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《Food Control》2006,17(4):317-322
The purpose of this study was to evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning food safety issues among food handlers in Turkey, conducting face to face interview and administrating questionnaire. Of the 764 food handlers who responded, 9.6% were involved in touching or distributing unwrapped foods routinely and use protective gloves during their working activity. A majority of participants (47.8%) had not taken a basic food safety training. The mean food safety knowledge scores was 43.4 ± 16.3. The study demonstrated that food handlers in Turkish food businesses often have lack of knowledge regarding the basic food hygiene (critical temperatures of hot or cold ready-to-eat foods, acceptable refrigerator temperature ranges, and cross-contamination etc.). There is a immediate need for education and increasing awareness among food handlers regarding safe food handling practices.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and practice of food safety and hygiene among students in university cookery programs in Turkey. A questionnaire was given to 82 cookery students in two vocational schools from two different universities. The results showed that although the students regarded the issues of food safety and personal hygiene as important, they had inadequate knowledge in these areas.  相似文献   

Little is known about the home food safety practices of Mexican-Americans living in the U.S. The current study examined the knowledge, perception of food safety risk and factors associated with home food safety practices among the Mexican-Americans who cook regularly for their families. Ten focus group interviews in New York and Texas identified a number of issues. Most participants did not defrost properly (i.e., placed frozen meat in the sink or countertop) and did not handle leftovers safely (i.e., cooled down more than 2 h at room temperature). Although participants reported good hygienic practices in the use of utensils when cooking, there seemed to be limited awareness of the dangers of cross-contamination when handling raw meats and produce; unsafe thawing of raw meats by leaving the raw meat in the sink or counter, and handling of cooked meats. Many incorrectly believed that the appearance of cooked meats was an indicator of safety, and that a food thermometer was unnecessary. These focus group findings informed a probability–based web panel survey (N = 468) of Mexican-Americans who cook for their families in the United States. The survey study reports two major findings: (1) Mexican-Americans' perception and awareness about food safety risk were closely related to their reported food preparation practices (except for eating raw eggs) and (2) Mexican-Americans born in the U.S. and those of Mexican origin living in the U.S. differed in their level of risk awareness and in their compliance with some associated food safety practices. Practical implications are discussed for designing targeted communication campaigns to increase compliance with safe home food preparation practices.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to measure the basic knowledge on food safety and food handling practices among migrant food handlers as these information is scarce in Malaysia. A cross-sectional study was conducted face-to-face amongst 383 migrant food handlers from three major cities in Peninsular Malaysia through questionnaire. Socio-demographic information of all respondents was collected. Questions on food safety knowledge (i.e. food cleanliness and hygiene, symptom of foodborne illnesses and foodborne pathogens) and food handling practices were assessed. The compiled data were analyzed by using the Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) 16.0. Overall, migrant food handlers had poor level of knowledge on food safety with an average food handling practice. Significant effects were observed between respondents’ food safety knowledge and socio-demography (country of origin and educational level) and two factors namely; respondents’ nationality and attendance at food training programs showed significant associations with their food handling practices. Multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that attendance at food training programs was a significant and independent predictor of the respondent’s food handling practice. The study’s findings highlighted issues with regards to the extent of knowledge acquisition on food safety and hygiene by migrant food handlers. Therefore, this warrants improvements not only in the better delivery methods of training modules but also tight enforcement of attendance at the programs by the respective authorities.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2007,18(8):904-913
The Turkish fast food industry has grown rapidly since the 1980s. There are now more than 700 fast food restaurants in Turkey. Using the data from a consumer survey, this study investigates the relationship between consumers’ fast food consumption frequency and their socio-economic/demographic characteristics and attitudes. Using Chi-square test of independence, the study compares consumers’ fast food consumption frequencies of never, low, moderate and high. We developed an empirical model identifying consumer characteristics that influence the consumption frequency of fast food products using the random utility framework. The empirical model was estimated using an ordered probit approach to obtain the coefficients applied to the calculation of marginal effects and probabilities. The sign and significance of coefficients and marginal effects were used to ascertain consumer characteristics which are important to the frequency of fast food consumption. The results indicate that age, income, education, household size, presence of children and other factors, such as consumer attitude towards the price of fast food, health concerns and child preference, significantly influence the frequency of fast food consumption. The findings will help fast food managers to understand the critical factors that influence consumers’ fast food consumption behavior and help them to make improvements accordingly.  相似文献   

Wen-Hwa Ko 《Food Control》2013,29(1):192-197
This study investigates relationships among food safety knowledge, attitudes and hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) practices in restaurant employees in Taiwan. The authors administered a baseline questionnaire to 542 restaurant employees to assess their food safety knowledge, attitude and HACCP practices. A total of 421 valid questionnaires were returned and used in analysis. Mean scores for each survey item were calculated and used in a structural equation model (SEM) designed to assess interrelationships between the three. Participants scored an average 84.7% correct in food safety knowledge, with highest and lowest correct scores in, respectively, the food poisoning and good hygienic practices (GHP) constructs. The highest score in the attitude section was “concern for food safety” followed by “self-improvement.” With the exception of the food poisoning construct, this study found correlations among knowledge, attitude, and HACCP practices, with attitude mediating the relationship between knowledge and HACCP practices. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Food Safety is important not only for the health of consumers but also the entire food industry and regulatory authorities. University students are an important target group as they are most likely to engage in risky eating behaviors and food handling practices making them susceptible to foodborne illness. The objectives of this study were to assess the level of food safety concerns, knowledge and practices among male and female university students of King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Information concerning sociodemographic and academic characteristics and food safety knowledge were collected using self-administered questionnaire. Food safety questions were divided into four sections that covered key food safety concepts. A total of 808 students took questionnaires of which 66.08% responded (mean age 21.1 ± 2.9). Major food concerns for students were food taste, food temperature, food presentation, wellness of cooked food, cleanliness of serving area and appearance of food handlers. Students displayed good knowledge concerning food safety. Respondents were most knowledgeable about the cleanliness of kitchen surfaces and utensils, prevention of cross contamination and hand hygiene but demonstrated poor knowledge about heat treatment of food and temperature. Good knowledge of food safety was reflected in food safety practiced by the students except temperature control. Chi-square test results revealed that both male and female students demonstrated comparable food safety knowledge and practices. This is probably the first gender-based report on the food safety concerns, knowledge and practice among students of King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. The study highlights the need for educational programs that aim not only to provide knowledge but also encourage the students to practice the food safety measures strictly.  相似文献   

This study had the major objective of determining the food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of vendors and consumers of street food in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Haiti currently has no food safety legislation in place. 160 consumers and 80 vendors from four different communes (Tabarre, Delmas, Pétion-ville and downtown Port-au-Prince) volunteered to participate in the study. In general, consumers and vendors exhibited average food safety knowledge and attitude levels. Gender, training, level of education and location did not have a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the level of food safety knowledge of the consumers. Vendors were determined to have higher levels of food safety knowledge than consumers, whilst trained vendors had better food safety knowledge and attitudes compared to untrained vendors. The majority of vendors and consumers were aware of the importance of washing hands and proper cleaning with regards to the prevention of foodborne diseases. However, some other aspects were of concern. Consumers and vendors did not know that Hepatitis A, Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus spp. are pathogens responsible of foodborne diseases. They also had difficulties in identifying the groups at risk of foodborne diseases and most were unaware of the importance of reheating food to fight against foodborne diseases. In the observational part of the study, it was found that in 60% of the cases, flies and animals were evident around the stall and 65% did not have access to potable water. The majority served food with bare hands and did not wash their hands after handling money. Additionally, 70% of the vendors did not chill pre-cooked food. The conditions in which street food vendors operate in Port-au-Prince are largely unacceptable from a food safety point of view and an effort should be made to provide them with adequate infrastructure including potable water, toilets and waste disposal facilities. The results of this study should be used to generate part of the impetus towards the development of enforcement of appropriate food safety legislation in Haiti.  相似文献   

Biotracing, a new method developed to assist with food chain management and to control food safety, is presented to highlight practical considerations, including logistic issues for its implementation. The main differences between traceability and biotracing and between predictive microbiology and biotracing are explained and examples of situations in which biotracing could be of real help are listed (foodborne outbreaks, liability issues, HACCP, risk evaluation and decision making, education and training). Indications on how to access and interrogate two prototype models, called SimpleTrace and SimpleMatch, as well as some other Bayesian networks, are given to encourage using of biotracing, while operational biotracing is illustrated by an agent based model called AgentChain. The main types of inferences, which point to sources that generate potential problems within a particular food chain, are revealed. Biotracing is strongly recommended for introduction into continuous operations that include in line data collection, and can be operated, alongside existing safety systems, without additional burden.  相似文献   

The present cross sectional study was conducted on 811 Saudi women to evaluate their food safety knowledge and practices and explore factors affecting them. They reported better food safety practices than knowledge in overall food safety and all parameters except cooking. Personal hygiene was the parameter where they reported higher mean knowledge and practice (63.4% and 73.8%; respectively) with the lowest mean knowledge score in utensils and equipment (49.8%) whereas the lowest mean practice (60.2%) was in cooking. Saudi women with higher studies and those with 60 years and more showed higher mean knowledge and practice score in overall food safety and most parameters than those in other educational levels or age groups with significant variations (P < 0.05) among different educational levels except in practicing personal hygiene. Working women showed higher mean knowledge and practice than non working in all parameters with significant variation between their mean knowledge scores except in personal hygiene. Launching a food safety education program and repeating it at specific intervals is recommended.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the food safety knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of food handlers from institutional food service establishments that serve hospitals, boarding senior high schools and prisons in Accra, Ghana. A total of 278 food handlers (56.8% of hospital, 30.9% of schools and 12.3% of prison food service) participated in the cross-sectional study. Data was collected by face-to-face interviews, and responses were scored to determine the level of food safety KAP. Respondents who scored ≥70% of the maximum possible score were adjudged to have sufficient knowledge and practices and positive attitudes. Results showed that respondents generally had insufficient food safety knowledge and practices with means scores of 20.99 ± 7.64 (46%) and 9.35 ± 5.62 (52%) respectively. Attitudes towards food safety were generally negative but with a comparatively higher mean score of 12.64 ± 3.06 (63%). Areas of most concern were 1) Lack of knowledge of sources of contamination/cross-contamination and appropriate holding temperatures for food. 2) Poor practices included multiple freeze-thaw cycles for frozen food and 3) Infrequent hand washing during food preparation after coughing or sneezing. There is the need for continuous risk based training to educate and effect behavioral changes among food handlers. This process will encourage positive attitudes towards food safety and consequently promote good food safety practices.  相似文献   

Food safety concerns have existed for a long time, as millions of people across the globe suffer from food borne disease every year. Contamination of food owing to limited knowledge of food safety practices primarily increases the risk of food borne illnesses. In the present study, quantitative research was carried out to gauge the level of food safety knowledge amongst people living in Ireland. A total of 1069 participants from all over the Republic of Ireland contributed to the survey (of which 821 were included in this research). Results showed that the residents of Ireland overall had an average level on knowledge of food safety practices (67.0% passing rate). They had an average level of knowledge in food storage (52.8% passing rate), usage and maintenance of the kitchen facilities (59.0% passing rate), and personal hygiene (61.0% passing rate). Conversely, they had a critically low level of knowledge in food handling (10.8% passing rate) and food poisoning (20.1% passing rate). The results of the present study also showed that, the level of knowledge of food safety practices varies amongst the residents based upon their gender, age, place of residence, education level, and marital status, while no significant difference in the knowledge level was observed based upon their per capita income. The study thus, highlights that there is scope for improvement for the residents to advance their knowledge of food safety practices. Therefore, it can be recommended that researchers, educators, food safety communicators, and the media can engage in educating the population, to help the residents advance their food safety knowledge to safer food practices.  相似文献   

《Food Control》2007,18(2):124-130
The purpose of this study was to determine barriers for HACCP and food safety programs in food businesses in Turkey. A lack of understanding of HACCP was identified as one of the main barriers to its implementation 63.5% reported that they did not really know what HACCP was while 23.5% reported that it was too complicated. Only 33.0% of managers said they had a food safety management system. About 31% of the employees in food businesses had received basic food hygiene training. The majority of managers (91.3%) identified improved customer confidence as a benefit of implementing a food safety management system. Lack of prerequisite programs (92.2%) was the key barrier identified for all food businesses. While lack of knowledge about HACCP (83.5%), lack of time (88.7%), staff turnover (80.9%), lack of employee motivation (83.5%), complicated terminology (87.0%) and lack of personnel training (91.3) was the other most common barriers in food businesses. As a conclusion, lack of knowledge about HACCP and other food safety programs were identified as the main barriers for food safety in food businesses. Lack of prerequisite programs and inadequate physical condition of the facility were also identified as other barriers. Training programs, both basic food safety and HACCP to support implementation of prerequisite programs and HACCP in food businesses were suggested.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the knowledge level, attitudes and practices of food handlers, and knowledge and practices of head chefs and managers in hotels' restaurants of Salvador, Brazil. Data collection was done through the application of interviews with 265 food handlers and with 32 head chefs and managers. In addition, the influence of the presence of nutritionist in restaurants was evaluated. The results showed that 88.0%, 96.6% and 76.0% of handlers had knowledge, attitudes and practices appropriate for personal hygiene, respectively. However, some errors were observed such as the non-use of disposable gloves when handling or distributing food (39.6%), tasting food with their hands (28.7%), and usually talking while handling food (52.5%). Statistical analysis did not indicate a significant association between the knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices by handlers. However, it was found association between handlers that presented good satisfaction with the job and handlers that introduced appropriate practices. Regarding to chefs and managers, the results indicate that the knowledge was unsatisfactory, even 75% of respondents have training certificate in food safety. A significant percentage of respondents were unaware of the legislation adopted in restaurants (37.5%), and only 43.8% of them knew the recommended cooling temperature for food preservation. However, adequate practices to reduce cross-contamination was observed. Still, the presence of the nutritionist in restaurants influenced positively on the adoption of the current legislation in hotels' restaurants, as well as in the participation of the handlers in training, showing in this way the creation of a positive culture among the handlers.  相似文献   

This study had the major objective of evaluating the food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of consumers and vendors of street foods in Ho Chi Minh City (MCMC), Vietnam. There were three main surveys performed in this study. A total of 120 consumers and 40 street food vendors from four districts [Binh Thanh (BT), Thu Duc (TD), district 3 (D3) and district 8 (D8)] in HCMC contributed to the study on a voluntary basis. The surveyed consumers had adequate levels of food safety knowledge and attitudes. No significant difference (p > 0.05) occurred between the food safety knowledge levels of the consumers on the basis of gender. However, significant differences (p < 0.05) occurred on the basis of age, education level, food safety training status and location. In contrast, the street vendors had poor food safety knowledge and attitude levels. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed in the food safety knowledge levels of the vendors on the basis of gender and age. However, significant differences (p < 0.05) were found on the basis of food safety training status and education level. It was also noted that the vast majority (95%) of the vendors had not received any food safety training. With regards to the practices, it was determined that 52.5% of the vending sites were open air stands without any protection from the sun, wind and dust. 52.5% the vending stalls had no direct access to potable water, while 47.5% did not have adequate hand washing facilities and a further 30% lacked proper waste water and food disposal facilities. In addition, 52.5% of the vendors did not separate raw, partially cooked food and cooked food products. These findings highlighted that street food vendors in HCMC generally have poor food handling practices and most are operating under unhygienic conditions. These results should provide the Vietnamese government with even more reasons to increase their current efforts to improve the safety of street foods and food safety awareness of the consumers.  相似文献   

Understanding consumers' food safety practices is helpful in reducing food-borne illness. A systematic literature search was conducted to establish a baseline of consumer food safety practices in Canada, identify research gaps and make recommendations for future research. To date, this is the first study examining Canadian populations which gathers survey results measuring consumer food safety practices from both peer-reviewed, published literature and non-peer-reviewed public opinion research reports. The search found 26 Canadian publications from 1998 to 2011. Questions covered frequency of food preparation, sources of food safety information, consumer confidence and assigned food safety responsibility, awareness of food safety, knowledge of high-risk groups and high-risk foods, and personal experience with food-borne illness. Food safety behaviours were evaluated according to the ‘clean’, ‘separate’, ‘chill’ and ‘cook’ principles emphasized by the Canadian Partnership for Consumer Food Safety Education's FightBAC® Program. Overall, results differed considerably between studies due to variations in study designs, populations, survey questions and definitions of correct behaviour. However, the analysis provided a general indication of areas requiring targeted consumer food safety education such as increasing thermometer use when cooking meats, raising awareness of high-risk populations and knowledge of high-risk foods, and expanding messaging to the internet and social media. Consumer food safety studies in Canada were limited to self-reported behaviours. Future research could include observational studies to validate results from self-reported food safety practices, and provide more accurate information on consumer food handling practices. Finally, establishing a set of standard food safety questions that can be compared between future surveys would contribute to a comprehensive baseline against which future food safety interventions could be measured.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and practices among food service staff with regards to food hygiene in hospitals in Edirne, Turkey, and to provide baseline data for implementing HACCP in hospital food services by carrying out a questionnaire by a face-to-face interview. The current study shows that food service staff in Edirne hospitals have insufficient knowledge regarding the basics of food hygiene. And also revealed a discrepancy between attitudes and practices towards food hygiene. There is an immediate need for continuous training among food handlers regarding safe food handling practices.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the level of food safety handling knowledge and practices among 1172 Lebanese university students (mean age 20.0 ± 1.6 SD) and to explore the association between their knowledge/practices and the socio-demographic and academic characteristics. Participants were undergraduate students enrolled in the Lebanese American University from different majors and years of study, from different areas of residence, living alone or with others, and having working or non-working mothers. They completed a questionnaire of 16 food handling practices and 14 food safety knowledge questions related to preparation, cross-contamination, storage and hygiene. On average, the students scored 53.6 ± 15.8% and 44.7 ± 14.3% on the knowledge and practices parts, respectively. Female students scored higher on both practices and knowledge questions than male students; however, the difference was significant (p < 0.001) for the practices part only. Health-related majors scored significantly (p ≤ 0.001) better on both practices and knowledge questions. Senior students scored highest on the knowledge questions, followed by juniors, sophomores and finally freshmen and the difference was borderline significant (p = 0.07). The area of residence had a significant (p = 0.006) effect on the food safety practices questions. Students living with parents scored higher in both knowledge and practices parts than those living alone or with roommates; howkver, the difference was significant (p = 0.009) in the knowledge part only. Students who cook all the time showed a significant (p = 0.001) lower difference in terms of their food safety knowledge compared to those who cook less frequently. Food handling practices and food safety knowledge scores were significantly (p < 0.001) related with a weak to moderate correlation coefficient (R = 0.231). Our results confirm the need for ongoing educational initiatives to improve the relatively low food awareness among the Lebanese young adults group.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers in food service operation at the main campus of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) regarding food safety. Data were collected from 112 food handlers through questionnaires which consisted of questions about knowledge, attitudes and practices. The results showed that there was significantly positive correlation among the three levels and respondents possess good scores for knowledge (19.68 ± 3.87) about personal hygiene, foodborne diseases and temperature control of food; for attitudes (89.26 ± 8.66) on safe food handling, and for practices (90.02 ± 8.23), specifically for appropriate hand washing, use of gloves in food preparation and prevention of food hazards. About 73.2% of respondents never attend any training related to food safety and majority show poor knowledge of pathogens associated with disease-causing agents as well as critical temperatures for storage of ready-to-eat foods. Therefore, effective and ongoing training on food safety and hygiene must be given to all food service employees to ensure the safety of food provided.  相似文献   

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