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There are basically two methods by which the manufacture of cheese from milk concentrated by ultrafiltration can increase yields. Firstly, the procedure can increase the weight of certain water-soluble, solids-non-fat components (mainly whey proteins) in the cheese. This extra solids-non-fat may allow extra water to be incorporated into the product without a decline in quality. Secondly, if suitable equipment can be designed, manufacture of cheese from concentrated milk can lead to a reduction in the losses of insoluble casein, fat and fines. The present study suggests that with a fivefold concentration of milk by ultrafiltration, and with the same losses of insoluble casein, fat and fines as with conventional cheesemaking, the yield of Cheddar is increased by around 4.5%. About half this increase is due to water-soluble, solids-non-fat components; the remainder is due to water. With the elimination of all losses of insoluble casein and fines the gain in product is predicted to be around 6% while increases in the fat retention to 95% would bring the yield advantage to about 8%. However, it is suggested that the elimination of casein fines losses may be difficult to achieve in commercial-scale, ultrafiltration cheesemaking equipment and that reductions in fat percentages in the whey are of little financial advantage to companies that recover whey fat .  相似文献   

The adverse health effects of dietary sodium demand the production of cheese with reduced salt content. The study was aimed to assess the effect of reducing the level of sodium chloride on the texture, flavor, and sensory qualities of Cheddar cheese. Cheddar cheese was manufactured from buffalo milk standardized at 4% fat level by adding sodium chloride at 2.5, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0, and 0.5% (wt/wt of the curd obtained). Cheese samples were ripened at 6 to 8°C for 180 d and analyzed for chemical composition after 1 wk; for texture and proteolysis after 1, 60, 120, and 180 d; and for volatile flavor compounds and sensory quality after 180 d of ripening. Decreasing the salt level significantly reduced the salt-in-moisture and pH and increased the moisture-in-nonfat-substances and water activity. Cheese hardness, toughness, and crumbliness decreased but proteolysis increased considerably on reducing the sodium content and during cheese ripening. Lowering the salt levels appreciably enhanced the concentration of volatile compounds associated with flavor but negatively affected the sensory perception. We concluded that salt level in cheese can be successfully reduced to a great extent if proteolysis and development of off-flavors resulted by the growth of starter and nonstarter bacteria can be controlled.  相似文献   

Reduced-fat Cheddar cheese (RFC) was manufactured from standardized milk (casein/fat, C/F ˜ 1.8), obtained by (1) mixing whole milk (WM) and skim milk (SM) (control) or (2) mixing liquid milk protein concentrate (LMPC) and 35% fat cream (experimental). The percentage yield, total solid (TS) and fat recoveries in the experimental RFC were 22.0, 63.0 and 89.5 compared to 9.0, 50.7 and 87.0 in the control RFC, respectively. The average % moisture, fat, protein, salt and lactose were 40.7, 15.3, 32.8, 1.4 and 0.07%, respectively, in the experimental cheese and 39.3, 15.4, 33.0, 1.3 and 0.10%, respectively, in the control cheese. No growth of nonstarter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) was detected in the control or the experimental cheeses up to 3 months of ripening. After 6 months of ripening, the experimental cheese had 107 cfu NSLAB/g compared to 106 cfu/g in the control. The control cheese had higher levels of water-soluble nitrogen (WSN) and total free amino acids after 6 months of ripening than the experimental cheese. Sensory analysis showed that the experimental cheeses had lower intensities of milk fat and fruity flavours and decreased bitterness but higher intensities of sulphur and brothy flavours than in the control cheese. The experimental cheeses were less mature compared to the control after 270 days of ripening. It can be concluded from the results of this study that LMPC can be used in the manufacture of RFC to improve yield, and fat and TS recovery. However, proteolysis in cheese made with LMPC and cream is slower than that made with WM and SM.  相似文献   

The effects of cream homogenization of cheese making milk on textural and sensory characteristics of Iranian White cheese were studied. Cream was homogenized in a two-stage homogenizer at 6.0/2.5 or 9.0/2.5 MPa. Cheese samples were analyzed for rheological parameters (uniaxial compression and small amplitude oscillatory shear), meltability, microstructure, and sensory characteristics. Cream homogenization increased fat content leading to increased meltability. This effect increased as the homogenization pressure increased. The values of storage modulus, stress at fracture and Young's modulus of elasticity for cheeses from homogenized treatments were lower than those of unhomogenized cheese. Cream homogenization at 6.0/2.5 MPa effectively improved the textural, functional and sensory characteristics and enhanced the yield of low-fat Iranian White cheese. This cheese had the lowest values of storage modulus and stress at fracture, probably due to the high number of small, evenly dispersed fat globules in microstructure and especially its lower protein content. Cheeses with homogenized cream had improved texture, flavor and appearance.  相似文献   

Mozzarella cheese was manufactured from milk containing either a low (olein) or a high (stearin) melting point fraction of milk fat or anhydrous milk fat. The fat was dispersed into skim milk by homogenization at 2.6 MPa before being manufactured into cheese. The melting point of the milk fat did not affect the size or shape of the fat globules, nor was there any effect of homogenization on the polymorphic state of the milk fat. There were no changes in milk fat globule size and shape concomitant with the amount of free oil formed. The polymorphic state of the milk fat did affect the amount of free oil formed and the apparent viscosity of the cheese. The lower melting point fraction yielded a larger amount of free oil. The higher melting point fraction yielded a higher viscosity of melted cheese at 60 degrees C. Mozzarella cheese was also manufactured from homogenized milk, nonhomogenized milk, and a 1:1 ratio of the two, without altering the milk fat composition. Increasing the proportion of homogenized milk yielded a lower free oil content and higher viscosity of the cheese.  相似文献   

Debaryomyces hansenii and Yarrowia lipolytica are typical foodborne yeast species frequently associated with dairy products and capable of predominating the yeast composition in such systems. The two species fulfil a number of criteria to be regarded as co-starters for cheesemaking. They are known for their proteolytic and lipolytic activity as well as their compatibility and stimulating action with the lactic acid starter cultures when co-inoculated. Recent studies indicated that yeasts could be included as part of starter cultures for the manufacturing of cheese, enhancing flavour development during the maturation. The potential of D. hansenii and Y. lipolytica as agents for accelerated ripening of matured Cheddar cheese has been evaluated during four cheese treatments. The interaction between the two yeast species and the lactic acid bacteria was surveyed incorporating (i) D. hansenii, (ii) Y. lipolytica, (iii) both species as adjuncts to the starter culture and (iv) a control cheese without any additions for the production of matured Cheddar cheese. The physical and chemical properties of the cheeses were monitored in order to evaluate the contribution of the yeasts to cheese maturation. The yeasts grew in association with the lactic acid bacteria without any inhibition. The yeasts species when individually added contributed to the development of bitter flavours despite accelerated development of strong Cheddar flavours. When both species were incorporated as part of the starter culture, the cheese, however, had a good strong flavour after a reduced ripening period. The cheese retained this good flavour and aroma after 9 months of production. The simultaneous application of D. hansenii and Y. lipolytica as part of the starter culture for the production of matured Cheddar cheese is proposed.  相似文献   

应用电子鼻区分不同成熟期的契达干酪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将电子鼻用于对契达干酪的检测,旨在寻求一种快速有效的方法以实现对契达干酪成熟期的判定。用电子鼻检测9个不同成熟期的契达干酪样本的气味。结果表明,电子鼻可以准确地区分契达干酪的成熟期,所建模型能够准确识别契达干酪的成熟期。  相似文献   

Consumer perception of smoked cheese was evaluated through focus groups, surveys, and central location testing. Three focus groups (n = 29) were conducted with consumers of smoked cheese. Subsequently, 2 online surveys were conducted. The purpose of the first survey (n = 1,195) was to understand types of smoked cheeses consumed and if consumers associated specific wood smokes with smoked cheese. Next, an adaptive choice-based conjoint (n = 367) was designed to evaluate consumer perception of different attributes of smoked cheese. Maximum difference scaling and familiarity questions were also included in the adaptive choice-based conjoint survey. Following the surveys, a central location test (n = 135) was conducted with cheeses smoked with 3 different woods at a low and high intensity (6 cheeses total). Hierarchical Bayesian estimation, 1-way ANOVA, agglomerative hierarchical clustering, and 2-way ANOVA (smoke type × intensity level) were used to interpret the collected data. Results from the focus groups indicated that smoked cheese was perceived as an artisan, high-end product and that appearance and price were strong purchase factors. In general, consumers were not aware of how smoked flavor was imparted to cheese, but when informed of the processes, they preferred cold-smoked cheese to the addition of liquid smoke flavor. Results from both surveys confirmed focus group observations. Consumers perceived flavor differences among different wood smokes and smoked products. Method of smoking, smoke intensity, type of wood, and type of cheese were the most important attributes for purchase of smoked cheese. When tasting, consumers differentiated smoke aroma and flavor among cheeses and preferred cherry wood smoked cheeses over apple wood or hickory smoked cheeses. Understanding consumer perceptions of smoked cheese will give insight into the desired experience that consumers expect when purchasing smoked cheese.  相似文献   

《International Dairy Journal》2005,15(6-9):537-545
Economic consequences of the cheese making process are illustrated through several sample calculations concerning processing of whey in relation to cheese making throughput and several whey processing alternatives. Small cheese plants with daily milk throughput of approximately 100 000 kg cannot economically justify the capital for water removal equipment. For small plants that have to convert whey to a dry product, alternatives include pre-concentrating with a reverse osmosis unit or a small plate evaporator and drying on a double roller dryer. The economics are evaluated at several price levels. At the upper scale of cheese plant size (2–3 million kg d−1 of milk), the investment for whey processing is about half the total investment. Cash flows are calculated for electricity, natural gas and whey powder prices. Increased investment for further processing into whey protein concentrate and dried whey solubles or lactose is evaluated at several price levels.  相似文献   

详述了莫扎瑞拉干酪的加工工艺,工艺参数,操作要点和质量控制.并对莫扎瑞拉千酪的功能性进行了分析.其寿命受融化性、拉伸性、褐变性、出油性等影响,而莫扎瑞拉干酪的功能性又受其水分、干物质中的脂肪、拉伸凝块水分、贮藏温度所决定.  相似文献   

Compositional changes in raw and pasteurized cream and unconcentrated sweet cream buttermilk (SCB) obtained from a local dairy were investigated over 1 yr. Total phospholipid (PL) composition in SCB ranged from 0.113 to 0.153%. Whey protein denaturation in pasteurized cream over 1 yr ranged from 18 to 59%. Pizza cheese was manufactured from milk standardized with condensed SCB (∼34.0% total solids, 9.0% casein, 17.8% lactose). Effects of using condensed SCB on composition, yield, PL recovery, and functional properties of pizza cheese were investigated. Cheesemilks were prepared by adding 0, 2, 4, and 6% (wt/wt) condensed SCB to part-skim milk, and cream was added to obtain cheesemilks with ∼11.2 to 12.7% total solids and casein:fat ratio of ∼1. Use of condensed SCB resulted in a significant increase in cheese moisture. Cheese-making procedures were modified to obtain similar cheese moisture contents. Fat and nitrogen recoveries in SCB cheeses were slightly lower and higher, respectively, than in control cheeses. Phospholipid recovery in cheeses was below 40%. Values of pH and 12% trichloro-acetic acid-soluble nitrogen were similar among all treatments. Cheeses made from milk standardized with SCB showed less melt and stretch than control cheese, especially at the 4 and 6% SCB levels. Addition of SCB significantly lowered free oil at wk 1 but there were no significant differences at wk 2 and 4. Use of SCB did not result in oxidized flavor in unmelted cheeses. At low levels (e.g., 2% SCB), addition of condensed SCB improved cheese yield without affecting compositional, rheological, and sensory properties of cheese.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(12):10867-10876
Donkey milk is characterized by low contents of total solids, fat, and caseins, especially κ-casein, which results in formation of a very weak gel upon renneting. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fortification of donkey milk with microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) for cheesemaking in relation to different enzyme addition protocols (patterns, PAT). Four independent trials were performed using MTGase (5.0 U/g of milk protein) according to the following experimental patterns: control (no MTGase addition); MTGase addition (40°C) 15 min before starter inoculation (PAT1); addition of MTGase to milk simultaneously with starter culture (40°C) (PAT2); and MTGase addition simultaneously with rennet (42°C) in acidified milk (pH 6.3) (PAT3). Evolution of pH during acidification, cheesemaking parameters, and proximal composition and color of cheese at 24 h were recorded. The protein fractions of cheese and whey were investigated by urea-PAGE and sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE. Addition of MTGase had no significant effect on moisture, protein, fat, or cheese yield. The addition of MTGase with rennet (PAT3) improved curd firmness compared with the control. Among the different patterns of MTGase addition, PAT3 reduced gel formation time, time between rennet addition and cheese molding, and weight loss of cheese at 24 h. The PAT3 treatment also resulted in the lowest lightness and highest yellowness color values of the cheese. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE of cheeses revealed that MTGase modified the protein pattern in the high-molecular-weight zone (range 37–75 kDa) compared with the control. Of the MTGase protocols, PAT3 showed better casein retention in cheese, as confirmed by the lanes of α- and β-caseins in the electropherogram of the whey, which was subtler for this protocol. In conclusion, MTGase may be used in cheese production from donkey milk to improve curd firmness; MTGase should be added simultaneously with the rennet.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of capsular and ropy exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing strains of Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris on textural and microstructural attributes during ripening of 50%-reduced-fat Cheddar cheese. Cheeses were manufactured with added capsule- or ropy-forming strains individually or in combination. For comparison, reduced-fat cheese with or without lecithin added at 0.2% (wt/vol) to cheese milk and full-fat cheeses were made using EPS-nonproducing starter, and all cheeses were ripened at 7°C for 6 mo. Exopolysaccharide-producing strains increased cheese moisture retention by 3.6 to 4.8% and cheese yield by 0.28 to 1.19 kg/100 kg compared with control cheese, whereas lecithin-containing cheese retained 1.4% higher moisture and had 0.37 kg/100 kg higher yield over the control cheese. Texture profile analyses for 0-d-old cheeses revealed that cheeses with EPS-producing strains had less firm, springy, and cohesive texture but were more brittle than control cheeses. However, these effects became less pronounced after 6 mo of ripening. Using transmission electron microscopy, fresh and aged cheeses with added EPS-producing strains showed a less compact protein matrix through which larger whey pockets were dispersed compared with control cheese. The numerical analysis of transmission electron microscopy images showed that the area in the cheese matrix occupied by protein was smaller in cheeses with added EPS-producing strains than in control cheese. On the other hand, lecithin had little impact on both cheese texture and microstructure; after 6 mo, cheese containing lecithin showed a texture profile very close to that of control reduced-fat cheese. The protein-occupied area in the cheese matrix did not appear to be significantly affected by lecithin addition. Exopolysaccharide-producing strains could contribute to the modification of cheese texture and microstructure and thus modify the functional properties of reduced-fat Cheddar cheese.  相似文献   

This study was performed to compare flavor, texture, and sensory profiles of cream cheese and cholesterolremoved cream cheese made from whole milk and cream. The cholesterol was removed by crosslinked β-cyclodextrin and the cheeses were stored at 7°C for 4 week. To quantify the flavor compounds, the cheeses (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 week) were extracted by solid-phase microextraction, analyzed by GC-MS and quantified by GC-flame ionization detector (FID). Tentatively identified flavor compounds were 11 acids, 2 ketones, 1 amine, 1 alcohol, 2 lactone, and 1 alkene. In texture profile analysis such as hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, and sensory analysis such as appearance, flavor, taste, and texture properties were not significantly different (p>0.05) between two cheeses. On the basis of our results, it is concluded that no adverse changes was shown in the cholesterol-removed cream cheese in flavor, texture, and sensory characteristics during 4-week storage.  相似文献   

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