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Fracture produces new mesh fragments that introduce additional degrees of freedom in the system dynamics. Existing finite element method (FEM) based solutions suffer from increasing computational cost as the system matrix size increases. We solve this problem by presenting a graph-based FEM model for fracture simulation that is remeshing-free and easily scales to high-resolution meshes. Our algorithm models fracture on the graph induced in a volumetric mesh with tetrahedral elements. We relabel the edges of the graph using a computed damage variable to initialize and propagate fracture. We prove that non-linear, hyper-elastic strain energy density is expressible entirely in terms of the edge lengths of the induced graph. This allows us to reformulate the system dynamics for the relabelled graph without changing the size of the system dynamics matrix and thus prevents the computational cost from blowing up. The fractured surface has to be reconstructed explicitly only for visualization purposes. We simulate standard laboratory experiments from structural mechanics and compare the results with corresponding real-world experiments. We fracture objects made of a variety of brittle and ductile materials, and show that our technique offers stability and speed that is unmatched in current literature.  相似文献   

We present a novel retargeting algorithm that transfers the musculature of a reference anatomical model to new bodies with different sizes, body proportions, muscle capability, and joint range of motion while preserving the functionality of the original musculature as closely as possible. The geometric configuration and physiological parameters of musculotendon units are estimated and optimized to adapt to new bodies. The range of motion around joints is estimated from a motion capture dataset and edited further for individual models. The retargeted model is simulation‐ready, so we can physically simulate muscle‐actuated motor skills with the model. Our system is capable of generating a wide variety of anatomical bodies that can be simulated to walk, run, jump and dance while maintaining balance under gravity. We will also demonstrate the construction of individualized musculoskeletal models from bi‐planar X‐ray images and medical examination.  相似文献   

Inspired by frictional behaviour that is observed when sliding matchsticks against one another at different angles, we propose a phenomenological anisotropic friction model for structured surfaces. Our model interpolates isotropic and anisotropic elliptical Coulomb friction parameters for a pair of surfaces with perpendicular and parallel structure directions (e.g. the wood grain direction). We view our model as a special case of an abstract friction model that produces a cone based on state information, specifically the relationship between structure directions. We show how our model can be integrated into LCP and NCP-based simulators using different solvers with both explicit and fully implicit time-integration. The focus of our work is on symmetric friction cones, and we therefore demonstrate a variety of simulation scenarios where the friction structure directions play an important part in the resulting motions. Consequently, authoring of friction using our model is intuitive and we demonstrate that our model is compatible with standard authoring practices, such as texture mapping.  相似文献   

We propose a novel monolithic pure SPH formulation to simulate fluids strongly coupled with rigid bodies. This includes fluid incompressibility, fluid–rigid interface handling and rigid–rigid contact handling with a viable implicit particle-based dry friction formulation. The resulting global system is solved using a new accelerated solver implementation that outperforms existing fluid and coupled rigid–fluid simulation approaches. We compare results of our simulation method to analytical solutions, show performance evaluations of our solver and present a variety of new and challenging simulation scenarios.  相似文献   

In physics-based liquid simulation for graphics applications, pressure projection consumes a significant amount of computational time and is frequently the bottleneck of the computational efficiency. How to rapidly apply the pressure projection and at the same time how to accurately capture the liquid geometry are always among the most popular topics in the current research trend in liquid simulations. In this paper, we incorporate an artificial neural network into the simulation pipeline for handling the tricky projection step for liquid animation. Compared with the previous neural-network-based works for gas flows, this paper advocates new advances in the composition of representative features as well as the loss functions in order to facilitate fluid simulation with free-surface boundary. Specifically, we choose both the velocity and the level-set function as the additional representation of the fluid states, which allows not only the motion but also the boundary position to be considered in the neural network solver. Meanwhile, we use the divergence error in the loss function to further emulate the lifelike behaviours of liquid. With these arrangements, our method could greatly accelerate the pressure projection step in liquid simulation, while maintaining fairly convincing visual results. Additionally, our neutral network performs well when being applied to new scene synthesis even with varied boundaries or scales.  相似文献   

We propose to use nonlinear shape functions represented as neural networks in numerical coarsening to achieve generalization capability as well as good accuracy. To overcome the challenge of generalization to different simulation scenarios, especially nonlinear materials under large deformations, our key idea is to replace the linear mapping between coarse and fine meshes adopted in previous works with a nonlinear one represented by neural networks. However, directly applying an end-to-end neural representation leads to poor performance due to over-huge parameter space as well as failing to capture some intrinsic geometry properties of shape functions. Our solution is to embed geometry constraints as the prior knowledge in learning, which greatly improves training efficiency and inference robustness. With the trained neural shape functions, we can easily adopt numerical coarsening in the simulation of various hyperelastic models without any other preprocessing step required. The experiment results demonstrate the efficiency and generalization capability of our method over previous works.  相似文献   

The cloth simulation systems often suffer from excessive extension on the polygonal mesh, so an additional strain‐limiting process is typically used as a remedy in the simulation pipeline. A cloth model can be discretized as either a quadrilateral mesh or a triangular mesh, and their strains are measured differently. The edge‐based strain‐limiting method for a quadrilateral mesh creates anisotropic behaviour by nature, as discretization usually aligns the edges along the warp and weft directions. We improve this anisotropic technique by replacing the traditionally used equality constraints with inequality ones in the mathematical optimization, and achieve faster convergence. For a triangular mesh, the state‐of‐the‐art technique measures and constrains the strains along the two principal (and constantly changing) directions in a triangle, resulting in an isotropic behaviour which prohibits shearing. Based on the framework of inequality‐constrained optimization, we propose a warp and weft strain‐limiting formulation. This anisotropic model is more appropriate for textile materials that do not exhibit isotropic strain behaviour.  相似文献   

Periodic motion is an important class of motion to synthesize, but it is not easy to compute it robustly and efficiently. In this paper we propose a simple, robust and efficient method to compute periodic motion from linear equation systems. The method first calculates the response of the system when an external periodic force is applied during one period, and then sums up the periodically shifted versions of the system response to provide the periodic solution. It is also shown that Fourier decomposition is very effective to compress the motion data without a drop in visual fidelity. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A major issue in smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) approaches is the numerical dissipation during the projection process, especially under coarse discretizations. High‐frequency details, such as turbulence and vortices, are smoothed out, leading to unrealistic results. To address this issue, we introduce a vorticity refinement (VR) solver for SPH fluids with negligible computational overhead. In this method, the numerical dissipation of the vorticity field is recovered by the difference between the theoretical and the actual vorticity, so as to enhance turbulence details. Instead of solving the Biot‐Savart integrals, a stream function, which is easier and more efficient to solve, is used to relate the vorticity field to the velocity field. We obtain turbulence effects of different intensity levels by changing an adjustable parameter. Since the vorticity field is enhanced according to the curl field, our method can not only amplify existing vortices, but also capture additional turbulence. Our VR solver is straightforward to implement and can be easily integrated into existing SPH methods.  相似文献   

One of the major challenges in physically based modelling is making simulations efficient. Adaptive models provide an essential solution to these efficiency goals. These models are able to self‐adapt in space and time, attempting to provide the best possible compromise between accuracy and speed. This survey reviews the adaptive solutions proposed so far in computer graphics. Models are classified according to the strategy they use for adaptation, from time‐stepping and freezing techniques to geometric adaptivity in the form of structured grids, meshes and particles. Applications range from fluids, through deformable bodies, to articulated solids.  相似文献   

The standardized sizes used in the garment industry do not cover the range of individual differences in body shape for most people, leading to ill-fitting clothes, high return rates and overproduction. Recent research efforts in both industry and academia, therefore, focus on virtual try-on and on-demand fabrication of individually fitting garments. We propose an interactive design tool for creating custom-fit garments based on 3D body scans of the intended wearer. Our method explicitly incorporates transitions between various body poses to ensure a better fit and freedom of movement. The core of our method focuses on tools to create a 3D garment shape directly on an avatar without an underlying sewing pattern, and on the adjustment of that garment's rest shape while interpolating and moving through the different input poses. We alternate between cloth simulation and rest shape adjustment based on stretch to achieve the final shape of the garment. At any step in the real-time process, we allow for interactive changes to the garment. Once the garment shape is finalized for production, established techniques can be used to parameterize it into a 2D sewing pattern or transform it into a knitting pattern.  相似文献   

滴水涟漪的计算机动画模拟   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
模拟了近距离观察滴水涟漪的,用有限体积法求解二维的浅水波方程,在水表面受到扰动后自动产生波纹,为了增加真实感,加入了粒子系统,但与以往工作不同的是粒子被进一步分类成水滴、水柱、水粒和水泡。详细讨论了隐式曲面技术给这些液态物体造型,以便逼真地表现出这些液态物体的多变性。  相似文献   

基于物理模型的烟雾实时模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了一种基于物理模型的烟雾的实时数值模拟方法.真实感和实时性是计算机图形学追求的两个目标.传统的动画技术生成的物体运动是虚拟的,并不能完全反映物体的真实运动.与传统的动画技术相比,基于物理的动画更能表现运动的真实性.在用非粘性不可压欧拉方程表示烟雾的物理模型的基础上,利用破开算子法将其分解成外力项、对流项和投影项分别进行求解,每一步都稳定,因而整个求解也就稳定.求解过程的稳定性保证了模拟可以用大时间步长,也就保证了模拟的实时性.与传统的方法相比,能同时满足计算机图形学的真实感和实时性要求.  相似文献   

We develop a new 3D hierarchical model of the human face. The model incorporates a physically-based approximation to facial tissue and a set of anatomically-motivated facial muscle actuators. Despite its sophistication, the model is efficient enough to produce facial animation at interactive rates on a high-end graphics workstation. A second contribution of this paper is a technique for estimating muscle contractions from video sequences of human faces performing expressive articulations. These estimates may be input as dynamic control parameters to the face model in order to produce realistic animation. Using an example, we demonstrate that our technique yields sufficiently accurate muscle contraction estimates for the model to reconstruct expressions from dynamic images of faces.  相似文献   

We present a novel grid-based method for simulating multiple unmixable fluids moving and interacting. Unlike previous methods that can only represent the interface between two fluids (usually between liquid and gas), this method can handle an arbitrary number of fluids through multiple independent level sets coupled with a constrain condition. To capture the fluid surface more accurately, we extend the particle level set method to a multi-fluid version. It shares the advantages of the particle level set method, and has the ability to track the interfaces of multiple fluids. To handle the dynamic behavior of different fluids existing together, we use a multiphase fluid formulation based on a smooth weight function.  相似文献   

Physically‐based animation techniques enable more realistic and accurate animation to be created. We present a fully physically‐based approach for efficiently producing realistic‐looking animations of facial movement, including animation of expressive wrinkles. This involves simulation of detailed voxel‐based models using a graphics processing unit‐based total Lagrangian explicit dynamic finite element solver with an anatomical muscle contraction model, and advanced boundary conditions that can model the sliding of soft tissue over the skull. The flexibility of our approach enables detailed animations of gross and fine‐scale soft‐tissue movement to be easily produced with different muscle structures and material parameters, for example, to animate different aged skins. Although we focus on the forehead, our approach can be used to animate any multi‐layered soft body. © 2014 The Authors. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The solid boundary handling has been a research focus in physically based fluid animation. In this paper, we propose a novel stable and fast particle method to couple predictive–corrective incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics and geometric lattice shape matching (LSM), which animates the visually realistic interaction of fluids and deformable solids allowing larger time steps or velocity differences. By combining the boundary particles sampled from solids with a momentum‐conserving velocity‐position correction scheme, our approach can alleviate the particle deficiency issues and prevent the penetration artefacts at the fluid–solid interfaces simultaneously. We further simulate the stable deformation and melting of solid objects coupled to smoothed particle hydrodynamics fluids based on a highly extended LSM model. In order to improve the time performance of each time step, we entirely implement the unified particle framework on GPUs using compute unified device architecture. The advantages of our two‐way fluid–solid coupling method in computer animation are demonstrated via several virtual scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper extends a physically-based approach to the realistic modelling and animation of human heads using scanned data. A three-step procedure is proposed which begins with geometry and colour data acquired from a subject's head using a radial laser scanner, continues with the construction of a 3D model of the head with complete colour texture mapping, and culminates in real-time, interactive facial animation. First, an adaptive meshing technique is described that creates non-uniform facial meshes from the densely sampled data. These geometrically accurate facial meshes adapt to features of interest in the data, increasing polygon density over articulate face regions and areas of high curvature. Secondly, the mesh is transformed into a physically-based head model of the subject. This incorporates a physical approximation to facial tissue and a set of anatomically-motivated facial muscle actuators. Finally, these components are integrated in a facial modelling and animation system.  相似文献   

We propose an optimization algorithm for the design of post-tensioned architectural shell structures, composed of triangular glass panels, in which glass has a load-bearing function. Due to its brittle nature, glass can fail when it is subject to tensile forces. Hence, we enrich the structure with a cable net, which is specifically designed to post-tension the shell, relieving the underlying glass structure from tension. We automatically derive an optimized cable layout, together with the appropriate pre-load of each cable. The method is driven by a physically based static analysis of the shell subject to its service load. We assess our approach by applying non-linear finite element analysis to several real-scale application scenarios. Such a method of cable tensioning produces glass shells that are optimized from the material usage viewpoint since they exploit the high compression strength of glass. As a result, they are lightweight and robust. Both aesthetic and static qualities are improved with respect to grid shell competitors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel direct solver for the efficient simulation of stiff, inextensible elastic rods within the position‐based dynamics (PBD) framework. It is based on the XPBD algorithm, which extends PBD to simulate elastic objects with physically meaningful material parameters. XPBD approximates an implicit Euler integration and solves the system of non‐linear equations using a non‐linear Gauss–Seidel solver. However, this solver requires many iterations to converge for complex models and if convergence is not reached, the material becomes too soft. In contrast, we use Newton iterations in combination with our direct solver to solve the non‐linear equations which significantly improves convergence by solving all constraints of an acyclic structure (tree), simultaneously. Our solver only requires a few Newton iterations to achieve high stiffness and inextensibility. We model inextensible rods and trees using rigid segments connected by constraints. Bending and twisting constraints are derived from the well‐established Cosserat model. The high performance of our solver is demonstrated in highly realistic simulations of rods consisting of multiple 10 000 segments. In summary, our method allows the efficient simulation of stiff rods in the PBD framework with a speedup of two orders of magnitude compared to the original XPBD approach.  相似文献   

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