺合成单分子磷-氮系膨胀型阻燃剂——季戊四醇多聚磷酸酯蜜胺盐(MPP),采用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪表征了其分子结构,采用锥形量热仪和烟密度测定仪评价了MPP对醇酸树脂的阻燃和抑烟特性。结果表明:MPP对醇酸树脂的阻燃性能优于聚磷酸铵、季戊四醇、三聚氰胺构成的传统三组分膨胀型阻燃剂(IFR),有机蒙脱土(OMMT)以及IFR/OMMT复合阻燃剂。w(MPP)为30%时,醇酸树脂的热释放速率峰值从839.65 k W/m2降至251.89 k W/m2,总热释放速率从50.98 MJ/m2降至25.19 MJ/m2,动态生烟速率和有焰燃烧条件下的静态生烟速率降低,无焰燃烧条件下的静态生烟速率增大。  相似文献   

孙才英 《精细化工》2011,28(12):1213-1217,1243
通过阻燃性能测试、热重分析、锥形量热分析等研究手段,考察了氧化铋对环状膦酸酯阻燃棉织物的阻燃抑烟协效作用。结果发现,在阻燃整理剂中添加0.4 g/L的氧化铋,可以使阻燃棉布的极限氧指数从43%提高到52%;损毁炭长缩短到5 cm,垂直燃烧达到B1级;而对断裂强度影响不大。热重分析表明,氧化铋的加入进一步降低了阻燃棉织物的初始分解温度和最大热解速率,500℃时的成炭量有所增加;扫描电镜显示,添加氧化铋后,棉织物燃烧成炭更致密;氧化铋具有明显的抗燃烧变形能力;锥形量热测试表明,氧化铋的添加不仅降低了阻燃棉织物的总热释放速率,而且使阻燃棉织物的总烟释放量降低了60%。  相似文献   

采用三氧化钼、钼酸铵、三氧化二锑、可膨胀石墨和硼酸锌作阻燃抑烟剂,分别按3种比例(5%、10%和15%)与膨胀阻燃体系(IFR)复配,制得水性膨胀型防火涂料。通过锥形量热仪研究了阻燃抑烟剂种类和用量对涂层燃烧性能的影响,并考察了其与IFR的协同性。结果表明,涂层生烟主要发生在着火之前,即烟气主要是裂解产物。三氧化钼或钼酸铵配合IFR会延迟点燃时间,与IFR质量比大于1∶1时可降低烟释放速率峰值(PSPR)。三氧化二锑或硼酸锌都不能降低热释放速率峰值(PHRR),且引入三氧化二锑还会明显增加PSPR。可膨胀石墨与IFR配比大于2∶3时,降低PHRR和PSPR的效果最好。这5种阻燃抑烟剂都能延迟热释放峰值时间和生烟速率峰值时间,其中硼酸锌的作用最明显。  相似文献   

Two novel Salen-DPCPs metal complexes (Salen-DPCP-1 and Salen-DPCP-2), containing both Salen-Schiff base (Salen), phenyl phosphate structures (DPCP) and nickel component, were prepared to reduce fire hazards of epoxy resin (EP). The results showed that 5 wt % addition of Salen-DPCP-1 brought a higher flame-retardant efficiency to the EP, where the V-0 rating in UL-94 burning test and 31.5% of limiting oxygen index (LOI) were achieved. Meanwhile, total heat release, total smoke production, and total CO yield dramatically decreased by 28.1, 23.6, and 21.4%. In addition, these results basically reappeared when Salen-DPCP-2 were introduced into EP to obtain Salen-DPCP-2/EP composites. Chemical structure and morphology characterization of the carbon residue confirmed that Salen-DPCPs improved the catalytic charring ability and the noncombustible gas releasing ability by the Fourier transform infrared, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and Scanning electron microscopy technology. Therefore, it is an efficient strategy to develop novel Salen composites modified by flame-retardant groups to improve the fire rating of polymers. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2020 , 137, 48734.  相似文献   

The polystyrene (PS) composite containing self-expanded intumescent flame retardant (polyphosphate ammonium and expandable graphite) was blended with three butyltriphenylphosphine-based chelate borates, respectively, to evaluate their effect on flame retardancy. The chemical structure of as-prepared three chelate borates was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR). The flame retardancy of various PS composites was evaluated by vertical burning test (UL-94), limited oxygen index (LOI), and cone calorimeter (CC). Flammability and combustion results suggested that one of chelate borates, named [BTP][BMB], made PS composite (PS4) obtain V-0 rating, 27.0 ± 0.3% LOI value, and reduction on heat release and smoke production with 17 wt% total flame retardants loading. The combustion residue was analyzed by scanning electron microscope and FTIR, and the pyrolysis gaseous products were investigated by TG-FTIR technique. Besides, complex viscosity of PS composites composed of various chelate borates from a rheology instrument indicated that the improvements of flame retardancy of PS composites depended on the temperature of construction of crosslinked network by expandable graphite, which the chelate borates showed distinctive influence. Accordingly, the flame-retarding mechanism about fast response to flame has been proposed.  相似文献   

In this work, multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)-modified magnesium oxysulfate whisker (MOSw) (MOSw-MWCNT) is successfully synthesized via a facial hydrothermal method. MWCNT is bonded on the surface of MOSw via a bidentate bridging mode of the carboxylate ligation without changing their crystal structures. Then MOSw-MWCNT is incorporated into polypropylene (PP) matrix to prepare series of PP/MOSw-MWCNT composites via melt blending. Cone calorimetry test, horizontal and vertical test, and limit oxygen index (LOI) results all show a significant synergistic effect of MOSw and MWCNT on flame-retardant PP. PP/7MOSw-3MWCNT composite exhibits the lowest peak heat release rate, total heat release, peak smoke production rate, total smoke production, and burning speed of 332.3 kW/m2, 87.4 MJ/m2, 0.0212 m2/s, 47.7 m2 and 23.2 mm/min, respectively. The LOI value of PP/7MOSw-3MWCNT composite is increased to 23.1% from 18.0% of neat PP. The scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectra of residue char indicate that the degree of graphitization and compactness of the residue char are increased with the amount of MWCNT. The introduction of MOSw and MWCNT both improves the thermal stability of PP matrix, but the excess MWCNT leads to the decomposition of the unstable residue char since its excellent thermal conductivity.  相似文献   

在聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)的酯化过程中添加含磷共聚型阻燃剂2-羧乙基苯基次膦酸(CEPPA)(其中磷质量分数相对PET为0.6%)和硼酸锌(ZB)(相对PET质量分数为0.05%~0.2%)分别作为主阻燃剂和助阻燃剂制备复合阻燃PET,研究了阻燃PET的热性能、燃烧性能和燃烧前后的成炭形貌。结果表明:与纯PET比较,单独添加质量分数为0.05%~0.2%的ZB时制备的阻燃PET,其热性能变化不明显,极限氧指数(LOI)提高到27%,残炭量提高,抑烟效果比较明显,抗熔滴性能得到改善;在PET中共同添加ZB和CEPPA所制得的复合阻燃PET的热降解残炭率最高为14.4%,LOI进一步提高到29%,燃烧残炭表面致密,综合阻燃性能更好。  相似文献   

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