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标准模版库提供了一系列的容器类型,使用容器可以完成任意类型对象的不限量存储。任何模版类型中均包含迭代器类型,使用迭代器类型可以完成统一的指针操作,读写容器内的数据。不同模版具有不同的存储结构,实际应用中存在性能差异。  相似文献   

STL数据检验和修复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
STL数据文件是快速成型最常用的数据交换文件,STL数据的错误将影响快速成型预处理的进行.本文提出一种STL数据检验和修复算法,它通过对STL数据建立拓扑关系,依据棱与面的关联度快速捕获STL数据的错误.针对不同的STL数据错误采用相应的算法,对STL数据进行有效的修复.  相似文献   

STL算法在GIS中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用STL算挂实现GIS算法,可以保证它的简洁和高效。该文结合C++代码实例,抽象出了地理算子的概念,应用在GIS算法当中。通过定制适配器来消除地理算子和STL算法之间的不匹配,同时拓展了STL算法满足GIS算法更高级的需求。  相似文献   

为了修复使用的STL文件中的一些错误,首先根据错误的特点进行分类,然后利用半边数据结构快速建立STL文件的实体模型。以边的检测作为STL文件错误检测的基础,建立了导入STL文件、无结构网格、流行网格、错误检测、错误修复、更新错误信息等基本修复步骤。二叉平衡树的使用加快了算法的遍历速度。实例验证了该算法的有效性。该方法可作为预处理模块运用于快速成型和逆向工程等领域。  相似文献   

STL中Generic算法的扩展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周成玉  邵志清  宋国新 《计算机工程》2002,28(12):61-62,176
Generic程序设计是实现软件重用的重要方法之一,文章介绍了generic程序设计与C++标准模板库(STL),探讨了STL中generic算法的扩展方法。  相似文献   

标准模板库在编译设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将标准模板库技术应用于编译程序的开发,可以大大减少设计的难度,增加代码的可读性、可维护性和重用性。本文用开发的一个实例具体说明了标准模板库在复杂系统设计中的应用。  相似文献   

STL是采用泛型编程思想设计的C 通用组件库。函数对象在STL中具有重要作用,它可以进一步提高算法的通用性,增强核心组件的功能。本文在简要介绍函数对象的基础上,讨论了它在STL中的应用。  相似文献   

The Standard Template Library(STL)is a C library that provides a set of well structured generic C components that work together.Based on its well-structured design,STL can be extended by adding new generic algorithms or new generic containers.In this paper,the work on extending STY by adding several efficient container classes for threaded binary search trees is discussed.It is shown that the addition of threads significantly increases the efficiency of some important access operations on the binary tree containers.In general,significant gain in efficiency can be expected in situations where the data structures ar relatively stable,that is,the data structures are looked up often but modified little.  相似文献   

Summary The objectives of this paper are to clarify certain issues in the language Pascal that were left open by the defining Report and to recommend specific forms for certain extensions of the language that have repeatedly appeared in discussions and even implementations. By encouraging prospective implementors to adopt a common form, we wish to enhance the prospects for practical portability of Pascal programs. Except for parameters being procedures and functions, the language constructs described by the Pascal Report are not changed, i.e. the new syntax permits the same constructs with the same (intended) meaning. The paper expresses the author's proposal following a discussion among a small group of people who have been working on Pascal compilers and standardization. In itself it is not an attempt to standardize Pascal or present a complete revision of the Report. Concentrating on the type concept, the meaning of identifiers, and a limited number of extensions the need of which is generally accepted, the paper establishes guidelines for standardization and revision of the Pascal Report. It is presented as a carefully deliberated and (hopefully) consistent proposal for acceptance by whatever means the Pascal community may choose to adopt. I wish to thank everyone mentioned for his comments and cooperation, but above all Niklaus Wirth for his encouraging support and most valuable influence, especially in limiting the number of topics considered in detail. I thank R.D. Tennent and two anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

MFC技术和STL技术链表结构应用时间效率的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文针对MFC技术和STL技术提供的链表类数据结构的运行时间效率这一问题,应用实例对其进行实际验证。对得到的实验数据进行分析,得出了两种技术提供的链表类数据结构的时间效率基本相同的结论。  相似文献   

STL模型自动镂空的算法与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合体素法无干涉性、偏移法计算量小的优点,提出一种改进的STL模型镂空算法.该算法改进了体素的表达方式,加快了体素的剔除速度,增加了对镂空内腔切片的光顺化处理,能够对任意复杂形状的模型进行正确、快速的镂空.该算法已经成功地应用于快速成形领域,节约了大量昂贵的快速成形原材料、提高了加工速度.  相似文献   

Similarity-based learning and its extensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper synthesizes a number of approaches to concept representation and learning in a multilayered model. The paper emphasizes what has been called similarity-based learning (SBL) from examples, although this review is extended to address wider issues. The paper pays particular attention to requirements for incremental and uncertain environments, and to interrelationships among concept purpose, concept representation, and concept learning.
One goal of the paper is to unite some of the notions underlying recent research, in an attempt to construct a more complete and extensible framework. This framework is designed to capture representations and methods such as those based on hypothesis search and bias selection, and to extend the ideas for greater system capability. This leads to a specific perspective for multilayered learning which has several advantages, such as greater clarity, more uniform learning, and more powerful induction.
The approach clarifies and unifies various aspects of the problem of concept learning. Some results'are (1) Various concept representations (such as logic, prototypes, and decision trees) are subsumed by a standard form which is well suited to learning, particularly in incremental and uncertain environments; (2) Concept learning may be enhanced by exploiting a particular phenomenon in many spaces-this phenomenon is a certain kind of smoothness or regularity, one instance of which underlies the similarity in SBL systems; (3) The paper treats the phenomenon in a general way and applies it hierarchically. This has various advantages of uniformity. For example the model allows layered learning algorithms for concept learning all to be instantiations of one basic algorithm. A single kind of representation (an instantiation of the standard form) is prominent at each level. The combination of representation and algorithm allows fast, accurate, concise, and robust concept learning.  相似文献   

基于三角片拼合的STL网格模型重建算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用三角片拼合的方法递增建立网格模型,新增三角片被归纳为5种类型.首先通过半边匹配确定新增三角片的类型;然后针对每一种类型使用不同的方法去除冗余顶点,并同时建立拓扑关系;最后通过顶点数组紧缩消除顶点空隙,将半边hash表转化为半边数组,完成网格模型的重建.该模型为改进的半边结构,具有完整的形状和拓扑信息,可以表示非流形边,是法矢调整、网格分块等后续处理的理想起点.实验结果表明,文中算法高效、鲁棒、可扩展.  相似文献   

STL文件错误的修复算法研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为了修复使用STL文件时产生的一些错误,首先根据错误的特点进行分类,以边的检查作为STL文件错误检查的基础,通过建立错误面片、边和顶点数组来实现错误记录,采用错误描述图来构造错误元素的拓扑关系.考虑到不同错误的特点,建立了合并顶点→空洞修复→裂缝修复→删除多余→重叠修复→错误刷新的基本修复步骤.开发了专用的STL文件修复工具,并通过实例验证了该算法.  相似文献   

一种改进的STL文件快速分层算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高效的STL模型切片算法是快速成型制造的前提和基础,在有向加权图切片算法的基础上提出了一种快速STL模型切片分层算法,去除了耗时的有向加权图建立,对切片后的数据进行后处理,除去数据中的冗余点,从而提供了一种快速的STL模型切片算法。大量实验及数据表明,新算法具有较高的效率。  相似文献   

For nonlinear operators in partially ordered spaces interval extensions will be defined by means of Lipschitz operators. Assumptions are made for the inclusion monotony of these interval extensions. In this manner we obtain methods for interval iteration to include a solution of an operator equation. By transforming the equation in iterative form a parameter is chosen appropriately, so that the convergence of the interval sequence becomes as fast as possible.  相似文献   

Congruence closure algorithms for deduction in ground equational theories are ubiquitous in many (semi-)decision procedures used for verification and automated deduction. In many of these applications one needs an incremental algorithm that is moreover capable of recovering, among the thousands of input equations, the small subset that explains the equivalence of a given pair of terms. In this paper we present an algorithm satisfying all these requirements. First, building on ideas from abstract congruence closure algorithms, we present a very simple and clean incremental congruence closure algorithm and show that it runs in the best known time O(n  log  n). After that, we introduce a proof-producing union-find data structure that is then used for extending our congruence closure algorithm, without increasing the overall O(n  log  n) time, in order to produce a k-step explanation for a given equation in almost optimal time (quasi-linear in k). Finally, we show that the previous algorithms can be smoothly extended, while still obtaining the same asymptotic time bounds, in order to support the interpreted functions symbols successor and predecessor, which have been shown to be very useful in applications such as microprocessor verification.  相似文献   

基于OpenGL的STL文件浏览器的设计与实现   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章基于OpenGL技术设计并实现了一个STL文件浏览器。通过计算三角形每个顶点的法矢和分裂特征边处理,得到了真实感较强的三维几何实体模型的显示效果。  相似文献   

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