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Objective: To estimate the prevalence and the socioeconomic and demographic correlates of tobacco consumption in India.

Design: Cross sectional, nationally representative population based household survey.

Subjects: 315 598 individuals 15 years or older from 91 196 households were sampled in National Family Health Survey-2 (1998–99). Data on tobacco consumption were elicited from household informants.

Measures and methods: Prevalence of current smoking and current chewing of tobacco were used as outcome measures. Simple and two way cross tabulations and multivariate logistic regression analysis were the main analytical methods.

Results: Thirty per cent of the population 15 years or older—47% men and 14% of women—either smoked or chewed tobacco, which translates to almost 195 million people—154 million men and 41million women in India. However, the prevalence may be underestimated by almost 11% and 1.5% for chewing tobacco among men and women, respectively, and by 5% and 0.5% for smoking among men and women, respectively, because of use of household informants. Tobacco consumption was significantly higher in poor, less educated, scheduled castes and scheduled tribe populations. The prevalence of tobacco consumption increased up to the age of 50 years and then levelled or declined. The prevalence of smoking and chewing also varied widely between different states and had a strong association with individual's sociocultural characteristics.

Conclusion: The findings of the study highlight that an agenda to improve health outcomes among the poor in India must include effective interventions to control tobacco use. Failure to do so would most likely result in doubling the burden of diseases—both communicable and non-communicable—among India's teeming poor. There is a need for periodical surveys using more consistent definitions of tobacco use and eliciting information on different types of tobacco consumed. The study also suggests a need to adjust the prevalence estimates based on household informants


OBJECTIVE: To determine if there are differences in young people's responsiveness to price and tobacco control policies for population subgroups and to examine whether or not these differences, if they exist, can explain sex and racial differences in trends in the prevalence of smoking in young people in the United States. DESIGN: Use cross-sectional and intertemporal variation in local and state tobacco control policies and prices to calculate demand responses to these policies using regression analysis techniques. SUBJECTS: A nationally representative sample of American eighth grade (ages 13-14 years), 10th grade (15-16 years) and 12th grade (17-18 years) students obtained from the 1992-1994 Monitoring the Future surveys. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Thirty-day smoking prevalence. RESULTS: Young men are much more responsive to changes in the price of cigarettes than young women. The prevalence elasticity for young men is almost twice as large as that for young women. Smoking rates of young black men are significantly more responsive to changes in price than young white men. Significant differences in responsiveness to particular tobacco control policies also exist. These differences, however, explain relatively little of the differences in smoking prevalence among young population subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: Policymakers need to keep in mind that there is not a "one-size fits all" strategy for discouraging smoking among young people.  相似文献   

Objectives: To examine divergent estimates of smoking prevalence in two random digit dial surveys for the same population. Based upon internal and external reviews of survey procedures, differences in survey introductions (general health versus tobacco specific introduction) and/or differences in the use of filter questions were identified as the most likely explanations. This prompted an experiment designed to investigate these potential sources of measurement error. Design: A randomised 2 x 2 factorial experiment. Setting: A random digit dial telephone survey from July to September 2000. Subjects: 3996 adult Californian respondents. Main outcome measures: A series of smoking prevalence questions in the context of a tobacco or general health survey. Results: Logistic regression analyses suggest that, among females, prior knowledge (from the survey introduction) that a survey is concerned with tobacco use may decrease self reported smoking prevalence (approximately 4% absolute prevalence difference). Differences in the use of filter questions resulted in almost no misclassification of respondents. Conclusions: The tobacco specific survey introduction is causing some smokers to deny their tobacco use. The data suggest that these smokers tend to be women that smoked occasionally. A desire by the participants to minimise their personal time costs or a growing social disapproval of tobacco use in the USA may be contributing to the creation of previously undetected survey artefacts in the measurement of tobacco related behaviours.  相似文献   

Recent trends in home and work smoking bans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objectives: Home and work smoking bans at the national and state level in the USA, and their relation to smoking prevalence and to tobacco control policies, are examined.

Data: The Current Population Survey's 1992/93 and 1998/99 tobacco use supplement surveys are the primary data source, supplemented with information on state level tobacco control policies.

Methods: The national and state rate of bans are estimated, and changes over the course of the 1990s and their relation to smoking rates and tobacco control policies are examined.

Results: The prevalence of work and home bans has increased considerably between 1992/93 and 1998/99. By 1999, over 65% of the population age 15 and above work in places with smoking bans, and over 60% live in homes with bans. We found that states with lower than average ban rates in 1993 tended to have had larger increases in ban rates between 1993 and 1999. We also found that home and work bans became more prevalent in states with initially low smoking rates, and that the growth in home bans coincided with a declining prevalence of smoking. States with higher levels of bans by 1999 also tended to have higher cigarette taxes, stricter clean air laws, and media/comprehensive campaigns in place.

Conclusions: The results indicate that lower smoking rates are associated with higher rates of work and home bans, although substantial progress has also been made by those states with initially low rates of bans. While further work is needed to establish the direction of causality, it would appear that reductions in smoking rates, either through stronger tobacco control policies or otherwise, may reduce exposure to tobacco smoke not only by reducing the number of smokers, but also through increasing the number of firms and homes with smoking restrictions.


The prevalence of noncommunicable diseases in Eritrea is increasing. Tobacco use is a recognized risk factor for most of these diseases, especially cardiovascular disease. No data have been published on tobacco use in Eritrea. The present study sought to establish the prevalence of tobacco smoking in Eritrea. The World Health Organization STEPwise approach was used for the survey, conducted in 2004 on a random national sample size of 2,460 subjects (response rate = 93.7%). The prevalence of tobacco smoking in the general population was 8.1%; the prevalence was 15% among men, compared with 0.6% among women. Prevalence rates were higher in those older than 45 years of age. The prevalence of tobacco smoking was higher among Muslims (11.4%) than Orthodox Christians (5.8%), and among alcohol drinkers (10.2%) than nondrinkers (6.6%). The majority of tobacco users (89.3%) used commercially available cigarettes. A study on knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding tobacco use is needed to determine the behavioral factors leading to tobacco smoking among the vulnerable groups.  相似文献   

Effects of market liberalisation on smoking in Japan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVE: To document the effect of the liberalisation of the Japanese tobacco market on Japanese smoking rates and on Japanese tobacco industry practices. DATA SOURCE: Asahi Shimbun (major daily newspaper) from 1980 to 1996. STUDY SELECTION: Review of media coverage on the effects of market liberalisation following the imposition of the USA's section 301 trade sanction. DATA SYNTHESIS: The opening of Japan's tobacco market to foreign cigarette companies stalled a decline in smoking prevalence. Smoking rates among young women increased significantly, and also appear to be on the rise among adolescents. Aggressive marketing and promotional activities by US and Japanese tobacco companies in response to trade liberalisation appear responsible for these adverse trends. Steep increases in sales through vending machines were also possible contributors to the rising smoking prevalence among adolescents. On the positive side, market liberalisation indirectly promoted smoking control efforts in Japan, by causing an anti-smoking movement to coalesce. CONCLUSION: Market liberalisation in Japan played a significant role in increasing smoking prevalence among young women and adolescents while helping to transform the issue of smoking in Japan from a matter of individual choice to a public health problem.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although the rate of smoking-related deaths in Bulgaria is still relatively low, in international terms, it has been rising rapidly. This is likely to become worse in the future as Bulgaria faces growing pressure from transnational tobacco companies. There is, however, little information on patterns of smoking, which is necessary for development of effective policies to tackle tobacco consumption. OBJECTIVE: To describe the pattern of smoking in Bulgaria and its relationship with sociodemographic factors. DESIGN: Multivariate analysis of data on patterns of tobacco consumption from a multi-stage nationwide survey of 1550 adults. SETTING: Bulgaria, in 1997. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Prevalence of current cigarette smoking. RESULTS: 38.4% of men and 16.7% of women smoke. Smoking rates are strongly associated with age, with 58% of men and 30% of women aged 30-39 smoking whereas only 5% of men aged 70 years and older and almost no women of this age smoke. Smoking is more common in cities, among those who are widowed or divorced, or who do not own their home. There is no clear association with household income or, for men, with education, although there is a suggestion that smoking may be more common among more highly educated women. CONCLUSIONS: The observed pattern of smoking indicates the need for a robust policy to tackle smoking in Bulgaria, especially among the young in large cities, informed by a better understanding of why smoking rates vary among different groups.  相似文献   

Average daily cigarette consumption has decreased, and some evidence suggests that the rate of "some day" smoking has increased; however, relatively little is known about low-level smokers. The present analysis describes and compares low-level versus heavier smokers, using cross-sectional and longitudinal data. Data from the Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT) were used in this analysis. Population-based cross-sectional tobacco use telephone surveys were performed in 22 North American communities in 1988 and 1993, and the prevalence and characteristics of low-level smoking and reasons for quitting are reported from the 1993 prevalence survey. In addition, a cohort of 6,603 smokers was identified in 1988 and interviewed again in 1993 and 2001 to assess patterns of low-level smoking over time and its association with smoking cessation. In 1988, 7.6% were low-level smokers; in 1993, 10.7% were low-level smokers. Compared with heavier smokers, low-level smokers were more likely to be female, older, not married, Black or Hispanic; to have a 4-year college degree; to have no other adult smokers in the household; and to wait longer in the day to have their first cigarette. Low-level smokers also were less likely to report trying to quit because of the expense of smoking or physician advice to quit. They were more likely to try to quit because of trying to set a good example; concern for second-hand smoke; and factors such as bad breath, smell, or the taste of smoking. Those who smoked full-priced premium brands and who worked in a completely smoke-free worksite were more likely to be low-level smokers. Compared with heavier smokers, low-level smokers had similar rates of making a future quit attempt, lower use rates of nicotine replacement therapy, and higher cessation rates. Low-level smokers may be a growing segment of the smoker population and have different characteristics, health risks, and intervention needs compared with their heavier smoking counterparts.  相似文献   

The Dominican Republic is a tobacco-growing country, and tobacco control efforts there have been virtually nonexistent. This study provides a first systematic surveillance of tobacco use in six economically disadvantaged Dominican Republic communities (two small urban, two peri-urban, two rural; half were tobacco growing). Approximately 175 households were randomly selected in each community (total N = 1,048), and an adult household member reported on household demographics and resources (e.g., electricity), tobacco use and health conditions of household members, and household policies on tobacco use. Poverty and unemployment were high in all communities, and significant gaps in access to basic resources such as electricity, running water, telephones/cell phones, and secondary education were present. Exposure to tobacco smoke was high, with 38.4% of households reporting at least one tobacco user, and 75.5% allowing smoking in the home. Overall, 22.5% reported using tobacco, with commercial cigarettes (58.0%) or self-rolled cigarettes (20.1%) the most commonly used types. Considerable variability in prevalence and type of use was found across communities. Overall, tobacco use was higher in males, illiterate groups, those aged 45 or older, rural dwellers, and tobacco-growing communities. Based on reported health conditions, tobacco attributable risks, and World Health Organization mortality data, it is estimated that at least 2,254 lives could potentially be saved each year in the Dominican Republic with tobacco cessation. Although it is expected that the reported prevalence of tobacco use and health conditions represent underestimates, these figures provide a starting point for understanding tobacco use and its prevalence in the Dominican Republic.  相似文献   

The impact of workplace smoking bans: results from a national survey   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the impact of workplace smoking restrictions on the prevalence and intensity of smoking among all indoor workers and various demographic and industry groups. DESIGN: Detailed cross sectional data on worker self reported characteristics, smoking histories, and workplace smoking policies were used in multivariate statistical models to examine whether workplace smoking policies reduce cigarette consumption. After analysing the distribution of policies, four main types of workplace programme were defined: (1) 100% smoke-free environments, (2) work area bans in which smoking is allowed in some common areas, (3) bans in some but not all work and common areas, and (4) minimal or no restrictions. SETTING: After environmental tobacco smoke was identified as a health hazard in the mid-1980s, workplace smoking restrictions became more prevalent. By 1993, nearly 82% of indoor workers faced some restriction on workplace smoking and 47% worked in 100% smoke-free environments. PARTICIPANTS: The database included a nationally representative sample from the tobacco use supplements to the September 1992, January 1993, and May 1993 Current Population Surveys of 97,882 indoor workers who were not self employed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of smoking and number of cigarettes smoked daily by smokers. RESULTS: Having a 100% smoke-free workplace reduced smoking prevalence by 6 percentage points and average daily consumption among smokers by 14% relative to workers subject to minimal or no restrictions. The impact of work area bans was lessened by allowing smoking in some common areas. Smoke-free policies reduced smoking for all demographic groups and in nearly all industries. CONCLUSIONS: Requiring all workplaces to be smoke free would reduce smoking prevalence by 10%. Workplace bans have their greatest impact on groups with the highest rates of smoking.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of tobacco use among young Norwegian adults, 1973-1995. DESIGN: Cross sectional personal and telephone surveys. SETTING: Norway, 1973-1995. PARTICIPANTS: Population based samples of Norwegians aged 16-74 years. RESULTS: A trend to a decline in tobacco use among young adult Norwegians during the 1960s and 1970s levelled out during the 1980s. Hence, the total prevalence of smoking in Norway decreased by only two percentage points from 1980 to 1993, as compared to approximately 10 percentage points in many other European countries. An increase in smoking prevalence (and in the use of snuff among males) in the age group 16-19 years has been observed in recent years. Thus smoking prevalence among young males and females in 1995 was comparable to that observed in the early 1980s. CONCLUSIONS: Trends in tobacco use reflect an underutilization of preventive measures in general, and health education measures in particular. Financial resources appropriated for health education and information were reduced by 90% during the 1980s.


Roll-your-own (RYO) cigarette use has been subject to relatively limited research, particularly in developing countries. This paper seeks to describe RYO use in Thailand and Malaysia and relate RYO use to smokers' knowledge of the harmfulness of tobacco. Data come from face-to-face surveys with 4,004 adult smokers from Malaysia (N = 2,004) and Thailand (N = 2000), collected between January and March 2005. The prevalence of any use of RYO cigarettes varied greatly between Malaysia (17%) and Thailand (58%). In both countries, any RYO use was associated with living in rural areas, older average age, lower level of education, male gender, not being in paid work, slightly lower consumption of cigarettes, higher social acceptability of smoking, and positive attitudes toward tobacco regulation. Among RYO users, exclusive use of RYO cigarettes (compared with mixed use) was associated with older age, female gender (relatively), thinking about the enjoyment of smoking, and not making a special effort to buy cheaper cigarettes if the price goes up. Finally, exclusive RYO smokers were less aware of health warnings (RYO tobacco carries no health warnings), but even so, knowledge of the health effects of tobacco was equivalent.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the role of tobacco use in creating financial hardship for New Zealand (NZ) low income households with children. DATA: The 1996 NZ census (smoking prevalence by household types), Statistics NZ (household spending surveys 1988-98), and NZ Customs (tobacco released from bond 1988-98). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Proportion of children in households with smokers and < or = 15,000 NZ dollars gross income per adult. Proportion of spending on tobacco of second lowest equivalised household disposable income decile and of solo parent households. RESULTS: In < or = 15,000 NZ dollars gross income per adult households with both children and smokers, there were over 90,000 children, or 11% of the total population aged less than 15 years. Enabling second lowest income decile households with smokers to be smoker-free would on average allow an estimated 14% of the non-housing budgets of those households to be reallocated. CONCLUSIONS: The children in low income households with smokers need to be protected from the financial hardship caused by tobacco use. This protection could take the form of more comprehensive government support for such households and stronger tobacco control programmes. A reliance on tobacco price policy alone to deter smokers is likely to have mixed outcomes-for example, increased hardship among some of these households. The challenge for tobacco control is to move from a sole focus on "doing good" towards incorporating the principle of "doing no harm".  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of smoking and the attitudes towards the restriction of smoking at work among female nurses in the national hospitals in Japan. DESIGN: Questionnaires mailed to 14 randomly selected national hospitals and sanitariums in Japan in 1993. SUBJECTS: 2207 female nurses. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Smoking status and history, and attitudes towards the restriction of smoking at work. RESULTS: The prevalence of smoking among female nurses was 18.6%, which was higher than the age-adjusted prevalence of the general female population using this study's subjects as a standardised population. Banning smoking in the hospital in which they worked was supported by 15.0%, whereas 81.6% supported the restriction of smoking. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that smoking is more common among female nurses than among the general female adult population. The survey suggested that nurses favour restriction, but not banning, of smoking.  相似文献   



To analyse trends in smoking prevalence in Ukraine from three surveys conducted in 2001–5, and to explore correlates of observed changes, in order to estimate the stage of tobacco epidemic in Ukraine.


Repeated national interview surveys in Ukraine in 2001, 2002 and 2005.

Main outcome measure

Prevalence of current smoking among the population aged ⩾15 years.


The age‐standardised prevalence of current smoking in Ukrainian men was 54.8% in 2001 and 66.8% in 2005. Among Ukrainian women, prevalence increased from 11.5% in 2001 to 20.0% in 2005. ORs for yearly increase in prevalence were estimated as 1.164 (95% CI 1.111 to 1.220) for men and 1.187 (1.124 to 1.253) for women, which implies that, on average, 3–4% of men and 1.5–2% of women living in Ukraine join the smoking population each year.


In Ukraine, smoking prevalence is increasing in most population groups. Among men, the medium deprivation group with secondary education has the highest smoking prevalence. Among women, while the most educated, young and those living in larger cities are the leading group for tobacco use, other groups are also increasing their tobacco use. Tobacco promotion efforts appear to have been significantly more effective in Ukraine than smoking control efforts. The decrease in real cigarette prices in Ukraine in 2001–5 could be the main factor explaining the recent growth in smoking prevalence.Ukraine is a large eastern European country with high smoking prevalence. Tobacco products are widely available at very low prices, and the transnational tobacco industry is extremely successful in promoting its products and lobbying for its interests in the legislative field. Advocacy of tobacco control has only recently achieved some success in the legislative field, with the first tobacco control law being adopted in late 2005. Ukraine ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2006, but there is still much cause for concern regarding the enforcement and effectiveness of the adopted legislative measures. Unfortunately, the government is not yet involved in nationwide surveillance of the tobacco problem, and the available data have mostly been gathered with funding from foreign donors. Several attempts have been made to measure the extent of the tobacco epidemic in the countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU).1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Most of these studies have shown rather high smoking prevalence among men (50–70%) and comparatively low prevalence among women (5–20%). Most countries in the FSU have similar smoking rates, while certain trends are shown to be related to the differences in how the transnational tobacco industry succeeds in every national tobacco market.6 Unfortunately, few studies have been published showing trends in smoking prevalence in the FSU.7 In Ukraine, two studies3,4 provided point estimates of smoking prevalence.The aim of this study was to analyse trends in smoking prevalence in Ukraine, on the basis of three surveys conducted in 2001–5, and to explore correlates of observed changes in order to estimate the stage of the tobacco epidemic in Ukraine.  相似文献   

Dent C  Biglan A 《Tobacco control》2004,13(4):334-338
Objective: To examine the relation between rates of sales of tobacco to minors and youth smoking prevalence.

Design: Repeated annual cross sectional surveys.

Setting: Seventy five communities in Oregon.

Participants: A random sample of students in grades 8 and 11 (ages 13 and 17 years) and retail outlets in each participating community.

Main outcome measures: Thirty day and daily smoking prevalence.

Results: The rate of illegal merchant sales in the communities was related to the smoking rate for 11th graders in those communities, but not for 8th graders. For every 10% increase in illegal sales rates there was an estimated 0.8% increase in 11th grade 30 day smoking prevalence and a 0.4% increase in daily smoking. Communities with lower illegal merchant sales rates had expanded use of social sources and reduced use of commercial sources by 11th graders, with the opposite pattern seen in 8th graders.

Conclusions: There appears to be a relatively small positive linear relation between the community rate of sales to minors and 11th grade youth smoking prevalence in those communities. Youth adjust their tobacco sources depending on the level of commercial availability.


OBJECTIVES: To study the prevalence and determinants of cigarette smoking among Saudi nationals in three regions of Saudi Arabia. PARTICIPANTS: A sample of 8310 individuals aged 15 years and above from both sexes, randomly selected from the three regions, using a stratified cluster sampling technique. DESIGN: A cross-sectional, household, community-based survey. Using a predesigned and tested questionnaire, the participants were interviewed by primary care physicians. The interview covered personal, social, and educational characteristics of the respondents, and also included questions about their smoking status, duration of smoking, and daily cigarette consumption. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Association between current smoking and sociodemographic variables, in univariate and multivariate analysis. Degree of interaction between the different determinants of cigarette smoking. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of current smoking was 21.1% for males and 0.9% for females. Most smokers (78%) were young to middle-aged (21-50 years old). Smoking prevalence was higher among married people, among uneducated people, and among those in certain occupations: manual workers, businessmen, army officers, and office workers. CONCLUSIONS: Cigarette smoking is an important public health problem in Saudi Arabia. A more intense and comprehensive tobacco control effort is needed.  相似文献   

Effect of smokeless tobacco (snus) on smoking and public health in Sweden   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
Method: Narrative review of published papers and other data sources (for example, conference abstracts and internet based information) on snus use, use of other tobacco products, and changes in health status in Sweden.

Results: Snus is manufactured and stored in a manner that causes it to deliver lower concentrations of some harmful chemicals than other tobacco products, although it can deliver high doses of nicotine. It is dependence forming, but does not appear to cause cancer or respiratory diseases. It may cause a slight increase in cardiovascular risks and is likely to be harmful to the unborn fetus, although these risks are lower than those caused by smoking. There has been a larger drop in male daily smoking (from 40% in 1976 to 15% in 2002) than female daily smoking (34% in 1976 to 20% in 2002) in Sweden, with a substantial proportion (around 30%) of male ex-smokers using snus when quitting smoking. Over the same time period, rates of lung cancer and myocardial infarction have dropped significantly faster among Swedish men than women and remain at low levels as compared with other developed countries with a long history of tobacco use.

Conclusions: Snus availability in Sweden appears to have contributed to the unusually low rates of smoking among Swedish men by helping them transfer to a notably less harmful form of nicotine dependence.




To explore Indonesian physician''s smoking behaviours, their attitudes and clinical practices towards smoking cessation.


Cross‐sectional survey.


Physicians working in Jogjakarta Province, Indonesia, between October and December 2003.


447 of 690 (65%) physicians with clinical responsibilities responded to the survey (236 men, 211 women), of which 15% were medical faculty, 35% residents and 50% community physicians.


22% of male (n = 50) and 1% of female (n = 2) physicians were current smokers. Approximately 72% of physicians did not routinely ask about their patient''s smoking status. A majority of physicians (80%) believed that smoking up to 10 cigarettes a day was not harmful for health. The predictors for asking patients about smoking were being male, a non‐smoker and a medical resident. The odds of advising patients to quit were significantly greater among physicians who perceived themselves as sufficiently trained in smoking cessation.


Lack of training in smoking cessation seems to be a major obstacle to physicians actively engaging in smoking cessation activities. Indonesian physicians need to be educated on the importance of routinely asking their patients about their tobacco use and offering practical advice on how to quit smoking.Tobacco use is one of the greatest causes of preventable deaths and disease in human history. According to the World Bank, four‐fifths of the world''s 1.1 billion smokers live in low‐income or middle‐income countries.1 East Asian and Pacific countries currently account for about 38% of the world''s smokers and men, especially those aged 30–49 years, account for about 80% of these smokers.2 In Indonesia, 59% of male, but only <5% of women, smoke.3 Notably, the rates of tobacco use, especially among adolescents and young adults in East Asia, continue to rise.1 Although reliable national data are unavailable for Indonesia, estimates in 2004 showed a high incidence rate of tobacco‐attributable mortality and morbidity.4 For example, in 2002, the International Agency of Research on Cancer Globocan estimated that the age‐standardised mortality of respiratory tract cancer in Indonesia among men was 68.5 per 100 000 population, but that among women was only 21.5 per 100 000 population.5Nations such as Indonesia continue to bear significant health and socioeconomic burdens associated with tobacco use, primarily due to aggressive tobacco industries marketing and the slow progress in tobacco control activities resulting from a strong dependency of the national economy on the tobacco trade.6 To reduce the economic and health burden from cigarette smoking, effective measures for smoking cessation and tobacco control are clearly needed. Public health education, and governmental policies such as taxation on sales and restrictions on advertisement may serve as useful tools to limit the use of tobacco products.7,8 Currently, such measures are lacking in Indonesia.Smoking behaviour and attitudes towards smoking cessation by healthcare providers in Western countries have been studied extensively.9,10,11 Research findings suggest that asking about smoking and offering advice about cessation help smokers quit.12,13,14,15,16 Of equal importance is the observation that the smoking status of healthcare providers may influence their willingness to offer smoking cessation advice to smokers.16,17 Unfortunately, limited research is available on non‐Western countries in regard to behaviours, perceptions and attitudes towards smoking among physicians and other healthcare providers.16,18,19,20Understanding the attitudes of health professionals towards cessation of tobacco use is an important early step in the development of a country''s comprehensive anti‐tobacco initiative. This step is especially important in countries like Indonesia, where there are few anti‐tobacco initiatives and physicians play a particularly important role as opinion leaders and role models. To understand physician''s attitudes towards tobacco, we conducted a survey of physicians to explore a range of issues including smoking behaviours, and their attitudes and clinical practices regarding smoking.  相似文献   

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