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Context modeling is an extensively studied paradigm for lossless compression of continuous-tone images. However, without careful algorithm design, high-order Markovian modeling of continuous-tone images is too expensive in both computational time and space to be practical. Furthermore, the exponential growth of the number of modeling states in the order of a Markov model can quickly lead to the problem of context dilution; that is, an image may not have enough samples for good estimates of conditional probabilities associated with the modeling states. New techniques for context modeling of DPCM errors are introduced that can exploit context-dependent DPCM error structures to the benefit of compression. New algorithmic techniques of forming and quantizing modeling contexts are also developed to alleviate the problem of context dilution and reduce both time and space complexities. By innovative formation, quantization, and use of modeling contexts, the proposed lossless image coder has a highly competitive compression performance and yet remains practical.  相似文献   

Lossless compression of AVIRIS images   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Adaptive DPCM methods using linear prediction are described for the lossless compression of hyperspectral (224-band) images recorded by the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS). The methods have two stages-predictive decorrelation (which produces residuals) and residual encoding. Good predictors are described, whose performance closely approaches limits imposed by sensor noise. It is imperative that these predictors make use of the high spectral correlations between bands. The residuals are encoded using variable-length coding (VLC) methods, and compression is improved by using eight codebooks whose design depends on the sensor's noise characteristics. Rice (1979) coding has also been evaluated; it loses 0.02-0.05 b/pixel compression compared with better VLC methods but is much simpler and faster. Results for compressing ten AVIRIS images are reported.  相似文献   

A new segmentation-based lossless compression method is proposed for colour images. The method exploits the correlation existing among the three colour planes by treating each pixel as a vector of three components, and performing region growing and difference operations using the vectors. The method performs better than the JPEG standard by an average of 0.68 bit/pixel with a 12 image database  相似文献   

Lossless compression of color mosaic images poses a unique and interesting problem of spectral decorrelation of spatially interleaved R, G, B samples. We investigate reversible lossless spectral-spatial transforms that can remove statistical redundancies in both spectral and spatial domains and discover that a particular wavelet decomposition scheme, called Mallat wavelet packet transform, is ideally suited to the task of decorrelating color mosaic data. We also propose a low-complexity adaptive context-based Golomb-Rice coding technique to compress the coefficients of Mallat wavelet packet transform. The lossless compression performance of the proposed method on color mosaic images is apparently the best so far among the existing lossless image codecs.  相似文献   

基于干涉多光谱图像成像原理和特点,提出一种干涉多光谱图像无损压缩算法。在压缩编码时,应充分利用图像的列相关性,采用基于列的比特平面编码和游程编码,对多光谱图像进行无损压缩,特别适于低分辨率的多光谱图像压缩。目前无损压缩算法的压缩比基本在1.6~2.4之间,本算法的压缩倍数一般可达到2倍以上,并且具有良好的抗误码性能。  相似文献   

杨新锋  韩利华  粘永健 《红外与激光工程》2016,45(3):323003-0323003(7)
有效的星载超光谱图像压缩技术对于解决超光谱图像实时传输极为重要。针对超光谱图像传统的联合编解码算法的不足,提出了一种基于分布式信源编码(Distributed Source Coding,DSC)的超光谱图像无损压缩算法。为利用超光谱图像的局部空间相关性,将超光谱图像进行分块处理;引入多元线性回归模型构建编码块的边信息,并为每个编码块选取最优的预测阶数,以有效利用超光谱图像的局部谱间相关性。根据(n,k)线性分组码的原理,通过多元陪集码实现超光谱图像的分布式无损压缩。实验结果表明:该算法能够取得较好的无损压缩性能,同时具有较低的编码复杂度,适合星载超光谱图像的压缩实现。  相似文献   

Presents new methods for lossless predictive coding of medical images using two dimensional multiplicative autoregressive models. Both single-resolution and multi-resolution schemes are presented. The performances of the proposed schemes are compared with those of four existing techniques. The experimental results clearly indicate that the proposed schemes achieve higher compression compared to the lossless image coding techniques considered.  相似文献   

Significant lossless compression results of color map images have been obtained by dividing the color maps into layers and by compressing the binary layers separately using an optimized context tree model that exploits interlayer dependencies. Even though the use of a binary alphabet simplifies the context tree construction and exploits spatial dependencies efficiently, it is expected that an equivalent or better result would be obtained by operating directly on the color image without layer separation. In this paper, we extend the previous context-tree-based method to operate on color values instead of binary layers. We first generate an n-ary context tree by constructing a complete tree up to a predefined depth, and then prune out nodes that do not provide compression improvements. Experiments show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods for a large set of different color map images.  相似文献   

何艳坤  白玉杰 《激光技术》2014,38(5):643-646
为了提高高光谱遥感图像的压缩比,提出一种基于残差偏置和查找表的高光谱图像无损压缩方法。在高光谱图像的第一谱段图像采用了无损压缩标准中值预测器方法进行谱段内预测,其它谱段图像采用谱间预测方法。首先,在多级查找表(LAIS-LUT)预测方法的基础上搜索当前预测值,用当前预测值周围特定的5个像素点和当前像素值周围相同位置的5个像素点进行比较,通过比较结果,得出一个偏置值;然后在预测残差上加上偏置值;最后,将最终预测残差进行算术编码,并进行了理论分析和实验验证。结果表明,针对美国航空航天局的高光谱图像,所提出的方法比LAIS-LUT压缩比平均提高0.05;针对国内高光谱图像,该方法比LAIS-LUT压缩比平均提高0.07。这一结果对提高高光谱图像压缩效率是有帮助的。  相似文献   

提出一种基于双估计值的查找表预测高光谱图像无损压缩算法。首先,在高光谱图像的第1谱段图像采用JPEG-LS中值预测器进行谱段内预测,其他谱段图像采用谱间预测。谱间预测采用以下步骤,利用3个LUT预测值求出第一个估计值;其次用当前谱段内和前一谱段内特定的8个像素点计算出第二个估计值,将谱段内预测和谱间预测有效地结合,去除了高光谱图像的谱间相关性。然后,用3个LUT预测值和最终的预测估计值比较,选出最终的预测值。最后,将预测残差进行算术编码。实验结果表明,针对NASA的AVIRIS高光谱图像,用本文算法比LAIS-LUT的压缩比平均提高了0.03~0.11,针对国内OIMS-I高光谱图像,比LAIS-LUT压缩比平均提高了0.01~0.09,有效的提高了压缩比。  相似文献   

We investigate lossless compression schemes for video sequences. A simple adaptive prediction scheme is presented that exploits temporal correlations or spectral correlations in addition to spatial correlations. It is seen that even with motion compensation, schemes that utilize only temporal correlations do not perform significantly better than schemes that utilize only spectral correlations. Hence, we look at hybrid schemes that make use of both spectral and temporal correlations. The hybrid schemes give significant improvement in performance over other techniques. Besides prediction schemes, we also look at some simple error modeling techniques that take into account prediction errors made in spectrally and/or temporally adjacent pixels in order to efficiently encode the prediction residual. Implementation results on standard test sequences indicate that significant improvements can be obtained by the proposed techniques  相似文献   

Lossless audio compression is likely to play an important part in music distribution over the Internet, DVD audio, digital audio archiving, and mixing. The article is a survey and a classification of the current state-of-the-art lossless audio compression algorithms. This study finds that lossless audio coders have reached a limit in what can be achieved for lossless compression of audio. It also describes a new lossless audio coder called AudioPak, which low algorithmic complexity and performs well or even better than most of the lossless audio coders that have been described in the literature  相似文献   

Lossless compression of multispectral image data   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
While spatial correlations are adequately exploited by standard lossless image compression techniques, little success has been attained in exploiting spectral correlations when dealing with multispectral image data. The authors present some new lossless image compression techniques that capture spectral correlations as well as spatial correlation in a simple and elegant manner. The schemes are based on the notion of a prediction tree, which defines a noncausal prediction model for an image. The authors present a backward adaptive technique and a forward adaptive technique. They then give a computationally efficient way of approximating the backward adaptive technique. The approximation gives good results and is extremely easy to compute. Simulation results show that for high spectral resolution images, significant savings can be made by using spectral correlations in addition to spatial correlations. Furthermore, the increase in complexity incurred in order to make these gains is minimal  相似文献   

A method is presented for designing lossless sliding-block compression schemes that map constrained sequences onto unconstrained ones. The new compression scheme is incorporated into a coding technique for noisy constrained channels, which has applications to magnetic and optical storage. As suggested previously by Immink (see ibid., vol.43, p.1389-99, 1997), the use of a lossless compression code can improve the performance of a modified concatenation scheme where the positions of the error-correcting code and constrained code are reversed (primarily in order to eliminate error propagation due to the constrained code). Examples are presented that demonstrate the advantage of using sliding-block compression over block compression in a noisy constrained setting  相似文献   

Lossless image compression with multiscale segmentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Lossless compression of video using temporal information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the problem of lossless compression of video by taking into account temporal information. Video lossless compression is an interesting possibility in the line of production and contribution. We propose a compression technique which is based on motion compensation, optimal three-dimensional (3-D) linear prediction and context based Golomb-Rice (1966, 1979) entropy coding. The proposed technique is compared with 3-D extensions of the JPEG-LS standard for still image compression. A compression gain of about 0.8 bit/pel with respect to static JPEG-LS, applied on a frame-by-frame basis, is achievable at a reasonable computational complexity.  相似文献   

For some classes of signals, particularly those dominated by low frequency components, such as seismic data first and higher order differences between adjacent signal samples are generally smaller compared with the signal samples. In this paper, evaluating the differencing approach for losslessly compressing several classes of seismic signals is given. Three different approaches employing derivatives are developed and applied. The performance of the techniques presented and the adaptive linear predictor are evaluated and compared for the lossless compression of different seismic signal classes. The proposed differentiator approach yields comparable residual energy compared with that obtained employing the linear predictor technique. The two main advantages of the differentiation method are: (1) the coefficients are fixed integers which do not have to be encoded; and (2) greatly reduced computational complexity, relative to the existing algorithms. These advantages are particularly attractive for real time processing. They have been confirmed experimentally by compressing different seismic signals. Sample results including the compression ratio, i.e., the ratio of the number of bits per sample without compression to those with compression using arithmetically encoded residues are also given  相似文献   

Lossless image compression using ordered binary-decision diagrams   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A lossless compression algorithm for images based on ordered binary-decision diagrams (OBDDs) is presented. The algorithm finds an OBDD which represents the image exactly and then codes the OBDD efficiently. The results obtained show a great improvement with respect to a previous work  相似文献   

Video frame memory compression has gained increased popularity in video processing ICs to save external memory storage size and reduce memory access bandwidth. This technique is especially important in portable devices where efficient use of energy is critical for the deployment of video applications. In this paper, we propose a low-complexity lossless image compression method that uses only a fraction of one line-buffer. The proposed method first employs integer wavelet transform (IWT), and then low-frequency coefficients prediction of each segment based on those from the segment in the line above, and last Golomb-Rice (GR) encoding to achieve low-cost and highly efficient compression. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method gives a compression ratio comparable with the existing state-of-the-art low-complexity methods while significantly lowering the internal memory cost and keeping the complexity low.  相似文献   

We present a novel lossless compression algorithm called Context Copy Combinatorial Code (C4), which integrates the advantages of two very disparate compression techniques: context-based modeling and Lempel-Ziv (LZ) style copying. While the algorithm can be applied to many lossless compression applications, such as document image compression, our primary target application has been lossless compression of integrated circuit layout image data. These images contain a heterogeneous mix of data: dense repetitive data better suited to LZ-style coding, and less dense structured data, better suited to context-based encoding. As part of C4, we have developed a novel binary entropy coding technique called combinatorial coding which is simultaneously as efficient as arithmetic coding, and as fast as Huffman coding. Compression results show C4 outperforms JBIG, ZIP, BZIP2, and two-dimensional LZ, and achieves lossless compression ratios greater than 22 for binary layout image data, and greater than 14 for gray-pixel image data.  相似文献   

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