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回顾性总结235例心血管疾病患者持续静脉输液的技术操作和护理体会.认为在操作过程中,护理人员应熟练掌握静脉输液的操作技术,正确选择患者的穿刺部位,掌握好进针的角度和方向,认真进行留置针的观察和护理,尽量避免各种并发症的发生,以促进患者的早日康复.  相似文献   

老年人的疾病一般以慢性病居多,会经常进行静脉输液,所以加强对他们在静脉输液时的护理是提高治疗质量的关键性环节之一,本文对此进行了论述.  相似文献   

目的:探讨预防静脉输液导致静脉炎的护理措施.方法:140名患儿随机分成对照组70名和实验组70名,对照组常规更换敷贴 2次 /周;实验组除常规更换敷贴护理外,加强日常巡视、患儿及家属健康教育、及时处理静脉输液处局部异常、经常性的局部热湿敷.结果:对照组与实验组静脉炎的发生率分别为8.23%和 2.26%,有显著性差异 P﹤ 0.05.结论:静脉输液时通过密切观察,及时处理异常情况,加强健康教育,局部预防性应用热湿敷,对于降低静脉炎的发生率有明显效果.  相似文献   

目的:探讨健康教育输液法在临床护理中的应用.方法:对2010年7-2010年10月在我科进行输液治疗的120例患者进行输液前、输液中的健康教育以及拔针的方法指导,消除静脉输液患者的紧张心理,减轻患者疼痛.结果:有效ll5例,能掌握健康教育的内容,积极配合输液治疗,效果显著.结论:对静脉输液患者进行健康教育很有必要,能提高患者的满意度,改善医患关系.  相似文献   

目的 探讨心理护理干预对小儿静脉输液的影响.方法 将180例静脉输液患儿随机分为干预组和对照组,2组各90例患儿.对照组做常规治疗,干预组在常规治疗的基础上加系统的心理护理,比较干预前后静脉穿刺成功例数和顺利输液例数.结果 干预组静脉输液过程顺利,患儿情绪稳定,静脉穿刺成功率明显高于对照组(p<0.01).结论 心理护理干预对提高静脉穿刺成功率,稳定患儿情绪有重要作用.  相似文献   

对142例肺癌化疗患者从生理、心理、环境等方面提供舒适护理,结果增强了患者与护士之间的亲密关系,为患者顺利进行化疗提供了保障.  相似文献   

总结了手术室舒适护理应用于180例手术患者的体会,包括术前访视、术中舒适护理和术后舒适护理,认为舒适护理缓解了手术给患者带来的应激反应,增强了其手术耐受力,对于提高手术的成功率及患者满意度亦有明显的积极作用.  相似文献   

目的 观察腋静脉穿刺留置套管针在早产儿输液中的应用.方法 120例早产儿随机分为观察组和对照组,观察组采用腋静脉穿刺留置套管针,对照组采用头皮静脉、四肢静脉穿刺留置针;观察静脉留置针的保留时间、保留成功率以及局部堵塞、渗漏、感染、抓脱等在2组之间的发生情况.结果观察组套管针留置时间长于对照组,差异具有显著性(P<0.01);观察组套管针堵塞、局部液体外渗、抓脱等发生率亦明显低于对照组(P<0.05);局部感染在2组间发生的例数均较少,无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论采用腋静脉留置针,方法相对简便易行,效果佳,可减少护理工作量.  相似文献   

静脉留置针可用于静脉输液、输血、动脉及静脉抽血等,适用于长期输液,年老体弱,血管穿刺困难的患者[1].静脉留置针导管由于外套管所使用的材料柔韧性好,所以对血管的刺激性小,具有减少血管穿刺次数、减少液体外渗,输注速度较快等优点,有利于临床用药和紧急抢救,普遍受到医护人员及患者的认可.  相似文献   

总结了舒适护理在102例行腰椎手术的高龄患者中的应用体会,包括在手术前、中、后进行的舒适护理,使所有患者均愉快顺利地完成了手术,手术效果满意,认为将舒适护理在骨科老年患者中应用,可以使患者安全舒适地接受手术,并且提高手术护士各方面的业务水平,提高服务质量.  相似文献   

目的:探讨人性化护理在门诊中的应用及效果.方法:我院2010年2月-2010年6月门诊处共收治患者280例,对其采用人性化护理.结果:280例患者在给予人性化护理后,有259例对护理质量表示满意,占92.5%;有255人对护理效果表示满意,占91.07%.结论:在门诊中实施人性化护理,可以为患者提供一个舒适的就医环境,提高了门诊工作,同时也得到了病人的好评.  相似文献   

Serum theophylline concentrations after intravenous administration of a new short-term infusion (Euphyllin Kurzzeitinfusion) were measured in 50 out-patients with chronic obstructive airways disease (COAD). An intravenous infusion of theophylline ethylenediamine 480 mg (corresponding to approximately 350 mg anhydrous theophylline) in 50 ml isotonic solution was given in 20 min. Blood samples were taken beforehand and 25 to 30 min and 1, 3 and 6 h after starting the infusion. 86% of the patients had a one-hour serum level in he therapeutic range of 8.20 mg/l, and 2 h later, this was true of 64% of the patients. The short-term infusion was well tolerated, even in cases with unknown high pre-infusion serum levels. Pertinent pharmacokinetic parameters were determined, such as total body clearance, apparent volume of distribution, and half-life of elimination. Geometric mean an 95%-confidence limits, derived from the log-normal distribution of these parameters, were: Cl = 0.044 (0.018-0.190) l/h/kg ideal body weight, Vd = 0.451 (0.258-0.789) l/kg ideal body weight, and t 1/2(el) = 7.1 (2.6-19.1) h.  相似文献   

Twenty healthy infants weighing less than 2,000 gm were studied at low (3.6 ml/kg/hr) or high (10.3 ml/kg/hr) rates of intravenous infusion. Inulin clearance determined by the constant infusion method was greater at the high rate of infusion (p = less than 0.05). Inulin clearance in two groups of infants over 2,000 gm studies at the same low or high rates of infusion did not increase at the higher rate of infusion. Since the GFR in infants less than 2,000 gm depends partially on the rate of intravenous infusion, small, healthy preterm infants may benefit from a rate of fluid administration greater than the low rate. When studies at low and high rates of infusion were compared in the 20 infants less than 2,000 gm, the fractional urinary sodium excretion increased with the increased fluid load. Delivery of fluid from the proximal tubule (CH2O =Na per dl GFR) increased (p less than 0.005). Free-water clearance and the absolute volume of urine increased at the high rate of infusion. These data indicate that the healthy preterm infant less than 2,000 gm, like the adult, compensates by increasing free-water clearance and urine volume when challenged with a large fluid load. Although fluid changes of short duration are appropriately handled, the effect of continuous rapid infusion on water and sodium balance in infants of this size remains to be determined.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The goal of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and toxicity of recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) administered by continuous intravenous (CIV) infusion to patients with metastatic renal cell cancer (RCC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty patients with RCC were given rIL-2 18 MIU/m2/d CIV. The schedule consisted of two induction cycles and four maintenance cycles with a 3-week rest period between cycles. Each induction cycle consisted of two infusion periods lasting 120 and 108 hours, respectively, separated by a 6-day rest period. Each maintenance cycle consisted of a 120-hour infusion period. RESULTS: Among 29 assessable patients, the objective response rate was 14% (95% confidence interval, 2% to 26%); one patient achieved a complete response, and 3 partial responses. Ten patients (34%) had stable disease (SD). Median survival was 11 months. Toxicity was generally manageable. Hypotension was universal, but required dose reduction in only 2 patients. Increase in serum creatinine levels was observed in 20 patients, and returned to normal in all but 4 patients after discontinuation of treatment. CONCLUSION: Results confirm the efficacy of rIL-2 in patients with RCC and the feasibility of the treatment in a normal oncology ward. However, responses are observed in a minority of patients, and treatment-related toxicity, as well as technical problems, may be troublesome to many patients.  相似文献   

The relative effects of selective intra-arterial and intravenous infusions of vasopressin were evaluated in 16 normotesive dogs. One group was infused via the left gastric artery, one was infused via a peripheral vein, and a control group was not infused. Flow to the stomach and bowel was reduced by an average of 73% and 45%, respectively. There was no significant difference between selective intra-arterial and intravenous infusions with regard to their effects on visceral flow or their systemic parameters. Control animals demonstrated only minor variations from base-line flow.  相似文献   

Selective retrograde catheterisation of the left internal spermatic vein at its orifice in the renal vein was carried out in 25 patients suspected of varicocele. When contrast medium is injected, the patients with varicocele, standing in the erect position, present a retrograde filling of the varicose spermatic vein, in contrast to the absence of such reflux in normal men. The venography is indicated for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes and it is the only available, non-surgical technique to prove the existence of a disturbed venous flow in the testicular region.  相似文献   

Evaluated a program to teach 20 nurses skills to increase their 20 patients' sense of participatory control (the process by which people increase control through reciprocal interactions with their environment). Seven nurse-pairs were in the skills training (intervention) group, 6 in an attention-control group, and 7 in a no treatment control group. Training program topics included sensitivity training, goal-setting, clarity of communication, problem-solving, and interpretation of behavior. According to the Ward Atmosphere Scale, patients in the skills training group showed increases in Autonomy and Spontaneity and decreases in Staff Control. Patient scores on a self-concept scale showed an increase in positive self-concept. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Outpatient intravenous antimicrobial therapy has been widely accepted over the past decade. Knowledge of both the pharmacokinetics of antimicrobials and the pharmacodynamics predictive of antimicrobial efficacy enables one to design reasonable outpatient intravenous regimens for most agents. This article summarizes current knowledge of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of agents commonly used in outpatient intravenous treatment regimens.  相似文献   

We studied the possible correlation of VH morbidity or HBsAg carrier rate with the prevalence of malaria and enteric among the 50 geographical regions of Greece. Malaria was considered as an index of mosquito density and enteric as an index of the local hygienic conditions. Morbidity data on the studied reportable diseases for the period 1954-73 and the HBsAg carrier rate (4-7%) among 17,991 recruits of the Greek Air Force, coming from all the geographical regions of Greece, were used. The statistical analysis of our data showed that VH morbidity (which is mainly hepatitis A) is significantly correlated with enteric morbidity, while HBsAg carrier rate with malaria. Our data support the significance of the role of mosquitoes in the spread of HB at least under the prevailing conditions in Greece.  相似文献   

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