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This paper presents a method for modifying the boundary derivatives of rational Bézier patches, preserving their directions at any parameter so as not to affect the G1 continuity with adjacent patches. This method is applicable to reduce the complexity of rational boundary Gregory patches.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the algebraic structure of bivariate C1 cubic spline spaces over nonuniform type-2 triangulation and its subspaces with boundary conditions. The dimensions of these spaces are determined and their local support bases are constructed.  相似文献   

The motivation of this paper is to develop a local scheme of constructing G1 smooth B-spline surfaces with single interior knots over arbitrary topology. In this paper, we obtain the conditions of G1 continuity between two adjacent biquintic B-spline surfaces with interior single knots. These conditions are directly represented by the relevant control points of the two B-spline surfaces. By utilizing these G1 conditions, we develop the first local scheme of constructing G1 smooth biquintic B-spline surfaces with interior single knots for arbitrary topological type. The high complexity of deriving the local G1 scheme is well overwhelmed. The biquintic is the lowest degree for which there exists a local scheme of constructing G1 smooth B-spline surfaces with interior single knots over arbitrary topology.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a new method for G 1 continuous interpolation of an arbitrary sequence of points on an implicit or parametric surface with a specified tangent direction at every point. Based on the normal projection method, we design a G 1 continuous curve in three-dimensional space and then project orthogonally the curves onto the given surface. With the techniques in classical differential geometry, we derive a system of differential equations characterizing the projection curve. The resulting interpolation curve is obtained by numerically solving the initial-value problems for a system of first-order ordinary differential equations in the parametric domain associated to the surface representation for a parametric case or in three-dimensional space for an implicit case. Several shape parameters are introduced into the resulting curve, which can be used in subsequent interactive modification such that the shape of the resulting curve meets our demand. The presented method is independent of the geometry and parameterization of the base surface, and numerical experiments demonstrate that it is effective and potentially useful in surface trim, robot, patterns design on surface and other industrial and research fields.  相似文献   

The concept of a μ-basis was introduced in the case of parametrized curves in 1998 and generalized to the case of rational ruled surfaces in 2001. The μ-basis can be used to recover the parametric equation as well as to derive the implicit equation of a rational curve or surface. Furthermore, it can be used for surface reparametrization and computation of singular points. In this paper, we generalize the notion of a μ-basis to an arbitrary rational parametric surface. We show that: (1) the μ-basis of a rational surface always exists, the geometric significance of which is that any rational surface can be expressed as the intersection of three moving planes without extraneous factors; (2) the μ-basis is in fact a basis of the moving plane module of the rational surface; and (3) the μ-basis is a basis of the corresponding moving surface ideal of the rational surface when the base points are local complete intersections. As a by-product, a new algorithm is presented for computing the implicit equation of a rational surface from the μ-basis. Examples provide evidence that the new algorithm is superior than the traditional algorithm based on direct computation of a Gröbner basis. Problems for further research are also discussed.  相似文献   

For high order interpolations at both end points of two rational Bézier curves, we introduce the concept of C(v,u)-continuity and give a matrix expression of a necessary and sufficient condition for satisfying it. Then we propose three new algorithms, in a unified approach, for the degree reduction of Bézier curves, approximating rational Bézier curves by Bézier curves and the degree reduction of rational Bézier curves respectively; all are in L2 norm and C(v,u)-continuity is satisfied. The algorithms for the first and second problems can get the best approximation results, and for the third one, resorting to the steepest descent method in numerical optimization obtains a series of degree reduced curves iteratively with decreasing approximation errors. Compared to some well-known algorithms for the degree reduction of rational Bézier curves, such as the uniformizing weights algorithm, canceling the best linear common divisor algorithm and shifted Chebyshev polynomials algorithm, the new one presented here can give a better approximation error, do multiple degrees of reduction at a time and preserve high order interpolations at both end points.  相似文献   

Embedding a number of displacement features into a base surface is common in industrial product design and modeling, where displaced surface regions are blended with the unmodified surface region. The cubic Hermite interpolant is usually adopted for surface blending, in which tangent plane smoothness across the boundary curve is achieved. However, the polynomial degree of the tangent field curve obtained symbolically is considerably higher, and the reduction of the degree of a freeform curve is a non-trivial task. In this work, an approximation surface blending approach is proposed to achieve tangential continuity across the boundary curve. The boundary curve is first offset in the tangent field with the user-specified tolerance, after which it is refined to be compatible with the offset curve for surface blending. Since the boundary curve is offset in a three-dimensional (3D) space, the local self-intersection in the offset curve is addressed in a 2D space by approximately mapping the offset vectors in the respective tangent planes to the parameter space of the base surface. The proposed algorithm is validated using examples, and the normal vector deviation along the boundary curve is investigated.  相似文献   

Nonlocal boundary value problems at resonance for a higher order nonlinear differential equation with a p-Laplacian are considered in this paper. By using a new continuation theorem, some existence results are obtained for such boundary value problems. An explicit example is also given in this paper to illustrate the main results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we establish the existence of triple positive solutions of a two-point boundary value problem for the nonlinear singular second-order differential equations of mixed type with a p-Laplacian operator. We also demonstrate that the results obtained can be applied to study certain higher order mixed boundary value problems. Finally, an example is given to demonstrate the use of the main results of this paper.  相似文献   

We present a method for refining n-sided polygons on a given piecewise linear model by using local computation, where the curved polygons generated by our method interpolate the positions and normals of vertices on the input model. Firstly, we construct a Bézier curve for each silhouette edge. Secondly, we employ a new method to obtain C1 continuous cross-tangent functions that are constructed on these silhouette curves. An important feature of our method is that the cross tangent functions are produced solely by their corresponding facet parameters. Gregory patches can therefore be locally constructed on every polygon while preserving G1 continuity between neighboring patches. To provide a flexible shape control, several local schemes are provided to modify the cross-tangent functions so that the sharp features can be retained on the resultant models. Because of the localized construction, our method can be easily accelerated by graphics hardware and fully run on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).  相似文献   

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