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The repressor protein of bacteriophage 434 binds to DNA as a dimer of identical subunits. Its strong dimerization is mediated by the carboxyl-terminal domain. Cooperative interactions between the C-terminal domains of two repressor dimers bound at adjacent sites can stabilize protein-DNA complexes formed with low-affinity binding sites. We have constructed a plasmid, pCT1, which directs the overproduction of the carboxyl-terminal domain of 434 repressor. The protein encoded by this plasmid is called CT-1. Cells transformed with pCT1 are unable to be lysogenized by wild-type 434 phage, whereas control cells are lysogenized at an efficiency of 1 to 5%. The CT-1-mediated interference with lysogen formation presumably results from formation of heteromeric complexes between the phage-encoded repressor and the plasmid-encoded carboxyl-terminal domain fragment. These heteromers are unable to bind DNA and thereby inhibit the repressor's activity in promoting lysogen formation. Two lines of evidence support this conclusion. First, DNase I footprinting experiments show that at a 2:1 ratio of CT-1 to intact 434 repressor, purified CT-1 protein prevents the formation of complexes between 434 repressor and its OR1 binding site. Second, cross-linking experiments reveal that only a specific heterodimeric complex forms between CT-1 and intact 434 repressor. This latter observation indicates that CT-1 interferes with 434 repressor-operator complex formation by preventing dimerization and not by altering the conformation of the DNA-bound repressor dimer. Our other evidence is also consistent with this suggestion. We have used deletion analysis in an attempt to define the region which mediates the 434 repressor-CT-1 interaction. CT-1 proteins which have more than the last 14 amino acids removed are unable to interfere with 434 repressor action in vivo.  相似文献   

Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) (EC catalyzes the last, irreversible step in the synthesis of the osmoprotectant glycine betaine from choline. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa this reaction is also an obligatory step in the assimilation of carbon and nitrogen when bacteria are growing in choline or choline precursors. We present here a method for the rapid purification to homogeneity of this enzyme by the use of ion-exchange and affinity chromatographies on 2',5'-ADP-Sepharose, which results in a high yield of pure enzyme with a specific activity at 30 degreesC and pH 7.4 of 74.5 U/mg of protein. Analytical ultracentrifugation, gel filtration, chemical cross-linking, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis suggest that BADH from P. aeruginosa is a homodimer with 61-kDa subunits. The amino acid composition and the N-terminal sequence of 21 amino acid residues showed significant similarity with those of the enzymes from Xanthomonas translucens and Escherichia coli. Neither BADH activity nor BADH protein was found in cell extracts from bacteria grown in the absence of choline. In contrast to other BADHs studied to date, the Pseudomonas enzyme cannot use positively charged aldehydes other than betaine aldehyde as substrates. The oxidation reaction has an activation energy of 39.8 kJ mol-1. The pH dependence of the velocity indicated an optimum at pH 8.0 to 8.5 and the existence of two ionizable groups with macroscopic pK values of 7.0 +/- 0.1 and 9. 7 +/- 0.1 involved in catalysis and/or binding of substrates. The enzyme is inactivated at 40 degreesC, but activity is regained when the heated enzyme is cooled to 30 degreesC or lower. At the optimum pH of 8.0, the enzyme is inactivated by dilution, but it is stable at pH 6.5 even at very low concentrations. Also, P. aeruginosa BADH activity is rapidly lost on removal of K+. In all cases studied, inactivation involves a biphasic process, which was dependent on the enzyme concentration only in the case of inactivation by dilution. NADP+ considerably protected the enzyme against these inactivating conditions.  相似文献   

Mitochondrially bound dihydroorotate-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, EC catalyzes the fourth sequential step in the de novo synthesis of uridine monophosphate. Based on the recent functional expression of the complete rat dihydroorotate dehydrogenase by means of the baculovirus expression vector system in Trichoplusia ni cells, a procedure is described that allows the purification of baculovirus expressed enzyme protein fused to a carboxy-terminal tag of eight histidines. Extracts from mitochondria of Spodoptera frugiperda cells infected with the recombinant virus using Triton X-100 were loaded onto Ni2+-nitrilotriacetic acid agarose and histidine-tagged rat protein was selectively eluted with imidazole-containing buffer. In view of our previously published work, the quality of the electrophoretic homogenous rat enzyme was markedly improved; specific activity was 130-150 micromol dihydroorotate/min per milligram; and the stoichiometry of flavin content was 0.8-1.1 mol/mol protein. Efforts to generate mammalian dihydroorotate dehydrogenases with low production costs from bacteria resulted in successful overexpression of the carboxy-terminal-modified rat and human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase in XL-1 Blue cells. By employing the metal chelate affinity chromatography under native conditions, the histidine-tagged human enzyme was purified with a specific activity of 150 micromol/min/mg and the rat enzyme with 83 micromol/min/mg, respectively, at pH 8.0-8.1 optimum. Kinetic constants of the recombinant histidine-tagged rat enzyme from bacteria (dihydroorotate, Km = 14.6 micromol electron acceptor decylubiquinone, Km = 9.5 micromol) were close to those reported for the enzyme from insect cells, with or without the affinity tag. HPLC analyses identified flavin mononucleotide as cofactor of the rat enzyme; UV-vis and fluorometric analyses verified a flavin/protein ratio of 0.8-1.1 mol/mol. By spectral analyses of the functional flavin with the native human enzyme, the interaction of the pharmacological inhibitors Leflunomide and Brequinar with their target could be clarified as interference with the transfer of electrons from the flavin to the quinone. The combination of the bacterial expression system and metal chelate affinity chomatography offers an improved means to purify large quantities of mammalian membrane-bound dihydroorotate dehydrogenases which, by several criteria, possesses the same functional activities as non-histidine-tagged recombinant enzymes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to validate dentists' periodontal reasons for extraction by comparison with the in vitro periodontal status of extracted teeth. A national systematic random sample of Norwegian dentists (n = 500) was requested to record primary, secondary and tertiary reasons for tooth extraction for a period of 2 weeks in 1988. The response rate was 70%. The extracted permanent teeth from the first 2 patients of each dentist were collected. Of the 365 teeth, 329 satisfied the criteria for assessment of periodontal attachment after staining. Using a dissecting microscope (10x), 4 to 8 linear measurements were recorded per tooth. 159 of the 329 teeth had loss of periodontal support. Of the 93 teeth for which the dentists' reason for extraction included periodontal considerations, 1% had 1-10% loss of attachment, 59% had 11-50% loss and 40% had 51-76% loss of periodontal support. There was a significant correlation between in vitro measurements of attachment loss and a ranking of teeth on a scale from 1 to 3 based on the dentists' emphasis on periodontal reasons for extraction (The Spearman Rs = 0.29, p < 0.01). The results suggest that the forceps level for removal of teeth for periodontal reasons was set at a relatively early stage of the disease process by Norwegian dentists, and that there was a weak association between attachment loss and the dentists' emphasis on periodontal reasons for extraction.  相似文献   

Assembly of double-stranded DNA viruses and bacteriophages involves the polymerization of several hundred molecules of coat protein, directed by an internal scaffolding protein. A 163-amino acid carboxyl-terminal fragment of the 303-amino acid bacteriophage P22 scaffolding protein was cloned, overexpressed, and purified. This fragment is active in procapsid assembly reactions in vitro. The circular dichroism spectrum of the fragment, as well as the 1D-NMR and 15N-1H HSQC spectra of the uniformly-labeled protein, indicate that stable secondary structure elements are present. Determination of the three dimensional packing of these elements into the folded scaffolding protein fragment is underway. Structure-based drug design targeted at structural proteins required for viral assembly may have potential as a therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   

Inosine 5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) is the rate-limiting enzyme in de novo guanine nucleotide biosynthesis. IMPDH converts IMP to xanthosine 5'-monophosphate with concomitant conversion of NAD+ to NADH. All IMPDHs characterized to date contain a 130-residue "subdomain" that extends from an N-terminal loop of the alpha/beta barrel domain. The role of this subdomain is unknown. An IMPDH homolog has been cloned from Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease (Margolis, N., Hogan, D., Tilly, K., and Rosa, P. A. (1994) J. Bacteriol. 176, 6427-6432). This homolog has replaced the subdomain with a 50-residue segment of unrelated sequence. We have expressed and characterized the B. burgdorferi IMPDH homolog. This protein has IMPDH activity, which unequivocally demonstrates that the subdomain is not required for catalytic activity. The monovalent cation and dinucleotide binding sites of B. burgdorferi IMPDH are significantly different from those of human IMPDH. Therefore, these sites are targets for the design of specific inhibitors for B. burgdorferi IMPDH. Such inhibitors might be new treatments for Lyme disease.  相似文献   

In a previous report, the cDNA for human proteinase inhibitor 8 (PI8) was first identified, isolated, and subcloned into a mammalian expression vector and expressed in baby hamster kidney cells. Initial studies indicated that PI8 was able to inhibit the amidolytic activity of trypsin and form an SDS-stable approximately 67-kDa complex with human thrombin [Sprecher, C. A., et al. (1995) J. Biol Chem. 270, 29854-29861]. In the present study, we have expressed recombinant PI8 in the methylotropic yeast Pichia pastoris, purified the inhibitor to homogeneity, and investigated its ability to inhibit a variety of proteinases. PI8 inhibited the amidolytic activities of porcine trypsin, human thrombin, human coagulation factor Xa, and the Bacillus subtilis dibasic endoproteinase subtilisin A through different mechanisms but failed to inhibit the Staphylococcus aureus endoproteinase Glu-C. PI8 inhibited trypsin in a purely competitive manner, with an equilibrium inhibition constant (Ki) of less than 3.8 nM. The interaction between PI8 and thrombin occurred with a second-order association rate constant (kassoc) of 1.0 x 10(5) M-1 s-1 and a Ki of 350 pM. A slow-binding kinetics approach was used to determine the kinetic constants for the interactions of PI8 with factor Xa and subtilisin A. PI8 inhibited factor Xa via a two-step mechanism with a kassoc of 7.5 x 10(4) M-1 s-1 and an overall Ki of 272 pM. PI8 was a potent inhibitor of subtilisin A via a single-step mechanism with a kassoc of 1.16 x 10(6) M-1 s-1 and an overall Ki of 8.4 pM. The interaction between PI8 and subtilisin A may be of physiological significance, since subtilisin A is an evolutionary precursor to the intracellular mammalian dibasic processing endoproteinases.  相似文献   

Fucosylated histo-blood group antigens such as Lewis b, Lewis Y, and H accumulate in colon carcinoma and this is accompanied by a clear increase in alpha(1-2)fucosyltransferase activity, a key enzyme for the biosynthesis of these antigens. Yet the biological significance of alpha(1-2) fucosylated structures is not well defined. We have transfected a poorly tumorigenic rat colon carcinoma cell line with the human H blood group alpha(1-2)fucosyltransferase cDNA. This resulted in cell surface expression of H antigens with a concomitant decrease of sialic acid substituted and free beta-galactosides. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that H antigens were essentially borne by variants of CD44 carrying amino acid sequences encoded by exon v6. The transfected cells showed increased motility in a wound healing assay, without changing their proliferation rates. Parental and control cells transfected with an empty vector formed small tumors that always regressed after 30 days when injected subcutaneously to syngeneic rats. In contrast, alpha(1-2)fucosyltransferase transfectants were able to form progressive tumors. Increased tumorigenicity was also visible in nude mice. These results demonstrate that alpha(1-2)fucosylated antigens contribute directly to aggressiveness of colon carcinoma cells. This could occur by altering a function of CD44 variants.  相似文献   

Genotypes of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) loci were determined, using allele specific oligonucleotides. Gene frequencies of ADH2(1) and ADH2(2) were 0.29 and 0.71, respectively, in the Japanese control group. No significant difference was found in the ADH2 genotype between the patients and the control group. Gene frequency of ALDH2(1) and ALDH2(2) were 0.65 and 0.35 in the control group, while 0.93 and 0.07, respectively in the patient group. Most of the patients, 20 out of 23, were homozygous Caucasian type. All individuals with homozygous atypical ALDH2(2)/ALDH2(2) and most of those with heterozygous atypical ALDH2(1)/ALDH2(1) were alcohol flushers, while all of the usual ALDH2(1)/ALDH2(1) were nonflushers. The results indicate that Japanese with the atypical ALDH2(2) allele are at a much lower risk in developing alcoholic liver disease than those with usual ALDH2(1)/ALDH2(1), presumably due to their sensitivity to alcohol intoxication.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Acquired resistance to standard chemotherapy for tuberculosis (TB) is an increasing problem worldwide. Vietnam has one of the highest incidences of TB and also has a large population of potential migrants to other countries. Since 1979 the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has been running a supervised programme of TB treatment for intending migrants from Vietnam where few facilities for bacteriological culture and sensitivity testing exist. This study aimed to assess the most important factors for predicting non-response to first-line treatment as treatment starts and whether any further indicators occur during the course of treatment which may enable more accurate prediction of non-response. METHODS: In all, 130 subjects failing to respond to first-line therapy (cases) between 1990 and 1995 were compared with 673 subjects who responded to therapy (controls) on various demographic and clinical characteristics using logistic regression to create a prognostic index. Variables analysed included the patient history of past TB treatment, weight, age, sex and radiological and bacteriological findings. All subjects also tested negative for HIV status. RESULTS: The chief markers of successful response were x-ray signs and degree of sputum smear positivity. These markers provided a prognostic index with an optimal cutoff providing about 70% sensitivity and 80% specificity. Incorporating further measures obtained through the first 3 months of treatment improved the sensitivity to 80%. CONCLUSION: While this study enabled prediction of the majority of subjects failing to respond to first-line therapy, other factors need to be assessed before recommendations for altering treatment regimens can be made. The prognostic index could be useful in assessing subjects for closer supervision.  相似文献   

Many Oriental people possess a liver mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase where glutamate at position 487 has been replaced by a lysine, and they have very low levels of mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase activity. To investigate the cause of the lack of activity of this aldehyde dehydrogenase, we mutated residue 487 of rat and human liver mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase to a lysine and expressed the mutant and native enzyme forms in Escherichia coli. Both rat and human recombinant aldehyde dehydrogenases showed the same molecular and kinetic properties as the enzyme isolated from liver mitochondria. The E487K mutants were found to be active but possessed altered kinetic properties when compared to the glutamate enzyme. The Km for NAD+ at pH 7.4 increased more than 150-fold, whereas kcat decreased 2-10-fold with respect to the recombinant native enzymes. Detailed steady-state kinetic analysis showed that the binding of NAD+ to the mutant enzyme was impaired, and it could be calculated that this resulted in a decreased nucleophilicity of the active site cysteine residue. The rate-limiting step for the rat E487K mutant was also different from that of the recombinant rat liver aldehyde dehydrogenase in that no pre-steady-state burst of NADH formation was found with the mutant enzyme. Both the rat native enzyme and the E487K mutant oxidized chloroacetaldehyde twice as fast as acetaldehyde, indicating that the rate-limiting step was not hydride transfer or coenzyme dissociation but depended upon nucleophilic attack. Each enzyme form showed a 2-fold activation upon the addition of Mg2+ ions. Substituting a glutamine for the glutamate did not grossly affect the properties of the enzyme. Glutamate 487 may interact directly with the positive nicotinamide ring of NAD+ for the Ki of NADH was the same in the lysine enzyme as it was in the glutamate form. Because of the altered NAD+ binding properties and kcat of the E487K variant, it is assumed that people possessing this form will not have a functional mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Galectin-3 is a member of a large family of beta-galactoside-binding animal lectins and is composed of a carboxyl-terminal lectin domain connected to an amino-terminal nonlectin part. Previous experimental results suggest that, when bound to multivalent glycoconjugates, galectin-3 self-associates through intermolecular interactions involving the amino-terminal domain. In this study, we obtained evidence suggesting that the protein self-associates in the absence of its saccharide ligands, in a manner that is dependent on the carboxyl-terminal domain. This mode of self-association is inhibitable by the lectin's saccharide ligands. Specifically, recombinant human galectin-3 was found to bind to galectin-3C (the carboxyl-terminal domain fragment) conjugated to Sepharose 4B and the binding was inhibitable by lactose. In addition, biotinylated galectin-3 bound to galectin-3 immobilized on plastic surfaces and the binding could also be inhibited by various saccharide ligands of the lectin. A mutant with a tryptophan to leucine replacement in the carboxyl-terminal domain, which exhibited diminished carbohydrate-binding activity, did not bind to galectin-3C-Sepharose 4B. Furthermore, galectin-3C formed covalent homodimers when it was treated with a chemical cross-linker and the dimer formation was completely inhibited by lactose. Therefore, galectin-3 can self-associate through intermolecular interactions involving both the amino- and the carboxyl-terminal domains and the relative contribution of each depends on whether the lectin is bound to its saccharide ligands.  相似文献   

The effects of vitamin A (retinol) on growth and development are mediated by the active metabolite retinoic acid which controls a nuclear receptor signaling pathway. While elegant work on the retinoic acid receptor family has focused attention upon how the receptor controls this pathway, there now exists a relatively large gap in our understanding of how retinol is activated to form the ligand. During vertebrate embryogenesis and in adult organs retinoic acid is detected in a distinct spatiotemporal pattern, suggesting that it is produced from retinol in a regulated fashion. Enzymes involved in retinol and retinal metabolism are likely candidates for regulators of tissue retinoic acid levels. Members of the alcohol dehydrogenase and short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase enzyme families catalyze the reversible interconversion of retinol and retinal, the rate-limiting step, whereas members of the aldehyde dehydrogenase and cytochrome P450 enzyme families catalyze the irreversible oxidation of retinal to retinoic acid. The identification of enzymes likely to catalyze retinol oxidation in vivo has been particularly controversial, and this is made even more difficult by the reversible nature of this reaction. Taking into account enzymatic properties and coenzyme preferences, a case can be made that class IV alcohol dehydrogenase catalyzes retinol oxidation to provide retinal for retinoic acid synthesis, whereas microsomal retinol dehydrogenase (a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase) catalyzes the reduction of retinal to retinol to promote retinoid storage. Further studies on these enzyme families will allow this layer of control in the retinoid signaling pathway to be understood.  相似文献   

5'-Adenylylsulfate (APS) reductase (EC 1.8.99.-) catalyzes the reduction of activated sulfate to sulfite in plants. The evidence presented here shows that a domain of the enzyme is a glutathione (GSH)-dependent reductase that functions similarly to the redox cofactor glutaredoxin. The APR1 cDNA encoding APS reductase from Arabidopsis thaliana is able to complement the cysteine auxotrophy of an Escherichia coli cysH [3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) reductase] mutant, only if the E. coli strain produces glutathione. The purified recombinant enzyme (APR1p) can use GSH efficiently as a hydrogen donor in vitro, showing aKm[GSH] approximately of 0.6 mM. Gene dissection was used to express separately the regions of APR1p from amino acids 73-327 (the R domain), homologous with microbial PAPS reductase, and from amino acids 328-465 (the C domain), homologous with thioredoxin. The R and C domains alone are inactive in APS reduction, but the activity is partially restored by mixing the two domains. The C domain shows a number of activities that are typical of E. coli glutaredoxin rather than thioredoxin. Both the C domain and APR1p are highly active in GSH-dependent reduction of hydroxyethyldisulfide, cystine, and dehydroascorbate, showing a Km[GSH] in these assays of approximately 1 mM. The R domain does not show these activities. The C domain is active in GSH-dependent reduction of insulin disulfides and ribonucleotide reductase, whereas APR1p and R domain are inactive. The C domain can substitute for glutaredoxin in vivo as demonstrated by complementation of an E. coli mutant, underscoring the functional similarity between the two enzymes.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in the vestibular nerves and superior vestibulocular neurons (SVON) after unilateral labyrinthectomy in cats revealed a progressive loss of axons in the ipsilateral vestibular nerve (35%) and synaptic profiles (SP) on ipsilateral SVON (60%) up to a 1-year survival period. Although the ipsilateral vestibular nerve showed further degeneration (45%) at 2 years post ablation, the number of SP on ipsilateral SVON increased to 60% of normal (40% loss). These SP likely represent sprouting from crossing commissural or cerebellar pathways. Contralateral vestibular nerves at 1 and 2 years post ablation revealed normal numbers and size spectrum, but the number of SP contacting the contralateral SVON at 8 weeks, 1 and 2 years paralleled the levels of SP found on ipsilateral SVON. The symmetry in adjustment of SP on the SVON of both sides of the brainstem after ablation may be explained by the neurotrophin hypothesis.  相似文献   

Therapeutic fast neutrons are densely ionizing particles, with a high relative biological effectiveness relative to 60Co gamma rays (RBE) and a low oxygen enhancement ratio (OER). The molecular basis of their properties is not yet entirely understood. In a previous work, we have shown that neutrons induce a different number of DNA frank strand breaks as compared to gamma photons, and we have revealed the presence of breaks due to the direct effects of neutrons. In the present work, we searched for eventual differences in the chemical nature of the attacked sites in DNA irradiated in oxygenated diluted solution. We compare our results with neutrons to those previously reported by other authors using gamma- or X-rays. Using sequencing gel electrophoresis of short natural DNA restriction fragments, or synthetic oligonucleotides, we have shown that, in the case of neutrons, the attack occurs with almost the same probability, at each nucleotide, as reported for gamma- and X-rays. The doubling of bands in the bottom of gels shows the presence of two types of termini, the 3'-phosphate and the 3'-phosphoglycolate. Upon neutron irradiation, the 3'-phosphate end appears with a higher yield than the 3'-phosphoglycolate, whereas equal amounts were obtained with gamma- or X-rays.  相似文献   

Human aldehyde dehydrogenase isozymes (ALDHs; EC exhibit very high levels of activity in anterior eye tissues. Human corneal ALDH1 and ALDH3 isozymes are present as major soluble proteins (3% and 5%, respectively, of corneal soluble protein) and may play major roles in protecting the cornea against ultraviolet radiation (UVR)-induced tissue damage, as well as contributing directly to ultraviolet B (UV-B) photoreception. The human lens exhibits high levels of ALDH1 activity (1-2% of lens-soluble protein) and lower levels of ALDH3 activity. Kinetic analyses support a role for these enzymes in the metabolism of peroxidic aldehydes, which have been reported in ocular tissues.  相似文献   

One of the rat liver "Class 3" cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenases (EC, ALDH3c, is known to be markedly induced by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD; dioxin). In the present study we examined whether hepatic ALDH3c induction is a general response to toxicity. Treatment of Wistar rats for 4 days with known toxic doses of hepatotoxic agents--carbon tetrachloride, dimethylnitrosamine, diethylnitrosamine, aflatoxin B1, and D-ethionine--did not induce ALDH3c enzyme activity. Whereas dimethylaminoazobenzene at 100 mg/kg/day for 4 days did not increase ALDH3c, a 10-fold lower dose of dimethylaminoazobenzene for 4 days produced a 20-fold increase in ALDH3c activity. Treatment with phorone, diethylmaleate or L-buthionine-S,R-sulfoximine--which deplete reduced glutathione (GSH) by different mechanisms--did not affect ALDH3c activity. One dose of benzo[a]pyrene for 24 hr increased ALDH3c activity by 25-fold. Treatment with both the GSH-depleting chemicals and benzo[a]pyrene inhibited ALDH3c induction by 45% to 75%, suggesting a role for GSH during ALDH3c induction. After ALDH3c activity had already been induced by benzo[a]pyrene, however, the GSH-depleting chemicals did not affect ALDH3c activity. No changes in ALDH3c activity were seen 24 or 48 hr after partial hepatectomy, on the fifth day following surgical cholestasis, or after guanethidine-induced sympathectomy. These data indicate that hepatic ALDH3c inducibility in the rat is not a general or direct response to chemical toxicity, or to conditions of GSH depletion or other forms of stress.  相似文献   

The TlpA protein of Bradyrhizobium japonicum was previously identified genetically as a membrane-anchored, periplasmic thioredoxin-like protein. Here we describe the heterologous expression in Escherichia coli, subsequent purification and biochemical characterization of TlpA. A soluble form of TlpA, which lacks its N-terminal membrane anchor, was overexpressed in E. coli and purified by a two-step procedure. Pure TlpA was shown to be a monomer in solution and was active in reducing the disulfides of insulin and in reactivating reduced, denatured RNaseA. Evidence is presented that two non-active-site cysteine residues form an intramolecular disulfide bond, a feature that is not normally found in other prokaryotic thioredoxins.  相似文献   

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