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颗粒尺寸在线测量的光透消光法 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
提出了用光透消光法(或称全散射法)对颗粒尺寸及其分布进行实时在线测量的方法。并模拟生产现场颗粒状况,用标准粒子作了一系列验证实验,实验结果很好地证实了本方法的有效性。 相似文献
为了实现在近红外波段测量介质中颗粒的粒径,提出了一种基于消光光谱结合数据库技术的颗粒粒径反演方法。首先通过全散射消光的Lambert-Beer定律计算生成与颗粒粒径大小及分布相关的消光光谱数据库,然后用数据库处理算法比较数据库中数据与实测颗粒消光光谱数据,两者最佳吻合所对应的数据库中颗粒粒度及分布参数即为所求值。分别对颗粒的单峰和双峰粒度分布进行数值仿真,仿真结果的体积频率分布的相对均方根误差小于10%。利用3种不同粒度的国家标准颗粒进行实验验证,实测得到粒径D50的相对误差均在10%以内,仿真及实验对所提算法的验证得到了满意的结果。研究表明,将数据库技术及算法应用于近红外窄波段消光法颗粒粒度的测量是可行的和有效的。 相似文献
基于Mie光散射理论及Lambert—Beer光透射定律,本文提出一种测定颗粒状物质的折射率的有效方法──光透消光法。本文给出了测量原理、方法及对几种标准颗粒折射率的实测结果 相似文献
为了研究球形Au纳米颗粒的消光特性及共振波长与环境折射率的关系,采用Mie理论计算了直径为20,40,60和80nm的球形Au纳米颗粒在不同折射率的介质环境中的消光谱,并利用消光法实验测量了这4种粒径的Au纳米颗粒在不同浓度糖水中的吸光度,取得了糖水介质环境的折射率与浓度之间的关系及其色散规律,以及Au纳米颗粒的消光系数及共振波长随环境折射率变化的数据。结果表明,介质环境糖水浓度一定时,Au颗粒半径增大,消光峰值红移;颗粒半径一定时,周围介质环境糖水浓度增大,消光峰值红移;Au纳米颗粒的共振波长与糖水浓度呈线性关系,20,40,60,80nm的Au纳米颗粒对应的线性斜率分别为0.106 0,0.135 5,0.193 8,0.265 8,斜率随粒径尺寸的增大而增大。该结论为探索纳米颗粒的折射率敏感性奠定了基础。 相似文献
一种新颖的颗粒粒度分析仪──消光式测粒仪郑刚,张志伟,蔡小舒,王乃宁(华东工业大学)0引言光散射测粒技术是目前公认的很有发展前途的一类测粒技术。本文基于Mie光散射理论,利用消光原理(Lightextinction)[1],采用可见光波段的多个波长,... 相似文献
多波长消光测粒技术的一种改进方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
:在详细研究现有多波长消光测粒技术的基础上 ,分析了各个波长下各透射光强之间的内在联系 ,并提出消光测粒技术在具体应用中的一种新的改进方法。 相似文献
PS/PMMA复合材料的光散射 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对以聚苯乙烯(PS)和自行合成的纳米类双亲PMMAPS为光散射剂,以聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)为基体的复合光散射材料进行了实验研究.测试并分析了样品的雾度及透光率与添加量之间的关系,目的在于通过调节散射剂添加量来调控以PMMA为基体的高聚物材料的光散射性能.实验结果表明,添加少量PS到PMMA中即可制备出光散射材料,PS添加量为1%时,复合光散射材料的透光率为80%;不添加PMMAPS时雾度为50%,添加了PMMAPS时雾度达到80%,PMMAPS可以改善PMMA和PS之间的相容性,提高样品的雾度值.因此通过调节散射剂PS和PMMAPS添加量可实现光散射高雾度和高透光率的双高要求. 相似文献
PMMA导光板在家用音响产品显示系统中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对LCD显示器中PMMA导光板照明技术原理进行分析和比较,研究了家电产品中PMMA导光板的形状设计、材料选取及反光点阵设计对导光板导光效率和均匀度的影响。 相似文献
In this research work, microchannels have been fabricated utilizing multi-pass CO2 laser processing on Poly-methyl meth-acrylate (PMMA) substrates. CO2 laser engraving machines are cost effective and less time consuming compared to other tools and methods of fabricating microchannels on PMMA. However, the basic problem of low surface finish of the microchannel walls still restricts thus fabricated product from many potential applications. In this work, experimental and theoretical investigations of multi-pass CO2 laser processing on PMMA have been conducted. A number of experiments were performed to establish the relationship between laser power and scanning speed with microchannel parameters like width, depth, heat affected zone, surface roughness and surface profiles. Experiments were conducted at four different power settings with 50 mm/s of constant scanning speed and seven numbers of passes in each setting. Changes in thermo-physical properties of PMMA were observed for as-received PMMA sample and PMMA sample residing in heat affected zone (HAZ) for first pass and secondary passes respectively. Effect of different numbers of passes on microchannel width, depth, HAZ and surface roughness were explored for different power setting. Microchannel profiles resulting from different numbers of passes have been compared. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis was performed to determine elemental composition after each pass. Many advantages of multi-pass processing over single-pass processing were recorded including high aspect ratio, low heat affected zone, smoother microchannel walls and reduced tapering of microchannels. An energy balance based simple analytical model was developed and validated with experimental results for predicting microchannel profiles on PMMA substrate in multi-pass processing. Multi-pass processing was found to be time and cost effective method for producing smooth microchannels on PMMA. 相似文献
Three-body wear of UHMWPE acetabular cups by PMMA particles against CoCr, alumina and zirconia heads in a hip joint simulator 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Three-body abrasive wear of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) acetabular cups by loose polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) bone cement particles is an important mechanism responsible for elevated wear debris generation in total hip arthroplasty. The resistance of the femoral head material to third-body damage has been considered critical for the wear performance of the polyethylene component. This study examines the effect of loose bone cement particles on the wear rate of UHMWPE acetabular cups against both metal and ceramic counterfaces in a hip joint simulator. Against the CoCr head, the UHMWPE cup showed a strong dependence of wear rate on the concentration of the PMMA particles in the lubricant. At a concentration less than 5 g/l, the presence of the PMMA particles had no detrimental effect on the wear rate; higher concentrations of the PMMA particles greater than 5 g/l led to an accelerated wear of the acetabular cups. Mild scratching damage was observed on the CoCr heads after testing with all PMMA-containing lubricants. However, no increased UHMWPE wear rate was found against these damaged femoral heads in a fresh lubricant without PMMA particles, indicating that femoral head scratching was not a major cause for the elevated wear observed under the three-body abrasive conditions. Against both alumina and zirconia ceramic heads, the wear rate of the UHMWPE was independent of the concentration of the PMMA particles. It was observed that a significant portion of the CoCr heads was covered with loose patches of PMMA particles. The higher the concentration of the PMMA particles, the greater the area of the head covered with PMMA particles. The attachment of PMMA particles to the ceramic heads was much reduced compared to the CoCr heads. It is therefore concluded that ceramic femoral heads are effective against potential run-away wear of the UHMWPE acetabular cups when an excessive amount of loose PMMA particles are present in the lubricant. 相似文献
有机玻璃是比较典型的粘弹性材料,其力学性能依赖于时间和应力水平。本文对有机玻璃的本构关系进行试验研究。首先,对有机玻璃进行不同应力水平下的蠕变试验,得出了与初始应力水平相关的蠕变关系式。在此蠕变过程中,有机玻璃会出现银纹化现象。本文利用光学显微镜观测了银纹的生长过程,得到不同应力水平下的银纹损伤值。通过定义损伤区的有效应力,导出了银纹区的应力-应变关系式。本文采用宏观和细观相结合的方法,研究材料在破坏之前的缺陷演化对材料力学性能的影响。所定义的损伤区应力以及由此导出的本构关系避免了文献中对相关问题不确切的假设,具有一定的适用性。 相似文献