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以陆浑水库控制流域为研究对象,利用流域DEM、土地利用数据、1987—2001年气候和水文观测数据,在率定SWAT模型参数的基础上,以SCS模型参数的变化来反映覆被变化,分析了未来气候变化情景及覆被变化情景对径流的影响。结果表明:2011—2050年在流域落叶林地面积退化30%情况下径流量将增大7.02%,落叶林地面积增加20%情况下径流量将减少8.48%。  相似文献   

气候变化对黄河水资源的影响及其适应性管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化将直接影响降水、蒸散发和径流等水文要素,并在一定程度上改变水资源量及其时空分布,进一步影响水资源利用格局及水安全形势。气候变化对水资源安全的影响是国际上普遍关心的全球性问题,也是我国可持续发展面临的重大战略问题。黄河作为中华民族的母亲河,在全球气候变化的条件下,水资源的供需矛盾日益尖锐。结合黄河的水资源特点,研究和评价了气候变化情景下黄河水资源的脆弱性,并从配置、利用、调度、管理方面系统地提出了适应性对策:探讨有序适应的黄河流域水资源优化配置方案;完善水沙调控体系,探讨高效输沙模式;合理开发非常规水资源;优化调整梯级水库运用方式;实施最严格的水资源管理制度;积极实施外流域调水。  相似文献   


The potential impact of global climate change is one of the least addressed factors in water resources planning in developing countries. The potential impacts of climate change are examined for Jordan, where a methodology is presented for improved management of water demand under the uncertainties associated with climate change. A temperature/precipitation sensitivity model is constructed and combined with water demand forecasts to project deficits for the year 2020. Deficit reducing options are then evaluated in terms of social and economic viability. The study concludes that only some of the deficits may be alleviated, illustrating the significance of considering climate change in planning for countries that already experience water imbalances.  相似文献   

气候变化情景下黄河天然径流预测研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李晓宇  李焯  袁华  钱云平 《人民黄河》2012,(3):27-29,33
1961—2000年黄河天然径流量呈减小趋势,且径流变化与降水量变化过程基本一致。选用IPCC提出的A2、B2两种温室气体排放方案,并采用北京大学在黄河流域未来气候情景研究中的降尺度成果,以黄河流域未来气候情景模式和预测成果为基础,建立黄河水量平衡模型,预测黄河主要断面的未来天然径流量并分析其时空变化。结果表明:黄河径流量2050年将减少29.3亿~61.1亿m3,2100年将减少42.2亿~71.2亿m3;从空间分布来看,上游兰州以上主要产水区的降水量、径流量有较大幅度减小,其他区域产流量有所增加;从径流年内分配来看,冬季、春季略有增加或基本不变,夏季、秋季减少明显。  相似文献   

中国水资源响应全球气候变化的对策建议   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
根据全球气候变化对我国水资源影响的分析,应在无悔策略的指导下,运用科技、经济手段,加强基础设施建设,建立现代化的水利管理体系,以提高我国水资源系统对气候变化的适应能力。  相似文献   

Modelling the Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources in Central Sweden   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
This article describes investigationsinto the effects of climate change on flow regimes oftwenty-five catchments (from 6 to 1293 km2) incentral Sweden. Hydrological responses of fifteenhypothetical climate change scenarios (e.g.combinations of T = +1, +2 and +4 °C andP = 0, ± 10%, ± 20%) were simulated by a conceptual monthly water balance model. The results suggest thatall the hypothetical climate change scenarios wouldcause major decreases in winter snow accumulation.Significant increase of winter flow and decrease ofspring and summer runoff were resulted from mostscenarios. Attendant changes in actualevapotranspiration were also examined for all climatechange scenarios. Despite the changes in seasonaldistribution of evapotranspiration, the change inannual total evapotranspiration was relatively smallwith the maximum change of 23% compared with the 76%for mean annual snow water equivalent changes and 52%for mean annual runoff changes. Such hydrologicresults would have significant implications on futurewater resources design and management.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean region is undergoing rapid local and global social and environmental changes. All indicators point to an increase in environmental and water scarcity problems with negative implications towards current and future sustainability. Water management in Mediterranean countries is challenged these pressures and needs to evolve to reach the target of increasing population with reliable access to freshwater established by the Millennium Development Goals. This paper first reviews and evaluates current and future social and environmental pressures on water resources, including climate change. The results show that pressures are not homogeneous across the region and sectors of water use. Second the paper evaluates the adaptation strategies to cope with water scarcity, including technology, use of strategic groundwater, and management. Finally, the paper proposes a framework for managing the risk of water scarcity based on preparedness rather than a crisis approach. The importance of local management at the basin level is emphasized, but the potential benefits depend on the appropriate multi-institutional and multi-stakeholder coordination.  相似文献   

为分析在未来气候变化情景下大海波水库来水及用水的变化情况,选取楚雄站蒸发(1953年-2001年)、降水(1953年-2009年)、气温等气象资料,以及大海波水库(1990年-2009年)来水量资料,采用线性回归法、Mann-Kendall及Spearman趋势检测法对楚雄站点的气象要素进行趋势检测,并计算了水库下游参考作物需水量。结果表明:大海波水库的来水量呈减少趋势,下游参考作物需水量呈下降趋势;在未来气候情景下,楚雄年平均气温将升高2.56℃,年降水变化率为5.9%,气温升高时,下游参考作物需水量增加,对大海波水库的供水带来一定的不利影响。  相似文献   

潘燕辉  张辉  马金珠 《人民黄河》2012,34(5):55-56,60
随着全球变暖和人类活动强度的增强,水资源正经历着巨大的改变,定量分析气候变化和人类活动对水资源的影响就显的尤为重要。选择西部干旱区内陆河黑河的中游为研究区,分别运用主观、客观赋权法和组合赋权法分析气候变化和人类活动中各因素对黑河水资源影响的权重。组合权重评价结果表明:人类活动是研究区水资源变化的主要原因,其累计权重达66.63%,大于气候变化影响权重33.37%;人类活动因素中人口占主导作用,权重为17.67%;气候变化因素中年降水量是主要因素,权重为24.83%。  相似文献   

Quantifying the Urban Water Supply Impacts of Climate Change   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
The difference in timing between water supply and urban water demand necessitates water storage. Existing reservoirs were designed based upon hydrologic data from a given historical period, and, given recent evidence for climatic change, may be insufficient to meet demand under future climate change scenarios. The focus of this study is to present a generally applicable methodology to assess the ability of existing storage to meet urban water demand under present and projected future climatic scenarios, and to determine the effectiveness of storage capacity expansions. Uncertainties in climatic forcing and projected demand scenarios are considered explicitly by the models. The reservoir system in San Diego, California is used as a case study. We find that the climate change scenarios will be more costly to the city than scenarios using historical hydrologic parameters. The magnitude of the expected costs and the optimal investment policy are sensitive to projected population growth and the accuracy to which our model can predict spills.  相似文献   

运城市过去50a和未来气候变化趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹小虎 《人民黄河》2014,(11):13-15
基于运城市1961—2010年的年平均气温和降水量实测数据,运用Mann-Kendall趋势检验和线性回归法对其进行了分析,并结合SDSM模型分析了未来两种气候情景下年平均气温和降水量的变化趋势。结果表明:1运城市50 a来年平均气温呈显著上升趋势,且1990年之后的年平均气温明显高于1990年前的,降水量呈下降趋势,但1991—2010年变化趋势较为平缓;2未来两种气候情景下,年平均气温和降水量基本呈上升(增加)趋势,且累计增长率也呈逐渐增大趋势,与B2情景相比,A2情景下年平均气温的增幅更大。  相似文献   

气候变化对嘉陵江流域水资源量的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 嘉陵江是长江的最大支流,流域面积约16万km2。针对2050,2100年不同的气候变化情景,选取较为不利的参数组合,根据降水、气温、湿度、风速、日照等气候要素的变化,建立潜在蒸发量模型计算流域的潜在蒸发量(ET0),再根据流域内植被的蒸散发系数(Kc),计算流域的面平均蒸散发量(ETc)。并利用流域面平均降水量减去径流深得到流域的实际蒸散发量,对计算的流域面平均蒸散发量进行验证。对不同的水平年利用降水的预测成果(气候变化情景不同具有不同的降水量预测成果)及计算流域的面平均蒸散发量,根据水量平衡模型分析计算气候变化对嘉陵江流域水量的影响。结果表明:不利条件下2050年年径流将减少23.0%~27.9%;2100将减少28.2%~35.2%;2050,2100年平均年径流分别相当于目前7年一遇和12年一遇的干旱年。由此说明,气候变化对流域内的水资源量影响十分显著。   相似文献   

Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Tarim River Basin   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:21  
Xu  Z. X.  Chen  Y. N.  Li  J. Y. 《Water Resources Management》2004,18(5):439-458
The plausible association between climate change and the variability of water resources in the Tarim River basin, west China is investigated in this study. The long-term trend of the hydrological time series including temperature, precipitation, and streamflow are detected by using both parametric and nonparametric techniques. The possible association between the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and these three kinds of time series are tested. This study enhances the knowledge of the climate change impact on water resources in the Tarim River basin. The conclusion obtained in this investigation shows that the temperature experienced a significant monotonic increase at the 5% level of significance during the past 50 yr, and precipitation also exhibited an upward tendency during the past several decades. A significant jump is also detected for both time series around 1986. This may be resulted from the possible impact of climate change, although the interior climate mechanism needs further investigation. Although precipitation and the streamflow from the headwater of the Tarim River exhibited significant increase, decreasing trend has been detected in the streamflow along the mainstream of the river. It implies that anthropogenic activities instead of the climate change dominated the streamflow cessation and the drying-up of the river. Results also showed that no significant association exists between the ENSO and the temperature, precipitation and streamflow in the study area. This conclusion shows that the water curtailment, river desiccation, and ecosystem deterioration in the Tarim River basin may be mainly resulted from the impact of human activities.  相似文献   

气候变化和灌溉方式对稻田需水量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化改变了水稻的耗水过程和灌溉需水。基于高邮灌区历史气象资料(1955—2013年),利用稻田水量平衡和MK检验方法,分析了不同灌溉模式下稻田耗水与灌溉需水量的变化。结果表明:高邮灌区水稻全生育期积温随时间序列显著增加,而降雨量略有减少,但趋势不明显;不同灌溉模式下水稻需水量ETc和渗漏量均随时间序列缓慢增加;节水灌溉模式能有效降低稻田耗水量;节水灌溉稻田灌溉需水量随时间序列缓慢降低,而常规灌溉稻田呈增加趋势,但趋势均不明显;节水灌溉模式能够有效降低稻田灌溉需水量,提高降雨利用率。因此,节水灌溉能够有效缓解气候变化给水稻种植带来的不利影响,是变化环境下灌区可持续发展的重要技术措施。  相似文献   

An original modeling framework for assessment of climate variation and change impacts on the performance of complex flood protection system has been implemented in the evaluation of the impact of climate variability and change on the reliability, vulnerability and resiliency of the Red River Basin flood protection system (Manitoba, Canada). The modeling framework allows for an evaluation of different climate change scenarios generated by the global climate models. Temperature and precipitation are used as the main factors affecting flood flow generation. System dynamics modeling approach proved to be of great value in the development of system performance assessment model. The most important impact of climate variability and change on hydrologic processes is reflected in the change of flood patterns: flood starting time, peak value and timing. The results show increase in the annual precipitation and the annual streamflow volume in the Red River basin under the future climate change scenarios. Most of the floods generated using three different climate models had an earlier starting time and peak time. The assessment of the performance of Red River flood protection system is based on the flood flows, the capacity of flood control structures and failure flow levels at different locations in the basin. In the Assiniboine River Basin, higher reliabilities at downstream locations are obtained indicating that Shellmouth reservoir plays an important role in reducing downstream flooding. However, a different trend was identified in the Red River Basin. The study results show that flood protection capacity of the Red River infrastructure is sufficient under low reliability criteria but may not be sufficient under high reliability criteria.  相似文献   

随着科技的发展、人口的激增,人类活动已经触及到地球的方方面面。温室气体的大量排放导致了近年来气候变化无常,也对水资源方面造成很大的影响,同时也对人类生活和自然生态方面造成了许多负面影响。本文综述了当前气候变化对流域水资源量、干旱洪涝频率、水质、农业灌溉水量等4方面的影响,综合考虑了国内国外的研究现状,并对未来研究方向提出一定的预想。  相似文献   

湖泊是气候变化的敏感指示器。为了研究气候变化对湖泊水量的影响,以盐湖流域为研究区,应用统计方法对1989—2018年降雨、气温、蒸发进行线性趋势和突变分析,采用多源卫星遥感技术对湖泊面积等水文要素进行监测,分析湖泊面积与气象要素、湖泊面积与湖泊水量之间的相关性。利用VIC模型模拟径流并结合计算的冰川水量得到盐湖径流组成,定量探讨气象要素对湖泊水量变化的影响,综合分析2011年前后气象要素影响流域湖泊水量的差异。结合统计分析与水文模型定量计算可知:年降雨量、年平均气温显著升高,年蒸发量呈下降趋势,且与湖泊面积有较好的相关性。湖泊面积与湖泊水量间相关性较高,可间接体现气象要素对湖泊水量变化的影响。2011年前卓乃湖和盐湖水量变化主要受降雨量影响,库赛湖和海丁诺尔湖水量变化主要受气温影响;2011—2014年4个湖泊水量变化主要受降雨量影响;2015—2018年4个湖泊水量变化中降雨增加量、冻土释水和地下水补给增加量、冰川融水量对湖泊扩张的贡献约为34.48%、57.66%、7.86%,气温变化成为影响湖泊水量变化的主要因素,降雨量影响次之。  相似文献   

滹沱河区1980--2000年系列与1956--1979年系列的平均水资源相比,以每年2.59%的速度减少。其中,由于气候变化使径流量以每年1.01%的速度减少;由于人类活动使径流量以每年1.58%的速度减少。在气候变化的影响中,年降水量的减少5.8%成为径流减少的主要因素,气温平均每年升高0.05%,使得蒸发量增加,也对径流量减少有一定影响。  相似文献   

根据玛纳斯河流域上游肯斯瓦特水文站1959—2008年气温、降水量及1984—2000年蒸发量观测资料,运用线性回归、Pearson相关系数、5 a滑动平均、Mann-Kendall检验以及Morlet小波分析方法对流域上游气候变化特征进行分析。结果表明①近50 a玛纳斯河流域上游气候总体趋向于暖湿,其中年均气温显著升高,且年内气温变化存在明显的季节差异,夏、秋两季增温趋势显著,降水量总体也呈增加趋势,但不够显著,且年内分配不均匀,降水量主要集中在春、夏两季;②近20 a流域年蒸发量围绕均值1 651.2 mm上下波动,总体呈微小增加趋势;③气温和降水量在20世纪90年代期间发生由低向高的突变,并且存在明显的年际周期变化。  相似文献   

Climate Change and Resource Management in the Columbia River Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Scenarios of global climate change were examined to see what impacts they might have on transboundary water management in the Columbia River basin. Scenario changes in natural streamflow were estimated using a basin hydrology model. These scenarios tended to show earlier seasonal peaks, with possible reductions in total annual flow and lower minimum flows. Impacts and adaptation responses to the natural streamflow scenarios were determined through two exercises: (a) estimations of system reliability using a reservoir model with performance measures and (b) interviews with water managers and other stakeholders in the Canadian portion of the basin. Results from the two exercises were similar, suggesting a tendency towards reduced reliability to meet objectives for power production, fisheries, and agriculture. Reliability to meet flood control objectives would be relatively unchanged in some scenarios but reduced in others. This exercise suggests that despite the high level of development and management in the Columbia, vulnerabilities would still exist, and impacts could still occur in scenarios of natural streamflow changes caused by global climate change. Many of these would be indirect, reflecting the complex relationship between the region and its climate.  相似文献   

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