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The hope of a fast expansion of solar energy conversion by photovoltaics as a primary energy resource could be undeceived by the high production costs of PV modules The purpose of this work is firstly to discuss both technical and economical reasons yielding the present production cost levels of 4.5 $/Wp for standard crystalline silicon technology and secondly to indicate the development path necessary to achieve a cost of 2$/Wp, which is recognised as a threshold value for an effective use of PV 相似文献
A method is presented for estimating the energy yield of photovoltaic (PV) modules at arbitrary locations in a large geographical area. The method applies a mathematical model for the energy performance of PV modules as a function of in-plane irradiance and module temperature and combines this with solar irradiation estimates from satellite data and ambient temperature values from ground station measurements. The method is applied to three different PV technologies: crystalline silicon, CuInSe2 and CdTe based thin-film technology in order to map their performance in fixed installations across most of Europe and to identify and quantify regional performance factors. It is found that there is a clear technology dependence of the geographical variation in PV performance. It is also shown that using long-term average values of irradiance and temperature leads to a systematic positive bias in the results of up to 3%. It is suggested to use joint probability density functions of temperature and irradiance to overcome this bias. 相似文献
The absorption factor of a PV cell is defined as the fraction of incident solar irradiance that is absorbed by the cell. This absorption factor is one of the major parameters determining the cell temperature under operational conditions. Experimentally the absorption factor can be derived from reflection and transmission measurements. The spectral reflection and transmission factors were measured for a set of crystalline silicon (c-Si) samples with a gradually increasing complexity. The experimental results agree very well with the results from a 2D numerical model that was developed. It was found that the AM1.5 absorption factor of a typical encapsulated c-Si photovoltaic cell is as high as 90.5%. Insight was gained in the cell parameters that influence this absorption factor. The presence of texture at the front of the c-Si wafer of sufficient steepness is essential to achieve such a high absorption factor. Sub-bandgap solar irradiance is mainly absorbed in the very thin emitter by means of free-carrier absorption. By minimizing reflective losses over the entire solar spectrum, the AM1.5 absorption of c-Si cells can theoretically be increased to 93.0%. The effect on the annual yield of PV and PV/thermal systems is quantified. 相似文献
The fast growth of PV installed capacity in Spain has led to an increase in the demand for analysis of installed PV modules. One of the topics that manufacturers, promoters, and owners of the plants are more interested in is the possible degradation of PV modules. This paper presents some findings of PV plant evaluations carried out during last years. This evaluation usually consists of visual inspections, I-V curve field measurements (the whole plant or selected areas), thermal evaluations by IR imaging and, in some cases, measurements of the I-V characteristics and thermal behaviours of selected modules in the plant, chosen by the laboratory. Electroluminescence technique is also used as a method for detecting defects in PV modules. It must be noted that new defects that arise when the module is in operation may appear in modules initially defect-free (called hidden manufacturing defects). Some of these hidden defects that only appear in normal operation are rarely detected in reliability tests (IEC61215 or IEC61646) due to the different operational conditions of the module in the standard tests and in the field (serial-parallel connection of many PV modules, power inverter influence, overvoltage on wires, etc.). 相似文献
Kylie R. Catchpole Michelle J. McCann Klaus J. Weber Andrew W. Blakers 《Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells》2001,68(2)
One of the most promising ways to reduce the cost of photovoltaics is thin-film crystalline silicon solar cells. This paper, together with part 1, reviews the current state of research in thin-film crystalline silicon solar cells. Deposition on silicon, novel techniques which use a high-quality, reusable silicon substrate and light trapping have been described in part 1 of this paper. This paper describes deposition on glass and ceramics and discusses cell designs for thin-film crystalline silicon solar cells. 相似文献
Michelle J. McCann Kylie R. Catchpole Klaus J. Weber Andrew W. Blakers 《Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells》2001,68(2):1290
Approximately half the cost of a finished crystalline silicon solar module is due to the silicon itself. Combining this fact with a high-efficiency potential makes thin-film crystalline silicon solar cells a growing research area. This paper, written in two parts, aims to outline world-wide research on this topic. The subject has been divided into techniques which use native substrates and techniques which use foreign substrates. Light trapping, vapour- and liquid-phase deposition techniques, cell fabrication and some general considerations are also discussed with reference to thin-film cells. 相似文献
C. Palsule S. Liu S. Gangopadhyay M. Holtz D. Lamp M. Kristiansen 《Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells》1997,46(4):261-269
We have investigated the photovoltage and photocurrent spectra of crystalline silicon/porous silicon heterojunctions. The porous silicon layers were prepared using anodic etching of p-type crystalline silicon at a current density of 25 mA/cm2. From the spectral dependence of the photovoltage and photocurrent, we suggest that the photovoltaic properties of the junction are dominated by absorption in crystalline silicon only. We have also studied the effect of increase in the thickness of porous silicon layers on these spectra. We find that the open-circuit voltage of the devices increases, but the short-circuit current decreases with an increase in the thickness of the porous silicon layers. We propose a qualitative explanation for this trend, based on the increase in the series and the shunt resistance of these devices. The effect of hydrogen passivation on the junction properties by exposing the devices to hydrogen plasma is also reported. 相似文献
J. F. Nijs J. Szlufcik J. Poortmans S. Sivoththaman R. P. Mertens 《Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells》2001,65(1-4)
An overview is given concerning current industrial technologies, near future improvements and medium-term developments in the field of industrially viable crystalline silicon terrestrial solar cell fabrication (without concentration). 相似文献
Application and validation of algebraic methods to predict the behaviour of crystalline silicon PV modules in Mediterranean climates 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Predicting both PV module and generator performances under natural sunlight is a key issue for designers and installers. Five simple algebraic methods addressed to predict this behaviour in Mediterranean climates have been empirically validated. Firstly, the calibration in STC of all significant electrical parameters of both a monocrystalline and a polycrystalline silicon PV modules was entrusted to an accredited independent laboratory. Then, a 12-month test and measurement campaign carried out on these modules in the city of Jaén (Spain, latitude 38°N, longitude 3°W) has provided the necessary experimental data. Results show that (a) crystalline silicon PV module outdoors performance may be described with sufficient accuracy – for PV engineering purposes – only taking into account incident global irradiance, cell temperature, and using any one of two simple algebraic methods tried in this paper and (b) regardless the used method, poor results may be achieved if the PV specimens under study are not electrically characterised in STC prior to analysing their outdoors performance. Even so, the methods recommended in (a) perform best. 相似文献
Crystalline silicon solar cells show promise for further improvement of cell efficiency and cost reduction by developing process technologies for large-area, thin and high-efficiency cells and manufacturing technologies for cells and modules with high yield and high productivity.In this paper, Japanese activities on crystalline Si wafers and solar cells are presented. Based on our research results from crystalline Si materials and solar cells, key issues for further development of crystalline Si materials and solar cells will be discussed together with recent progress in the field. According to the Japanese PV2030 road map, by the year 2030 we will have to realize efficiencies of 22% for module and 25% for cell technologies into industrial mass production, to reduce the wafer thickness to 50–100 μm, and to reduce electricity cost from 50 Japanese Yen/kWh to 7 Yen/kWh in order to increase the market size by another 100–1000 times. 相似文献
Two- and three-dimensional analyses of the distribution of optically generated charge carriers in textured crystalline silicon solar cells of arbitrary geometry have been performed. The simulation algorithm, developed for that purpose, is based on geometrical optics and ray tracing. It determines the dominant contributions to the optical generation within textured silicon exactly. The contribution of weakly absorbed long-wavelength photons is calculated using a Monte-Carlo simulation. The presented algorithm is fast and accurate and can also be used to calculate reflectance and transmittance spectra in excellent agreement with measurements. Two- and three-dimensional generation profiles in single- and double-sided textured solar cells are presented and discussed in detail. Examples for applications are given. Finally, the presented algorithm is compared with a pure Monte-Carlo algorithm. 相似文献
When a photovoltaic system is to be sized, different PV modules are considered. The optimisation of such systems is always the goal, but the choice of the PV module with best performance should also be considered. Nevertheless, selecting a module from catalogue data has certain inconveniences. First, because those data allow only comparisons with absolute magnitudes, the conclusions about which module is the most appropriate is not easy. Second, data provided in catalogues are not sufficient to know the module behaviour under conditions different from standard. This paper deals with the normalisation of the modules data by considering a base that allows for obtaining a “per unit” representation. For modelling and studying the modules under non-standard conditions it is necessary to know series and shunt resistances, but that is not easy. Then, by simulations, it is possible to show the influence of these resistances in the module behaviour. 相似文献
F.C. Treble 《Renewable Energy》1994,5(1-4)
A procedure for determining the rated power of crystalline silicon photovoltaic arrays from on-site measurements in the field is described. It is the outcome of several years' experience in the testing of European pilot and demonstration plants and has formed the basis of an IEC draft standard on the subject. The procedure differs significantly from that followed when measuring the rated performance of solar cells and modules. The reasons for these differences are explained. 相似文献
This paper introduces a theoretical analysis of the performance of photovoltaic modules under different meteorological conditions and design parameters. Based on the analysis, A FORTRAN computer sub-program has been constructed and connected to TRNSYS simulation program. The present sub-program is executed within the TRNSYS program to compute the different parameters of PV modules. These parameters include short circuit current, open circuit voltage, maximum output power, I-V and P-V characteristics, and efficiency. To verify the present sub-program, an experimental set up has been installed. It includes a group of identical PV modules mounted at different tilt angles and orientations, an electronic load, a weather station, a data acquisition system, and a computer. The comparison between the experimental and theoretical results shows good agreement at different meteorological conditions, tilt angles, and orientations. 相似文献
Data on long-term performance and degradation of field-aged solar photovoltaic modules is widely recognized as necessary for continued technological improvement and market confidence. It is also important that such research should cover various geographical regions of the globe. This paper presents a study on twenty-nine (29) crystalline silicon modules deployed in grid-connected, battery-charging and water-pumping applications. The modules, installed at six different locations in Ghana were aged between 6 and 32 years. Peak power (Pmax) losses ranged from 0.8%/year – 6.5%/year. The Pmax losses were dominated by losses in fill factor (FF) and short-circuit current (Isc). Visually observable defects are also reported. 相似文献
Undoped and phosphorus-doped Ag-based pastes were applied as circular contacts to the (1 1 1) surface of dendritic web n-type Si. Current–voltage characteristics of as-deposited contacts and contacts annealed at 780°C for 10 min, 950°C for 5 min, 1000°C for 10 min were measured and compared. Annealing above the Ag–Si eutectic temperature (835°C) yielded Si precipitation within the Ag matrix, resulting in increased current across the metal/semiconductor interface. The contact resistivity was significantly lower for P-doped (<0.04 Ω cm2) than for undoped (1.90 Ω cm2) Ag contacts, both of which were annealed at 1000°C. As supported by secondary ion mass spectrometry analyses, these results are attributed to an enhanced P doping level in the Si substrate after annealing the P-doped contacts. A p–n junction diode was demonstrated by alloying the Ag–P paste with p-type Si at 1000°C. The contact resistance was inferred from diode I–V data to be 0.013 Ω cm2, a value which is comparable to the 0.010 Ω cm2 target value for solar cell contacts. 相似文献
We have investigated the photovoltaic (PV) characteristics of both glow discharge deposited hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) on crystalline silicon (c-Si) in a n+ a-Si:H/undoped a-Si:H/p c-Si type structure, and DC magnetron sputtered a-Si:H in a n-type a-Si:H/p c-Si type solar cell structure. It was found that the PV properties of the solar cells were influenced very strongly by the a-Si/c-Si interface. Properties of strongly interface limited devices were found to be independent of a-Si thickness and c-Si resistivity. A hydrofluoric acid passivation prior to RF glow discharge deposition of a-Si:H increases the short circuit current density from 2.57 to 25.00 mA/cm2 under 1 sun conditions.DC magnetron sputtering of a-Si:H in a Ar/H2 ambient was found to be a controlled way of depositing n type a-Si:H layers on c-Si for solar cells and also a tool to study the PV response with a-Si/c-Si interface variations. 300 Å a-Si sputtered onto 1–10 ω cm p-type c-Si resulted in 10.6% efficient solar cells, without an A/R coating, with an open circuit voltage of 0.55 V and a short circuit current density of 30 mA/cm2 over a 0.3 cm2 area. High frequency capacitance-voltage measurements indicate good junction characteristics with zero bias depletion width in c-Si of 0.65 μm. The properties of the devices have been investigated over a wide range of variables like substrate resistivity, a-Si thickness, and sputtering power. The processing has focused on identifying and studying the conditions that result in an improved a-Si/c-Si interface that leads to better PV properties. 相似文献
This paper presents a set of indoor and outdoor measurement methods and procedures to determine the empirical coefficients of the Sandia Array Performance Model (SAPM) for a semi-transparent amorphous silicon (a-Si) PV module. After determining and inputting the total 39 parameters into the SAPM, the dynamic power output of the a-Si PV module was predicted. In order to validate the accuracy of using SAPM for simulating the energy output of the a-Si PV module, a long-term outdoor testing campaign was conducted. The results indicated that the SAPM with indoor and outdoor measured coefficients could accurately simulate the energy output of the a-Si PV module on sunny days, but it didn't work well on overcast days due to the inappropriate spectral correction as well as the equipment measuring error caused by the intense fluctuation of solar irradiance on overcast days. Specifically, all the errors between the simulated daily energy output and the measured one were less than 4% on sunny days. In order to achieve a better prediction performance for a-Si PV technologies, the SAPM was suggested to incorporate a more comprehensive spectral correction function to correct the impact of solar spectrum on overcast days in future. 相似文献
Paul Velut Robert Tween Rémy Teuscher Jan-Anders E. Månson Federico Galliano 《国际可持续能源杂志》2014,33(4):783-796
A polymer composite material system and a process for encapsulation of thin film solar cells were developed for profiled roofing elements, in view of building-integrated photovoltaic (PV) applications. Amorphous silicon cells were deposited on a polyethylene naphthalate film and encapsulated with additional polymer layers in the form of a flat laminate using industrial processes. The process technology developed in this work included a pre-forming step of the PV laminate and a moulding step of a glass fibre-reinforced polyester composite. These two steps were optimised using thermo-elastic analyses, with attention paid to laminate designs and process windows compatible with the thermo-mechanical limits of the fragile active PV layers. A demonstrator with standard 1.0 m×1.8 m corrugated roofing profile, a weight of 6.3 kg and 60 W of output power was produced. The long-term endurance of the conformal modules was also validated using humidity-freeze, damp-heat and water immersion tests. 相似文献
Ken-ichi Kurobe Takashi Fuyuki Hiroyuki Matsunami 《Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells》2001,66(1-4)
High growth-rate Si epitaxy by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) has been investigated for a thin-film solar cell application. A high growth rate of 50 μm/h was obtained at 1050°C with plasma which is 50% larger than that by the conventional CVD without plasma. The electrical properties are almost the same for epitaxial layers with and without plasma. For undoped n-type layers, the Hall mobility and carrier density were about 600 cm2/V s and low 1015 cm−3, respectively. The electron diffusion length in doped p-type layers was about 20 μm. These electrical properties for the layer with plasma, in spite of higher growth rate, are comparable or better than those without plasma. 相似文献