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Hayes JD  Malik A 《Analytical chemistry》2000,72(17):4090-4099
Sol-gel chemistry was used to prepare porous monolithic columns for capillary electrochromatography. The developed sol-gel approach proved invaluable and generates monolithic columns in a simple and rapid manner. Practically any desired column length ranging from a few tens of centimeters to a few meters may be readily obtained. The incorporation of the sol-gel precursor, N-octadecyldimethyl[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ammonium chloride, into the sol solution proved to be critical as this reagent possesses an octadecyl moiety that allows for chromatographic interactions of analytes with the monolithic stationary phase. Additionally, this reagent served to yield a positively charged surface, thereby providing the relatively strong reversed electroosmotic flow (EOF) in capillary electrochromatography. The enhanced permeability of the monolithic capillaries allowed for the use of such columns without the need for modifications to the commercial CE instrument. There was no need to pressurize both capillary ends during operation or to use high pressures for column rinsing. With the developed procedure, no bubble formation was detected during analysis with the monolithic capillaries when using electric field strengths of up to 300 V cm(-1). The EOF in the monolith columns was found to be dependent on the percentage of organic modifier present in the mobile phase. Separation efficiencies of up to 1.75 x 10(5) plates/m (87,300 plates/column) were achieved on a 50 cm x 50 microm i.d. column using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and aromatic aldehydes and ketones as test solutes.  相似文献   

Photopolymerized sol-gel monoliths for capillary electrochromatography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A solution of methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane in the presence of an acid catalyst, water, toluene, and a photoinitiator was irradiated at 365 nm for 5 min in a 75-microm i.d. capillary to prepare a porous monolithic sol-gel column by a one-step, in situ, process. The photopolymerized sol-gel (PSG) column shows reversed-phase behavior. Using this column, a variety of low-molecular-weight neutral compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, alkyl benzenes, alkyl phenyl ketones, and steroids are separated from mixtures. Various different operational parameters, such as buffer composition, field strength, and column temperature, were varied to assess their influence on column performance. Use of PSG as a stationary phase for a pressure-driven separation is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The development of bioaffinity chromatography columns that are based on the entrapment of biomolecules within the pores of sol-gel-derived monolithic silica is reported. Monolithic nanoflow columns are formed by mixing the protein-compatible silica precursor diglycerylsilane with a buffered aqueous solution containing poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO, MW 10,000) and the protein of interest and then loading this mixture into a fused-silica capillary (150-250-microm i.d.). Spinodal decomposition of the PEO-doped sol into two distinct phases prior to the gelation of the silica results in a bimodal pore distribution that produces large macropores (>0.1 microm), to allow good flow of eluent with minimal back pressure, and mesopores (approximately 3-5-nm diameter) that retain a significant fraction of the entrapped protein. Addition of low levels of (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane is shown to minimize nonselective interactions of analytes with the column material, resulting in a column that is able to retain small molecules by virtue of their interaction with the entrapped biomolecules. Such columns are shown to be suitable for pressure-driven liquid chromatography and can be operated at relatively high flow rates (up to 500 microL x min(-1)) or with low back pressures (<100 psi) when used at flow rates of 5-10 microL x min(-1). The clinically relevant enzyme dihydrofolate reductase was entrapped within the bioaffinity columns and was used to screen mixtures of small molecules using frontal affinity chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. Inhibitors present in compound mixtures were retained via bioaffinity interactions, with the retention time being dependent on both the ligand concentration and the affinity of the ligand for the protein. The results suggest that such columns may find use in high-throughput screening of compound mixtures.  相似文献   

Que AH  Novotny MV 《Analytical chemistry》2002,74(20):5184-5191
While developing a combination of capillary electrochromatography (CEC) with tandem mass spectrometry (MS) for the benefit of characterizing complex oligosaccharide mixtures, we needed highly efficient CEC columns operating in an "MS-friendly" mode. We demonstrate here novel types of polar, monolithic CEC columns that separate effectively complex mixtures of saccharides with the use of mobile phases containing acetonitrile/dilute ammonium formate buffers. Using the positive-ion mode of detection for neutral saccharides, the detection conditions were optimized down to the low-femtomole sensitivities with the use of an ion trap mass spectrometer. This column technology provides a nearly universal system that can separate a wide range of carbohydrates: mono- and oligosaccharides with the intact reducing end, as well as saccharide alditols. Even the anomers formed due to mutarotation could be resolved with a high content of organic phase.  相似文献   

A novel fritless capillary column for capillary electrochromatography (CEC) has been developed. The ODS microspheres were packed into a capillary and were then immobilized within an organic polymer prepared in situ through a photopolymerization process. The entrapment conditions were investigated to minimize the effect of the polymer matrix on the chromatographic properties of the packing material. The organic polymer matrix in the microsphere-packed column functions to link microspheres at specific sphere-sphere and sphere-capillary contact points. CEC separations of a PAH test mixture using entrapped columns with different UV illumination times were compared in terms of retention factor and separation efficiency. The optimized entrapped column demonstrated better chromatographic performance than similarly packed columns with conventional inlet and outlet frits. The electrochromatographic separations of hormones and peptides were also demonstrated on entrapped ODS columns.  相似文献   

Columns employed so far in capillary electrochromatography (CEC) contain both a packed and an open segment with concomitant changes of the electric field strength and the flow velocity at the interface of the two segments in such duplex columns. To take this into account in measuring, processing, and interpreting CEC data, a framework is presented for the evaluation of the conductivity ratio and the interstitial electrosmotic flow (EOF) mobility and their usage as tools for characterizing CEC columns. This is illustrated by experimental data obtained from measurement of the current and the EOF in capillary columns packed with different stationary phases. The current data yielded the ratio of the conductivities of the packed and open segments that has been shown to be useful for the evaluation of the porosity and tortuosity. It is assumed that these important packing characteristics are the same for the flow of current and for the flow of the bulk mobile phase in the CEC column. The EOF mobility in such duplex columns is defined in two different ways. The apparent mobility, which is widely reported at present, is obtained from the length of packed segment, the migration time, and the overall electric field strength. On the other hand, the actual mobility is obtained after taking into account the porosity and tortuosity of the packing as well. Thus, the actual mobility is made independent of the porosity and tortuosity and therefore can be useful to estimate the zeta potential for characterizing the packing surface. Measurements of both the apparent and actual electrosmotic mobilities for a number of different columns have shown that the apparent and actual mobilities are significantly different in their magnitude. For this reason, it is recommended that, instead of the apparent EOF mobility, the actual mobility is used for the characterization of the packing in CEC columns.  相似文献   

Bubble formation, which is associated with bed-retention frits, is a critical experimental problem in capillary electrochromatography systems. In this investigation, porous silica frits were prepared via spot-heating of a silicate solution, and the effects of several experimental parameters on their performance were studied. The optimal sodium silicate concentrations were 10.8% and 5.4% (w/v) for outlet and inlet frits, respectively. The heating times were 5-6 s for outlet frits and < 1 s for inlet frits. Under optimized conditions, outlet frits were 75 microns (+/- 12 microns) and the heat treatment did not make the capillary fragile at the frit location. Bubble formation was affected by frit length, density, and silanization of the frits with trimethylchlorosilane. Packed capillaries with optimized frits were used successfully in a commercial CE instrument over a normal working day without pressurization, at relatively high ionic strengths (10 mM), and over a wide range of acetonitrile compositions (20%-80%). Currents were also stable for > or = 3 h under very high current (27 microA) conditions. As part of this study, the efficiency and reproducibility of packed capillaries were also briefly evaluated.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Zhu J  Zhang L  Zhang W 《Analytical chemistry》2000,72(22):5744-5747
With the coexistence of the mobile phase, the stationary phase, and the electric field in capillary electrochromatography, the chromatographic zone-sharpening effect and field-enhanced sample-stacking technique were utilized to improve detection sensitivity. By the former means, with less organic modifier in the sample solution compared to that in the mobile phase, the concentration factors of neutral solutes benzoin and mephenytion were 134 and 219, respectively. Through the latter one, without electrolyte in the sample solution, the detection sensitivity of propatenene with positive charge was improved by 1600 times. While with the combination of these two methods, improvement of over 17,000 times for the sensitivity of propatenene was obtained. By the combined means, the analysis of basic pharmaceutical compounds at concentrations of nanograms per milliliter by UV detection was realized. In addition, parameters that might affect the efficiency of on-line concentration were studied and equations that described the on-line concentration procedure were deduced.  相似文献   

Sol-gel chemistry was successfully used for the fabrication of open tubular columns with surface-bonded octadecylsilane (ODS) stationary-phase coating for capillary electrochromatography (OT-CEC). Following column preparations, a series of experiments were performed to investigate the performance of the sol-gel coated ODS columns in OT-CEC. The incorporation of N-octadecyldimethyl[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ammonium chloride as one of the sol-gel precursors played an important role in the electrochromatographic performance of the prepared columns. This chemical reagent possesses a chromatographically favorable, bonded ODS moiety, in conjunction with three methoxy groups allowing for sol-gel reactivity. In addition, a positively charged nitrogen atom is present in the molecular structure of this reagent and provides a positively charged capillary surface responsible for the reversed electroosmotic flow (EOF) in the columns during CEC operation. Comparative studies involving the EOF within such sol-gel ODS coated and uncoated capillaries were performed using acetonitrile and methanol as the organic modifiers in the mobile phase. The use of a deactivating reagent, phenyldimethylsilane, in the sol-gel solution was evaluated. Efficiency values of over 400,000 theoretical plates per meter were achieved in CEC on a 64 cm x 25 microm i.d. sol-gel ODS open tubular column. Test mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene derivatives, and aromatic aldehydes and ketones were used to evaluate the CEC performances of both nondeactivated and deactivated open tubular sol-gel columns. The effects of mobile-phase organic modifier contents and pH on EOF in such columns were evaluated. The prepared sol-gel ODS columns are characterized by switchable electroosmotic flow. A pH value of approximately 8.5 was found correspond to the isoelectric point for the prepared sol-gel ODS coatings.  相似文献   

The effect of chromatographic conditions on the performance of chiral monolithic poly(O-[2-(methacryloyloxy)-ethylcarbamoyl]-10,11-dihydroqui nidine-co-ethylene dimethacrylate-co-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) columns in the capillary electrochromatography of enantiomers has been studied. The flow velocity was found to be proportional to the pore size of the monolith and both the pH and the composition of the mobile phase. The length of both open and monolithic segments of the capillary column was found to exert a substantial effect on the run times. The use of monoliths as short as 8.5 cm and the "short-end" injection technique enabled the separations to be achieved in approximately 5 min despite the high retentitivity of the quinidine selector. Very high column efficiencies of close to 250000 plates/m and good selectivities were achieved for the separations of numerous enantiomers using the chiral monolithic capillaries with the optimized chromatographic conditions.  相似文献   

The performance of several types of frits, including sintered frits, photopolymerized frits, and frits made by sol-gel technologies, is evaluated. The frits are formed in open capillaries, and the electroosmotic mobilities are calculated and compared to those obtained in an open capillary. Run-to-run, day-to-day, and column-to-column reproducibilities are evaluated. In all cases, the run-to-run reproducibility varied by < 4%. The greatest mobility was through the capillaries with the sol-gel frits (1.29 x 10(-3) cm2/V x s) which also exhibited the best day-to-day reproducibility. The capillaries with the photopolymerized frits had the best column-to-column reproducibility, yet the slowest mobility (1.00 x 10(-3) cm2/V x s). The second central moment of benzene as a solute is calculated and plotted as a function of time to estimate the differences in peak dispersion among the various frits studied. Although the mobilities through the capillaries with the sintered frits were the least reproducible, these frits are associated with the least amount of band-broadening. An estimation of the dispersion caused by each of the different types of frits is reported.  相似文献   

Chen Z  Hobo T 《Analytical chemistry》2001,73(14):3348-3357
A new type of chiral monolithic column was successfully developed for the enantioseparation of dansyl amino acids by ligand exchange-capillary electrochromatography (LE-CEC) in this work. The monolithic column matrix was prepared by a sol-gel process and then chemically modified with the spacer (3-glycidoxypropyl)trimethoxysilane and the chiral selector L-phenylalaninamide. After being conditioned with Cu(II) aqueous solution, the ligand exchange-chiral stationary phase (LE-CSP) possesses positive charges. When the external electric field was applied in CEC, electroosmotic flow (EOF) was generated on the surface of LE-CSP in the direction from the cathode to the anode. The EOF was found to be dependent on the applied electric field strength and the composition of the mobile phase. With the increase of pH of the mobile phase, the EOF showed a tendency to decrease. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the chiral monolithic column has a continuous skeleton and large through-pore structure. The separation efficiency (theoretic plate numbers) for the separation of Dns-DL-Leu reached up to 9.0 x 10(4) plates m(-1) for the D-enantiomer and 6.6 x 10(4) plates m(-1) for the L-enantiomer, by using pH 5.5, acetonitrile/0.50 mM Cu(Ac)2-50 mM NH4Ac (7:3) as mobile phase. The reproducibility and lifetime were satisfactory. CEC was carried out with conventional capillary electrophoresis equipment without pressurizing the ends of the capillary. No bubble was formed during the operation, after degassing the mobile phase and conditioning the column.  相似文献   

Polymer-based strong cation-exchange monolithic capillary columns with different capacities were constructed for ion chromatography by radical polymerization of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) and ethylene dimethacrylate in a 250-microm-i.d. fused-silica capillary and its subsequent sulfonation based on ring opening of epoxides with 1 M Na(2)SO(3). The cation-exchange capacities can easily and reproducibly be controlled in the range of up to 300 microequiv/mL by changing the immersion time of the epoxy-containing polymer in the Na(2)SO(3) solution. The chromatographic performance of the produced monolithic capillary columns was evaluated through the separation of a model mixture of common cations such as Na(+), NH(4)(+), K(+), Mg(2+), and Ca(2+). As an example, these cations could be well separated from one another on a 15-cm-long cation-exchange monolithic column (column volume, 7.4 microL) with a capacity of 150 microequiv/mL by elution with 10 mM CuSO(4). The pressure drop of this 15-cm column was approximately 1 MPa at a normal linear velocity of 1 mm/s (a flow rate of 3 microL/min), and the numbers of theoretical plates for the cations were above 3000 plates/15 cm. This GMA-based cation-exchange monolithic column could withstand high linear velocities of at least 10 mm/s. Over a period of at least two weeks of continuous use, no significant changes in the selectivity and resolution were observed. The applicability of a flow rate gradient elution and the feasibility of direct injection determination of major cations in human saliva sample were also presented.  相似文献   

Lin Z  Xie Z  Lü H  Lin X  Wu X  Chen G 《Analytical chemistry》2006,78(15):5322-5328
A new method for pressurized capillary electrochromatography (pCEC) coupling with chemiluminescence (CL) detection using a modified on-column coaxial flow detection interface was developed. To evaluate the feasibility and reliability of the experimental setup, the typical CL compounds luminol and isoluminol were separated and detected by using this pCEC-CL system. A detailed investigation of CL detection interface and postcolumn CL reagent flow rate parameters was described. The excellent resolution and detection sensitivity was achieved by using 3-microm ODS-C18 packed column with 30% ACN (v/v), 5 mmol/L phosphate buffer (pH 8.0). Moreover, with the presence of Co(II) (1.0 x 10(-4) mol/L) in the mobile phase, the linear range of the concentration for luminol was 2.0 x 10(-9)-2.0 x 10(-6) mol/L with a detection limit (S/N = 3) of 2.0 x 10(-10) mol/L, and 2.5 x 10(4) theoretical plates was achieved. In addition, separation and detection of the underivatized amino acids (l-threonine and l-tyrosine) were accomplished by using a polymerized monolithic column based on the principle of the luminol-H2O2-Cu(II)-amino acid CL system. Under the optimum conditions, the mixture of amino acids was efficiently separated with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Ou J  Li X  Feng S  Dong J  Dong X  Kong L  Ye M  Zou H 《Analytical chemistry》2007,79(2):639-646
A method for preparation of molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) derivatized onto the surface of a monolithic silica capillary column was successfully developed. The vinyl groups were first introduced onto the silica monolith by immobilization of gamma-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane. Then the MIP coating was copolymerized and anchored onto the surface of the silica monolith. Acetonitrile was selected as porogen (solvent). The other preparation conditions, such as monomer concentration, temperature, and time of polymerization, were systematically studied. The obtained MIP-derivatized silica monolith using l-tetrahydropalmatine (l-THP) and (5S,11S)-(-)-Tr?ger's base (S-TB) as the imprinted template, respectively, was characterized in terms of the retention behavior of thiourea and toluene. Under the optimized CEC conditions, baseline enantioseparations of THP and TB were achieved in 4 min though the effective length of the columns was 8.5 cm. The result indicates that enough recognition sites were on the surface of silica monolith, resulting in strong recognition ability. Compared with a MIP organic monolith, the MIP-derivatized silica monolith exhibits better column efficiency and stability in CEC. Additionally, the comparison of these two kinds of monolithic columns was performed by capillary liquid chromatography. The separation on MIP-derivatized silica monolith was superior to that on the organic monolith.  相似文献   

Long monolithic silica-C18 capillary columns of 100 microm i.d. were prepared, and the efficiency was examined using reversed-phase HPLC under a pressure of up to 47 MPa. At linear velocities of 1-2 mm/s, 100,000-500,000 theoretical plates could be generated with a single column (90-440 cm in length) using an acetonitrile-water (80/20) mobile phase with a column dead time (t0) of 5-40 min. It was possible to prepare columns with a minimum plate height of 8.5 +/- 0.5 microm and permeability of (1.45 +/- 0.09) x 10(-13) m(2). The chromatographic performance of a long octadecylsilylated monolithic silica capillary column was demonstrated by the high-efficiency separations of aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene derivatives, and a protein digest. The efficiency for a peptide was maintained for an injection of up to 0.5-2 ng. When three 100 microm i.d. columns were connected to form a 1130-1240 cm column system, 1,000,000 theoretical plates were generated for aromatic hydrocarbons with retention factors of up to 2.4 with a t0 of 150 min. The fact that very high efficiencies were obtained for the retained solutes suggests the practical utility of these long monolithic silica capillary columns.  相似文献   

Two sets of peptides, each having structurally similar amino acid sequences, have been investigated by capillary electrochromatography (CEC) using etched chemically modified capillaries as the separation medium. In comparison to gradient RP-HPLC, the resolving power of the described CEC methods has been found to be superior. A number of variables have been examined with respect to optimization of the separation of these closely related peptides with several different etched chemically modified capillaries. These experimental variables included the nature of the bonded moiety, the pH, the organic modifier type, and the amount of organic modifier in the buffer electrolyte. Systematic variation of these parameters results in significant changes in the migrational behavior of the investigated peptides and provides important insight into the underlying molecular separation processes that prevail in open tubular CEC. Moreover, under optimized conditions, efficient separations characterized by highly symmetrical peaks were achieved. In addition, this study has permitted the long-term stability as well as the short-term and long-term reproducibility of the etched chemically modified capillaries to be documented.  相似文献   

A rotary valve nanoinjector was devised for use in capillary electrophoresis (CE) and capillary electrochromatography (CEC). A fused-silica capillary tip was inserted in a small through-hole in the rotor. The narrow and short capillary tip, with an inner volume of 6-24 nL, was embedded in the hole using epoxy resin. The injection volume was confirmed chromatographically by comparing the peak areas obtained with the nanoinjector to those of a conventional injector. In addition, both the rotor and stator of the injector were made of a nonconducting material, polyimide resin, to be utilized for CE and CEC. The application of the nanoinjector for CE was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The use of tetrahydrofuran/decanol as porogens for the fabrication of micropellicular poly(styrene/divinylbenzene) monoliths enabled the rapid and highly efficient separation of peptides and proteins by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). In contrast to conventional, granular, porous stationary phases, in which the loading capacity is a function of molecular mass, the loadability of the monoliths both for small peptides and large proteins was within the 0.40.9-pmol range for a 60- x 0.2-mm capillary column. Lower limits of detection obtained by measuring UV-absorbance at 214 nm with a 3-nl capillary detection cell were 500 amol for an octapeptide and 200 amol for ribonuclease A. Upon reduction of the concentration of trifluoroacetic acid in the eluent from the commonly used 0.1-0.2 to 0.05%, the separation system was successfully coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) at the cost of only a small decrease in separation efficiency. Detection limits for proteins with ESI-MS were in the lower femtomole range. High-quality mass spectra were extracted from the reconstructed ion chromatograms, from which the masses of both peptides and proteins were deduced at a mass accuracy of 50-150 ppm. The applicability of monolithic column technology in proteomics was demonstrated by the mass fingerprinting of tryptic peptides of bovine catalase and human transferrin and by the analysis of membrane proteins related to the photosystem II antenna complex of higher plants.  相似文献   

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