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研究独居石与捕收剂水杨羟肟酸的作用过程,考察了p H值、药剂浓度、时间等因素对矿物可浮性及水杨羟肟酸离子在矿物表面吸附热力学及动力学的影响。结果表明,独居石在中性和弱碱性条件下上浮率超过90%;水杨羟肟酸离子在独居石表面的吸附符合Langmuir模型,吸附过程吉布斯自由能变化-28.5 k J/mol,理论饱和吸附量为1.94×10~(-5)mol/g,吸附平衡常数为1.11×10~5L/mol。吸附过程平均吸附能19.5 k J/mol,说明水杨羟肟酸离子在独居石表面的吸附为化学吸附,吸附过程符合准二级动力学模型,速率常数5.3×10~4 g/(min·mol),捕收剂离子在矿物界面表膜中的扩散过程是浮选过程的控制步骤。 相似文献
Preliminary studies of the floatability characteristics of monazite, zircon and rutile, performed in a modified Hallimond tube, initiated a bench scale investigation of the flotation of a Brazilian monazite ore from Sao Goncalo do Sapucai, MG. The testwork was conducted with the utilisation of a commercial hydroxamate and sodium oleate as collectors and sodium metasilicate as depressant. In all tests, the best collector/depressant ratio defined during the microflotation experiments was confirmed at bench scale. The results indicated that with both collectors it is possible to produce a high purity cleaner monazite concentrate (> 60% RE2O3). The concentrations of collector and depressant must be well defined to prevent a significant increase in the flotation of gamgue minerals such as ilmenite, zircon and rutile, causing contamination of the monazite concentrate. 相似文献
通过浮选试验、Zeta电位、红外光谱分析及溶液化学计算,研究了有机双膦酸对独居石浮选的作用机理.结果表明,独居石浮选的最佳条件为矿浆pH值为7和有机双膦酸用量为0.04 mmol/L.不同粒级浮选效果不同,细粒级独居石泥化严重,浮选效果较差.有机双膦酸水解产生的优势组分H2L2-和HL3-可与独居石矿物表面暴露的稀土离... 相似文献
研究了白云鄂博氟碳铈矿-独居石混合精矿中非稀土元素的等温碳热氯化反应以及反应过程中物理状态的变化。当反应温度低至500℃、活性炭为还原剂、SiCl4+Cl2的气氛下氟碳铈-独居石混合精矿中非稀土元素Ca、Ba、Mg基本反应完全并和稀土元素的氯化产物共同存在于氯化产物水溶液中,Th的氯化产物主要存在于氯化产物的水不溶物中,小于1%的ThCl4在反应过程中挥发,沉积在450℃的温区,精矿中Fe的氯化产物沉积在300℃~150℃的温区,P的氯化产物主要沉积在低于150℃的温区内。通过水溶氯化反应产物可实现少量的没有氯化的物质和氯化物之间的分离以及Fe、P、Th的分离。 相似文献
煤矿安全技术培训工作主要任务是提高职工的安全意识和业务素质,搞好培训工作是矿井实现安全生产的基础,是解决矿井人才缺乏的有效途径.…… 相似文献
在供、配电系统中,由于电气装置绝缘老化、磨损或被过电压击穿等原因,都会使原来不带电的部分(如金属底座、金属外壳、金属框架等)带电,或者使原来带低压电的部分带上高压电,这些意外的不正常带电将会引起电气设备损坏和人身触电伤亡事故。为了避免这类事故的发生,通常采取保护接地和保护接零的防护措施。 相似文献
矿产资源有偿开采收费制度,是改革开放后我国政府把矿业权视为财产所采取的重要举措,已得到人们的普遍认可并付诸实践。本文以财产权管理、矿山地租理论为基础,对现已形成的有偿开采收费制度体系、法律解释的偏颇之处提出质疑及改进建议,重点探讨:采矿权价款;采矿权使用费;矿产资源补偿费。 相似文献
The present work describes the development of an efficient and relatively simple process to obtain high grade CeO2 from sulphuric acid leach liquor. The liquor was obtained through acid digestion of monazite. The steps investigated in the process for obtaining ceric oxide were: (i) purification of the RE elements through their precipitation as rare earth and sodium double sulphate (NaRE(SO4)2·xH2O), (ii) NaRE(SO4)2·xH2O conversion into RE-hydroxide (RE(OH)3) through metathetic reaction and (iii) recovery of cerium and (iv) purification of cerium from the mixture of ceric hydroxide and manganese dioxide precipitate through dissolution of the solid with HCl and precipitation of the cerium through the addition of oxalic acid (H2C2O4) or ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) solution. The X-ray diffraction spectra of the double sulphate obtained indicated the presence of monohydrated double sulphate. X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis indicated that the precipitation should be carried out at 70 °C and at 1.1 times the stoichiometric ratio of NaOH. An excess of 30% of KMnO4 was necessary to separate cerium from the other RE elements. Both oxalic acid and ammonium hydroxide proved efficient in the precipitation of cerium from the mixture of Ce/Mn obtained in the cerium separation. Following purification, calcinated products were obtained, assaying between 99% and 99.5% CeO2. The cerium recovery yield was greater than 98%. 相似文献
南屯煤矿通过积极实施以"管理零缺陷、产品零杂物、顾客零投诉"为主要内容的"三零"工程建设,在制度建设、过程管理、客户服务等质量管理方面取得一定经验和效果,从而有力地保障了煤炭产品质量的稳步提高。 相似文献
25MnV钢零保温奥氏体逆相变淬火 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
采用正交组合回归设计试验方法,研究了二次零保温淬火温度对25MnV钢强度和硬度的影响,分析了该钢零保温奥氏体逆相变淬火后的组织与性能.试验表明:25MnV钢在830~930 ℃零保温奥氏体逆相变淬火,得到极细的板条状马氏体组织.在试验的温度范围内,830 ℃淬火,该钢的组织最细.随淬火温度的升高,组织粗化,强硬性降低.低温零保温奥氏体逆相变淬火,可显著提高该钢的力学性能. 相似文献
This paper describes the process of extraction of thorium and uranium from the sulfuric liquor generated in the chemical monazite treatment through a solvent extraction technique. The influence of the extractant type and concentration, contact time between phases, type and concentration of the stripping solution and aqueous/organic volumetric ratio were investigated. The results indicated the possibility of extracting, simultaneously, thorium and uranium from a solvent containing a mixture of Primene JM-T and Alamine 336. The stripping was carried out with a hydrochloric acid solution. After selecting the best conditions for the process, a continuous experiment was carried out in a mixer-settler circuit using four stages in the extraction step, five stages of stripping and one stage of the solvent regeneration. A loaded stripping solution containing 29.3 g/L of ThO2 and 1.27 g/L of U3O8 was obtained. The metals content in the raffinate was below 0.001 g/L, indicating a thorium extraction of over 99.9% and a uranium extraction of 99.4%. The rare earths content in the raffinate was 38 g/L of RE2O3. 相似文献
随着国家基础设施建设的不断加强和完善,社会物流所需要的软硬件环境日趋完备与成熟,企业融入社会大物流之中,充分依托、利用社会资源为我所用已成为经营管理者的必然选择,物资零储备将是必然的趋势.简述了物资零储备的含义,分析探讨了企业实现零储备的方式. 相似文献
矿井下巷道的导线点经常由于施工、打风门、恢复巷道等原因而遭到破坏,给井下测量工作带来诸多不便,如图1所示,井下巷道C点缺失,现存只有A、B、D三个测点,因此在正常测量中无法作边、角检验和校核。 相似文献
煤炭企业信息化面临的问题和发展重点 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
随着煤炭行业的快速发展,各煤炭企业也遇到了前所未有的机遇和挑战.在煤炭企业做大做强的过程中,遇到了很多新问题.其中信患化的规划和建设问题是一个重要的不可回避的问题.文章对煤炭企业信息化建设中遇到的问题和应重点解决的问题进行了初步分析. 相似文献
针对炼焦煤测定项目中工业分析、硫分、胶质层厚度、烟煤黏结指数、煤岩分析等对样品制备有不同的要求,分析了影响煤样制备准确性的因素,提出了样品制备过程中应注意的事项和相应的控制措施。 相似文献
The theory for predicting the natural liberation of a mineral from texture measurements on unbroken fragments of ore is complex. Significant contributions in this area have been made by King, Random Fracture Model, Meloy, texture models, and Barbery, integral geometry. Although the theoretical aspects are well advanced, practical application of these methods is difficult, since they require precise measurement on images generated from large fragments of ore. Particularly, a suitable resolution for imaging must be selected that preserves the details of the texture and that completely encompass the larger features of a single phase in the section. In this work the liberation of monazite from a silexitic ore is predicted using sequences of images acquired from an ore fragment. The images in each sequence were stitched together. The mega-image strips are of high resolution and cover a large enough area that includes the largest features in the texture. Linear measurement is used with advantage, allowing the use of single strips rather than large area patches. The liberation of the monazite is predicted using King's random fracture model, followed by stereological transformation. The results are compared with liberation measurements carried out on comminuted particles of a rare earth ore of the same procedence. 相似文献