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This article summarizes the results of Protiviti’s 2015 Internal Audit Capabilities and Needs Survey. For more information, visit www.protiviti.com/IASurvey.  相似文献   

Ryan Senter 《EDPACS》2013,47(4):10-12

This survey, conducted jointly by FERF and Protiviti, assesses the top priorities for finance executives in 2016. The full survey report can be found at www.protiviti.com/financesurvey.  相似文献   

博科渠道合作伙伴为领航软件网络与虚拟化做好准备;客户在2014年面临的最大挑战来自管理网络复杂性和数据中心带宽;为了2015年的业务转型,客户将采用基于新IP的技术。  相似文献   

A Replicated Survey of IT Software Project Failures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite various industry reports about the failure rates of software projects, there's still uncertainty about the actual figures. Researchers performed a global Web survey of IT departments in 2005 and 2007. The results suggest that the software crisis is perhaps exaggerated and that most software projects deliver. However, the overall project failure rate, including cancelled and completed but poorly performing projects, remains arguably high for an applied discipline.  相似文献   

2015年,作为“十二五”规划的最后一年,将是承上启下至关重要的一年。当前,伴随着中央和地方政府在智慧城市方面政策的不断出台,中国政府信息化仍处在稳定增长期,并将保持理性、稳步增长。2014年3月,国务院发布了《国家新型城镇化规划(2014-2020年)》,其是指导全国城镇化健康发展的宏观性、战略性、基础性规划,对中国智慧城市建设具有深刻的指导意义。  相似文献   

联商网(www.linkshopcom.cn)是目前中国零售行业最大的门户网站,提供零售业各类资讯,立足为零售业及相关行业服务。为了解当前零售行业信息化应用情况,更好地为零售企业服务,联商网在2003年9月发起了全国性的零售企业信息化应用情况调查。调查时间维持一个半月,发出问卷1000余份,收回真实有效问卷  相似文献   

联商网(www.linkshop.com.cn)是目前中国零售行业具有影响力的行业门户网站。为了全面了解当前中国零售行业信息化应用情况,联商网在成功组织了2003年首次中国零售企业信息化应用情况调查的基础上,于2005年12月启动了第二次国内大规模的零售企业信息化应用情况调查。该调查计划每两年举行一次。本次调查采取网上调查和网下问卷相结合的方式,时间持续3个月,收回真实有效问卷436份。参与调查的零售企业分布于全国各大主要城市,涉及不同规模、不同  相似文献   

(记者安航)记者从国家商务部获悉,为了解和掌握我国连锁经营企业的物流配送中心建设状况和零售企业信息化建设与电子商务发展状况,推动物流配送中心的建设,提高企业信  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2003,41(4):505-526
The IETF is currently working on service differentiation in the Internet. However, in wireless environments where bandwidth is scarce and channel conditions are variable, IP differentiated services are sub-optimal without lower layers’ support.In this paper we present four service differentiation schemes for IEEE 802.11. The first one is based on scaling the contention window according to the priority of each flow or user. For different users with different priorities, the second, the third and the fourth mechanisms assign different minimum contention widow values, different interframe spacings and different maximum frame lengths respectively.We simulate and analyze the performance of each scheme with Transport Control Protocol and User Datagram Protocol flows.  相似文献   

如果试图从黑川雅之的设计作品中剥丝抽茧,探寻每个来源。我们必须将他生活中的每个细节放大。在他五十多年的设计生涯里.几乎包纳了跨越时间、空间的一切。我们不确定究竟何时何地,他就会对街边的一个瓷碗或是遥远大陆上的旧石像产生兴趣。他挖掘、探索它们.进而深入思考并得出某个结论。过于严肃的头衔其实并不适台他,因为就是凭着“精气神”与好奇心,以及狂热思考。成就了他今天的伟大。  相似文献   

Practical Priorities in System Testing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the system test phase, "thorough testing" can pass the limits of practicality. Test case selection, based on simple priority rules, is one solution to the problem of practicality vs. thoroughness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to identify the IT governance mechanisms that are used at different levels of IT dependence (defensive or offensive IT modes) and to compare the degree of their use between these IT modes. The results of a survey suggest that the degree of use of IT governance mechanisms varies by IT mode, and it is greater when a firm is in offensive versus defensive IT mode.  相似文献   

8月26日,亚马逊、微软和雅虎及其它一些机构和企业成立了“开放图书联盟”,以抵制谷歌协议。谷歌2004年开始寻求与图书馆和出版商合作,大量扫描图书,以求打造世界上最大的数字图书馆,使用户可以利用“谷歌图书搜索”功能在线浏览图书或获取图书相关信息。分析人士指出,三大网络公司以反对垄断为由联手抵制谷歌打造数字图书馆,原因是担心其商业利益会受影响。  相似文献   

日立环球存储科技公司日前交付了全球首款2TB 7200RPM硬盘,延续了其一贯以领先业界的硬盘产品占领市场先机的传统。该款强大的2TB Deskstar 7K2000新产品结合高性能、高容量,低功耗以及其他环保特色为一体.  相似文献   

硬盘有坏道怎么办? 一般来说,如果硬盘有坏道。可以按照以下的顺序尝试进行修复。1.有先从最简单的方法入手。如果能进入Windows9X系统,则在“我的电脑”中右击硬盘盘符,在快捷菜单中选“属性”,在“工具”页框中选对硬盘的盘面作完全扫描,并且对可能出现的坏簇作自动修正。对于以上第2种情况即不能进入Windows9X的现象,则可以用Windows9X的启动盘启动机器,然后在A:>提示符后键入 SCANDISK D:(其中“D”是具体的硬盘盘符)未扫描硬盘。对于坏簇,程序会以黑底红字的“B”(bad)…  相似文献   

In the face of multiple challenges and opportunities, in a turbulent business environment, chief executives are seeking to create more flexible and adaptable organizations. Increasingly these are taking the form of networks, with electronic links forwards to customers, backwards to suppliers and sideways to business partners. These networks are becoming global, bringing together all those who wish to contribute a proportion of their time to a particular mission. The staff of the network organization need to be supported by a communications network that is itself flexible and adaptable, and able to facilitate multifunctional, multi-location and multi-national team working. In the main the major constraints concern people, their skills and attitudes, and the management of technology, rather than the technology itself. IT professionals, and particularly IT directors, are sought who are able to facilitate change. IT directors require directional qualities which are distinct from those demanded of managers. They need a broad, strategic awareness and perspective concerning the requirements for responsive organizations, with continuing processes for adaptation and learning to meet the changing needs of customers.  相似文献   

IP报文优先级分配的一种方案   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
IP路由器在处理到达的报文时可有多种排队方式犤1,2犦。文章提出的将用户数据报类型及报文长度综合考虑的多级优先多队列方案,可改善该排队系统的平均时延,而保持原有的QoS。文章同时给出方案的报文平均等待时间的绝对与相对的数量分析。对于报文长度与优先级的关系问题,以往典型的提法是“短报文应优先,以免被长报文拖延”犤5犦,这种提法有其片面性。实际上,短报文应优先,以改善排队系统的系统平均时延;而如果按报文长度赋予优先级,短报文优先,则可达到最佳系统平均时延。  相似文献   

In this study the planning process is applied to a conflict resolution problem by structuring a well known conflict (the Northern Ireland problem) using the levels of a conceptual hierarchy. The parties to the conflict form the first level, the objectives of these parties form the second level, and possible political solutions to the problem are at the third and final level.This present model is an update of an earlier analysis, carried out in 1976 and 1977, in which it was shown that the outcome which would to the greatest possible extent satisfy the aspirations of all parties would be legislative independence for Northern Ireland. The current analysis takes into account changes which have taken place since the earlier work was performed. It is shown that the most satisfactory outcome is still one of legislative independence. However, the results suggest a short-term compromise solution. An assembly, subordinate to the British government, would also satisfy most of the basic needs of the parties, provided that such an Assembly is given a wide range of powers and a large measure of autonomy.The method used here, the Analytic Hierarchy Technique (Saaty, 1977, 1980), is easy to understand and to use, and provides an efficient method for evaluating possible solutions to a conflict.  相似文献   


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