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In aeronautical structures, assemblies with thin laminates are becoming increasingly usual, especially for fuselage design. In these structures, out-of-plane loads can appear in bolted joints and can lead to progressive punching of the fastener’s head in the laminate resulting, in some cases, in a failure mode called pull-through [1]. This complex phenomenon, which occurs in assemblies, was studied firstly by using a simplified “circular” pull-through test method. Qualitative micrographic examinations showed damage very similar to that observed in impacted specimens. The research presented here extends the Discrete Ply Model Method (DPM) developed by Bouvet et al. [2] to this case. The finite elements model is based on a particular mesh taking ply orientations into account. Cohesive elements are placed at the interfaces between solid elements to represent matrix cracks and delamination, thus allowing the natural coupling between these two damage modes to be represented. The model shows good correlation with test results, in terms of load/displacement curve, and correct prediction of the damage map until failure, including the splitting phenomenon.  相似文献   

An optimization procedure using a genetic algorithm has been applied to define the optimum orientation of fibres in a uni-directional laminate in which the fibres were allowed to vary continuously across the domain. The domain was divided into two-dimensional finite elements and anisotropic properties corresponding to a carbon fibre laminate with all layers aligned in the zero element axis direction were applied to the laminate. The orientation of the material axis on each element was then prescribed as an independent variable for the genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

The static failure behaviour of a composite single-strap joint configuration using three different attachments was studied experimentally. The attachments used were: adhesive bonding; mechanical bolting; and bonded-bolted joining. The dimensions of the composite butt joint used were determined based on actual joint configurations in aircraft structures, such that the test results would be beneficial to both the academic exploration and practical engineering application for advanced composite joint design and analysis. A damage evolution process was presented for the bonded-bolted butt joints based on the observed stress versus displacement curves and associated failure modes from all the related butt joints with the three attachments. An approach was then proposed for estimating the ultimate tensile strength in the bonded-bolted joints.  相似文献   

碳纤维改性环氧树脂复合材料研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍最近几年碳纤维增强环氧树脂复合材料研究的前沿动向,重点叙述了碳纤维表面处理方法以及碳纤维在环氧树脂的应用,综述了环氧树脂/碳纤维复合材料的研究发展。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the creep sensitivity of a heterogeneous-matrix carbon fibre composite as related to time, temperature and moisture. An interlaminar-toughened composite (Toray T800H/3900-2) was used as a model system for creep analysis. Constant-loading tensile creep experiments were performed on [±45]2s laminate specimens at several isothermal temperatures for two moisture levels: dry and wet (0.9% moisture content). Long-term predictions of creep of the toughened composite could be made using the analytical results from this study. The effect of absorbed moisture in the laminate on creep compliance was shown to be quantitatively equivalent to an increase in temperature, and the temperature-moisture equivalency was established with the aid of a polymer-diluent miscibility theory.  相似文献   

As a direct extension of previous mode-I work on the adhesion of composite joints, this paper uses a cohesive-zone approach to model the mixed-mode fracture of adhesive joints made from a polymer-matrix composite. Mode-II cohesive-zone parameters were obtained using sandwich end-notch flexure specimens. These parameters were used directly with the previously determined mode-I parameters to predict the fracture and deformation of mixed-mode geometries. It was shown that numerical simulations provided quantitative predictions for these geometries, including predictions for both the strengths of the joints and for the failure mechanisms. In conjunction with the earlier work, these results demonstrate the use of cohesive-zone approaches for the design of adhesively bonded composite joints, and indicate approaches for determining the relevant material properties to describe mixed-mode fracture.  相似文献   

The effect of fibre length on the fatigue of a random short carbon fibre/epoxy composite containing 1, 5 or 15 mm length fibres has been studied. All laminates gave a sloping S-N curve with longer fatigue lives obtained at decreasing peak stresses. The fatigue life was independent of fibre length at any peak strain, within experimental variation. Damage accumulation during fatigue cycling is studied in terms of residual strength and modulus reduction. Both techniques suggest that fatigue failure is the result of a ‘sudden death’ mode of failure. Finally, the effect of matrix type on the fatigue life of laminates containing 5 mm length fibres was investigated by adding a greater quantity of flexibilizer to the epoxy matrix. Shorter fatigue lives were obtained for laminates having the more flexible matrix.  相似文献   

This paper describes a methodology for the health monitoring of composite marine joint structures based on strain measurements under operational loading using embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors. Finite element modelling indicated that the presence of a disbond significantly altered the bond-line longitudinal strain distribution. This was verified qualitatively through an experimental test program. The experimental results are examined in relation to the FE predictions and the implications for a practical strain-based SHM system are discussed. A technique is developed, based on novel signal processing and statistical outlier detection. This enables the sensor measurements to be used for damage detection without reference to a high-fidelity numerical model of the structure which is often difficult and resource-intensive to generate. The technique is shown to provide successful damage diagnoses with an acceptable level of accuracy. Further improvement in diagnostic accuracy may be achieved by increasing the sensor density.  相似文献   

An out-of-autoclave rapid heating/low pressure technique has been used to cure polyethersulfone (PES) toughened HexPly 8552. Mode I and mode II tests were conducted to evaluate the fracture toughness of the composites and the effectiveness of cure was determined through thermal analysis. When compared to the autoclave process, the out-of-autoclave process resulted in a 52% reduction in processing time, without any sacrifice to the matrix intrinsic properties. Thermal analysis indicated an 8 °C improvement in glass transition temperature (Tg) as a result of an increased degree of cure. The out-of-autoclave process did lack in the ability to facilitate the removal of porosity which affected the fracture toughness results. The porosity is believed to have increased the mode I propagation fracture toughness. However its effect on mode II was quite deleterious, shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This study managed to identify a number of key parameters associated with the out-of-autoclave process essential for further optimisation.  相似文献   

This paper improves the two stress fracture criteria proposed by Whitney and Nuismer (known as the point stress criterion and the average stress criterion) to predict the strength of composite laminates with a circular hole. In the point stress criterion, it is assumed that the failure occurs when the stress over some distance (d 0) away from the notch is equal to or greater than the un-notched laminate strength. In the average stress criterion it is assumed that failure occurs when the average stress over some distance (a 0) ahead of the notch equals the unnotched laminate strength. Both stress fracture criteria are two parameter models based on the unnotched strength (σ 0) and a characteristic dimension (d 0 ora 0). A simple relation is used for the characteristic length to improve the accuracy while evaluating the notched strength of carbon/epoxy composite laminates. The analytical results are compared well with the existing test results of AS4-carbon/948 Al epoxy [0/90]4s and [0/ ± 45/90]2S composite laminates with various hole diameters and specimen widths.  相似文献   

This paper improves the two stress fracture criteria proposed by Whitney and Nuismer (known as the point stress criterion and the average stress criterion) to predict the strength of composite laminates with a circular hole. In the point stress criterion, it is assumed that the failure occurs when the stress over some distance (d 0) away from the notch is equal to or greater than the unnotched laminate strength. In the average stress criterion it is assumed that failure occurs when the average stress over some distance (a 0) ahead of the notch equals the unnotched laminate strength. Both stress fracture criteria are two parameter models based on the unnotched strength (σ0) and a characteristic dimension (d 0 or a 0). A simple relation is used for the characteristic length to improve the accuracy while evaluating the notched strength of carbon/epoxy composite laminates. The analytical results are compared well with the existing test results of AS4-carbon/948 A1 epoxy [0/90]4 s and [0/±45/90]2 S composite laminates with various hole diameters and specimen widths.  相似文献   

An investigation of the effects of moisture on mixed-mode I/II delamination growth in a carbon/epoxy composite is presented. Experimental quasi-static and fatigue delamination tests were carried out on composite specimens. The quasi-static fracture test results showed that exposure to moisture led to a decrease in mode II and mixed-mode delamination toughness while mode I toughness was enhanced. The fatigue tests revealed an adverse effect of moisture on delamination growth under mixed-mode loadings. Existing delamination criteria and growth rate models were evaluated to determine which ones best predict delamination toughness and growth, respectively, at any given mixed-mode ratio. Quasi-static and fatigue simulations with a cohesive zone-based finite element model that incorporated the selected mixed-mode delamination models were performed and good agreement between experimental and numerical data was shown for dry and moisture-exposed specimens.  相似文献   

The effect of stacking sequence on impact damage in a carbon fibre/toughened epoxy composite was studied. The major form of damage was delamination, which initiated at almost every interface through the panel. During the impact event the force-time response was monitored and the energy absorbed analysed in terms of an initiation and a propagation energy. The energy absorbed in delamination initiation was influenced by the stacking sequence, being increased by placing 45° fibres in the surface plies and by increasing the number of dissimilar interfaces. The residual energy absorbed in delamination propagation was found to increase linearly with increasing total delamination area. The compression-after-impact strength was related to the maximum delamination area.  相似文献   

The effect of fibre orientation on the shock response of a two-dimensional carbon fibre–epoxy composite has been studied using the technique of plate impact. In the through-thickness orientation, it appears that the material behaves as though it is a simple polymer. When one of the fibre directions is orientated parallel to the loading axis, very different behaviour is observed. The stress pulse has a pronounced ramp, before at sufficiently high stresses, a much faster rising shock occurs above it. Examination of the wave velocities suggests that the start of the ramp travels at a near constant velocity of ca. 7.0 mm μs−1, whilst the shock velocity in this orientation converges with that of the shock velocity of the through-thickness orientation. Therefore, we believe that the stress pulse is separated into a fast component that travels down the fibres, with the rest travelling at the shock velocity in the matrix between the 0° fibres (epoxy plus fibres normal to the loading axis). Finally, from the Hugoniot, we observed that at low shock intensities, the 0° orientation was significantly stiffer than the through-thickness orientation. As the severity of the shock increased, the Hugoniots of the two orientations converged. Therefore, it would appear that orientation only effects the shock equation of state at lower shock stresses.  相似文献   

Novel carbon fiber/epoxy composite toughened by electrospun polysulfone (PSF) nanofibers was prepared to enhance fracture toughness of the composite, and compared the morphology and toughness to those of composite toughened by PSF films prepared by solvent method. Polysulfone nanofibers with the average diameter of 230 nm were directly electrospun onto carbon fiber/epoxy prepregs to toughen the composite. SEM observations of the polysulfone nanofibers toughened composite revealed that polysulfone spheres with uneven sizes presented uniform dispersion through interleaves of the composite, which was different from those of composite toughened by PSF films. Mode I fracture toughness (GIC) of the nanofibers toughened composite was 0.869 kJ/m2 for 5.0 wt.% polysulfone nanofibers content, which was 140% and 280% higher than those of PSF films toughened and untoughened composite due to the uniform distribution of polysulfone spheres.  相似文献   

In this paper a two-dimensional fatigue cohesive zone model (CZM) for crack propagation in composites under cyclic loading has been formulated and validated through successful predictions of fatigue crack growth under pure and mixed mode conditions for several different composites. The proposed fatigue CZM assumes simple power-law functions for fatigue damage accumulation of which the damage parameters can be calibrated from simple fatigue tests under pure mode I and mode II conditions. The model relies solely on the in situ cohesive responses for fatigue damage rate calculation, enabling the differentiation of the local elemental load history from the global load history. An effective cycle jump strategy for high-cycle fatigue has also been proposed. It has been demonstrated that once calibrated, the fatigue CZM can predict the Paris laws for the pure modes. Furthermore, it can predict the Paris laws of any mixed-mode conditions without the need of additional empirical parameters. This is of significant practical importance because it leads to greatly reduced experimental needs for mixed mode crack propagation widely observed in composites under cyclic loads.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of fiber orientation angles and stacking sequence on the torsional stiffness, natural frequency, buckling strength, fatigue life and failure modes of composite tubes. Finite element analysis (FEA) has been used to predict the fatigue life of composite drive shaft (CDS) using linear dynamic analysis for different stacking sequence. Experimental program on scaled woven fabric composite models was carried out to investigate the torsional stiffness. FEA results showed that the natural frequency increases with decreasing fiber orientation angles. The CDS has a reduction equal to 54.3% of its frequency when the orientation angle of carbon fibers at one layer, among other three glass ones, transformed from 0° to 90°. On the other hand, the critical buckling torque has a peak value at 90° and lowest at a range of 20–40° when the angle of one or two layers in a hybrid or all layers in non-hybrid changed similarly. Experimentally, composite tubes of fiber orientation angles of ±45° experience higher load carrying capacity and higher torsional stiffness. Specimens of carbon/epoxy or glass/epoxy composites with fiber orientation angles of ±45° show catastrophic failure mode. In a hybrid of both materials, [±45°] configuration influenced the failure mode.  相似文献   

A methodology is presented for the failure prediction of the composite single lap bonded joints considering both the composite adherend and the bondline failures. An elastic-perfectly plastic model of the adhesive and a delamination failure criterion were used in the methodology. The failure predictions using the finite element analysis and the proposed methodology were performed. The failure prediction results such as failure mode and strength showed very good agreements with the test results for the joint specimens with various bonding methods and parameters. Based on the numerical investigation, the optimal joint strength condition was found and a new joint strength improvement technique was suggested. The suggested technique was verified to have a significant effect on the joint strength improvement.  相似文献   

Finite element methods combined with cohesive elements were used to simulate progressive failure behaviour in a bonded double cantilever beam configuration. The introduced cohesive zone was represented by three cases. Responses of both global load–displacement and local cohesive traction–separation were investigated. An unexpected finding was that the overall cohesive traction stiffness was much less than the assumed input value. In addition, the local nodal separation moment was identified. Consequently, correct cohesive zone lengths were obtained using the extracted traction profile along the cohesive zone path at this moment. Information of the global load–displacement profile, traction stiffness, and cohesive zone length induced by the three zone cases was explored. Moreover, the study can explain why very small cohesive zone lengths are generated numerically, as compared to theoretical solutions. Recommendations on the application of the numerical model with cohesive elements to practical experimental analysis were suggested.  相似文献   

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