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In this paper, boundary element analysis for two-dimensional potential problems is investigated. In this study, the boundary element method (BEM) is reconsidered by proposing new shape functions to approximate the potentials and fluxes. These new shape functions, called complex Fourier shape function, are derived from complex Fourier radial basis function (RBF) in the form of exp(iωr). The proposed shape functions may easily satisfy various functions such as trigonometric, exponential, and polynomial functions. In order to illustrate the validity and accuracy of the present study, several numerical examples are examined and compared to the results of analytical and with those obtained by classic real Lagrange shape functions. Compared to the classic real Lagrange shape functions, the proposed complex Fourier shape functions show much more accurate results. 相似文献
In this paper a new boundary element formulation is presented for the identification of the location and size of internal cracks in two dimensional structures. The method is presented, as a supplement to the experimental non-destructive testing (NDT) methods, for more accuracy in the identification procedure. The identification method is presented, proposing the dual boundary element method (DBEM) as the basis for design sensitivity computation. Examples are presented to demonstrate the performance of the crack identification method for various cracks. 相似文献
Dmitry V. Nikolskiy Sofia G. Mogilevskaya Joseph F. Labuz 《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》2013,37(11):1532-1544
This paper presents a new boundary element-based approach for solving three-dimensional problems of an elastic medium containing multiple cracks of arbitrary shapes. The medium could be loaded by far-field stress (for infinite domains), surface tractions (including those at the cracks surfaces), or point loads. Constant body forces are also allowed. The elastic fields outside of the cracks are represented by integral identities. Triangular elements are employed to discretize the boundaries. Integration over each element is performed analytically. In-plane components of the fields are combined in various complex combinations to simplify the integration. No singular integrals are involved since the limit, as the field point approaches the boundary, is taken after the integration. The collocation method is used to set up the system of linear algebraic equations to find the unknown boundary displacements and tractions. No special procedure is required to evaluate the fields outside of the boundaries, as the integration is performed before the limit is taken. Several numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the capacity of the method. 相似文献
《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》2001,25(9):819-828
For a potential problem, the boundary integral equation approach has been shown to yield a nonunique solution when the geometry is equal to a degenerate scale. In this paper, the degenerate scale problem in boundary element method (BEM) is analytically studied using the degenerate kernels and circulants. For the circular domain problem, the singular problem of the degenerate scale with radius one can be overcome by using the hypersingular formulation instead of the singular formulation. A simple example is shown to demonstrate the failure using the singular integral equations. To deal with the problem with a degenerate scale, a constant term is added to the fundamental solution to obtain the unique solution and another numerical example with an annular region is also considered. 相似文献
This paper describes the formulation and numerical implementation of the three-dimensional dual boundary element method (DBEM)
for the thermoelastic analysis of mixed-mode crack problems in linear elastic fracture mechanics. The DBEM incorporates two
pairs of independent boundary integral equations; namely the temperature and displacement, and the flux and traction equations.
In this technique, one pair is applied on one of the crack faces and the other pair on the opposite one. On non-crack boundaries,
the temperature and displacement equations are applied.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
This paper reports an implementation of a Boundary Element Method dealing with two-dimensional inhomogeneous potential problems. This method avoids the tedious calculation of the domain integral contributions to the boundary integral equations. This is achieved by applying approximate particular solutions which are obtained by expressing the source distribution in terms of a linear combination of radial basis functions. Numerical examples show that the method is efficient and can produce accurate results. 相似文献
Igor A. Ostanin Sofia G. Mogilevskaya Joseph F. Labuz John Napier 《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》2011,35(4):623-630
The direct formulation of the complex variables boundary element method is generalized to allow for solving problems with constant body forces. The hypersingular integral equation for two-dimensional piecewise homogeneous medium is presented and the numerical solution is described. The technique can be used to solve a wide variety of problems in engineering. Several examples are presented to verify the approach and to demonstrate its key features. The results of calculations performed with the proposed approach are compared with available analytical and numerical benchmark solutions. 相似文献
In this paper a dual boundary element formulation is developed and applied to the evaluation of stress intensity factors in, and propagation of, axisymmetric cracks. The displacement and stress boundary integral equations are reviewed and the asymptotic behaviour of their singular and hypersingular kernels is discussed. The modified crack closure integral method is employed to evaluate the stress intensity factors. The combination of the dual formulation with this method requires the adoption of an interpolating function for stresses after the crack tip. Different functions are tested under a conservative criterion for the evaluation of the stress intensity factors. A crack propagation procedure is implemented using the maximum principal stress direction rule. The robustness of the technique is assessed through several examples where results are compared either to analytical ones or to BEM and FEM formulations. 相似文献
Igor Kaljevi Sunil Saigal Ashraf Ali 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1992,35(10):2079-2100
An infinite boundary element (IBE) is presented for the analysis of three-dimensional potential problems in an unbounded medium. The IBE formulations are done to allow their coupling with the finite element (FE) matrices for finite domains and to obtain the overall matrices without destroying the banded structure of the FE matrices. The infinite body is divided into a number of zones whose contributions are expressed in terms of the nodal quantities at FE nodes by employing suitable decay functions and performing mainly analytical integrations of the boundary element kernels. The continuity and compatibility conditions for the potential and the flux at the FE-IBE interface are developed. The relationships for the contributions of the IBE flux vectors to the FE load vectors are given. The final equations for the IBE are obtained in the usual FE stiffness-load vector form and are easily assembled with the FE matrices for the finite object. A series of numerical examples in heat transfer and electromagnetics were solved and compared with alternative solutions to demonstrate the validity of the present formulations. 相似文献
《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》2007,31(6):559-567
In this paper, a boundary element formulation is developed and used for the analysis of cathodic protection systems of buried slender structures. The slenderness of the structure brings numerical difficulties into the classical boundary element method. To avoid this problem, the dual boundary element method is implemented: combination of standard and hypersingular integral equations to form a system of equations free from the singularity behavior of the standard approach when the thickness of the body tends to zero. Regularity conditions in infinite domains are analyzed for both standard and hypersingular equations. Besides numerical tests to validate the formulation, a simple experiment is carried out where a galvanized metallic sheet is buried alongside two copper electrodes, in parallel, with the objective of simulating a two-dimensional problem. The soil resistivity properties are measured along the depth and the relation between the current density and the electrochemical potential at the metallic sheet is investigated. The proposed dual approach is applied to model the experiment and results are compared with potential measurements at the ground surface. 相似文献
Jukka Tuhkuri 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1997,40(16):2995-3014
A two-dimensional boundary element method for analysis of closed or partially closed cracks under normal and frictional forces is developed. The single domain dual formulation is used. As a contact problem is non-linear due to the friction phenomena at the crack interface and also because of the boundary conditions which may change during the loading, it is formulated in an incremental and iterative fashion. The stress intensity factors are calculated with the J-integral method. Also crack growth is considered. Several benchmark cases have been analysed to verify the results given by the method. The stress intensity factors and crack paths calculated are similar to those given in the literature. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
T. Krishnamurthy I. S. Raju 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1993,36(21):3595-3616
A finite-element-boundary-element (FE-BE) coupling method based on a weighted residual variational method is presented for potential problems, governed by either the Laplace or the Poisson equations. In this method, a portion of the domain of interest is modelled by finite elements (FE) and the remainder of the region by boundary elements (BE). Because the BE fundamental solutions are valid for infinite domains, a procedure that limits the effect of the BE fundamental solution to a small region adjacent to the FE region, called the transition region (TR), is developed. This procedure involves a judicious choice of functions called the transition (T) functions that have unit values on the BE-TR interface and zero values on the FE-TR interface. The present FE-BE coupling algorithm is shown to be independent of the extent of the transition region and the choice of the transition functions. Therefore, transition regions that extend to only one layer of elements between FE and BE regions and the use of simple linear transition functions work well. 相似文献
Abstract The fatigue behavior of a crack in a missile structure is studied using the dual boundary integral equations developed by Hong and Chen (1988). This method, which incorporates two independent boundary integral equations, uses the displacement equation to model one of the crack boundaries and the traction equation to the other. A single domain approach can be performed efficiently. The stress intensity factors are calculated and the paths of crack growth are predicted. In order to evaluate the results of dual BEM, four examples with FEM results are provided. Two practical examples, cracks in a V‐band and a solid propellant motor are studied and are compared with experimental data. Good agreement is found. 相似文献
Y.M. Zhang Z.Y. Liu J.T. Chen Y. Gu 《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》2011,35(11):1181-1189
This presentation is mainly devoted to the research on the regularization of indirect boundary integral equations (IBIEs) for anisotropic potential problems. Based on a new idea, a novel regularization technique is pursued, in which the regularized IBIEs excluding the CPV and HFP integrals are established. The proposed method has many advantages. First, it does not need to calculate multiple integral as the Galerkin method, so it is simple and easy for programming. Second, it can compute boundary quantities ?u/?xi (i=1,2). Third, the anisotropic problems can be solved directly without transforming them into isotropic ones so that no inverse transform is required. Finally, the gradient BIEs are independent of the potential BIEs and they can provide variously useful equations. Numerical examples show that a better precision and high computational efficiency can be achieved by the present method. 相似文献
《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》2002,26(7):559-569
The boundary integral equation approach has been shown to suffer a nonunique solution when the geometry is equal to a degenerate scale for a potential problem. In this paper, the degenerate scale problem in boundary element method for the two-dimensional Laplace equation is analytically studied in the continuous system by using degenerate kernels and Fourier series instead of using discrete system using circulants [Engng Anal. Bound. Elem. 25 (2001) 819]. For circular and multiply-connected domain problems, the rank-deficiency problem of the degenerate scale is solved by using the combined Helmholtz exterior integral equation formulation (CHEEF) concept. An additional constraint by collocating a point outside the domain is added to promote the rank of influence matrix. Two examples are shown to demonstrate the numerical instability using the singular integral equation for circular and annular domain problems. The CHEEF concept is successfully applied to overcome the degenerate scale and the error is suppressed in the numerical experiment. 相似文献
The problem of finite bimaterial plates with an edge crack along the interface is studied. A complex variable boundary element
method is presented and applied to determine the stress intensity factor for finite bimaterial plates. Using the pseudo-orthogonal
characteristic of the eigenfunction expansion forms and the well-known Bueckner work conjugate integral and taking the different
complex potentials as auxiliary fields, the interfacial stress intensity factors associated with the physical stress-displacement
fields are evaluated. The effects of material properties and crack geometry on stress intensity factors are investigated.
The numerical examples for three typical specimens with six different combinations of the bimaterial are given.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
E. C. Hume R. A. Brown W. M. Deen 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1985,21(7):1295-1314
Three formulations of the boundary element method (BEM) and one of the Galerkin finite element method (FEM) are compared according to accuracy and efficiency for the spatial discretization of two-dimensional, moving-boundary problems based on Laplace's equation. The same Euler-predictor, trapezoid-corrector scheme for time integration is used for all four methods. The model problems are on either a bounded or a semi-infinite strip and are formulated so that closed-form solutions are known. Infinite elements are used with both the BEM and FEM techniques for the unbounded domain. For problems with the bounded region, the BEM using the free-space Green's function and piecewise quadratic interpolating functions (QBEM) is more accurate and efficient than the BEM with linear interpolation. However, the FEM with biquadratic basis functions is more efficient for a given accuracy requirement than the QBEM, except when very high accuracy is demanded. For the unbounded domain, the preferred method is the BEM based on a Green's function that satisfies the lateral symmetry conditions and which leads to discretization of the potential only along the moving surface. This last formulation is the only one that reliably satisfies the far-field boundary condition. 相似文献
In this paper, a new boundary element method without internal cells is presented for solving viscous flow problems, based on the radial integration method (RIM) which can transform any domain integrals into boundary integrals. Due to the presence of body forces, pressure term and the non-linearity of the convective terms in Navier–Stokes equations, some domain integrals appear in the derived velocity and pressure boundary-domain integral equations. The body forces induced domain integrals are directly transformed into equivalent boundary integrals using RIM. For other domain integrals including unknown quantities (velocity product and pressure), the transformation to the boundary is accomplished by approximating the unknown quantities with the compactly supported fourth-order spline radial basis functions combined with polynomials in global coordinates. Two numerical examples are given to demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献
The CVBEM for elasticity problems in its basic formulations (direct, indirect and displacement discontinuity (DD) ones) is
presented. It is based on the use of complex fundamental solutions. The complex boundary integral equations (CBIEs) arising
from the basic CVBEM formulations are considered. It was shown that the developed theory includes the main CBIEs obtained
by using the different approaches. Besides, new real and complex integral equations were obtained. The revealed links between
real variables BEM (RVBEM) and CVBEM serve to mutual enrichment of these two approaches. 相似文献
In this paper, a formulation based on the iterative-load incremental approach for the three-dimensional frictional contact mechanics analysis of fracture problems using the boundary element method (BEM), is presented. Special crack front elements are employed to provide a quick and direct means of obtaining the stress intensity factor. The veracity of the formulation is demonstrated with four crack problems. Three of these problems involve crack closure under bending loads, and the fourth is that of a pin-loaded rectangular plate with corner cracks at the pin-hole. The computed BEM solutions are compared, where possible, with those available in the literature, and there is generally good agreement between them. The numerical examples serve also to illustrate the need for a proper contact mechanics treatment to obtain accurate stress intensity factors for such problems. 相似文献