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ABSTRACT: The new IFT Education Standards require that all IFT-approved Food Science programs have an assessment plan for evaluating student learning. Learning outcomes must be written for each individual course as well as for the curriculum as a whole and assessment within each course and across the curriculum is recommended. This approach is significantly different from the traditional education approach used most commonly and requires a change in perspective on the meaning of teaching and learning without sacrificing the good things that come out of our current education system. For most programs, the first step in developing an assessment program is to identify a set of learning outcomes in the broadest sense. The assistance of an education expert to help write true learning outcomes should be solicited; as well, input from the industrial sector should be invited. Once learning outcomes have been developed for the curriculum as a whole, individual courses can be prepared to bring the most logical learning sequence together. Individual courses may follow traditional lines or courses may be reorganized in some other way to promote student learning within the resources of the program. As the curriculum is designed, thought should be given to how student learning develops across the curriculum. For example, developing team work skills may be coordinated at several points in the curriculum. In this way, students are exposed to the concepts, allowed to practice their skills, and then evaluated on their competence in a manner consistent with what they will be required to do upon graduation. Using the approach suggested here, a curriculum with coordinated instruction to promote and to assess student learning can be developed. The outcome of such an approach to instruction will be enhanced student learning and competency upon graduation.  相似文献   

9月,是开学的季节,学生们将投入到新一轮的紧张学习当中,玩具业又会如常遭受一段时期的“冷落”。但有一类别产品,其销售却能逆市而行,这就是融入了教学功能,寓教于乐的电子教育玩具。  相似文献   

张恬熙 《葡萄酒》2020,(5):32-35
"在全国全世界不遗余力抗击疫情的时候,我们也真切希望我们从中学到了人与人之间的理解,对不同价值观的接受和认同,亲情、友情的珍贵以及分享快乐。"在采访中法和迦南酒业CEO李韧时他提到。疫情在国际的蔓延对进口酒的供给侧造成了影响,但在这样的危机当前,我们更应积极面对。  相似文献   

<正> 你吸烟吗?如果你是烟民,你一定知道中国名烟红塔山吧! 利润下滑,急! 上世纪80~90年代,红塔山因“红塔山”香烟而名动海内,红塔山所在的云南省玉溪市,一座20多万人的小城市,开始富庶起来。因为有了红塔集团,玉溪市的消费水平超过了省城昆明。 曾几何时,作为中国最大的、拥有300多亿元资产,利税曾占云南省财政50%的烟草企业。一个字“牛”!  相似文献   

<正> 金秋季节,科·汉森公司亚太区年度会议在风景如画的香山饭店举行,此次会议是科·汉森比较重要的会议,来自丹麦总部和本区域的管理层出席了会议,本刊记者采访了公司 CEO LarsFrederikson 先生,倾听其对科·汉森在中国市场的现状及未来发展的描述。  相似文献   

<正> 最近,各大媒体刊登了光明乳业前任掌门人王佳芬《新鲜:我和光明15年》一书事宜,详细描述了王佳芬和光明乳业15年的相处生活,"新鲜"战略无疑是王佳芬的得意之作。新帅郭本恒上任后,实现了"开门红",销售总额同比增长不少,也让光明重燃占据行业霸主的战火。光明常温奶的发力、酸奶"明星产品群"战略的启动,都让人感觉到,光明乳业似乎  相似文献   

On June 1, 2006, the trade associations representing the personal care industry of the European Union, the U.S., Japan and South Africa agreed on an International Sunscreen Protection Method. What will this mean? Sunscreens are regulated throughout the world either as cosmetics, over‐the‐counter (OTC) drugs which do not require a governmental pre‐approval or OTC drugs that require a pre‐approval before they are placed on the market. Regardless of how they are regulated, all of these product regulations are very similar concerning sunscreens! Each country has a pre‐approved list of permitted UV filters, an accepted method of running efficacy by SPF determination, and regulated labels. Some countries have approved methods for UVA claims and water‐resistance testing. The latest changes are in Australia, where some sunscreens will be regulated as cosmetics based on SPF and claims, and Canada, where some sunscreens will be regulated as Natural Health Products depending on their actives! And now here comes a new variable, the harmonized SPF method. What confusion! This paper will cover the different SPF test methods (Harmonized, Australia, and US‐FDA) along with the formulations of reference standards, currently approved UVA methods, water‐resistant testing, some labeling requirements and finally a brief review of cGMPs and other requirements for the U.S. It will have an update of the recent changes in regulations and cover the approved UV filters permitted in the U.S., EU, Japan, Canada and Australia as well as their maximum use level and correct ingredient designation. There is also a master cross reference list by INCI designation.  相似文献   

In an ever-more-competitive global market, vignerons compete for the attention of consumers by differentiating their product while responding to technological advances, climate changes and evolving demand patterns. In doing so, they increasingly highlight their regional and varietal distinctiveness. This paper examines the extent to which the mix of winegrape varieties in Australia differs from the rest of the world and differs across wine regions within the country, and how that picture has altered over the first decade of this century. It reports varietal intensity indexes for different regions, indexes of similarity of varietal mix between regions and over time, and quality indexes across regions and varieties within Australia. The study is based mainly on a new global database of vine bearing areas circa 2000 and 2010, supplemented by a more detailed database for Australia back to the 1950s. It reveals that the varietal distinctiveness of Australia vis-à-vis the rest of the world, and varietal differentiation between regions within the country, is far less than for most other countries – a pattern that has become even more pronounced since 2000. It concludes that there is much scope for Australia’s winegrape plantings to become more diversified as producers respond to market and climate changes.  相似文献   

<正> 因为易携性和便利性等优点,拉链技术正在得到越来越广泛的应用。在确保每次使用都不泄漏的同时,拉链还同样具有很好气密性。Zip-Pak公司是一家专门从事拉链生产的专业公司,拥有200多项包装拉链方面的专利,经过长期的发展,目前已经成为全球可再封包装技术的领先企业。近日,本刊记者专访再次应邀采访了Zip-Pak市场发展经理王纳弢女士,与可再封包装全球领袖Zip-Pak进行了一次全方位的近距离接触! 记者:目前,生产可再封包装的公司有很多,Zip-Pak公司有哪些领先于其他公司的地方吗?  相似文献   

IFSCC Magazine, 11 (2008) (1) 5–9 ‘Luctor et emergo’ means to struggle, fight or wrestle in order to come up, win or just emerge and survive. It was adopted as a national motto by the Zeeland region in Holland to underline their daily battle with high tides. Indeed, this Latin motto effectively illustrates the struggle to make things work, that is to overcome all difficulties and hurdles and make everything flow smoothly at the end. Therefore, it applies appropriately to our subheading: ‘all battles and bridges between the language of marketing and product formulation’. What are the main causes of misunderstanding or hindrances between marketing and the formulator? Could common objectives overcome such gaps? How can we establish bridges with a view to enhancing creative cooperation? Finally, would it be possible to find solutions which can provide a mutual cross‐fertilization? The following humorous example will make the problem clear. The scene is a kitchen where we see an old and ugly couple. The husband asks his wife, who is holding a tin can: »Would you like some tuna fish?« She answers: »No, I would like to be naked in bed with Kevin Costner in Jamaica«. This is obviously a dialogue of the deaf, where both speak only apparently the same language. In fact, they fail to convey what they really mean. This signifies that they are not on the same wavelength, they do not refer to the same code of speech to communicate and it seems impossible for them to understand each other. How can we make ourselves understood when communication is sometimes so difficult and work out appropriate solutions when we put R&D and Marketing at two poles of a communication scheme?  相似文献   

In today's market environment, an aging society is recognized as one of the megatrends in the world. The demographic change in the world population age structure has driven a huge demand in healthcare products as well as services that include the technological innovation for the health and wellness of the elderly. Dysphagia or swallowing difficulty is a common problem in the elderly as many changes in swallowing function come with aging. The presence of a strong relationship between swallowing ability, nutritional status, and health outcomes in the elderly leads to the importance of dysphagia management in the population group. Modification of solid food and/or liquid is a mainstay of compensatory intervention for dysphagia patients. In this regard, texture-modified foods are generally provided to reduce risks associated with choking, while thickened liquids are recommended for mitigating risks associated with aspiration. In this review, we discuss thickened liquids and other issues including the importance of their rheological and tribological properties for oropharyngeal dysphagia management in the elderly. The review focuses on both commercial thickeners that are either based on modified starch or xanthan gum and other potential polysaccharide alternatives, which have been documented in the literature in order to help researchers develop or improve the characteristic properties of thickened liquids required for safe swallowing. Furthermore, some research gaps and future perspectives, particularly from the nutrition aspect related to the interaction between thickeners and other food ingredients, are suggested as such interaction may considerably control the rate of nutrient absorption and release within our body.  相似文献   

<正> 豆腐,据载是2000年前的西汉时期,淮南王刘安门下术士为求仙丹偶然所得。豆腐的发明是中国食品史上的一项伟大创举,被誉为"东方龙脑"、"中华民族的国粹"、"中国第一菜"。自从发明了豆腐后,中华民族凭借着勤劳、智慧与不断创新的精神,在豆腐的基础上衍生出了豆腐乳、干豆腐、卤豆  相似文献   

设计中的现实条件(如技术条件、市场条件)对室内设计的"限制"是绝对的。如何从这种"限制"中摆脱出来,是现代室内设计师真正要考虑的问题。设计师内心潜藏的本性实则就是一个——"玩"字。保持"玩"心做设计,帮助使用者找到"玩"心,就会是好设计。  相似文献   

Worldwide rates of obesity are on the increase and following in their tracks are increases in the metabolic syndrome (a cluster of characteristic features associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes). Along with these trends, healthcare costs are expected to escalate and part of the solution to coping with this situation is to direct the public health focus towards prevention. The situation is complicated by the fact that people are living longer and longer (and people gradually tend to put on weight as they get older). Cognisant of the major challenges ahead, funding agencies are supporting a variety of multidisciplinary projects, some of which are showcased here (Ob‐Age and Lipgene), that are seeking to understand, on the one hand, the influence our genetic make‐up has on the way our bodies handle particular nutrients and how these relationships relate to disease risk, and at the other end of the spectrum how the food chain can be manipulated to improve the nutritional value of the food we consume. Crucial to developing targeted dietary messages is a sound understanding of the nutritional value of foods. Weaknesses in current databases are being addressed by a pan‐European Project, EuroFIR. Looking to the future, it is to be hoped that new research underway in the UK and around the world, some of which is referred to here, will inform policy that will enable us to really get to grips with the current trends in obesity and related conditions such as the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, which are currently threatening the improvements in life expectancy seen consistently around the world over the past 150 years. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Zhong F  Yano E 《Tobacco control》2007,16(2):133-137


China entered the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 after years of negotiations. As a WTO member, China had to reduce tariffs on imported cigarettes and remove non‐tariff barriers to allow foreign cigarettes to be more competitive in the Chinese market. Among foreign tobacco companies, British American Tobacco (BAT) was the most active lobbyist during China''s WTO negotiations.


To review and analyse BAT''s tactics and activities relating to China''s entry into the WTO.


Internal tobacco industry documents were reviewed and are featured here. Industry documents were searched mainly on the website of BAT''s Guildford Depository and other documents'' websites. 528 documents were evaluated and 142 were determined to be relevant to China''s entry into the WTO.


BAT was extremely active during the progress of China''s entry into the WTO. The company focused its lobbying efforts on two main players in the negotiations: the European Union (EU) and the US. Because of the negative moral and health issues related to tobacco, BAT did not seek public support from officials associated with the WTO negotiations. Instead, BAT lobbyists suggested that officials protect the interests of BAT by presenting the company''s needs as similar to those of all European companies. During the negotiation process, BAT officials repeatedly spoke favourably of China''s accession into the WTO, with the aim of presenting BAT as a facilitator in this process and of gaining preferential treatment from their Chinese competitor.


BAT''s activities clearly suggest that tobacco companies place their own interests above public health interests. Today, China struggles with issues of tobacco control that are aggravated by the aggressive practices of transnational tobacco companies, tobacco‐tariff reductions and the huge number of smokers. For the tobacco‐control movement to progress in China, health advocates must understand how foreign tobacco companies have undermined anti‐tobacco activities by taking advantage of trade liberalisation policies. China should attach importance to public health and comprehensive tobacco‐control policies and guarantee strong protection measures from national and international tobacco interests supported by international trade agreements.China is the largest tobacco producing and consuming country in the world, with over 350 million smokers in a population of 1.2 billion.1,2 China''s cigarette market is dominated by a state‐owned monopoly, the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, which strongly protects the domestic tobacco industry.3 This largest cigarette market in the world is nearly 3½ times the size of the US cigarette market and over 12 times the size of the German cigarette market, which is the largest in Western Europe.4 However, as smoking rates have fallen in North America and Western Europe,5 transnational tobacco companies (TTCs) from the US and Great Britain have turned to international cigarette markets to seek greater profits.China entered the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 after years of negotiations.6 As a condition of WTO membership, China had to reduce tariffs on imported cigarettes and remove non‐tariff barriers to allow greater competitiveness for foreign cigarettes in the Chinese market.7 O''Sullivan and Chapman8 and Lee et al9 studied TTC industry documents and described TTC aims and conduct in China. Those studies mainly focused on the heavy reliance on contraband and the undermining of national advertising bans. However, no previous papers have examined China''s entry into the WTO on the basis of tobacco‐industry documents. British American Tobacco (BAT) was engaged in the most active lobbying during China''s accession to the WTO. This paper reviews and analyses BAT documents related to China''s WTO negotiations to clarify BAT''s tactics and use of international trade policies to support their corporate interests.  相似文献   

<正> 罐头是我国加工食品的主要出口产品,行销世界许多国家。罐头出口了几十年,在国际市场叱诧风云,竞争力和成长性都有不俗的表现,中国已经成为全世界的罐头生产和出口大国。然而,在国内,罐头产品市场一直不尽如人意。众多的国内罐头企业也开始意识到:出口已不再是唯一的选择,国内市场同样孕育无限商机。带着对这个行业的关注,近日,本刊记者专访了中国罐头工业协会理事长梁仲康先生。  相似文献   

Reflexivity, community and education for the learning society   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article it is argued that the idea of a learning society is consonant with developments in the social world conceived as part of the ongoing project of reflexive modernity. This project is characterised by a dynamic process of individualisation which on the one hand results in widening opportunities for self-creation and the construction of democratic, flexible communities, but on the other is associated with new kinds of structures and cultural processes which continue to reproduce inequality whilst failing to counter the tendency to fragmentation. The idea of a learning society is a response to the dilemmas of these 'new times'. The New Right idea of such a society is reviewed and found wanting; the particular mix of neo-liberal free market ideas and neo-conservative authoritarianism just cannot deliver the flexibility, diversity and scope for reflexivity required at the level of the self or the community. It is then argued that the most appropriate conception of the learning society is that which grasps the nettle of individualism whilst at the same time deploying an understanding of the self as constituted in practices - a model which avoids the conceptual split between the individual and society and captures the duality of persons as individuals and as members of communities. An attempt is then made to outline a curricular and pedagogical strategy appropriate for a democratic version of the learning society. This involves two aspects: first a teaching approach which focuses on the nature of commitment to and participation in reflexive communities and second, one that fosters the kind of self-reflexivity and self-knowledge required for individuals to sustain and develop their self identities in the circumstances of reflexive modernity.  相似文献   

近年爆发的贸易争端与新冠肺炎疫情,对世界油菜籽及其加工品的生产、贸易格局产生了一定影响,研究这一问题对保障中国油菜籽及其加工品进口供应链安全具有重要意义。总结分析了世界油菜籽及其加工品生产、贸易格局变动特征,实证分析了主要进出口国(地区)的显示性比较优势与贸易互补性,探讨了贸易争端与新冠肺炎疫情对世界油菜籽及其加工品生产、贸易格局的“双重冲击”。主要结论为:中长期看,“双重冲击”不会大幅改变基于比较优势的世界油菜籽及其加工品的生产、贸易格局;短期内,进出口大国之间的贸易争端将加剧国别替代,中国与加拿大、俄罗斯、澳大利亚的贸易规模将逐渐此消彼长;新冠肺炎疫情增加了贸易成本和供应链风险,对提升跨国物流与供应链绩效提出了更高要求。  相似文献   

Objectives: To explore how British American Tobacco (BAT), having established cigarette imports, responded to the opportunities for investment in cigarette manufacturing in the former Soviet Union (FSU).

Design: Analysis of documents held at the BAT archive in Guildford, UK.

Results: Considerable priority was attached to investing in the FSU. This led BAT to undertake a major organisational change and to intense competition to acquire assets. BAT used flawed economic arguments to persuade cash starved governments that its investment would reap economic rewards. It offered excise advice that disadvantaged governments while benefiting BAT, confused issues over pricing, and avoided competitive tendering. BAT targeted agriculture ministries, using its expertise in leaf production to differentiate itself from other potential investors. It subverted the principles of corporate social responsibility to promote itself as a business partner. BAT's task was made easier by the naivety of post-Soviet governments and by the international financial organisations' support for rapid economic reform. The latter permitted tobacco transnationals to penetrate markets before effective competitive tendering processes had been established, giving them the opportunity to minimise prices and establish monopolies.

Conclusions: Many of the arguments employed when penetrating post-Soviet markets were highly misleading but governments lacked expertise to realise this. There is a need to build tobacco control capacity in transition economies, within and outside government, to ensure that governments are better informed of the true economic and health impacts of tobacco. Rapid transition from socialist to market economies without establishing regulatory institutional structures may be dangerous when investing companies use business practices that fall short of international standards.


李志杰 《中国食品工业》2005,(7):20-20,22-23
<正>当其他食品行业的人们用羡慕的眼光关注乳品行业快速成长的时候,乳业行内的人士感觉更多的却是压力。从奶源质量的提高,危机处理系统的完善,价格战的应对,到经销系统的管理等等,需要迫切解决的事情实在太多。然而,既然身处一个成长的行业,我们就不该因为短期的挑战而失去乐观的心态。很重  相似文献   

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