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Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy is utilized to measure the wavelength and temperature-dependent radiative properties of two glass formulations. The information gained is then used with FT-IR measurements of radiance from hot glass to determine temperature gradient profiles through each glass thickness. Temperature profiling of clear Corning Pyrex and green-tinted PPG Solex are presented. The Solex was measured on-line, in situ during production at the industrial kiln. Since a temperature profile (not just bulk average) is obtained, the method offers a better understanding of process conditions for the glass industry.  相似文献   

A layer composed of mullite and silicate glass was caused to form on the surface of a high-purity alumina ceramic in order to enhance the strength of the material. The layer was formed by exposing the specimens above a bed of SiC platelets at 1400°C to a flowing H2 atmosphere containing ∼0.1% H2O. A reaction between the SiC platelets and the H2O in the environment resulted in the generation of SiO gas. Some of the SiO gas subsequently reacted with ambient H2O in the atmosphere, forming SiO2O "smoke" which was deposited on, and reacted with, the alumina substrate. The strength of the ceramic was significantly improved by the reaction layer, which was found to be comprised of mullite and silicate glass. The increases in strength (about 60% above that of the material in the "as-polished" condition) was attributed to the blunting of surface cracks. A similar strengthening effect was observed in samples of the mate-rial which had been ground with a 220-grit diamond abra-sive wheel (as had all of the samples) but not polished.  相似文献   

应力层深度是衡量化学强化玻璃抵抗裂纹扩展能力的重要指标,提高应力层深度对于改善化学强化玻璃的使用性能具有重要的意义.以国产高铝玻璃为研究对象,研究了化学强化与热处理对玻璃应力层深度、表面压应力和抗弯强度的影响.研究表明,对化学强化玻璃的热处理可以显著增加玻璃的应力层深度,但是抗弯强度也会明显降低;对热处理后的玻璃的二次化学强化,可进一步增加玻璃的应力层深度,并显著提升玻璃表面压应力与抗弯强度.该方法在不延长工艺时间的前提下,可显著增加玻璃的应力层深度,并避免高温或长时间化学强化所引起的力学性能降低.  相似文献   

A glass scintillator which can be used as one of the main components of a slow-neutron time-of-flight spectrometer has been developed. This sodium aluminoborate glass containing 73 mole % B2O3 and 8.0 mole % Ce was melted under highly reducing conditions in a series of cerium-activated very high boron-containing glasses. This glass is water white with very high light transmittance for wave lengths greater than 3800 a. u. It has a neutron-detection efficiency which is 25 to 30% greater than any other known glass scintillator in the energy range 102 to 104 e.v. and is considerably better than any other type of detector. It was found that the neutron pulse height increases with increasing cerium content up to a maximum and then decreases with further increases in the cerium content. The molar content of cerium required to obtain a maximum pulse height for each B2O3 concentration increases linearly with the increase in the B2O3 content. However, the maximum pulse height decreases gradually with the B2O3 content from 17.0 arbitrary units at 54.5 mole % to 6.7 at 73.4 mole %. This lower pulse height is still considerably above the photomultiplier noise at room temperature.  相似文献   

本文通过玻璃受碱侵蚀的失重,侵蚀液的原子吸收光谱分析,X射线光电子能谱分析,研究了FeCl3表面浸渍层在碱溶液中的稳定作用,玻璃在碱液中侵蚀时,Al2p和Si2p电子结合能降低,这是因为OH^-对玻璃表面的侵蚀引起了玻璃骨架中Si-O-Si和Al-O-Al键的断裂,表面生成了铝酸盐和硅酸盐凝胶。FeCl3对玻璃表面的浸渍作用割断了碱对玻璃表面的直接作用,因而具有抗碱侵蚀能力。  相似文献   

指出了现有测试手段在对玻璃纤维密度测试方面的局限性,分析了比重瓶法测试玻璃纤维密度的机理和详细步骤,采用比重瓶法测试了无碱玻璃纤维、中碱玻璃纤维和玄武岩纤维的密度。测试结果显示,使用比重瓶法测定玻璃纤维密度结果稳定,偏差较小,比较适宜用作测试玻璃纤维密度的方法标准。  相似文献   

Studies of fracture strength of abraded and as-received glass tubes as a function of etching depth showed that at depths less than the calculated initial flaw depth (∼50 μm) the strength increase was almost entirely due to reduction inflow depth from etching. This result is consistent with model 1 proposed by Proctor; it disagrees with his interpretation of his own results, no doubt because his study focused on etching depths of ≥100 μm.  相似文献   

Experimental equipment was developed to investigate concentration gradients in solid surface layers; the radiative de-excitation of elements and molecules which are ejected from the ion beam-bombarded solid and the luminescence excitation within the surface layer are recorded spectrographically. Examples show how elemental composition profiles can be calibrated with respect to depth. An in-depth resolution of a few nanometers can be obtained. The original profiles are distorted by energy and charge transfer and by other peculiarities connected with ion-beam etching; the extent to which these distortions must be taken into consideration in interpreting the results is discussed. Interdiffusion-controlled solid-state reactions of thin oxide films with a glass substrate were investigated. Advantages and disadvantages of the method for analysis and concentration profiling of glass surfaces and oxide layers on glasses in glass research and industry are discussed.  相似文献   

冯翠兰 《佛山陶瓷》2004,14(12):16-18
本文提供一种低气孔率高致密性微晶玻璃的生产工艺技术,即在布料时加入一些特殊成分的微晶玻璃粒料混合,然后通过烧结、析晶制成微晶玻璃。利用这种方法生产的微晶玻璃具有致密度高、气孔率低、平面度好、花色品种及形状可设计性良好等优点,扩大了微晶玻璃的使用范围。  相似文献   

玻璃表面的防潮处理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
梁文  程继健  陈国荣 《玻璃与搪瓷》2000,28(5):11-14,56
研究通过含氢硅油表面涂层改善玻璃的抗潮性能,探讨了不同热处理温度、有机硅浓度、等工艺条件下含氢硅油涂层对玻璃抗潮性的影响并确定了表面处理的适宜工艺条件。利用含氢硅油固化前后的红外光谱图解释了涂层玻璃抗潮的原理。  相似文献   

采用阳极层线性离子源分别解离Ar气与O2气,对玻璃基片表面进行清洗处理,分析离子束清洗前后玻璃表面的变化,以及气体种类与电源电压对玻璃表面改性的影响。结果表明,离子束对玻璃表面产生显著的刻蚀作用,其中O离子束的刻蚀速率小于Ar,且刻蚀速率随电源电压的升高而增大。椭偏测试结果表明,离子束轰击增大了玻璃的Brewster角,并改变了Brewster角附近的椭圆偏振光谱形貌。通过建模分析发现,这是由于离子束使玻璃表面生成光密介质层,使表面折射率增大所致。  相似文献   

采用化学蚀刻法研究常温下氚在316L不锈钢表面层深度分布。选取3个常温下充氚,空气气氛中存放3年,表面活度差异较大的样品,采用化学蚀刻法研究样品中氚的深度分布。研究结果表明氚主要聚集在不锈钢表面层2μm范围内,存在形态是HTO和HT,其中HTO占95%以上。  相似文献   

具有硬壳层泡沫玻璃的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了在泡沫层表面生成一层硬壳层的泡沫玻璃,硬壳层的合适厚度范围是1.5~15mm,其比重为0.8~1.5,泡沫层的比重为0.2~0.6.这种泡沫玻璃改进了无硬壳层泡沫玻璃的机械性能,具有良好的抗冲击性能、抗折性能和机加工性能.该泡沫玻璃可应用在建筑物上作为内外墙装饰材料和保温绝热材料.  相似文献   

从两大方面对搪玻璃设备使用中玻璃层破损进行探讨,即搪玻璃设备使用介质;搪玻璃设备部件:搅拌器、温度计套管、夹套、内罐体、机械密封、管口、附件。  相似文献   

In the advanced glass melter small particles of batch materials are rapidly heated to glass formation temperatures while entrained in gas, and then deposited on a target surface. The resulting liquid slurry, consisting of sand, CaO, and MgO particles in the liquid formed by mixing of molten cullet and Na2CO3, flows down the center body. During this flow the solid particles dissolve in the liquid and diffuse to form glass. This paper describes a numerical model developed to describe the behavior of this liquid layer. The model is based on Navier-Stokes equations reduced for the case of a low Reynolds number liquid layer flowing under the action of gravity and shear from gases flowing on top. Experimental results agree with model predictions.  相似文献   

安钢  秦新锋  宋学文  张建礼 《玻璃》2021,48(8):23-29
利用玻璃密度值控制图进行整个生产过程的控制,通过计算玻璃密度标准偏差值为各个工序生产过程稳定性提供控制依据,分析数据波动情况,及时查找原因,采取措施进行纠偏控制,从而实现整个生产线生产过程的稳定,达到提高玻璃产质量的目的.  相似文献   

空心玻璃微珠增韧高密度聚乙烯   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用悬臂梁缺口冲击、DSC、SEM 等方法研究了空心玻璃微珠(HGB)用量、粒径大小、偶联剂处理和基体韧性等因素对高密度聚乙烯(PE-HD)/HGB 复合材料冲击强度和热性能的影响。结果表明:复合材料的冲击强度首先随 HGB 含量的增加而增大,当 HGB 用量超过一定值后,冲击强度又随 HGB 含量的增加而减小。HGB 的粒径越小,增韧效果越好,当粒径较大时,增韧作用不明显。偶联剂可以明显改善 HGB 在基体中的分散,进而达到较好的增韧效果。对于 PE-HD/HGB 复合材料,要求基体的最低冲击强度为5.2 kJ/m~2。  相似文献   

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