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认知无线电中随着参与协同检测的认知用户数目的增大,频谱检测性能逐渐增强。但是过多的认知用户参与协同检测,会使整个认知无线电网络的灵敏度降低,同时也会造成巨大的系统开销。针对上述问题,提出了一种新的基于可信度的协同频谱检测方法。在满足目标错误概率的条件下,该算法只选择可信度较高的一些认知用户参与协同频谱检测。仿真结果表明当认知用户中存在恶意节点或者故障节点时,该算法同传统算法相比较,频谱检测性能更好,具有更强的健壮性。 相似文献
In this paper, a novel multiple-user cooperative spectrum sensing (MCSS) scheme is proposed to achieve the spatial diversity gains for cognitive radio (CR) networks, where only the best relay, selected among all the candidate relays in accordance with the quality of channel conditions, is utilized to cooperatively detect the primary user. Closed-form expressions of detection time for the traditional non-cooperative and the proposed MCSS schemes are derived over Rayleigh fading channels. In addition, numeric... 相似文献
在协作频谱感知中,当信道经历衰落和阴影时,各用户的感知性能会有不同程度影响,某些受影响严重的次用户甚至可能会严重影响到整个感知网络的性能.同时参与协作的用户数越多,认知传感器网络面临的问题越大.为了解决这些问题,提出了一种基于能耗的分簇协作感知算法.该算法引入基于节点能量的LEACH分簇算法,将认知传感器网络中的各个节点按该分簇算法分入若干簇内;在每个簇内,构造了同时考虑检测性能和能量消耗的效用函数,基于该效用函数对最佳协作用户数和用户进行选择,使每个簇内的检测性能和能耗达到很好的折中;在汇聚节点运用OR规则将簇头发送过来的感知信息进行融合,得到最终判决结果.仿真结果表明,该基于能耗的分簇协作频谱感知算法可以有效地延长认知传感器网络的生存时间,节省网络的能耗,并且保证良好的检测性能. 相似文献
This paper considers a cognitive radio (CR) system in non-ideal fading wireless channels and pro-poses cooperative spectrum sensing schemes based on coherent multiple access channels (MAC),serving as an alternative way to improve the cooperative spectrum sensing performance and provide space diversity for spec-trum sensing.Sufficient statistics are transmitted using a common channel from the secondary users (SUs) to a fusion center (FC) where the global decision is obtained.The optimal scaling factors of the proposed schemes are obtained by maximizing the detection probability under a target false alarm probability and a transmit power constraint.Because the proposed optimal MAC scheme has high computational complexity,a sub-optimal solu-tion based on maximization of the deflection coefficient (DC) is also proposed.Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms can significantly improve the spectrum sensing performance and approach the detection baseline. 相似文献
To enhance the spectrum sensing performance in cognitive radio system, a new cooperative spectrum-sensing scheme by using inactive secondary users (SUs) is proposed. Cooperative sensing is performed among SUs only when they have data to transmit. The inactive SUs have been introduced to cooperation group in the event that there are no enough active SUs to obtain the predefined spectrum detection performance cooperatively. Both the theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the performance of the trade-off between the time period used for sensing and the achievable throughput can be improved by utilizing the inactive SUs. The optimized additional listening time for inactive SUs can be obtained after the weights of the achievable throughput and the efficiency are determined. 相似文献
针对目前的认知无线电频谱感知数据融合判决规则忽略了各感知节点所处环境差异这一问题,研究了一种基于信任度的多节点频谱感知算法,将D-S证据理论引入判决融合中,通过Matlab仿真验证了该算法的性能相比于原有的频谱感知数据融合算法有了很大的提高。 相似文献
在认知无线电网络中,认知用户随机接入宽带频谱进行数据传输,但是这样很容易受到恶意用户的干扰,这些恶意用户随意地接入共享频带进行信号传输,这些信号会干扰主用户和认知用户。为此,提出了一种基于压缩感知的信号分离方法。该方法可以很好地从宽带信号中分离出恶意用户信号。算法主要采用以下三个步骤:(1)所有认知用户采用压缩感知技术从宽带频谱中恢复各信号;(2)认知用户将分离的信号发送到融合中心,融合中心通过小波边缘检测的方法确定频谱边缘,并按照边缘特性将频谱分成若干频段;(3)融合中心根据具体特征对每个子频段进行信号分离。分析和仿真结果表明,这种新的基于压缩感知的宽频带信号分离方法能很好地从宽带信号中将含有恶意用户干扰的混合信号分离出来。 相似文献
A weighted cooperative spectrum sensing framework for infrastructure-based cognitive radio networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Spectrum sensing plays a critical role in cognitive radio networks. A good sensing scheme can reduce the false alarm probability and the miss detection probability, and thus improves spectrum utilization. This paper presents a weighted cooperative spectrum sensing framework for infrastructure-based cognitive radio networks, to increase the spectrum sensing accuracy. The framework contains two modules. In the first module, each cognitive radio performs local spectrum sensing and computes the total error probability, which combines the false alarm probability and the miss detection probability. The total error probability and the energy signal from the primary user are then sent to the base station. In the second module, the base station makes a final decision after combining the weighted energy signals from all cognitive radios. The final decision is then broadcasted back to all cognitive radios. To reduce the computation complexity and communication overhead, the base station also instructs the cognitive radios that have large total error probabilities not to report their local sensing results. We have developed a theoretical model for the proposed framework, and derived the optimal detection threshold, as well as the minimum number of cognitive radios required to participate in cooperative sensing, subject to a given total error probability. Numerical results verify that the proposed weighted cooperative spectrum sensing framework significantly improves the sensing accuracy. 相似文献
针对认知无线电中频谱感知的问题,讨论了分布式协作感知场景下最优的感知算法。介绍了经典的基于放大前传(AF)、解码前传(DF)和选择中继(SR)的分布式协作方案,包括模型、检测概率和虚警概率。提出了一种新的分布式协作感知算法,该算法将原始统计量和信噪比发送给协作用户,减少信道噪声对最后决策结果的影响。运用似然比准则推导出了最优的加权系数,以及决策函数。对几种协作方案的中断概率进行理论推导,并用数值仿真的方法验证了算法在中断概率上的性能。仿真结果表明,提出的方法在检测概率和中断概率上远优于其他分布式协作方案,但该方法需要协作用户间无损耗的传输,这也给实际的应用提出了很大的挑战。 相似文献
QIN Ji-xin ZHANG Shi-bing 《通讯和计算机》2008,5(11):37-41
The radio frequency spectrum is a scarce natural resource and its efficiency has attracted lots of attention in both academia and industry. A fundamental problem facing the future wireless systems is where and how to find suitable spectrum bands to satisfy the demand of the consumer's insatiable appetite for data rate and enable new consumer market segments. A promising technique to improve the spectrum utilization is the ultra-wideband access based on cognitive radio (UWB-CR). Spectrum sensing, as a key enabling functionality in cognitive radio networks, needs to reliably detect signals from primary radios to avoid harmful interference. This paper is focused on the spectrum sensing technique. First, architecture of UWB-CR system was proposed. Then an overview of the spectrum sensing schemes was provided and compared. It is concluded that the optimal spectrum sensing scheme for UWB-CR system is the matched filter detection. 相似文献
Cognitive radio has emerged as a promising technology for maximizing the utilization efficiency of the limited spectrum resources
while accommodating the increasing amount of services and applications in wireless networks. One of the most important and
critical components of the cognitive radio is spectrum sensing and accordingly, detection of primary users. Considering the
hardware constraints existing in cognitive devices, based on the coarse estimation of channel occupancy, partial cooperative
spectrum sensing with adaptive spectrum schedule scheme is proposed to increase the possibility to discover more spectrum
opportunities promptly. Simulation results show the gain of sensing performance and the energy-saving feature of partial spectrum
sensing. Special security scheme is designed to protect the reliability of sensing result from the false message attack. For
the scenarios tested, the proposed scheme is shown to increase opportunities by up to 15 percent. 相似文献
从提高合作频谱感知结果的可靠性以及减小网络开销和融合中心计算负担的角度出发,提出了一种新的基于双门限和证据理论的合作频谱感知算法。该算法在进行本地感知的时候,认知用户通过双门限能量检测直接得到本地判决结果,将认知用户感知到的能量值在两个门限之间的未能进行本地判决的结果的信任度函数发送给融合中心,这样大大减少了融合中心利用证据理论进行软融合的计算量以及传输感知结果带来的网络开销。理论分析和仿真表明,提出算法的检测概率比其他检测算法的检测概率性能提升30%,其接收机操作性能曲线(ROC)性能比性能较好的D-S证据理论提升3%。 相似文献
提出了一种在认知无线网络控制信道带宽受限条件下基于信任度的双门限协同频谱感知算法。首先每个认知用户基于双检测门限独立进行频谱感知,但只有部分可靠的认知用户通过控制信道向认知无线网络基站发送本地感知结果。当所有的用户都不可靠时,选取信任度最高的认知用户发送本地感知结果进行判决。理论分析和仿真表明,同常规能量检测算法相比较,该算法能够在控制信道带宽受限条件下,以较少的网络开销获得更好的频谱感知性能。 相似文献
由于协作频谱感知能够更准确地确定主用户的存在与否,因此,它被认为是认知无线电技术中的一个重要研究分支.在协作频谱感知中,各认知用户需要通过报告信道发送其本地判决结果(0或1)到融合中心(FC).然而,在实际中,报告信道通常受衰落的影响,这将降低频谱感知的检测性能.针对这个问题,首先,文中提出一种基于认知用户选择的协作频谱感知算法.该算法通过减小由衰落信道引入的误码概率来提高协作频谱感知的检测性能.其基本思想为:只有具有较好瞬时信道增益报告信道的认知用户才将其本地二进制判决结果发送到FC,否则,该认知用户不发送其本地检测结果到FC.其次,提出一种基于空时编码的协作频谱感知方法.通过在CR网络中,利用空间分集增益来降低由衰落型报告信道引入的误码概率,从而提高检测性能.最后,对提出的这两种协作频谱感知方法的检测性能进行理论分析研究,并对其进行数值仿真.仿真结果表明:相比于传统的协作频谱感知,本文提出的这两种协作频谱感知算法都能提高对主用户的检测性能. 相似文献