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Olive biophenols (BP) comprise a major group of secondary metabolites that display a wealth of structural variety and a great diversity of important biological activities. Recently, an explosion of interest in the olive biophenol pathway has been observed which has been closely matched by related investigations into olivegrowing practices, for the production of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and table olives (TO). Major advances have been stimulated by multidisciplinary research on olive biophenol composition, histological distribution, and histochemical enzymatic localization of BPs to determine their biomolecular function, activated by native β-glucosidase on secoiridoid (seco) conjugates, such as oleuropein, which releases phytoalexins against pathogens.  相似文献   

Biophenols and their associated activity have generated intense interest. Current topics of debate are their bioavailability and bioactivity. It is generally assumed that their plasma concentrations are insufficient to produce the health benefits previously attributed to their consumption. However, data on localized in vivo concentrations are not available and many questions remain unanswered. Potential mechanisms by which they may exert significant bioactivity are discussed together with structure activity relationships. Biophenols are highly reactive species and they can react with a range of other compounds. Products of their reaction when functioning as antioxidants are examined.  相似文献   

橄榄油中的生物酚是具有广泛生物活性的极其复杂的极性酚类物质,不仅化学结构异质、性质多不稳定、异构化程度高,而且橄榄多酚等歧义概念的长期共存,使得生物酚始终没有理想的测定方法,一定程度上影响了橄榄油的品质控制及贸易。为了寻求突破橄榄油中生物酚测定瓶颈的对策,为橄榄油中生物酚的准确定量提供理论参考,综述了多酚、酚类化合物、橄榄油多酚与生物酚等类似术语使用范围的异同,分析了欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)关于橄榄油多酚健康声称中术语模糊、缺失适用分析方法的争议,从裂环烯醚萜类化合物的复杂异构体与衍生物、色谱基线分离不可行、标准品缺失、单体酚法与总酚法的不兼容性4个方面阐述了橄榄油中生物酚准确定量的瓶颈,并对突破瓶颈的4个具有潜力的研究方向进行展望,即实现全回收率与零人工产物的直接进样法,提升分辨力与准确性的离子淌度质谱(IM-MS),降低基质效应与提升灵敏度的二维液相色谱(LC×LC),加速裂环烯醚萜类标准品研制。橄榄油生物酚准确定量的瓶颈将长期存在,方法突破有赖于更深入的基础研究与创新技术的应用。  相似文献   

Walnut flour (WF), a by-product of walnut oil production, is characterised by high polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins, and fibre contents and presents suitability for bakery products. However, when using non-traditional ingredients, it is essential to evaluate the effect on the quality properties of the final product. So, this work aimed to assess the impact of WF on the technological, physicochemical, and sensory properties of gluten-free (GF) cakes. WF was added at a flour blend (cassava (CS) and maize (MS) starches and rice flour) at 0, 10%, 15%, and 20%. The results showed that WF modified starch gelatinisation, increased amylose–lipid complex (ALC) content, and made crumbs easier to chew. Besides, the total dietary fibre (TDF) and protein content significantly increased. Cakes with 15% WF presented the highest specific volume (SV) and no differences in overall acceptability with respect to control. Hence, WF is a suitable ingredient for gluten-free bakery products.  相似文献   

"液体黄金"--橄榄油   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油橄榄属木樨科,常绿阔叶乔木,又名洋橄榄、齐敦果。油橄榄是一个古老的树种,主产于地中海区域诸国,如西班牙、意大利、土耳其、突尼斯、中东各国、阿尔及利亚和摩洛哥,而盛产最丰的首推希腊。此外,南美洲、澳大利亚、加利福尼亚也有生产。我国自20世纪60年代引种,现以湖北、四川、陕西、汉中地区的产量较高,其次是云南、广西、湖南及江西等省区。油橄榄所结的淡绿色果实含油脂35%左右,一般采摘下来后便立即进行加工榨磨成油,保持了天然的果香和新鲜的口感,这就是橄榄油。橄榄油为黄绿色不干性油,具有特有的香气和味道。常温下为液体状态,0…  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence point to olive oil and the olive oil-centered Mediterranean diet as conducive to longevity. The evidence stems from ecological, as well as analytic epidemiological studies assessing olive oil, monounsaturated lipids or the Mediterranean dietary pattern in relation to the incidence of, or mortality from, major common diseases, or overall mortality. Mechanistic considerations are addressed by biochemical studies, whereas randomized clinical trials provide further support to the evidence generated from observational investigations. The content of olive oil in several microcomponents with antioxidant potential, as well as its high content in monounsaturated lipids appear to be essential for the beneficial effect of this food.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The 3 main commercial table olive preparations are the Spanish-style green olives, the Greek-style naturally black olives, and the Californian-style black ripe olives. In all cases, fruits undergo fermentation in brine solution, which preserves them and increases palatability. Lactic acid bacteria dominate in brines of green olives, while mainly fermentative yeasts are found in brines of black ones. The fermentation is spontaneous and begins as soon as olives are put into brine. Research on table olives has been going on for 100 years, but many questions remain. Previous work has focused on the efficient utilization of starter cultures in order to control the fermentation, to guarantee the absence of spoilage, and to govern the relationship between olive flavor and microorganisms. Nowadays, there is concern over environmental problems that the fermentation solutions represent, in particular their high NaCl content. Fermentation or simply storing olives in water without salt presents some problems. The high concentration of sodium benzoate used for storing black ripe olives by the American industries is not advisable for European processes due to the residual amount of preservative in the final product. Fermentation of green olive wash waters, in order to obtain valuable products, is being pursued, but polymeric inhibitors are problematic and undesirable microorganisms grow. The consumption of organic foods is increasing and black olives fit the definition since they are processed without chemical treatment. However, the hydrolysis of the bitter compound oleuropein, either by microorganisms or acids, needs to be studied.  相似文献   

Nitrate and nitrite are used in meat and fish curing, and in the manufacture of certain cheeses. Nitrate itself has little antimicrobial effect and in most applications could be replaced by lower concentrations of nitrite. Further, improved hygiene diminishes the need for nitrite. The antimicrobial activity and technological needs for nitrate and nitrite are reviewed. It is concluded that the technological needs for nitrite in meat products stored at < 10 degrees C could be met by added nitrite concentrations of 50 mg/kg. The overall effect of nitrate in salted fish appears to be marginal. In such products, Vibrio parahaemolyticus does not grow at salt concentrations of 10% and food poisoning by this organism is not related to the absence of nitrate or nitrite; growth of Clostridium botulinum Type E (the predominant cause of botulism from fish products) is arrested by salt concentrations of 3-4%. Listeria monocytogenes in seafood cannot be controlled by nitrite. The use of nitrate in cheese production could be avoided, or at least reduced to a low level by avoiding silage with a high count of gas-producing Clostridia and hygienic milk collection.  相似文献   

The objectives of our study were to propose a new, simple, and easy-to-understand definition for persistency of lactation yield and to develop a new mathematical model to describe a lactation curve, one that includes a measure for persistency of lactation yield according to the proposed definition. Our definition of persistency is the number of days during which the level of constant yield is maintained. No lactation model exists that includes a measure of persistency in terms of duration of time or that allows this measure of persistency to be derived from model parameters. It was necessary, therefore, to develop a new model to describe the lactation curve: [formula: see text] where yt = yield at time t, t1 = time at transition from increased yield to constant yield, yP = level of constant yield, b3 = rate of decline in yield from the end of constant yield to the end of lactation, and P = persistency of constant yield. These four parameters measured directly the important biological characteristics of a lactation curve. Two test day data sets, one for individual records from a high-producing cow and one for average records from 17,607 cows, were used to illustrate the model and to estimate persistency. The proposed measure of persistency should be important for genetic selection because it might be desirable to select for increased persistency (e.g., for extended lactations) without increasing peak yield and, hence, subjecting the cow to undesirable stress.  相似文献   

Bioremediation is a general concept that includes all those processes and actions that take place in order to biotransform an environment, already altered by contaminants, to its original status. Although the processes that can be used in order to achieve the desirable results vary, they still have the same principles; the use of microorganisms or their enzymes, that are either indigenous and are stimulated by the addition of nutrients or optimization of conditions, or are seeded into the soil. There are several advantages of the implementation of such methods but mainly they have to do with the lack of interference with the ecology of the ecosystem. This article presents general bioremediation principles and techniques along with representative examples of their use both in the laboratory and industry and the ways that they work and give results in the five main areas of the food industry where bioremediation is applicable. Although the application of bioremediation to the food industry is not new, developments in microbiology and genetic engineering have given a valuable instrument to scientists to deal with contaminants in the environment. Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, cleaning chemicals and chemicals used in the food chain are among the new contaminants which have entered the biogeochemical cycles. Bioremediating methods transform the contaminants into substances that can be absorbed and used by the autotrophic organisms with no toxic effect on them.  相似文献   

"白色橄榄树给人的震撼绝非美丽这么简单。它圣洁、纯净,仿佛拥有着魔力,让看到它的人平和、安静。这种感觉很难形容,就像一种信仰,或者宗教。"第二十九届香港国际珠宝展期间(下称珠宝展),意大利艺术家阿卡提诺·卡培拉(Agatino Cappella)为世界钻石集团创作的白色橄榄树在亚洲亮相,一名先睹为快的业者这样描述她的感受。第二十九届香港国际珠宝展期间,国际铂金协会第九次组织"铂金馆"参展。"铂金馆"内,来自中国、日本、意大利、法国等国家和地区的数十家铂金首饰企业展示了自己最具代表性的作品。"白色橄榄树"也在其中。  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is defined as an imbalance between the oxidant and antioxidant systems of the body, in favor of the oxidants. Oxidative stress produced by free radicals has been linked to the development of several diseases such as cardiovascular, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases Olive oil is the main source of fat of the Mediterranean diet which has been shown to be effective against oxidative stress associated diseases and also with ageing. Besides its richness in monounsaturated fatty acids, the oleic acid, olive oil contains minor components with antioxidant properties. In this review, we summarize the state of the art, and degree of evidence, of the body of knowledge concerning the protective role of the major and minor components of olive oil on oxidative stress.  相似文献   

A new technological approach to distillate production using immobilized cells was investigated. The effect of temperature on the main volatile by-products in distillates was determined. Wines produced by delignified cellulose-, gluten- and kissiris-supported biocatalysis were used as starting materials. The produced distillates were analyzed for ethanol, methanol, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, propanol-1, isobutanol and amyl alcohol content. The results showed that distillates from delignified cellulosic material (DCM) at 16 degrees C contained smaller amounts of amyl alcohols, 57% of that produced by gluten and 32% of that produced by kissiris. The ethyl acetate content of distillates from DCM improved the aroma of distillates. These results agree with those of sensory evaluation. Subsequently, the scale-up for low-temperature distillate production at 16 degrees C using DCM was further investigated. A new version of an industrial multi-stage fixed bed tower (MFBT) bioreactor with a capacity of 11,000 l proved to be suitable for continuous fermentation by DCM-supported biocatalysis. Economic analysis showed a reduction in the cost of almost 30% for distillate production and 78% for wine production.  相似文献   

A study of chlorophyll and carotenoid composition of nine single-variety virgin olive oils from the main Spanish producing regions has shown differences depending on variety and ripening degree of the fruits. Pheophytin a was the major pigment in all the oils studied (44–58% total pigments), followed by lutein (18–38%) and β-carotene (6–17%). The chlorophyll pigments group also included pheophytin b and in some cases chlorophylls a and b . The carotenoid fraction also included the xanthophylls neoxanthin, violaxanthin, luteoxanthin, antheraxanthin, mutatoxanthin and β-cryptoxanthin. The mean provitamin A activity of the oils was 260 μg kg−1 expressed as retinol equivalent. cis -α-Carotene (tentative), mono- and di-esterified xanthophylls and pheophorbide a were pigments exclusive to Arbequina variety, a fact that could be used as a chemo-taxonomic differentiator of the oils of this variety. The ratio between the chlorophyll fraction and the carotenoid fraction was maintained in most cases around 1, demonstrating that the green and yellow fractions were in balance, notwithstanding their greater or lesser total pigment content. The considerable range in the lutein/β-carotene ratio (between 1·3 and 5·1 depending on variety) makes this ratio a differentiator of single-variety oils. Despite the different sources of the oils, some general trends have been shown which suggest what chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments should be expected in an olive oil so as to include it within the denomination ‘virgin’.  相似文献   

A novel approach to grading pork carcasses: computer vision and ultrasound   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A Computer Vision System prototype for grading pork carcasses was developed at the Lacombe Research System. The system consists of two components: ultrasound imaging to scan a cross-section of the loin muscle and video imaging to capture two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) images of the carcass. For each of the 241 carcasses (114 barrows and 127 gilts), salable meat yield was determined from a full cutout. Linear, two- and three-dimensional, angular and curvature measurements and carcass volume were derived from each image. Muscle area and fat thickness (7 cm off the mid-line) measured by ultrasound at the next to last rib site, together with 2D and 3D measurements provided the most accurate model for estimating salable meat yield (R2=0.82 and RSD=1.68). Models incorporating fat thickness and muscle depth measured at the Canadian grading site (3/4 last rib, 7 cm off the mid-line) with the Destron PG-100 probe, had the lowest R2 and highest residual standard deviation (RSD) values (R2=0.66 and RSD=2.15). Cross-validation demonstrated the reliability and stability of the models; hence conferring them good industry applicability. The Lacombe Computer Vision System prototype appears to offer a marked improvement over probes currently used by the Canadian pork industry.  相似文献   

When aqueous potato starch suspensions were heated into the solution state and cooled, spreadable particle gels were obtained with a spherulite morphology and a cream-like texture. This so-called superheated starch (SHS) exhibits more effective gelling properties than maltodextrin, which is currently applied as a fat mimetic. In addition, a gel-like texture is immediately obtained when mixing dry SHS with cold water. Other starch types showed similar properties. Gel moduli were higher as amylose content increased. A large-scale preparation procedure based on jet cooking and spray drying with or without intermediate gelation was devised. SHS was identified as a slightly to moderately degraded starch. The formation of particle gels with spherulitic morphology was observed over at least two decades of Mw from 0.06 to 16×106 g/mol. At higher molar mass, demixing between amylose and amylopectin was observed. These phenomena are tentatively explained by assuming a competition between demixing and crystallization.  相似文献   

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