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冶金企业的安全管理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以广东省冶金工业总公司安全管理的实践和现状为基础,对安全管理的方法初步论述,以促进广东省冶金总公司乃至全省冶金企业的安全管理工作,保障安全生产。  相似文献   

煤矿的大量事实证明,安全事故往往是由于人的安全意识淡薄,安全思想麻痹造成的.而思想政治工作的作用,正是要解决人的思想问题的主要方法.通过卓有成效的思想政治工作,使每个人都筑起安全生产思想防线,树立"安全第一"的思想,提升自我保护的能力,是做实做好煤矿思想政治工作,把无形的思想政治工作与有形的安全生产工作结合起来的可行之路.对此,笔者有以下几点思考:  相似文献   

安全生产事关职工群众生命安全和家庭幸福,事关企业发展与生存,事关社会和谐.石油石化行业具有易燃易爆、高温高压、有毒有害、连续作业、点多面广的特点,是典型的高危行业.虽然企业重视安全,经常讲安全、抓安全,但是各类事故和违章现象仍然时有发生,究其原因,是员工没有真正树立起牢固的安全意识.  相似文献   

张至刚 《云南冶金》1996,25(1):58-60
贯彻国务院有关安全生产管理新体制的初步探索云南省冶金工业行业管理办公室张至刚云南省冶金厅于1989年成建制转为经济实体、成立省冶金工业总公司后,省冶金工业的行业管理在深化改革中经历了三个阶段:一是受省政府委托,由总公司代行行业管理,二是在总公司内设省...  相似文献   

董英 《云南冶金》2005,34(Z1):11-16
回顾了2004年的安全工作,在充分肯定安全制度建设、安全检查力度,维护企业合法权益方面取得的成绩同时,我们更要看到当前安全工作存在的主要问题,认清形势,明确今年安全工作的指导思想和目标.强化主体,落实责任,坚持以人为本的理念,把安全生产纳入企业发展战略,抓好安全生产制度和群众性安全文化建设,逐步建立职业安全健度管理体系,加大安全检查力度,积极进行隐患治理,树立大安全的观念.杜绝重大安全事故,建立本质安全型、资源节约型,环境友好型企业.  相似文献   

易贤荣 《中国钨业》2009,24(2):11-14
综述了2008年江钨集团安全生产实践:牢固树立安全发展理念,强化安全教育培训,积极开展安全生产活动和安全标准化创建工作,落实防范措施,构筑安全防线;指出了当前安全生产过程中的几个突出问题,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

魏申 《铝镁通讯》2007,(1):61-62
在安全生产诸要素中.人起着决定性作用.安全管理的核心是人,安全生产本身就是对人的生命权益的堆护.企业安全生产工作中如何做到“以人为本”呢?结合河南分公司企业生产经营实际.本文以安全生产工作如何做到“以人为本”为题进行探讨。企业开展安全生产过程中如何树立以人为本理念。在实际工作中做到以人为本。  相似文献   

人的安全是安全生产管理的核心,在企业安全生产管理中必须高度树立人本意识,把保障人的生命安全作为安全管理的第一要务,用人本理论和实践指导企业安全管理,通过人的本质安全管理来确保企业生产和生命财产的本质安全是安全管理的中心课题。  相似文献   

预防是企业真正做到安全生产的实质,有效预防事故的主要途径是构筑安全生产的三条防线意识防线、技能防线、科技防线,从而实现"安全第一,预防为主"的企业安全生产.  相似文献   

领会安全生产的"五要素"的精髓,杜绝制订责任和落实责任"两张皮",杜绝考核和奖罚"流于形式",杜绝安全保证体系墙上、纸上和实际实施上"两个样",真正做到安全生产"凡事有章可依、凡事有人负责、凡事有据可查",保证安全投入,落实安全措施,按照"安全第一、预防为主"的原则强化事前控制和事中控制,才能将各种安全隐患消灭在萌芽状态,有效地遏制生产安全事故发生.  相似文献   

Many of the links of religiousness with health, well-being, and social behavior may be due to religion's influences on self-control or self-regulation. Using Carver and Scheier's (1998) theory of self-regulation as a framework for organizing the empirical research, the authors review evidence relevant to 6 propositions: (a) that religion can promote self-control; (b) that religion influences how goals are selected, pursued, and organized; (c) that religion facilitates self-monitoring; (d) that religion fosters the development of self-regulatory strength; (e) that religion prescribes and fosters proficiency in a suite of self-regulatory behaviors; and (f) that some of religion's influences on health, well-being, and social behavior may result from religion's influences on self-control and self-regulation. The authors conclude with suggestions for future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relations of teachers' and parents' reports of children's shyness (i.e., social inhibition) at ages 6-8, 8-10, and 10-12 years to dispositional regulation, emotionality, and coping were examined. Shyness was positively related to internalizing negative emotion, coping by doing nothing, and, for parent-rated shyness, behavioral inhibition/nonimpulsivity, attention focusing, and avoidant coping; it was negatively related to positive emotionality, instrumental coping, seeking support from teachers (at younger ages), and for teacher-rated shyness, attentional control. Often prediction held over several years and/or across reporters. Parent-reported internalizing negative emotion at age 4-6 predicted shyness at ages 6-8 and 8-10, but primarily for children low in attention shifting. Teacher-rated shyness was related to low social status; parent-rated shyness correlated with boys' adult-rated social status at age 4-6 and with style of social interaction, particularly for girls. The relation between parent- and teacher-reported shyness decreased with age. The overall pattern of findings was partially consistent with the conclusion that parent-rated shyness reflected primarily social wariness with unfamiliar people (i.e., temperamental shyness), whereas teacher-rated shyness tapped social inhibition due to social evaluative concerns.  相似文献   

Because of the small size of their genome, viral genes have been forerunners in helping us understand gene expression. It is also because of their small size that viruses have elaborated the amazing variety of strategies that enables them to produce all the proteins they require for their multiplication. As a consequence, many of the strategies of expression known to occur in cell systems were first demonstrated in viruses. The aim of this review is to highlight the contribution of viruses to our knowledge of cell processes.  相似文献   

A major and well-recognized difficulty in estimating the effects of education on earnings is that the more educated are likely to be more able, irrespective of education. If ability also determines earnings and is not controlled, ordinary least squares will yield biased estimates of the education coefficient. In this study, we use data on identical twins to control for differences in ability that arise from genetic endowments and family environment. Not controlling for genetics and family environment may cause a large bias, up to two-thirds of the noncontrolled coefficient.  相似文献   

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