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Right before the holidays, the Wall Street Journal published a widely discussed article recounting the status of proposals to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States, and the concerns of the industrial community as to the price impact of doing so. 1 The article cited work done by my firm, in support of one of the applications at the Department of Energy (DOE), as authority for the notion that the combined proposed exports would have a significant upward price impact.  相似文献   

本文对天然气汽车加气站的建站方式和流程进行了介绍,对其危险性进行了分析,提出了天然气汽车加气站安装监检注意事项。  相似文献   

There has been a robust debate over the use of the nation's natural gas abundance to support liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. As has been explained here before, and as the Department of Energy appears to recognize, the value of stable, growing demand such as LNG destined for international markets is essential to stabilizing the course of development of the major shale gas plays.  相似文献   

We have recently seen the emergence of inquiry and debate on gas-electric harmonization, a new term for a longstanding and complex dialogue.  相似文献   

This summer, the US natural gas industry celebrated an important milestone. It has been no secret that power generation is the most important growth market for the industry, with natural gas largely competing with coal as the preferred fuel. It was announced this summer by the Energy Information Administration that in April 2012, for the first time in history, the nation generated as much power with natural gas as it did with coal. Exhibit 1 shows the month-by-month convergence of the two fuels' total megawatts generated, from the beginning of 2010 until April.  相似文献   

Gasoline prices are at something like an all-time high, and natural gas prices are at a ten-year low. What a tumultuous, but promising, time for US natural gas. An obvious implication of this massive price disparity is that anywhere natural gas can compete with oil or with oil-based energy pricing, many parties are eager to do so.  相似文献   

In Alan Greenspan's autobiography, 1 he outlines his theory that the low inflation we saw through much of the time that he was chairman of the Federal Reserve was caused by a change in policy of the government of the People's Republic of China—it let the country folk come to town. There, at extremely low wages and in such abundance of people, they were able to produce enormous quantities of goods and make many US and European (and Latin American) industries obsolete, at least for the time being.  相似文献   

爆破片可在规定的温度和压力下爆破,泄放压力,保障安全。在氯碱生产中,因氯气系统压力不易控制,容易发生泄漏爆炸事故,同时,氯气是有毒气体。为解决这一难题,保证安全生产,本文对爆破片在氯气系统中的应用进行了探讨,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

中国天然气发展态势及战略预判   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
北美非常规天然气产量的增长改变了全球供给格局,使天然气供应总体宽松,贸易中心东移。在分析国内外能源发展态势的基础上,结合世界天然气大市场发展态势分析了中国天然气发展的大形势,多方位、多角度研判了中国天然气的发展状况:(1)天然气需求增长强劲,2050年需求量将达到6 500×10~8~7 000×10~8 m~3;(2)2030年天然气产量可能的高、中、低3种峰值情景分别为1 800×10~8 m~3、2 000×10~8 m~3、2 200×10~8 m~3;(3)陆上管道气极限供给能力在1 600×10~8 m~3左右;(4)LNG将成为填补天然气需求量缺口的主要途径;(5)在国产气、管道气峰值基本明确的前提下,未来LNG、储气库气将在我国整个天然气工业产业链中发挥极其重要的作用。进而从中国的基本国情出发,提出了对未来天然气发展战略的初步思考:(1)提速国内油气生产能力、管道输送能力、LNG与储油气库能力等"三个能力"建设;(2)在人工智能和大数据的基础上分析油气供给和消费特征,建立中国油气"安全消费峰值"预警体系;(3)从我国"富煤、贫油、少气"的能源资源国情出发,急速推进煤炭清洁化工业技术和新能源主体工业技术的提前突破;(4)把握国内外能源发展形势,全方位战略布局国家能源安全格局,加快煤炭、油气和新能源"三足鼎立"新时代的到来。  相似文献   

中国天然气产业发展形势与前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国天然气产业已经进入快速发展阶段,供、销、储、运体系正在持续不断地发生着深刻的结构性变化,客观把握当前天然气产业的发展形势、趋势并做好科学预判,是关乎国家能源安全的重大课题。为此,通过分析全球天然气资源现状、贸易格局与发展趋势,结合中国天然气产业的发展历程、现状、趋势以及所面临的问题,从需求、供给等方面对我国天然气产业进行了展望分析与判识,进而提出了推进天然气产业合理、可持续发展的战略措施与建议。研究结果表明:①采用综合能源弹性系数法,预测2030年中国天然气消费量约为6 500×10~8 m~3;②受能源供给侧改革、工业化、城镇化等因素的影响,国内天然气消费量增速远高于产量增速,天然气产业发展仍面临着一系列的问题;③需要加大天然气勘探开发力度,以保障国内天然气增储上产;④持续拓展多元化的进口渠道,分散天然气对外依存度增长过快的风险;⑤加快全国性、动态化互联互通体系及枢纽建设;⑥理顺天然气价格机制,逐步放开行业性、季节性消费管控,加强对全国市场的整体销售引导。  相似文献   

For those crushed by falling natural gas prices last spring, the summer offered an opportunity for hope that prices would recover. Although prices did creep up from their April lows, Henry Hub barely broke the $3.00-a-million-Btu threshold. Forces tempering price recovery this past summer portend what may happen this winter in the absence of extreme weather conditions.  相似文献   

??For a full and accurate understanding of the position and role of natural gas in China's energy revolution and providing a decision- making reference for the scientific establishment of natural gas development strategies and the deepening of the energy revolution, this paper analyzed the role of natural gas in guiding the energy revolution in China and points out the main direction of natural gas utilization in the Sichuan–Chongqing gas province which takes the lead in China's natural gas industry. The study provides the following findings. First, with a huge space for development, natural gas will play an important role in China's third energy revolution. Second, natural gas resources are abundant and have a huge potential for development in China. Third, natural gas can be used for a large range of purposes in the Sichuan–Chongqing gas province. In addition to be used as city gas, natural gas can also be used for industrial fuel mainly as a substitute for coal, transportation, distributed energy, peak-shaving power generation, and high-end natural gas chemical raw materials. Some conclusions are made. First, as the cleanest fossil energy and the best fuel, natural gas will play an irreplaceable role in China's third energy revolution in the 21st century. Second, the Sichuan–Chongqing gas province is rich in natural gas, hydropower and other renewable resources. By 2020, it will become the largest gas production province in China, with natural gas production over 550×108 m3. By 2030, driven by the rapid development of shale gas, gas production in the province is expected to exceed 800×108 m3. Third, the Sichuan–Chongqing gas province is likely to become the leader in China's third energy revolution.  相似文献   


Although gas hydrate is an excellent clean fuel and energy storage form, its natural generation rate is very slow. The key to accelerate the industrialization is to find an appropriate promotion method. In this paper, Span80 and Tween80 were used to study the rapid formation technology of hydrate in diesel water-in-oil emulsion at 275.15 K and 7?MPa. Firstly, hydrate formation in different water cut systems was studied. Results show that hydrate with higher water cut has a faster formation rate and a higher gas storage density, and the system has the shortest induction time with a 40% water cut. The addition of PEG400 and SDS to the original emulsion system resulted in higher gas densities and denser hydrates. Moreover, the addition of emulsifier can reduce the interfacial energy and form a stable interface membrane. Gas storage density also reflects the same phenomenon. Finally, the double electron layer structure formed by different charged ions can also make the emulsion system more stable and promote hydrate formation. Hydrate can be rapidly formed in the diesel water-in-oil emulsion system, which has a great reference value for the future hydrate storage and transportation.  相似文献   

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借鉴系统可靠性分类法的理论和方法研究了西气东输工程,进而提出了以下三种解决方案,如能实现,不但可以将西气东输工程中、下游目前的低可靠性系统建成为高可靠性环网管段及高可靠性环网供、用气系统,而且可以节省巨额投资。第一,把主管系统建成为高可靠性环网管段,即西北天然气与四川天然气在上海并联为一个子系统后,该系统就具备了m=2可靠系统的主要条件,这样,一条管线就可以当作两条不同方向传输的管线使用。第二,“三个为零”的节资措施:①用主管沿线的废弃或正在开采的油气田作储调资源,其投资为零;②采取用户零储备;③为提高系统可靠性所必须采用的2项发明专利,目前使用费为零。第三,建成城市用户的高可靠性环网供、用气系统。  相似文献   

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