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Previous studies in rats using the Morris water maze suggested that the processing of spatial information is modulated by corticosteroid hormones through mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus. Mineralocorticoid receptors appear to be involved in the modulation of explorative behaviour, while additional activation of glucocorticoid receptors facilitates the storage of information. In the present study we used the water maze task to examine spatial learning and memory in mice homozygous and heterozygous for a targeted disruption of the glucocorticoid receptor gene. Compared with wild-type controls, homozygous and heterozygous mice were impaired in the processing of spatial but not visual information. Homozygous mutants performed variably during training, without specific platform-directed search strategies. The spatial learning disability was partly compensated for by increased motor activity. The deficits were indicative of a dysfunction of glucocorticoid receptors as well as of mineralocorticoid receptors. Although the heterozygous mice performed similarly to wild-type mice with respect to latency to find the platform, their strategy was more similar to that of the homozygous mice. Glucocorticoid receptor-related long-term spatial memory was impaired. The increased behavioural reactivity of the heterozygous mice in the open field points to a more prominent mineralocorticoid receptor-mediated function. The findings indicate that (i) the glucocorticoid receptor is of critical importance for the control of spatial behavioural functions, and (ii) mineralocorticoid receptor-mediated effects on this behaviour require interaction with functional glucocorticoid receptors. Until the development of site-specific, inducible glucocorticoid receptor mutants, glucocorticoid receptor-knockout mice present the only animal model for the study of corticosteroid-mediated effects in the complete absence of a functional receptor.  相似文献   

Dopamine signaling has been implicated in the control of food intake and body weight. In particular, dopamine is important in the control of meal size and number and is thought to mediate the response to metabolic deprivation states. In the present experiments, the authors assessed the role of the dopamine-3 receptor (D?R) in the feeding responses to 2-deoxy-D-glucose, mercaptoacetate, and peripheral insulin. All 3 compounds increased food intake in wild-type mice, but the hyperphagic responses were blunted in D?R-/- mice. In other experiments, D?R-/- mice were hyperresponsive to the administration of amylin and leptin relative to wild-type mice. These results support the hypothesis that D?Rs chronically inhibit the effects of adiposity hormones, thereby contributing to a net anabolic state. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The human HMGI-C gene encoding a member of the high mobility group protein family normally is expressed only during embryonic/fetal development but in none of the adult tissues tested so far. Recently, the HMGI-C gene has attracted a lot of interest since its rearrangements seem to underlie the development of frequent benign mesenchymal tumors. We have therefore checked CD34 positive hematopoietic stem cells and their normal and malignant descendants for HMGI-C expression. CD34 positive stem cells from healthy donors and the leukemia samples tested were positive while all peripheral blood samples from healthy volunteers were negative. We have concluded that the expression of the HMGI-C gene in leukemia seems to be a secondary effect due to abnormal stem cell proliferation and might be a sensitive tumor marker for particular types of leukemia.  相似文献   

Bloom's syndrome is a human autosomal genetic disorder characterized at the cellular level by genome instability and increased sister chomatid exchanges (SCEs). Clinical features of the disease include proportional dwarfism and a predisposition to develop a wide variety of malignancies. The human BLM gene has been cloned recently and encodes a DNA helicase. Mouse embryos homozygous for a targeted mutation in the murine Bloom's syndrome gene (Blm) are developmentally delayed and die by embryonic day 13.5. The fact that the interrupted gene is the homolog of the human BLM gene was confirmed by its homologous sequence, its chromosomal location, and by demonstrating high numbers of SCEs in cultured murine Blm-/- fibroblasts. The proportional dwarfism seen in the human is consistent with the small size and developmental delay (12-24 hr) seen during mid-gestation in murine Blm-/- embryos. Interestingly, the growth retardation in mutant embryos can be accounted for by a wave of increased apoptosis in the epiblast restricted to early post-implantation embryogenesis. Mutant embryos do not survive past day 13.5, and at this time exhibit severe anemia. Red blood cells and their precursors from Blm-/- embryos are heterogeneous in appearance and have increased numbers of macrocytes and micronuclei. Both the apoptotic wave and the appearance of micronuclei in red blood cells are likely cellular consequences of damaged DNA caused by effects on replicating or segregating chromosomes.  相似文献   

Corticosterone is known to suppress levels of 5-HTA(1A) receptor mRNA in rat hippocampus. We describe hippocampal 5-HT(1A) receptor mRNA regulation in mice that have a targeted disruption of the glucocorticoid receptor gene. 5-HT(1A) receptor mRNA levels as well as binding of [3H]8-OH-DPAT, were measured in the hippocampus of heterozygous and homozygous GR-deficient mice and in wild-type control mice. The effect of adrenalectomy in wild-type mice and heterozygous knockouts was also studied. We hypothesized that if the glucocorticoid receptor is important as a mediator of the suppressive effect of corticosterone, this would be revealed by changed (enhanced) expression of 5-HT(1A) receptor mRNA in mice with a genetically changed glucocorticoid receptor status. It was found that 5-HT(1A) receptor mRNA levels and 5-HT(1A) receptor binding were not different in GR-deficient mice. The 5-HT(1A) receptor mRNA levels were responsive to corticosterone, as adrenalectomy led to increased levels of hippocampal 5-HT(1A) receptor mRNA both in wild-type as in heterozygous knockout mice. These increases were paralleled by small but statistically significant changes in [3H]8-OH-DPAT binding. These results support a suppressive control of B over 5-HT(1A) receptor expression in the hippocampus of the mouse, which is predominantly mediated via the mineralocorticoid receptor. The data indicates that no interaction between the two corticosteroid receptors is required for this effect of corticosterone, and that mineralocorticoid receptor-mediated suppression of gene expression can take place in the complete absence of glucocorticoid receptor.  相似文献   

An open reading frame, designated tylN, has been identified by sequence analysis at one end of the tylosin biosynthetic gene cluster of Streptomyces fradiae, alongside a cluster of genes encoding the biosynthesis of dTDP-deoxyallose. This 6-deoxyhexose sugar is converted to mycinose, via bis O-methylation, following attachment to the polyketide lactone during tylosin biosynthesis. The deduced product of tylN is similar to several glycosyltransferases, authentic and putative, and displays a consensus sequence motif that appears to be characteristic of a sub-group of such enzymes. Specific disruption of tylN within the S. fradiae genome resulted in the production of demycinosyl-tylosin, whereas other glycosyltransferase activities involved in tylosin biosynthesis were not affected. Evidently, tylN encodes deoxyallosyl transferase.  相似文献   

Four siblings with achalasia, alacrimia and other problems involving the autonomic nervous system involvements are reported. Achalasia and alacrimia were present in all of them. Their parents are first cousins and have four other healthy children. Electrophysiological tests showed that autonomic dysfunction has progressed with age. Blood cortisol levels were normal in all four affected children. Depending on those findings of our case and previous reports, we conclude that triple-A syndrome and achalasia, alacrimia with or without neurological abnormalities could be variable manifestations of the same autosomal recessive gene defect.  相似文献   

Haematological, ocular and skeletal abnormalities were documented in a samoyed male and its five offspring. Haematological abnormalities, found in repeated tests in all the dogs, included marked eosinophilia, eosinophilic bands and absence of Barr bodies. Two of the dogs had bilateral buphthalmia, retinal detachments and other ocular abnormalities. Three of the dogs had skeletal abnormalities including chondrodysplasia (dwarfism) and brachygnathia (undershot jaw). A similar combination of inherited skeletal and ocular disorders, without the haematological abnormalities, has been described in samoyeds. Acquired causes for the haematological findings, which are similar to the inherited Pelger-Hu?t anomaly described in several species, have been eliminated. Eosinophilic bands and scarcity of Barr bodies could be a marker, or a previously unreported manifestation, of an inherited disorder in samoyeds.  相似文献   

Synpolydactyly in mice with a targeted deficiency in the HoxD complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The morphogenesis of mammalian digits requires the function of several genes of the HoxD complex during development of limb buds. Using embryonic stem (ES) cells and a site-specific recombination system (loxP/Cre), we have induced a deficiency that eliminates the products of the Hoxd-13, Hoxd-12 and Hoxd-11 genes simultaneously. A Hoxd-11/lacz reporter gene replaced the deleted region in order to monitor the effect of this triple inactivation at the cellular level. Mice homozygous for this deficiency showed small digit primordia, a disorganized cartilage pattern and impaired skeletal mass. These alterations are similar to the defects seen in a human synpolydactyly, suggesting that this syndrome, which is associated with a subtle mutation in HOXD13 (ref. 8), may involve the loss of function of several Hoxd genes. These results indicate the existence of a functional hierarchy among these genes and provide us with an animal model to study human digit malformations.  相似文献   

Synucleins constitute a group of unique, evolutionarily conserved proteins that are expressed predominantly in neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system. Although the normal cellular functions of synucleins are not clear, these proteins have been implicated in various neurodegenerative conditions in humans. We found that persyn, a recently characterized member of the synuclein family, is expressed not only in the nervous system but also in the stratum granulosum of the epidermis of neonatal and adult mice. This finding together with our recent observations that persyn influences neurofilament network integrity in sensory neurons raises the possibility that persyn in skin could be involved in modulation of the keratin network.  相似文献   

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