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具有输入饱和的近空间飞行器鲁棒控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对近空间飞行器这一类存在外部扰动,输入饱和和参数不确定的多输入多输出线性系统,提出了一种基于干扰观测器的抗饱和鲁棒控制方案.将干扰观测器与抗饱和控制技术相结合,从而消除系统存在的未知外部扰动、输入饱和和不确定性对系统控制的影响.首先,设计干扰观测器对线性外部系统产生的未知扰动进行估计.然后根据干扰观测器输出,通过超前抗饱和方法设计抗饱和补偿器,并将其加入到鲁棒控制器的设计中,保证闭环系统存在输入饱和、未知外部扰动和参数不确定情况下的稳定性.为便于设计,干扰观测器、抗饱和补偿器和控制器设计矩阵均通过求解线性矩阵不等式得到.最后,将提出的鲁棒抗饱和控制方法应用于近空间飞行器,仿真结果验证了该控制方案的有效性.  相似文献   

杨青运  陈谋 《控制理论与应用》2016,33(11):1449-1456
针对近空间飞行器姿态控制中出现的执行器故障,输入饱和与外部干扰等问题,设计了一种基于二阶滑模干扰观测器和辅助系统的鲁棒容错跟踪控制方法.首先,将系统不确定,外部扰动和执行器故障作为复合干扰,设计super-twisting二阶滑模干扰观测器对其进行估计.然后为解决输入饱和问题构造了辅助分析系统,并借助backstepping方法,设计姿态容错跟踪控制器.利用Lyapunov方法,严格证明了所有闭环系统信号的收敛性.最后将所设计的控制方法应用于近空间飞行器姿态控制中,仿真结果验证了该控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This work considers an input and output constraint control problem for pure‐feedback systems with nonaffine functions possibly being in‐differentiable. A locally semibounded and continuous condition for nonaffine functions is presented to guarantee the controllability, and the nonaffine system is transformed to an equivalent pseudoaffine one based on the mild condition. Combined with backstepping technique, a novel prescribed performance controller with new performance functions is constructed to circumvent high frequency chattering in control input. An auxiliary system with bounded compensation term is utilized in this paper, successfully avoiding the overrun of control input. The methodology achieves the desired transient and steady‐state performance and presents excellent robustness against the system uncertainty. Finally, two numerical simulations are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive prescribed performance output-feedback control scheme is proposed for a class of switched nonlinear systems with input saturation. The MT-filters are employed to estimate the unmeasured states and the unknown functions are approximated by the radial basis function neural networks in controller design procedure. It is proved that all the signals in the closed-loop system are semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded and the tracking error satisfies the prescribed performance. Finally, simulation results are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relative position tracking and attitude synchronization control for spacecraft close-range proximity missions with input saturation and model uncertainties. A robust saturated relative motion controller is proposed for this purpose. Prescribed performance functions are designed to guarantee the transient and steady-state response of the system and the full-state constraints. Then, a nonlinear disturbance observer is developed to estimate the lumped disturbance that comprises the effects of parametric uncertainties and kinematic couplings. At the same time, a linear compensator system is incorporated into the controller design to deal with the control input saturation. Finally, it can be proved via the Lyapunov theory that the closed-loop system is uniformly ultimately bounded stable. Simulation results on the spacecraft close-range rendezvous and docking mission validate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of stabilizing reference trajectories (also called as the trajectory tracking problem) for underactuated marine vehicles under predefined tracking error constraints. The boundary functions of the predefined constraints are asymmetric and time‐varying. The time‐varying boundary functions allow us to quantify prescribed performance of tracking errors on both transient and steady‐state stages. To overcome difficulties raised by underactuation and nonzero off‐diagonal terms in the system matrices, we develop a novel transverse function control approach to introduce an additional control input in backstepping procedure. This approach provides practical stabilization of any smooth reference trajectory, whether this trajectory is feasible or not. By practical stabilization, we mean that the tracking errors of vehicle position and orientation converge to a small neighborhood of zero. With the introduction of an error transformation function, we construct an inverse‐hyperbolic‐tangent‐like barrier Lyapunov function to show practical stability of the closed‐loop systems with prescribed transient and steady‐state performances. To deal with unmodeled dynamic uncertainties and external disturbances, we employ neural network (NN) approximators to estimate uncertain dynamics and present disturbance observers to estimate unknown disturbances. Subsequently, we develop adaptive control, based on NN approximators and disturbance estimates, that guarantees the prescribed performance of tracking errors during the transient stage of on‐line NN weight adaptations and disturbance estimates. Simulation results show the performance of the proposed tracking control.  相似文献   

针对受到扰动的变机翼后掠角近空间飞行器,研究一类基于多模型切换的多输入多输出非线性系统的模糊自适应鲁棒控制器的设计问题.通过构造公共Lyapunov函数设计系统的控制器,采用动态面控制方法避免了控制器设计中的计算膨胀问题,利用自适应模糊系统和鲁棒控制项在线消除系统中的未知干扰影响.仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对可变机翼后掠角的近空间飞行器,提出一种多模型鲁棒保性能软切换控制方法.首先,将非线性系统的工作空间划分为若干区域,在每一区域建立局部T-S模糊模型;然后,根据性能指标利用广义系统的方法,设计局部鲁棒保性能控制器,从而大大减少了计算量,由于控制器在模糊了的边界处进行切换,保证了系统状态在切换过程中的平滑性;最后,对近空间飞行器在变机翼过程中的姿态进行控制,仿真结果表明了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with event-triggered adaptive tracking control design of strict-feedback nonlinear systems, which are subject to input saturation and unknown control directions. In the design procedure, a smooth nonlinear function is employed to approximate the saturation function so that the controller can be designed under the framework of backstepping. The Nussbaum gain technique is employed to address the issue of the unknown control directions. A predetermined time convergent performance function and a nonlinear mapping technique are introduced to guarantee that the tracking error can converge in the predetermined time with a fast convergence rate and a high accuracy. Then the event-triggered adaptive prescribed performance tracking control strategy is proposed, which not only ensures the boundedness of all the closed-loop signals and the convergence of tracking error but also reduces the communication burden from the controller to the actuator. At last, the simulation study further tests the availability of the proposed control strategy.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel robust adaptive trajectory tracking control scheme with prescribed performance is developed for underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) subject to unknown dynamic parameters and disturbances. A simple error mapping function is proposed in order to guarantee that the trajectory tracking error satisfies the prescribed performance. A novel additional control based on Nussbaum function is proposed to handle the underactuation of AUVs. The compounded uncertain item caused by the unknown dynamic parameters and disturbances is transformed into a linear parametric form with only single unknown parameter called virtual parameter. On the basis of the above, a novel robust adaptive trajectory tracking control law is developed using dynamic surface control technique, where the adaptive law online provides the estimation of the virtual parameter. Strict stability analysis indicates that the designed control law ensures uniform ultimate boundedness of the AUV trajectory tracking closed‐loop control system with prescribed tracking performance. Simulation results on an AUV in two different disturbance cases with dynamic parameter perturbation verify the effectiveness of our adaptive trajectory tracking control scheme.  相似文献   

In this paper, a robust adaptive controller for a underactuated ship is proposed to make the ship follow a predefined path with guaranteed transient performance and arbitrarily small steady-state position error and orientation error, despite the presence of environmental disturbances induced by wave, wind and ocean current and unknown system parameters. We design a new adaptive state feedback controller and parameter estimators to guarantee converging exponentially by assuming all states are available. It is shown that the mean-square tracking errors are of order of an arbitrarily small design parameter, and the position error and the orientation error also decrease at a pre-specified exponential rate. Simulations with a commercial monohull ship using Matlab also demonstrate the effectiveness of the controllers.  相似文献   

针对多变量、不稳定的近空间飞行器姿态系统,在系统存在参数不确定和外部干扰的情况下,并考虑执行器动态和输入受限,提出一种鲁棒可重构跟踪控制策略.首先,利用二阶滑模干扰观测器分别重构姿态、角速率回路的复合干扰;其次,采用鲁棒二阶滑模积分滤波器的反推(backstepping)方法避免了控制器设计中微分项膨胀问题,利用鲁棒项抵消重构误差对系统的影响,以实现姿态控制器设计.然后,在考虑执行器动态、输入受限及舵面卡死故障下,给出一种线性矩阵不等式的在线优化舵面分配算法,以实现飞行器的姿态角渐近跟踪期望的制导指令.最后,仿真结果表明所提出的方法具有良好的跟踪控制性能.  相似文献   

本文主要针对利用四旋翼无人机清洗绝缘子时受到的回冲力干扰及姿态控制问题,提出了一种用于清洗绝缘子的无人机抗回冲力控制方法.对于无人机系统,本文运用非线性控制方法中的反步法来设计姿态控制器,使其达到输入状态稳定,并对外部扰动具有鲁棒性.本文首先根据无人机运动模型建立了其动力学方程.之后,运用动量定理和流体力学中的伯努利方...  相似文献   

In this paper, an actuator robust fault‐tolerant control is proposed for ocean surface vessels with parametric uncertainties and unknown disturbances. Using the backstepping technique and Lyapunov synthesis method, the adaptive tracking control is first developed by incorporating the actuator configuration matrix and considering actuator saturation constraints. The changeable actuator configuration matrix caused by rotatable propulsion devices is considered. Next, the actuator fault‐tolerant control is developed for the case when faults occur in propulsion devices of the ocean surface vessel. Rigorous stability analysis is carried out to show that the proposed fault‐tolerant control can guarantee the stability of the closed‐loop system under certain actuator failure. Finally, simulation studies are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive tracking control and fault‐tolerant control. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文研究系统全状态、控制输入及响应时间受约束的航天器特征点间相对位姿跟踪控制问题,提出了一种基于非奇异终端滑模的输入饱和全状态约束固定时间控制器.首先,通过引入预设性能函数,控制器可以保证系统的瞬态和稳态性能达到全状态约束要求.其次,考虑到控制输入饱和约束和时间受限问题,提出了一种固定时间非线性饱和补偿器实时处理执行器的饱和效应,并且保证补偿器的状态在固定时间内收敛.同时,所提出的自适应律可以抑制外部干扰并保证在线估计参数的有界性.最后,基于李亚普诺夫稳定性理论证明了闭环系统的固定时间稳定性.通过航天器近距离逼近操作的仿真算例,验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper studies an arbitrary convergence time tracking controller design problem for high-order nonlinear systems. Our aim is to enhance the existing free-will arbitrary time control (FATC), which cannot track time-varying reference signals. To do so, a new nonautonomous equation is firstly introduced to enable an arbitrary settling time stability for one-order systems. Then, a prescribed performance control (PPC) technology is integrated for general high order systems. By a backstepping Lyapunov analysis with iteratively contructed nonautonomous equations, it is proved that the closed-loop system satisfies the prescribed performance and all signals of the closed-loop system are arbitrary settling time stable (ASTS). Compared with the existing results, the tracking control problem with arbitrary convergence time is addressed by a continuous control law, which shows a better transient performance also. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed control method.  相似文献   

This work investigates simultaneous prescribed performance tracking control and mismatched disturbance rejection problems for a class of strict-feedback nonlinear systems. A novel control scheme combining prescribed performance control, disturbance observer technique, and backstepping method is proposed. The disturbance estimations are introduced into the design of virtual control law design in each step to compensate the mismatched disturbances. To further improve the control performance, a prescribed performance function characterizing the error convergence rate, maximum overshoot, and steady-state error is used to construct the composite controller. The proposed controller guarantees transient and steady-state performance specifications of tracking error and provides much better disturbance attenuation ability simultaneously. Rigorous stability analysis for the closed-loop system is established by direct Lyapunov function method. It is shown that all the states in the resulting closed-loop system are stable, and the tracking error evolves within the prescribed performance boundaries and asymptotically converges to zero even in the presence of mismatched external disturbances. Finally, theoretical results are illustrated and demonstrated by two simulation examples.  相似文献   

Based on fuzzy control techniques, this article is concerned with the problem of robust reliable control for a near space vehicle (NSV) with parametric uncertainties and actuator faults. The nonlinear dynamics of a NSV is represented by the Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy models, and then the actuator fault model and fuzzy state-space observer are developed. Next, the fuzzy observer-based robust reliable control strategy is proposed. It is proved that the fuzzy control systems for the NSV is reliable in the sense that the closed-loop system is asymptotically stable and the actuator components can operate well in the presence of some actuator faults. The developed theoretical results are in the form of linear matrix inequalities, which can be readily solved via standard numerical software. Finally, simulation results are given to illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

对一类控制方向未知的不确定严格反馈非线性系统的预设性能自适应神经网络反演控制问题进行了研究.系统中含有时变非匹配不确定项且控制方向未知.首先,提出了一种新的误差转化方法,放宽了对初始误差已知的限制;随后,利用径向基函数(radial basis function,RBF)神经网络及跟踪微分器分别实现了对未知函数和虚拟控制量导数的逼近,并综合运用Nussbaum函数和反演控制技术设计了控制器.所设计的控制器能保证系统内所有信号有界且输出误差满足预设的瞬态和稳态性能要求.最后的仿真研究验证了控制器设计方法的有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a composite nonlinear feedback (CNF) control technique for linear discrete-time multivariable systems with actuator saturation. The CNF control law serves to improve the transient performance of the closed-loop system by adding an additional nonlinear feedback. The linear feedback can be designed to yield a quick response at the initial stage, then the nonlinear feedback is introduced to smooth out overshoots when the system output approaches the target reference. As such, the resulting closed-loop system typically has very fast transient response and small overshoots. The goal of this work is to complete the theory for general discrete-time systems. The technique is applied to a magnetic-tape-drive servo system design and yields a huge improvement in settling time compared to that of a purely linear controller.  相似文献   

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