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The formation and role of ettringite in Iowa highway concrete deterioration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some Iowa highway concrete constructed of coarse carbonate aggregate exhibits premature deterioration, which is, in part, caused by the growth of secondary minerals, including ettringite. Petrographic scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy-dispersive analytical X-ray (EDAX) studies were conducted to determine the abundance, spatial location, and morphology of ettringite and the spatial relationship of ettringite to the occurrence of oxidized pyrite and coarse/fine carbonate aggregate.In poorly performing concrete (<16-year service life), ettringite completely fills many small voids, occurs as rims lining the margin of larger air entrainment voids and as microscopic disseminations in the paste. Pyrite (FeS2) is commonly present in coarse aggregate, and goethite [FeO(OH)], one of its oxidation products, is observed in many concrete samples. Sulfate ions derived from pyrite oxidation apparently contribute to ettringite formation. The direct precipitation of ettringite from solution was responsible for most of the observed ettringite in voids and cracks. Microscopic ettringite, which commonly occurred in the paste, most likely was formed by the replacement of calcium aluminate. Severe cracking of cement paste is often spatially associated with ettringite, which strongly suggests that ettringite contributed to cracking and resultant deterioration.  相似文献   

The solid solution between Al- and Fe-ettringite Ca6[Al1 − xFex(OH)6]2(SO4)3·26H2O was investigated. Ettringite phases were synthesized at different Al/(Al + Fe)-ratios (= XAl,total), so that XAl increased from 0.0 to 1.0 in 0.1 unit steps. After 8 months of equilibration, the solid phases were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), while the aqueous solutions were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). XRD analyses of the solid phases indicated the existence of a miscibility gap between XAl,total = 0.3-0.6. Some of the XRD reflections showed two overlapping peaks at these molar ratios. The composition of the aqueous solutions, however, would have been in agreement with both, the existence of a miscibility gap or a continuous solid solution between Al- and Fe-ettringite, based on thermodynamic modeling, simulating the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of jennite is solved and refined in the space group P1?, by using single crystal X-ray diffraction data collected at the Elettra synchrotron radiation facility on a very thin crystal from Fuka, Japan. The triclinic refined unit cell is a=10.576(2) Å, b=7.265(2) Å, c=10.931(3) Å, α=101.30(1), β=96.98(1), γ=109.65(1)°. The structure of jennite is built up by three distinct modules: ribbons of edge-sharing calcium octahedra, silicate chains of wollastonite-type running along b, and additional calcium octahedra on inversion centres. The structural results indicate that the crystal chemical formula of jennite is Ca9Si6O18(OH)6·8H2O, and that all the hydroxyl groups are bonded to three calcium cations; SiOH groups are not found. The structural disorder observed in jennite is explained on the basis of the OD theory, and a model for the structure of metajennite, the dehydration product of jennite, is proposed.  相似文献   

Seven substituted Friedel's salt samples from the solid solution [Ca2Al(OH)6]+[Cl1−xBrx·2H2O] were synthesised by hydrothermal synthesis (x=0, 0.23, 0.44, 0.57, 0.66, 0.78, and 1.0). These compounds, belonging to the layered double hydroxide family, present a structural phase transition from the rhombohedral HT-polymorph to the monoclinic LT-polymorph. The transition has been detected by differential scanning calorimetry and then characterized by X-ray diffraction. Rietveld analyses have been used to evaluate the structural modifications. The transition temperature is related to the ionic radius and the hydration enthalpy of the halide. As one goes from heavy to light halide, there is a strengthening of the water to halide hydrogen bonds that favours the LT-polymorph (with four short halide-to-water bonds) at the expense of the HT-polymorph (with six larger halide-to-water bonds) implying an increase of the transition temperature. The study has been enlarged to the analogous iodide compound.  相似文献   

The thermal stability of synthetic ettringite was examined in NaOH solutions up to 1 M after 12 h of heat treatment at 80 °C, with or without the coexistence of C3S in the system. Ettringite was found to convert to the U phase, a sodium-substituted AFm phase, over the heat treatment in the absence of C3S. The presence of C3S, leading to C-S-H formation, prevents the U phase formation and results in the conversion of ettringite to monosulfate. Sulfate ions generated from ettringite decomposition mostly remain in the solution, but some is incorporated into C-S-H. During subsequent storage at room temperature, the majority of monosulfate slowly converts back to secondary ettringite under moist conditions, using the supply of sulfate ions from the solution and C-S-H. The observations support the current mechanism of delayed ettringite formation (DEF).  相似文献   

Solubility relationships between Friedel’s salt and hydroxy AFm suggest an essentially complete solid solution with only minor discontinuities. Solid–aqueous partitions were determined by equilibration of 11 compositions at 10 mol % intervals at 20 °C in experiments of 6–17 months’ duration. Aqueous chloride concentrations >2mM, approximately, are required to incorporate significant Cl in hydroxy AFm; the process is complete, giving essentially pure Friedel’s salt, at a chloride content of 14 mM. The self-generated pH of the solid solutions are high: pH >12 for all compositions. The implications for diffusion of chloride ions through cement paste are discussed.  相似文献   

The Se(VI)-analogues of ettringite and monosulfate, selenate-AFt (3CaO·Al2O3·3CaSeO4·37.5H2O), and selenate-AFm (3CaO·Al2O3·CaSeO4·xH2O) were synthesised and characterised by bulk chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction. Their solubility products were determined from a series of batch and resuspension experiments conducted at 25 °C. For selenate-AFt suspensions, the pH varied between 11.37 and 11.61, and a solubility product, log Kso=61.29±0.60 (I=0 M), was determined for the reaction 3CaO·Al2O3·3CaSeO4·37.5H2O+12 H+⇔6Ca2++2Al3++3SeO42−+43.5H2O. Selenate-AFm synthesis resulted in the uptake of Na, which was leached during equilibration and resuspension. For the pH range of 11.75 to 11.90, a solubility product, log Kso=73.40±0.22 (I=0 M), was determined for the reaction 3CaO·Al2O3·CaSeO4·xH2O+12 H+⇔4Ca2++2Al3++SeO42−+(x+6)H2O. Thermodynamic modelling suggested that both selenate-AFt and selenate-AFm are stable in the cementitious matrix; and that in a cement limited in sulfate, selenate concentration may be limited by selenate-AFm to below the millimolar range above pH 12.  相似文献   

Pd(PPh3)2Cl2 reacts with PdCl2 and 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphine)propane (dppp) in ethanol–DMF–pyridine mixed solvent to yield a novel palladium(I) compound [Pd33-Cl)2(dppp)3][Pd22-Cl)3(PPh3)2](PPh3)2. It features an isolated structure based on [Pd33-Cl)2(dppp)3]+ cations having triangulo-palladium clusters and [Pd22-Cl)3(PPh3)2] anions in which the coordination environment of palladium is an unusual tetrahedral geometry. Its photoluminescence is measured.  相似文献   

A new 3D coordination polymer {[Gd2(bpdc)3(H2O)3]·H2O}n(1) has been isolated from the reaction of 2,2′-bipyridine-4,4′-dicarboxylic acid (H2bpdc) and Gd(III) salts under hydrothermal conditions. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction study shows that compound 1 is constructed from Gd2-based second building units (SBUs) [Gd2(bpdc)3(H2O)3] and displays a 3D (3,4,8)-connected net with (42·6)(32·42·52)(32·45·54·611·76) topology. A thermogravimetric analysis of 1 shows a high thermal stability. The magnetic behavior of 1 reveals a weak antiferromagnetic interaction between Gd(III) ions.  相似文献   

Synthetic basic sodalite, Na8[AlSiO4]6(OH)2·2H2O, cubic, P43n, (also known as hydroxysodalite hydrate) was prepared by the alkaline activation of amorphous aluminosilicate glass, obtained from the phase separation of Class F fly ash. The sample was subjected to a process similar to geopolymerization, using high concentrations of a NaOH solution at 90 °C for 24 hours. Basic sodalite was chosen as a representative analogue of the zeolite precursor existing in Na-based Class F fly ash geopolymers. To determine its bulk modulus, high-pressure synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction was applied using a diamond anvil cell (DAC) up to a pressure of 4.5 GPa. A curve-fit with a truncated third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state with a fixed K'o = 4 to pressure-normalized volume data yielded the isothermal bulk modulus, Ko = 43 ± 4 GPa, indicating that basic sodalite is more compressible than sodalite, possibly due to a difference in interactions between the framework host and the guest molecules.  相似文献   

A new complex, [Pb2(H2O)2(HBTC)2] · 3H2O (H3BTC = 1,3,5-Benzenetricarboxylic acid) (1), has been synthesized under hydrothermal condition. The single-crystal analysis shows that 1 consists of 1-D double-chains with Pb(II) six-coordinated by three H3BTC and one H2O molecule with the Pb–O bond distances in the range of 2.56–2.76 Å. When the Pb–O bonding limit extends from 2.76 to 2.90 Å, the potential weak bonds of Pb–O can be found and the coordination number of Pb will increase from six to nine. As a result, the coordination geometry of Pb(II) transforms from hemidirected to holodirected and an infinite 3-D framework is obtained by the connection of the double-chains. The IR spectrum and the TGA–DTA curve of 1 are also reported in this paper.  相似文献   

The synthesis of cancrinite in the system Na2O–SiO2–Al2O3–Na2CO3–H2O was studied under low-temperature hydrothermal conditions in the 353 K<T<473 K interval. The aim was to reveal the suitable range for the crystallization of pure-phase carbonate cancrinite with the ideal composition Na8[AlSiO4]6CO3(H2O)2 without cocrystallization of sodalite or intermediate disordered phases between cancrinite and sodalite. It was found that cancrinite formation reacts very sensitive on the temperature within the autoclaves whereas the concentration of reactants and the alkalinity of the hydrothermal solution have a much lower influence on the phase formation. Thus the temperature of crystallization of carbonate cancrinite without any by-products should not remain below 473 K. At the lower reaction temperature of 353 K the formation of a disordered intermediate phase between the cancrinite and the sodalite structure has been obtained in every case, independent of the template concentrations and the base. Some problems to detect this in a typical powder product mixture are discussed. Besides the 29Si and 27Al MAS NMR characterization of the products, the crystal structure refinement of pure carbonate cancrinite of ideal composition Na8[AlSiO4]6CO3(H2O)3.4, has been carried out from X-ray powder data using the Rietveld method: P63, a=1271.3(1) pm, c=518.6(1) pm, RWP=0.073, RF=0.016 for 347 structure factors and 45 variable positional parameters.  相似文献   

The open framework compound of [Gd2(BDA)3(DMF)2(H2O)4] · 2DMF (1), prepared by heating GdCl3 with 2,2′-bipyridyl-4,4′-dicarboxylatic acid (BDA) in mixed solvent, is constructed from BDA linking up polymeric [GdO5(DMF)(H2O)2]n tethers. The 1D channels are filled with coordinated and uncoordinated DMF molecules hydrogen bonding to terminal aqua ligands. The study of the temperature dependent magnetic susceptibilities revealed that there are ferromagnetic interactions between intra-chain GdIII atoms and weak antiferromagnetic interactions between inter-chain GdIII atoms.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Kuzel's salt has been successfully determined by synchrotron powder diffraction. It crystallizes in the rhombohedral R3? symmetry with a = 5.7508 (2) Å, c = 50.418 (3) Å, V = 1444.04 (11) Å3. Joint Rietveld refinement was realized using three X-ray powder patterns recorded with a unique wavelength and three different sample-to-detector distances. Kuzel's salt is the chloro-sulfoaluminate AFm phase and belongs to the layered double hydroxide (LDH) large family. Its structure is composed of positively charged main layer [Ca2Al(OH)6]+ and negatively charged interlayer [Cl0.50·(SO4)0.25·2.5H2O]. Chloride and sulfate anions are ordered into two independent crystallographic sites and fill successive interlayer leading to the formation of a second-stage compound. The two kinds of interlayer have the compositions [Cl·2H2O] and [(SO4)0.5·3H2O]. The crystal structure explains why chloride and sulfate anions are not substituted and why the formation of extended solid solution in the chloro-sulfate AFm system does not occur.  相似文献   

S.C. Lee  S.-H. Park  S.M. Lee  J.B. Lee  H.J. Kim   《Catalysis Today》2007,120(3-4):358-362
Monodispersed Cu2(OH)3Cl nanoplatelets, Cu(OH)2 nanowires, CuO nanoparticles and nanoribbons with a spherical morphology were synthesized using hydrothermal and heat-treatment reactions, and their H2 storage characteristics were examined. The Cu2(OH)3Cl nanoplatelets particles formed immediately after mixing the reactant, which subsequently formed larger uniform spherical particles in the submicron range. This procedure highlights a practical strategy for producing spherical Cu(OH)2 and CuO materials consisting of monodispersed nanocrystals. The spherical aggregates of Cu2(OH)3Cl nanoplatelets heat-treated at 473 K could reversibly store up to 2.35 wt.% H2 at 38 bar and 293 K.  相似文献   

Triaqua(thiodiacetato)nickel(II) has been synthesized and studied by X-ray crystallography, thermal, spectral and magnetic methods. The compound crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group , in contrast to the related compound [Ni(tda)(H2O)3] · H2O (orthorhombic) reported long time ago. As in other four Ni–tda derivatives, the metal atom exhibits an octahedral coordination and tda ligand adopts a fac-tridentate chelating role. The studied compound is closely related to [Zn(tda)(H2O)3]. In addition, a structural comparison of the binary and ternary Ni–tda derivatives reveals that auxiliary N-donor ligands bind the metal atom using the trans-positions towards the Ni–O(carboxylato) bonds, but not in trans to the Ni–S(thioether) bond.  相似文献   

Attempts to prepare the [As(NtBu)3]3− trianion by the reaction of As(NMe2)3 with [tBuNHLi]n (1:3 monomer equiv.) proved unsuccessful. However, if the reaction is carried out with an excess of tBuNH2 (3 equiv.) the target complex [{As(NtBu)3}2Li6] (1) is obtained. This is the first example of a complex containing an [As(NR)3]3− trianion.  相似文献   

A novel polymeric cobalt(II) complex with flexible ligand, [Co(BTB)2(NCS)2]n 1 {BTB = 1,4-bis(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)butane} has been prepared and structurally characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction as well as with elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. The complex 1 consists of two discrete constituents, A and B, with the same chemical formula [Co(BTB)2(NCS)2] but different connecting mode. The six-co-ordination of Co2+ in A and B is in a distorted octahedral environment formed by four nitrogen atoms of the triazoles and two nitrogen atoms from two trans thiocyanato ligands. The structures of A and B demonstrate a one-dimensional neutral looped chain through two BTB-bridges and a two-dimensional network in which four BTB bridge four Co(II) atoms, respectively. A and B interpenetrate in an inclined fashion. The flexible BTB ligand exhibits three different configurations in 1.  相似文献   

A typical metal organic framework, [Cu3 (BTC)2(H2O)3, BTC = 1,3,5-benzene tricarboxylate] has been used for the synthesis of pyrimidine-chalcones. We have explored a green synthesis of pyrimidine chalcones under Cu3(BTC)2 catalysis by Aldol condensation. Easy isolation of product, excellent yield, and recyclable catalyst makes this reaction eco-friendly. The technology was demonstrated to be applicable to the synthesis of a host of chemical hybrids.  相似文献   

A new alternating double aquo-bridged and single cyano-bridged polymeric complex {[Ba2(phen)4(H2O)6Fe(CN)6]·Cl·2(phen)·3H2O}n (1) (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) has been synthesized and structurally characterized. In the crystal structure the two centrosymmetric [Ba2(phen)4(H2O)6] units are bridged through two trans CN groups of [Fe(CN)6]3− ion, which results in the formation of a zig-zag polymeric chain. In each [Ba2(phen)4(H2O)6] unit, the two Ba centers are joined by double aquo bridges. Both the Ba atoms are 9-coordinated with distorted mono-capped square antiprismatic geometry. An elaborate hydrogen bonding system holds the parallel polymeric chains together.  相似文献   

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