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Book reviewed in this articles:
I nformation and C ommunication P ractice in I ndustry . By T. E. R. Singer. (Editor.)
B usiness C ommunication R eader . By J. Harold Janis. (Editor.)
M anaging by C ommunication . By Willard V. Merrihue.
G eneral S peech , A n I ntroduction . (Second Edition.) By A. Craig Baird and Franklin H. Knower.
T he F undamentals and F orms of S peech . By Andrew Thomas Weaver and Ordean G. Ness.
B asic E xperiences in S peech . (Second Edition.) By Wayne N. Thompson and Seth A. Fessenden.
F undamentals of S peech . By Elton Abernathy.
A F irst C ourse in M odern L ogic . Edith W. Schipper and Edward W. Schuh.
M ethods of L ogic . (Revised Edition.) Willard Van Oman Quine.
R eading I mprovement for M en and W omen in I ndustry . By William D. Sheldon and Leonard S. Braam.
M aintaining R eading E fficiency . By Lyle L. Miller.
T oward B etter R eading S kua . (Second Edition.) By Russell Cosper and E. Glenn Griffin. (Editors.)
C ollege W riting and R eading . By Bernard D. N. Grebanier and Seymour Reiter.
H ow to I nterview . (Fourth Revised Edition.) By Walter Van Dyke Bingham, Bruce Victor Moore, and John W. Gustad.
L earning to W ork in G roups . By Matthew B. Miles.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
E mployee P ublications . By William C. Halley.
E ffective C ommunication in C ompany P ublications . By C. J. Dover.
B riefing and C onference T echniques . By Glenn M. Loney.
T he L anguage of P sychology . By George Mandler and William Kessen.
T he B ases of S peech . (Third Edition.) By Giles Wilkeson Gray and Claude Merton Wise.
R oots for a N ew R hetoric . By Daniel Fogarty, S.J.
W ords and T hings . By Roger Brown.
P utting W ords in T heir P laces . By Doris B. Garey.
O ur L anguage and O ur W orld . (Text Edition.) By S. I. Hayakawa. (Editor.)
S tudent and S ociety —R eadings for C ollege E nglish . By George P. Clark and A. Dwight Culler. (Editors.)
C ontroversy : R eadings to S timulate T hought and D iscussion . By Randall W. Hoffman and Robert Plutchik. (Editors.)
C ollege R eading M anual . By Phillip B. Shaw and Agatha Townsend.
S upervisory and E xecutive D evelopment : A M anual for R ole P laying . By Norman R. F. Maier, Allen R. Solem, and Ayesha A. Maier.
C ritical W riting for T he J ournalist . By Roland E. Wolseley.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T he F ield T heory of M eaning . By Andrew Paul Ushenko.
E lements of S tyle . By William Strunk, Jr., and E. B. White.
W riter 'S G uide and I ndex to E nglish . (Third Edition, Revised.) By Porter G. Perrin.
E ffective W riting . (Second Edition.) By Robert Hamilton Moore.
G uide to A merican E nglish . (Second Edition.) By L. M. Myers.
R eporting . By Mitchell V. Charnley.
A utomatic T eaching : T he S tate of T he A rt . By Eugene Galanter. (Editor.)  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
A C ourse in M odern L inguistics . By Charles F. Hockett.
R eadings in A pplied E nglish L inguistics . By Harold B. Allen. (Editor).
T he S tructure of A merican E nglish . By W. Nelson Francis.
M odern P ublic O pinion . By William Albig.
A pplied I magination . By Alex F. Osborn. (Revised edition).
T he R hetorical I diom , E ssays in R hetoric , O ratory , L anguage and D rama (H erbert A ugust W ichelns ). W ith a R eprinting of H is "L iterary C riticism of O ratory " (1925). Edited by Donald C. Bryant.
O n B eing the B oss : S ome P ractical C omments on S upervision . By Wilbur M. McFeeley.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
R eadings in the P sychology of L anguage . Edited by Leon A. Jakobovits
Q uantitative R esearch in P ublic A ddress and C ommunication . By Wayne N. Thompson
O ral R eporting in B usiness and I ndustry . By Roger P. Wilcox
B iological F oundations of L anguage . By Eric H. Lenneberg
A T ransformational S yntax : T he G rammar of M odern A merican E nglish . By Baxter Hathaway
C ommunication W ith the F atally I 11 . By Adrian Verwoerdt
S peech and M an . By Charles T. Brown and Charles Van Riper.
R hetorical A nalysis of S peeches . By Lionel Crocker
A n I ntroduction to E nglish L inguistics . By Joseph H. Friend
L istening : R eadings . Compiled by Sam Duker.
G reat I deas in information T heory , L anguage , and C ybernetics . By Jagjit Singh.
T he F arther V ision : E ducational T elevision T oday . Edited by Allen E. Koenig
C hekhov : A C ollection of C ritical E ssays . Edited by Robert Louis Jackson.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
S peaking and L istening : A n I ntroduction to P ublic S peaking . By Thomas H. Napiecinski and Randall C. Ruechelle.
T he C itizen S peaks . By Frank E. X. Dance.
T echnical W riting (Revised). Gordon H. Mills and John A. Walter.
T he H uman S ide of S uccessful C ommunication at H ome and at W ork . By Robert E. Moore.
V ictorian P oetry . Edited by E. K. Brown.
T he P ress and A merica : A n I nterpretative H istory of J ournalism . By Edwin Emery.
S tructure in R eading and W riting . By Russell Nye and Wilma R. Eb-bitt.
R hetoric for E xposition . By Roger D. Chittick and Robert D. Stevick.
L inguistic and E ngineering S tudies in A utomatic L anguage T ranslation of S cientific R ussian into E nglish , P hase II. By Erwin Riefler and others.
P sychotherapy in the S oviet U nion . Translated and Edited by Ralph B. Winn, Ph.D.
P hilosophical R easoning . By John Passmore.
F reedom and R esponsibility in B roadcasting . Ed., John E. Coons.
C reativity and the I ndividual : Summaries of Selected Literature in Psychology and Psychiatry. By Morris I. Stein and Shirley J. Heinze (Eds.).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T he U ses of A rgument . By Stephen E. Toulmin.
P ositivism : A S tudy in H uman U nderstanding . By Richard von Mises.
H andbook on S peech for F uture F armers . By R. D. Purkey.
S peaking for R esults . By Ralph A. Micken.
O ral C ommunication of T echnical I nformation . By Robert S. Casey.
C ounterpoint : K enneth B urke and A ristotle's T heories of R hetoric . By L. Virginia Holland.
L anguage : A M odern S ynthesis . By Joshua Whatmough.
I ntroduction to M ass C ommunications R esearch . Edited by Ralph O. Nafziger and David M. White.
W orld C ommunications . (Third Edition.)
T he D ynamics of P lanned C hange . By Ronald Lippitt, Jeanne Watson, and Bruce Westley.
A merican E nglish . By Albert H. Marckwardt.
T he P erceptve W riter , R eader, and S peaker . By Ken Macrorie.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
C ausality . By Mario Bunge.
T he P rocess of C ommunication . By David K. Berlo.
I ntroduction to M ass C ommunication . By Edwin Emery, Phillip H. Ault, and Warren K. Agee.
T he O pen and C losed M ind . By Milton Rokeach.
A natomy and P hysiology of S peech . By Harold M. Kaplan.
M an and O rganization . By William Foote Whyte.
P ractical S peech F undamentals . By Eugene E. White.
I mproving Y our V oice . By John Grasham and Glenn Gooder.
S peech for E veryday U se . (Revised Edition.) By Elizabeth G. Andersch and Lorin C. Staats.
G uide to G ood S peech . (Second Edition.) By James H. McBurney and Ernest J. Wrage.
T he P sychological R eport . By Walter G. Klopfer.
A merican F orum : S peeches on H istoric I ssues , 1788–1900. By Ernest J. Wrage and Barnet Baskerville. (Editors.)
S mall -G roup D iscussion in O rientation and T eaching . By Randall W. Hoffmann and Robert Plutchik.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
T heory and R esearch in the C ommunicative A rts . By Ernest G. Bormann of the University of Minnesota.
M anagement C ommunication on C ontroversial I ssues . By C. J. Dover.
A ttitude and A ttitude C hange : T he S ocial J udgment -I nvolvement A pproach . By Carolyn W. Sherif, Muzafer Sherif, and Roger E. Nebergall.
T he O pinionmakers . By William L. Rivers.
C lassical R hetoric for the M odern S tudent . By Edward P. J. Corbett.
L inguistics and E nglish G rammar . By H. A. Gleason, Jr.
Books In Breif
A merican and R ussians : R eadings with E xercises in C omposition . By Doris R. Sharpe
T he T heory of M orals . By M. Timur
T he W riting R equirements for G raduate D egrees . By Paul E. Koefod of the University of Florida.
R hetroric : A T ext -R eader on L anguage and I ts U ses By Jim W. Corder of Texas Christian University.
H ow to I mprove Y our S peaking V oice . By Georgiana Peacher  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
P ress P hotography . By Robert B. Rhode and Floyd H. McCall.
I ntroduction to P hotography . By Robert B. Rhode and Floyd H. McCall.
T he A ct of W riting and R eading : A C ombined T ext . By Alan Casty, of Santa Monica City College.
W riting by P atterns . By Helen E. Lefevre, of Chicago City Junior College, and Carl A. Lefevre, of Chicago Teachers College.
A natomy of W riting . By Peter Swiggart, of Brandeis University.
A n I ndex or I deas for W riters and S peakers . By Zebulon Vance Hooker II, of Roanoke College.
M r . J ustice M urphy and the B ill of R ights . By Harold Norris, of the Detroit College of Law.
M ental H ealth B ook R eview I ndex , Volume 10, 1965. Compiled by the Editorial Committee and Contributing Librarians.
L anguages of the M ass M edia : R eadings in A nalysis . Edited by Irving and Harriet Deer, Dickinson State College.
H ow to C ommunicate O rally . By Glenn R. Capp, of Baylor University.
D ocumentary in A merican T elevision . By A. William Bluem.
T he T echnique of the T elevision C ameraman . By Peter Jones.
W ho's W ho in the H istory of P hilosophy . By Thomas Kiernan.
E ssays for C ollege W riting . By A.J.M. Smith.
E ssentials of G rammar and S tyle . By John I. McCollum, Jr.
M ental H ealth B ook R eview , I ndex , Vol. 11, 1966.
D ynamics of R esponse . By Joseph M. Nottennan and Donald E. Mintz.
I mprovement of T eaching by T elevision . Edited by Barton L. Griffith and Donald W. MacLennan.
N eurolocical O rganization and R eading . By Carl H. Delacato.
A R eader for W riters . By Jerome W. Archer, of Arizona State University, and Joseph Schwartz, of Marquette University.
A G lossary for C ollege E nglish . By Martin Stevens, of Ohio State University, and Charles H. Kegel, of Idaho State University.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
T elevision N ews : W riting , E diting , F ilming , B roadcasting . By I. E. Fang
I nnovation in E ducation : N ew D irections for the A merican S chool .
C lassics in C omposition . Edited by Donald E. Hayden
T he experts . By Seymour Freidin and George Bailey.
S ociological methodology 1969. Edited by Edgar F. Borgatta
B usiness communication . By Frank J. Devlin
B roadcast M anagement : R adio and T elevision . By Ward L. Quaal
T he P rofessional J ournalist : a G uide to the P ractices and P rinciples of the N ews M edia . 2nd Ed. By John Hohenberg
E lementary statistics : D ata A nalysis for the B ehavioral S ciences . By Paul A. Games
C umputational H andbook of S tatistics . By James L. Bruning
T eaching R eading to I ndividuals W ith L earning D ifficulties . By Patrick Ashlock and Wineva M. Grzynkowicz
T eacher P reparation in C omposition . By Eugene H. Smith
P ocket O xford D ictionary of C urrent E nglish . Fifth Ed. Compiled by F. G. Fowler and H. W. Fowler. Revised by E. McIntosh.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
C rime and I nformation T heory . By M. A. P. Willmer.
B ody L anguage . By Julius Fast
K inesics and C ontext : E ssays on B ody M otion C ommunication . By Ray L. Birdwhistell. Edited by Barton Jones.
T he W orld E ducational C risis : A S ystems A nalysis . By Philip H. Coombs.
A D ictionary of T erms and C oncepts in R eading , Second Edition. By Delwyn G. Schubert
N ational C ommunication and L anguage P olicy in I ndia . By Baldev Raj Nayar.
B asic R eadings in I nterpersonal C ommunication . Edited by Kim Giffin and Bobby R. Patton  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
S cholar's G uide to J ournals of E ducation and E ducational P sychology . By L. Joseph Lins and Robert A. Rees
I nterpersonal C ommunication : S urvey and S tudies . By Dean C. Barnlund.
C ommunicatton and C ommunication S ystems . By Lee Thayer
C ommunication and O rganizational B ehavior : T ext and C ases . By William V. Haney
C ommunication for the C hurch . By Raymond W. McLaughlin
R eadings in A rgumentation . Edited by Jerry M. Anderson and Paul J. Dovre
B asic T echnical W riting . 2nd ed. By Herman M. Weisman
P ractical M ethods in S peech . By Harold Barrett
S tammefung : I ts C orrection T hrough the R e -E ducation of the S peech F unction . By Ronald Muriden.
M ilton and the M iltonic D ryden . By Anne Davidson Ferry
T he T ransparent S elf . By Sidney M. Jourard
I ndividualized R eading : A n A nnotated B ibliography . By Sam Duker
T he S chools H ave F ailed U s . By William A. Burgett
R eading D iagnosis and R emediation . By Ruth Strang
T rends and P racxices in S econdary R eading . By Sterl Artley  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
T elevision in P olitics . By Jay G. Blumler and Denis McQuail.
I nterpersonal S peech -C ommunication . By John W. Keltner
I ntroducion to B asic S peech . By William K. Grasty
R esponsibility in M ass C ommunication , Revised Ed. By William L. Rivers and Wilbur Schramm
J ournalism in A F ree S ociety . By Verne E. Edwards, Jr.
S peech S cience : A coustics in S peech (2nd ed.). By Richard A. Hoops
I nformation T heory and E sthetic P erception . By Abraham Moles, translated by Joel E. Cohen.
T he E lite P ress , G reat N ewspapers of the W orld . By John C. Merrill
T he S tudy of F oreign L anguages . Edited by Joseph S. Roucek
G uidebook for the V olunteer R eading T eacher . By Lenore Sleisinger
H andbook for the V olunteer T utor . Compiled and edited by Sidney J. Rauch  相似文献   

T eaching E nglish G rammar . By Robert C. Pooley.
E nglish A s a S econd L anguage : By William J. Nemser.
T he M fasurement & M eaning . By Charles E. Osgood, George J. Suci, and Percy H. Tannenbaum.  相似文献   

R obert H aakenson , Editor D ictionaries and T hat D ictionary . By James Sledd and Wilma R. Ebbitt.
T he L anguage of the L aw . By David Mellinkoff.
N ew D evelopments in P rograms and P rocedures for C ollege -A dult R eading . Edited by Ralph C. Staiger and Culbreth Y. Melton.
D ynamic S peaking . By Martin Bryan, Ph.D.
M ethods and M eans of P ublic S peaking . By William S. Smith and Donald J. Canty.
F our T heories of the P ress . By Fred S. Siebert, Theodore Peterson, and Wilbur Schramm.
U nderstanding M edia : T he E xtensions of M an . By Marshall McLuhan.
T he A rt of P ersuasion in G reece . By George Kennedy.
C ommunicative S peech . By Robert T. Oliver, Harold P. Zelko, and Paul D. Holtzman.
F our in D epth . By Ken Macrorie.
L anguage and L ogic . By Milos Prazak.
K ant 'S I ntroduction to L ogic . Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, B. D.
L anguage and P hilosophy . By Mikel Dufrenne. Translated by Henry B. Veatch.

Book reviewed in this articles:
U nobtrusive M easures : N onreactive R esearch in the S ocial S ciences . By Eugene J. Webb, Donald T, Campbell, Richard D. Schwartz, and Lee Sechrest
M athematics and P sychology . By George A. Miller
I nterpersonal D ynamics : E ssays and R eadings on H uman I nteraction . By Warren G. Bennis, Edgar H. Schein, and David E. Berlew
R oles : A n I ntroduction to the S tudy of S ocial R elations . By Michael Banton.
T he C reative O rganization . Edited by Gary Sterner
A rgumentation and D ebate : R ational D ecision M aking . By Austin J. Freeley
A dvertising the L ocal C hurch . By James W. Carty, Jr.
P hilosophy , R hetoric, and argumentation . Edited by Maurice Natanson and Henry W. Johnstone, Jr.
R hetoric —A P hilosophical I nquiry . By A. Craig Baird.
B riefly N oted
T he T ruman P residency : T he H istory of a T riumphant S uccession . By Cabell Phillips.
L anguage and P olitics . Edited by Thomas O. Brockway
F reedom of the P ress in E ngland : 1476–1776. By Frederick Seaton Siebert
S peech P reparation S ourcebook . By Robert T. Oliver, Carroll C. Arnold, and Eugene E. White
B usiness C ommunications for B etter H uman R elations . By Charles Chandler Parkhurst
T he P ractice of C riticism . By Sheldon P. Zitner, James D. Kissane, and M. M. Liberman
T each W ith T elevision : A G uide to I nstructional TV. By Lawrence F. Costello and George N, Gordon.  相似文献   

Book review in This Article:
D imensions in C ommunication Edited by James H. Campbell and Hal W. Hepler.
P sycholinguistics : a B ook of R eading . Edited by Sol Saporta.
P lanning and S cheduling with P ert and CPM: P rogrammed T ext .
I ntroductory R eading on L anguage . By Wallace L. Anderson and Norman C. Stageberg, editors.
T he I mportance of L anguage . By Max Black, editor.
T he F uture of the R esearch L ibrary . By Verner W. Clapp.
S peaking and L istening . By Thomas R.
P sychodrama E xplained . By Samuel Kahn.
A rgumentation and A dvocacy . By Russell R.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
O rganizational E ffectiveness : A n I nventory of P ropositions . By James L. Price
S cales for the M easurement of A ttitudes . By Marvin E. Shaw and Jack M. Wright.
D iscussion and C onference . William M. Sattler and N. Edd Miller.
T he S peech W riting G uides : P rofessional T echniques for R egular and O ccasional S peakers . By James J. Welsh
P ersuasive C ommunication . By Erwin P. Bettinghaus.
O rganizational C ommunication : A B ibliography . By Henry Voos.
S peaking is a P ractical M atter . By Bernard P. McCabe Jr.
H uman C ommunication T heory : O riginal E ssays . Edited by Frank E. X. Dance
F rancis B acon on T he N ature of M an : T he F aculties of M an's S oul . By Karl R. Wallace
S uggesting T hrough A dvertising . By Jorge C. Rebaza.
T ax A spects of C orporate M ergers , E xchanges , R edemptions , L iquidations and R eorganizations . By James P. Reeves
T he C ataloging and C lassification of C inema L iterature . By Robert Steele.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
B asic S peech I mprovement . By Horace G. Rahskopf
C ontemporary A merican S peeches : A S ourcebook of S peech F orms and P rinciples . By Wil A. Linkugel
F undamentals of S peech . By Elton Abernathy.
P ublic S peaking for C ollege S tudents , Third Edition. By Lionel Crocker
P ublic S peaking : T he E ssentials . By Waldo W. Braden
S peech C ommunication : F undamentals and P ractice . By Raymond S. Ross
S peeches for I llustration and E xample . By Goodwin F. Berquist, Jr.
S peech : I dea and D elivery , Second Edition. By Charles W. Lomas and Ralph Richardson
S peech in P ersonal and P ublic A ffairs . By Virgil L. Baker and Ralph T. Eubanks
D iscrimination and P opular C ulture . Edited by Denys Thompson.
T he C alculus of C onsent –L ogical F oundations of C onstitutional D emocracy . By James M. Buchanan and Gordon Tullock.
P rivacy –I ts L egal P rotection . By Hyman Gross. Dobbs Ferry
T he K ennedy A ssassination and the A merican P ublic . Edited by Bradley S. Greenberg and Edwin S. Parker.
L aw in the S oviet S ociety . Edited by Wayne R. LaFave.  相似文献   

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