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应用气固二相双流体模型数值模拟了喷动床内流体动力行为,模型中采用稠密固相动力-摩擦应力模型。模型中同时考虑了动理学理论和摩擦应力理论。应用贴体坐标系使得网格与喷动床的倒锥体边界符合良好。模拟得到的喷动床内颗粒速度和浓度实验数据吻合较好。  相似文献   

Flow behavior of gas and particles is simulated in the spouted beds using a Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid model on the basis of kinetic theory of granular flow. The kinetic-frictional constitutive model for dense assemblies of solids is incorporated. The kinetic stress is modeled using the kinetic theory of granular flow, while the friction stress is from the combination of the normal frictional stress model proposed by Johnson and Jackson (1987) and the frictional shear viscosity model proposed by Schaeffer (1987) to account for strain rate fluctuations and slow relaxation of the assembly to the yield surface. An inverse tangent function is used to provide a smooth transitioning from the plastic and viscous regimes. The distributions of concentration, velocity and granular temperature of particles are obtained in the spouted bed. Calculated particle velocities and concentrations in spouted beds are in agreement with the experimental data obtained by He et al. (1994a, b). Simulated results indicate that flow behavior of particles is affected by the concentration of the transition point in spouted beds.  相似文献   

A model of general application that is based on the definition of streamlines and that is in agreement with the bed geometry has been proposed in order to describe the gas flow in a jet spouted bed in conical contactors. The model quantifies the dispersion in the direction of the streamlines by using a characteristic modulus. The validity of the model has been experimentally proven on the basis of the measurement and analytical correlation of gas velocity profiles at different radial and longitudinal positions in the contactor, and of the application of the stimulus response technique for the calculation of the residence time distribution function.  相似文献   

朱兰瑾  林诚 《化工科技》2004,12(5):5-10
在200mm×15mm×600mm的矩形喷动床中,研究了3种不同颗粒体系的流型变化。提出了采用logE[R(t,τ)/S(t,τ)] logτ关系图形特征对流型进行识别的方法。结果表明,根据实测的床层压力波动信号获得的logE[R(t,τ)/S(t,τ)] logτ关系图形,可以客观地识别喷动床中存在3种流型,即固定床、稳定喷动和不稳定喷动。  相似文献   

采用双流体模型结合颗粒动理学理论对喷动床内气固二相流体流动行为进行了计算模拟研究。模型中运用颗粒动理学理论描述颗粒相应力封闭流体控制方程,使用Gidaspow曳力模型描述气固相间作用。喷动床内颗粒在浓相区的体积分数很大,采用Schaeffer′s模型描述颗粒间的摩擦应力。模拟计算结果表明,喷动床内分喷射区、喷泉区、环隙区3个区域,在射流入口处形成一个瓶颈。模拟计算得到的颗粒速度和空隙度分布与实验数据进行比较,计算结果与实验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted with shallow beds, in the presence of atomizing air injected into the base, under the following conditions: Particles — urea, sulphur coated urea, polyethylene, polyformaldehyde and polystyrene; particle diameters (dp) – 2.1 to 2.8 mm; cone angle – 60°; cylindrical bed diameter (D) – 0.24 and 0.45 m; bed height (H) – 0.24 to 0.40 m; orifice diameter (di) – 21 to 35 mm; main spouting air (Qs) ≤ 37 L(actual)/s; atomizing air (Qa) ≤ 0.87 L(actual)/s. The minimum spouting velocity is well represented by: Ums = 13.5 (2gH)0.5 (dp/D')1.17 (D'i/D')0.372 (H/D')?0.148 [(τp - τ)/τ]0.289 where D' and D'i denote the modified column and orifice diameter, respectively. Qa, which affects D'i, significantly influenced the air velocity in the spout, but not the pressure profiles in the annulus. Morgan and Littman's (1980) correlation could be adapted to predict the experimental pressure profiles in the annulus.  相似文献   

CFD modeling of the gas-particle flow behavior in spouted beds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gas-particle flow behavior in a cylindrical spouted bed and a three dimensional spout-fluid bed of spherical particles was simulated using the Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid modeling approach, incorporating a kinetic-frictional constitutive model for dense assemblies of the particulate solid. The interaction between gas and particles was modeled using the Gidaspow drag model and the predicted hydrodynamic characteristics are compared with published experimental data. The overall flow patterns within the cylindrical spouted bed were predicted well by the model, i.e. a stable spout region, a fountain region and an annular downcomer region were correctly predicted by the model. The flow instabilities which develop in the spout-fluid bed are along with discussion of the mechanisms leading to instabilities. Bubble formation and motion of the bubbles inside the spout-fluid bed are also described. Such predictions can provide important information on the flow field within the spouted beds for process design and scale-up.  相似文献   

考虑颗粒滑动的半持续性接触应力和颗粒碰撞瞬时接触应力对颗粒相应力的贡献,建立了喷动床内气体颗粒两相流动计算模型。采用颗粒动理学和Johnson 等的摩擦应力模型,数值模拟喷动床颗粒流动过程,获得了喷动床喷射区、环隙区和喷泉区内颗粒流动特性。模拟计算与He等的实验结果进行了对比。同时分析了摩擦应力模型对颗粒相黏度变化的影响,表明中速颗粒流的颗粒相摩擦应力模型将直接影响喷动床气体颗粒两相流动的预测。  相似文献   

Flowbehavior of gas and particles in conical spouted beds is experimentally studied and simulated using the twofluid gas-solid model with the kinetic theory of granular flow. The bed pressure drop and fountain height are measured in a conical spouted bed of 100mmI.D. at different gas velocities. The simulation results are compared with measurements of bed pressure drop and fountain height. The comparison shows that the drag coefficient model used in cylindrical beds under-predicted bed pressure drop and fountain height in conical spouted beds due to the partial weight of particles supported by the inclined side walls. It is found that the numerical results using the drag coefficient model proposed based on the conical spouted bed in this study are in good agreement with experimental data. The present study provides a useful basis for further works on the CFD simulation of conical spouted bed.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out in a pressurized spouted bed with pressures up to 345 kPa. The minimum spouting velocity was found to decrease with increasing pressure. Comparison of the experimental minimum spouting velocities with the Mathur-Gishler (1955) equation gave unsatisfactory agreement. The maximum spoutable bed height, Hm, and spout diameters increased with increasing bed pressure. The McNab and Bridgwater (1977) equation consistently overestimated Hm for large or heavy particles and underestimated Hm for small particles, with the deviations between the predicted and experimental values being greater at high bed pressures. Although the McNab (1972) equation gave good predictions of average spout diameters for beds at ambient pressure, it gave poor predictions at elevated pressures, with errors up to 66%. For a given fluid-solid combination and column geometry the longitudinal pressure profile in the annulus was found to be independent of bed pressure. Five fairly distinct flow regimes were observed, and spoutability could be improved by increasing bed pressure.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic parameters were investigated in a 0.15 m diameter half-column spout-fluidized bed at temperatures up to 880°C for ratios of auxiliary air flow to total air flow from 0 to 0.62 and four narrow size ranges of silica sand. Equations in the literature gave poor agreement with the minimum spouting velocity over the entire temperature range. For large particles Um generally increased with temperature, while for small particles it decreased. Auxiliary air had more influence at elevated temperatures than at room temperature. Pulsations leading to choking appeared to cause spout termination at elevated temperatures. The McNab and Bridgwater (1977) equation correctly predicted the observed trends for maximum spoutable bed depth at high temperatures.  相似文献   

The pressure-velocity hysteresis phenomenon in gas-solids conical spouted beds was investigated based on pressure measurement and visual observation in a semicircular column. Experimental data in combination with a mechanistic model revealed that the hysteresis is primarily caused by different bed structures resulting from different compressed states of particles in the vicinity surrounding the internal spout or cavity, due to different interlocking behavior of particles in the upper vicinal packed-bed region in ascending and descending process. The height of the internal spout in the velocity ascending process was significantly shorter than the descending process due to the increased resistance to the gas jet penetrating through the compressed region.  相似文献   

Annatto is composed of a natural reddish-yellow pigment, which is commonly used in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. This pigment is easily extracted from Bixa orellana seeds by particle impact and attrition rather than by solvent extraction. Seeds must be dried at a safe temperature to preserve the pigment quality. Experiments show that the annatto powder produced in a non-conventional spouted bed has a high pigment content and is thus suitable for commercial use. A comparative analysis of the bixin extraction in different systems demonstrates that this spouted bed unit can be competitive for commercial applications. Hydrodynamic and drying parameters were studied to improve the powder production rate in this unit.  相似文献   

Parallel measurements of pressure gradients with a differential pressure probe and voidage profiles with a fibre optic system have been carried out to study gas flow distributions in the annulus of spouted beds. The observation of Grbavcic et al. (1976) that for a given fluid‐solid combination and column geometry the annulus pressure gradient at any bed level is independent of bed depth was corroborated again. Calibration curves of pressure drops versus superficial gas velocities for beds of voidage higher than the loose‐packed voidage were obtained by applying the Ergun (1952) equation, making it possible to estimate superficial gas velocities in the annulus using the static pressure gradient method. The local superficial gas velocity in the annulus was found to be higher in a deep bed than in a shallow bed of the same material, contrary to the conclusion (Grbavcic et al., 1976) that, for a given fluid‐solid combination and column geometry, the annulus fluid velocity at any level is independent of bed depth. Theoretical models and equations which do not account for the conical geometry near the bottom were found to underpredict superficial gas velocities in the annulus. Increasing the spouting gas flow was found to increase the net gas flow through the annulus.  相似文献   

A multi-dimensional model is developed to describe the fluid and particle dynamic behaviour of spouted beds. The position of the spout-annulus interface is determined by a variational analysis. Two-fluid equations are used to represent gas and solids motions in the spout while the vector Ergun equation and soil mechanics equations are employed to describe, respectively, gas and solids behaviour in the annulus. Using numerical finite difference methods, the set of governing equations is solved subject to carefully chosen boundary conditions. The model predictions of key hydrodynamic characteristics are in reasonable agreement with available measured data selected from the literature to represent a wide range of experimental conditions.  相似文献   

A fibre optic probe has been used to measure voidage profiles in the fountain, spout and annulus of spouted beds. The voidage in most of the annulus was found to be somewhat higher than the loose-packed voidage and increased with increasing spouting gas flow rate, contrary to usual assumptions. There is a denser region in the annulus where the voidage was a little lower than the loose-packed bed voidage. In the core of the fountain, the voidage decreased with height for low spouting gas flow rate, consistent with the model of Grace and Mathur (1978); however, at higher gas flow rate, it first increased with height and then decreased towards the fountain top. The radial profiles of local voidage were roughly parabolic in the lower portion of the spout and blunt in the upper portion.  相似文献   

A non-invasive γ-ray emission system, employing eight NaI detectors, has been developed to follow the motion of a single radioactive particle in a three-dimensional spouted bed reactor. The count-rates measured simultaneously by the detectors are converted into tracer coordinates (x, y, z) using a pre-established calibration model which accounts for every physical and geometrical aspects involved in the spouting facility. Typically four hundred thousands successive coordinates, obtained over 3.5 hours of particle tracking, are used for determining the average particle velocity field and other hydrodynamic quantities such as the cycle time distribution, the spout shape and the solid exchange distribution at the spout boundary, which could not be evaluated accurately using any available techniques.  相似文献   

The local flow structure in a slot‐rectangular spouted bed column of 300 mm × 100 mm cross‐section was investigated with slots of equal area but different length‐to‐width ratios. Dead‐zones, spout shapes, and distributions of pressure, particle velocity, and voidage were explored. The local flow structure of the slot‐rectangular spouted bed became similar to conventional spouted beds as the height increased, with spouts from slots of different length‐to‐width ratios approaching similarity in the upper part of the bed. Static bed height was found to have little influence on the flow in the spout at a given level.  相似文献   

A numerical study was conducted based on the gas-solid two-fluid model using the body-fitted coordinate system to analyze the behavior of particles and bubbles flow in bubbling fluidized beds without and with immersed tubes. The kinetic theory of granular flow was implemented in the model. The images of simulated instantaneous particle concentration and velocity gave the process of the formation, coalescence and eruption of bubbles. The effects of the tube pitch and superficial gas velocity on the fluidization in a bubbling fluidized bed were investigated. Calculated bubble frequencies without and with immersed tubes were in agreement with previous experimental and simulation findings. The wavelet multi-resolution analysis was used to analyze the simulated data of instantaneous particle concentration. From the random-like particle concentration fluctuations, the fluctuating components due to particle flow and bubble motion can be extracted based on the wavelet multi-resolution analysis over a time-frequency plane.  相似文献   

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